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Re: CBP's Relics

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:26 am
by MethodicalSlacker
[+] Wave Goodbye To The Jets, Part Two
GK: heh,
GK: my absence wasn't supposed to be that long,
GK: but something came up,
GK: and I guess I had to do some soul searching,
GK: I had to really figure some shit out,
GK: I spent a lot of time,
GK: just staring off into space,
GK: I know some of you probably just don't understand,
GK: I think at least one of you might, though,
GK: but let's not dwell on that,
GK: I'm "back", but,
GK: i've always,
GK: been here, um,
GK: yeah,

WL: holy shit
WL: well i can see you're cryptic as ever!

GK: huh,
GK: as ever,

WL: yeah you're super artsy fartsy that's your whole schtick!
WL: glad to know that that hasn't changed
WL: i really missed you
WL: DL isn't the best artfriend
WL: youre a lot better by a longshot
WL: love ya <3

GK: <3,
WL: how's uh plate ville?
GK: its fun,
GK: a nice breather from the last place,
GK: you know, getting used to a new school,
GK: usually it's tough but,
GK: for some reason this time around things have been,
GK: a little easier,

DL: awit
DL: *wait
DL: you mean to t,ell me you dnot like myy arat

WL: DL i luv ya but like buddy
WL: GK gets me
WL: us gals gotta stick together

DL: thee hh,eck i thougght i was in tthe ..rat ccrrew
WL: the rat crew
WL: holy shit
WL: thats what this is its the goddamn rat crew
WL: squeaky rodents ready for action

PC: Don't bring up rats.
PC: PLease.
PC: *please.
PC: but also, Please.

BA: oh noooo :(
BA: dont remind me of the rats plz :((

PC: You know, sometimes, the emote thing is a little gross, I have to admit.
BA: ::::((((
WL: mmk
WL: enough typo distraction
WL: funchus

DL: habjsnigm
WL: i have an important question for GK
GK: oh,
GK: i think I already know what it is,

WL: maybe you do
WL: maybe you dont
WL: the question is
WL: are you going to play the game with us
WL: or not

GK: i believe that i must,
GK: its kind of the whole reason im here, in a way,

WL: yay but also wha
GK: SV sent me a copy on a whim,
GK: she had a friend of hers lined up to be another one of the players but they couldnt make it,
GK: so fate found me at a moment when i had the laptop open,

RM: If I'm reading this correctly, then you never intended to come back on your own.
RM: Is that right?

GK: no, I did,
GK: it just so happened to be at that same moment,
GK: I knew it would happen,
GK: tbh,
GK: it was fate,

DL: waait also allso
DL: why exacctly whhere oyu.. ggone so l nog
DL: like fffwhat was the holfd up. vg

GK: oh,
GK: lets just say,
GK: identity issues,

WL: huh
WL: ??

GK: nothing major,
GK: nothing i havent been through before,

BA: i hope ur ok :/
BA: liek for reals tho :|

WL: yeah that sounds pretty serious
WL: were here for you
WL: u know that, right?

BA: yeah! :D
WL: and i know im the only gal on here right now
WL: you were talking to SV earlier
WL: but you can talk to me in private too
WL: k?

sacredViolin [SV] is online.
SV: or ,
SV: you could also talk to me .
SV: ; )

WL: woah!
DL: you knoww what i juust realiized
DL: all the grills talkn in lwloer scase
DL: anf tlike,m halmf the guyys are un uppermn case
DL: whatsit me an
DL: i dubno
DL: in just thoigub it was fgnbyy

SV: W B talks in lower case some times
SV: your conjecture is false

RM: Nice word.
SV: s t f u
WL: rat crew listen up
WL: gonna say this one time and one time only
WL: real rats
WL: dont use capital letters.

RM: My apologies, for using as correct a grammar as I can muster, but I will stick to that for the foreseeable future.
WL: you aint no rat kiddo
WL: ur a mouse.

GK: i think you should talk to everyone about tomorrow,
GK: for clarity's sake,

SV: right !
SV: every one should have the game installed by now
SV: and none of you should have ran it
SV: well
SV: the reason for that is that things
SV: are complicated .
SV: basically
SV: the first player to run the " client "
SV: will be WL

WL: woah
WL: what about that server thingy
WL: do i run that too??

SV: no
SV: you will be the last to run that
SV: BA will run the server next
SV: and then once some thing happens and you will know what that thing is trust me
SV: then you go
SV: run the client
SV: from there the chain is

BA: :O
SV: yes
SV: i guess altogether the loop goes
SV: WL <- BA <- GK <- PC <- SV <- DL <- WB <- RM <- WL

GK: trust me,
GK: itll make more sense later,

PC: I have a question, unrelated to the whole order thing.
GK: sure?,
PC: What kind of game is this?

Re: CBP's Relics

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:03 am
by MethodicalSlacker
[+] Wave Goodbye To The Jets, Conclusion

SV: um
SV: welllllll . . .
SV: i think maybe G K should explain

GK: uh, to be totally honest, I don't really know what to expect this time,
GK: things seem to be a little,
GK: different?,

WL: hold up
WL: what the hell do you mean "this time"
WL: aint this some weird thing that SV found on the internet?
WL: and she hasnt even played it yet?
WL: bcuz for some reason she just cant?

BA: ohhhhh sometihng's fishy :O
PC: Nice catch. What gives?
disasterLimited [DL] is now offline.
BA: wth :?
WL: probably too drunk to stay on the client
WL: good on him, ducking out
WL: not a bad idea
WL: think i might need to as well
WL: do my thing

PC: You can say smoking
PC: we all know that you're smoking.

RM: Excuse me? I did not.
PC: Dude, come on.
WL: aw what the fuck?!
BA: my goodness :o
BA: everybody does some kind of weird drug here :(
BA: you're all poisoning yourselves you know :#

SV: for once
SV: i a gree with emote man : )

GK: i gotta go now,
GK: my mom is telling me to get off the computer,
GK: it was fun catching up with you all today, and im excited for the game tomorrow,
GK: seeya,

PC: Catch you later, GK.
BA: o/
SV: thanks for coming back ! ! !
WL: wait hold on!
garfieldsKettering [GK] is now offline.
WL: fuck
WL: god damn it!!!

BA: my sister wants to play video games so im gonna go toooooo :-)
BA: byyeeee o/

bereftArtifact [BA] is now offline.
RM: It seems most people are on their way out.
RM: I am rather exhausted, so I believe that I will soon take my leave as well.

SV: aw okie dokie
WL: facepalms
PC: Oh right, we have a /me command.
PC: forgot all about that

WL: i owe BA an intervention about the emotes
WL: and RM an intervention on when is a good time to leave!

RM: Soon, I said. Not now.
WL: hmmmmm given how long it takes you to compose a message id say we have like three more left from you?
WL: or four maybe

RM: Rude.
RM: I will send three more messages after this one, to prove a point, that point being that you are wrong.
RM: : P

WL: dear fuck dont start with the emotes not you too
SV: &n& guys please
SV: stop the meannesss

WL: emotes emotes everywhere an emote
WL: been a loooooong time since you broke out the amperstand eyes

PC: Ampersand.
RM: Ampersand.
RM: Jinx.

PC: knocks on wood
WL: i need to smoke.
WL: sorry im in a shitty mood yall
WL: ttyl

PC: Take care, WL.
winterlyLuminary [WL] is now offline.
RM: Would you look at that, this is a sixth message! See you later.
RM: Oh. It appears that I am late.

PC: you gonna leave now?
PC: Probably, I'm guessing.

RM: Yes.
RM: It is that time of night.

SV: ahh yes
SV: 11:30
SV: thee witching our &u&

PC: missed the ampersand eyes/
PC: They're kinda cute.

SV: &o&
PC: remind me of Bionicles.
RM: Oh, yes. Those.
PC: Wait, holy, shit, you know Bionicles, RM???
RM: Of course I do. I had several growing up.
RM: I do not have them anymore. IMy parents donated them to a charity.
RM: Meant "My", not "IMy".

PC: Rare typo
SV: or is it a slip of the tongue
SV: of the fingiers.

RM: I'm leaving now.
RM: Have a good night, everybody.

SV: scared him off hee hee
SV: bye

PC: Seeya later.
redshiftMyrmidon [RM] is now offline.
PC: Okay.
PC: Everyone's gone now, I guess

SV: am i nobody to you
SV: &n&

PC: fuck, Violet, you know what I mean.
PC: why the hell does everyone insist on using our screen names on here?
PC: It feels so fake. We all know each other's real names.
PC: we've known each other for years.
PC: Survived Skype for a long ass time.
PC: I know what all of you look like, and I still write your names with two letters each.

SV: i mean
SV: i just think its cool
SV: uh
SV: yeah thats about it thats all i gotta say no nothing else

PC: um? whatever.
PC: have you played this game before? has GK?
PC: I don't even know what her name is anymore. I forgot.

SV: aw
SV: thats kinda sad t b h i 'mnot going to lie to you
SV: fffufh
SV: none of us have
SV: played this .

PC: Are you sure.
PC: One hundred percent, you are sure.

SV: yes .
PC: I hope you aren't lying to me, or I'll grief you. Whatever kind of game this is, I'll make it really hard for you if you're pulling my leg or some shit.
SV: gulp
SV: nah im not lying lmao i don ' t even know what this is
SV: G K might have like rea dabout it or something
SV: but
SV: none of us have played it
SV: heh hah hooh
SV: don ' t kill me

PC: Fair enough.
PC: Sorry, I just
PC: I really hate being lied to.

SV: thats fair
SV: &u&
SV: im excited for this ! ! !
SV: my birthday is tomorrow , and we ' re gonna play this game and have fun
SV: all o fus

PC: yeah
PC: sorry in advance if I suck., I don't play too many games.

SV: i think you ' ll find this one pretttty different &U&
PC: Yeah?
PC: You're really talking like you know this game Vi.

SV: errrr nahhhhhhhh
PC: lol.
SV: okay i should probably do the doze and sleep now
SV: see you tomorrow P C
SV: e r r
SV: cybil

PC: well don't force the name thing if you dont want to.
PC: take care

SV: bye bye !
sacredViolin [SV] is now offline.
PC: Bye.
pianosCrumbling [PC] is now offline.

Re: CBP's Relics

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 6:33 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Some fucking memes, chief.
[+] fuck

Re: Methodical Slacking

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 6:03 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
u, yr a history in memes
[+] v7 and assorted memes

Re: Methodical Slacking

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:00 pm
by NotAFlyingToy
I loved this last post a lot.

Re: Methodical Slacking

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:29 am
by Yonagoda
thanks for fueling my meme hunger

Re: Methodical Slacking

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:45 am
by MethodicalSlacker

I make a lot of playlists. I consider playlist sequencing and mixing, when done properly and by a deft sequencer, to be an artform. Unfortunately the best I can do remotely is Spotify playlists, which aren't very artful but I'm collecting in a post anyway. I listen to a lot of music and as much as I'd like to go on for days about it this is really the only way I can "do" that without just wasting people's time.

Here's the post where I did all of my V7 character playlists. These are now all up to date, and each is divided in three parts; the first is songs that generally summed up my idea of the character going in, made all at once during pregame. The second part has one song per pregame thread, and the third part has one song per island thread, roughly.

Here is a similar post for Meanwhile playlists. As both Colorless II and Writing the Enigma are incomplete, so too are their playlists. One per post. Years of Pilgrimage has a finished playlist that may enhance your viewing of the work.

Here is a list of playlists I broadcast over the airwaves. At the end of the Before Times I was a college radio DJ, and here are links to the eight shows I got to put together.

Here is a list of playlists I made after my show got cancelled due to Covid-19. I made these in the style of my radio playlists up until the end, when I got bored of the whole weekly theme idea. Includes the Elements series; 100 songs with 25 each for Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

Here are some other miscellaneous playlists that I think I might as well share.

The Wasteland of Reality, an audio log of my Conceptualization-driven Disco Elysium playthrough. Lined up to the sequence I encountered the game in, and not any ideal route or anything, thus it doesn't make much sense, but if you've played I can tell you what songs line up with which parts. In private—I don't want to spoil the game.

20 for 20, twenty songs of my most memorable songs I've heard from over my nineteenth year. I did this for my eighteenth birthday as well, in 18 for 18.

Albums Listened to in 2020, in which I put every song from every release I heard in 2020. Constantly updated, often multiple times a day. Obviously limited to what's on Spotify. This should just be shuffled, not listened to all the way through, if you want an eclectic mix of a bunch of genres that apparently all sound the same anyway according to some people when I put this stuff on. Here are the corresponding mixes for 2018 and 2019. Just because something's in here doesn't mean I like it; everything gets put in here, whether I feel it's a 2 or a 6 or a 10 out of 10 and anything in between.

Radio Neon Nite Witch Automation, another shuffler. Imaginary radio station broadcasting from Walpurgisnacht every single night at the strike of 24:01. Semi-frequently refreshed with new songs.

Re: Methodical Slacking

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:53 am
by Melusine
i made three of these memes

Re: Methodical Slacking

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 4:22 am
by MethodicalSlacker
no u didnt