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Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:58 pm
by riserugu†
He looked toward Adam when the question was asked his two-toned eyes blinking in a slight confusion, for someone who seemed scared of him and probably figured him for no more than a cold-blooded killer he was rather nice. Hawley simply found himself smiling – a true smile, not one of those sick grins he was fond of as of lately as he shook his head. “Thanks, but no thanks. Parents are doctors so I can take care of a wrapping.” He admitted with a wave of his hand before moving to start actually wrapping the knee back up again.

“And I didn’t take that much with me.” He responded to Alan’s statement about his packing. “Most of it was no good – outdated and would probably do more harm then healing.”

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:58 pm
by Cactus
Adam couldn't help but grin at the mention of the outdated pills and medical supplies.

"Yeah, he's got a point there. You ever taken out of date pills? I did once...supposed to help for migraines...took away my migraine and made me projectile vomit for three days..." He smirked, and then burst out laughing.

"Yeah, I can say after three days of cleaning up after me my parents sure weren't all that happy with me after that. I remember I hit the back wall from like three meters away...heh..."

Adam sighed, finding it odd that a story about projectile vomit would make him laugh. Going through that hadn't been fun, but...if he could make the others feel at least the least bit better through his own misfortunes, so be it.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:58 pm
by riserugu†
Grinning once again, Hawley shook his head at the soft laughter that escaped him. Finishing the work on his knee, he pulled the legging of his pants down. Placing his hands against the ground as he leaned back somewhat, eyes casting forward at the morning sky.

“That sounds rather horrid, I was never sick as a child. My parents had sure of that though this year I have been using sickness as an excuse when I would skip school because I didn’t feel like dealing with the bullies.” He mused, biting his lip somewhat in thought. “I’d usually go and hide up on the roof where I usually ate lunch, or if my brothers and parents weren’t home I’d just go back there and sleep away the day.”

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:59 pm
by Cactus
Adam smiled.

"Yeah man, it just goes to show ya man, try to avoid those expired pills..."

Adam's expression hardened a little when Hawley brought up the bullies, and his family. Sensing that Hawley probably didn't want to go into detail about his family life, he pressed on.

"Bullies, huh? Fuckers...I know a couple of the guys who you're probably talking about. Guys from the hockey team...assholes who think they're all that and then some, right? Lot of those guys...god, I can't stand that shit. You can always tell who's got shit for brains, who likes to pick on people and stuff, you know? Just by the look in their eyes. I've...I've had to deal with that shit too, myself..."

He looked at the ground, painful memories conjured up that he regretted bringing up.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:59 pm
by Slayer†
"Looks like I'm lucky." Alan said while checking his foot, "I'm the only one of us ethree who hasn't had a bully problem. Either way, I think we should get going again, we want to get there before night."

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:00 pm
by riserugu†
His attention drifted back to Adam as he talked, his attention fully being grasped when he began speaking about the bullies. Hawley had to admit – he never quite learned the names of those who hated him, they where usually a grade older than him. But he had enough hard times from his own class; Helena was just a small percent of all the problems.

“When it came to being picked on, I always asked myself why this was happening to me? I’ve always been awkward… and somewhat of a loner. Though as it continued on from childhood bullies picking on me because of my hair, to when those bastards from the soccer team broke my fingers because they said I didn’t know any manners when I had bumped into one on accident.” He mused a forced smile, memories coming through to him like he had opened a floodgate.

Hawley’s hand found his throat, rubbing the pads of his fingers along the scar. “Then I figured it be best to just end it, but I could never pull myself to finish what I started. Then finally I took a knife to my throat fully ready to end it all and one of my older brothers… who had never given a damn about me stopped me. After that my mother put me away in a mental hospital, the rumors fell around the school – so life was hell, if not worse when I got out three weeks later. She got mad at me, asking me why I wanted to destroy myself…” Hawley found himself trailing off as his hand dropped from his throat.

“But what’s the point of keeping something nice, and clean on the outside. When the world around us, and the most of the people in it have killed the inside… making it black and cold.”

As Alan spoke, he slowly nodded. Moving to gather his things and move it all back into his bag.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:00 pm
by Cactus
As Adam got to his feet, he shook his head.

"Fuck, man...that's rough. Bullies can make your world a living hell, especially if there ain't any way out. I got lucky, I moved to another country, you know? But...shit, man. That fucking blows to hear that shit. S'why I hate bullies. They've made too many people's lives hell, and why? Because they have small dicks and feel fucking inadequate, so they pick on people younger than them?"

He spit into the dirt.

"Makes me fucking sick. I tell you, Hawley...we come across any of those fuckers who drove you to that shit...I'll help you kill 'em myself."

Adam couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth, but mentally shrugged, and extended his hand to Hawley.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:00 pm
by riserugu†
Hawley found himself lightly listening to the words spoken from the other male, truly it wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard before. They had said similar things as well… people wanting to be nice, his doctors, his father.

But as Adam continued the young red head had a lapse in thought, rethinking killing the other male as he spoke. Saying he would help him kill those who had drove him to take those knives to his skin, though of course the question was would Adam be able to kill anyone?

Suppose they’d both see in due time…

Reaching out, he grasped a hold of the other’s hand and moved onto his feet. But once up, he didn’t let go for a moment. “I’m looking at you in quite the new light, I do believe I'm now proud to call you an ally.” He said softly with another grin, releasing Adam’s hand and went about getting his bag back onto his shoulder, and the gun back into his hands.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:00 pm
by Cactus
Nodding, Adam sent Hawley a knowing grin. If nothing else, Adam had unresolved issues with bullies from his home country of Canada. Moving away had stopped the bullying, but hadn't made the inner hurt any less painful. It was against Adam's nature to be mean, as he was a genuinely nice person, he hated to see that kind of thing, and hated experiencing it. But in the battle royale, if Adam could take his inner frustrations out on those who caused an ally pain - almost driving him to take his own life...he wouldn't hesitate.

Or would he...?

Adam still wasn't sure if he could kill...but he was sure he'd probably soon find out.

As the three were all to their feet, Adam nodded to nobody in particular.

"Guess we'd better get a move on, huh guys? This path has gotta end somewhere..."

He smiled, and continued to walk.

OOC: I'm done for the nite, guys. :P

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:00 pm
by Slayer†
As Alan started to walk, he said, "Yeah, we should. If wse hurry, we'll get to the lighthouse in about an hour."

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:00 pm
by riserugu†
"Hopefully." Hawley mused as he too begun moving, keeping a steady pace with the other too. His eyes traveled about taking in the sights about the dirt path, he was somewhat curious to why they hadn't com across anyone else.

'Maybe they're all hiding... or waiting.'

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:01 pm
by Slayer†
As Alan led the way to the lighthouse, he thought it strange they hadn'y rncountered anyone yet, but he dismissed the thought.
"This may seem out of the blue, but what do you guys plan on doing if you make it out of here?"

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:01 pm
by riserugu†
Hawley paused for a moment, thinking over the question. He wanted to survive he knew that much, but with the current situation it didn’t seem like that would be coming true at this moment he knew somewhere there was more of a chance of him dying on this island than leaving it.

“When I get off this island, I’ll decide then… but I know I won’t go home. Go somewhere and start anew you know?” He said lightly adjusting his bag somewhat.

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:01 pm
by Slayer†
"I think the first thing I'll do is go home and sleep. God knows I'd ned it if I ever got off this island."

Re: Moving

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:01 pm
by Cactus
Adam piped in from the back. Admittedly, he figured his chances for survival to be slim, but always the optimist, he couldn't say he wasn't thinking about it - that'd be a lie.

"Me, I'll probably move back to Canada...I figure there'll be too many painful memories here in New York to stay. Probably spend some time with my family...square things over with my brother..."

Adam trailed off, biting his lip.