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Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by Riki
That wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to feel this. Not so sudden, not so intense. All she wanted was to mess with him a bit. No big deal, she thought. But now, there was this damned lump in her throat, this pressure in her head. She didn't want to feel like this, and yet she did.

He explained. He said he was wrong. An asshole. Yeah, damn right he was. But, he apologized. He said he was sorry.

Fiyori sniffed, and she... she grabbed his chin. He could not bear to look at her, but he had to. No, she had to look into his eyes.

"If you are serious about this, then... let's become friends again.

To think that we could've been friends, and didn't... just because of... what happened. I'd hate to leave school with that memory."

Her breathing got funny. So irratic. So upset. It was kinda funny. Yeah, she probably would laugh about this. About how angry she just got.

Fiyori flashed a smile, and let go.

Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by ViolentMedic
She was touching his face again, although this time it was less face-strokey. He did meet her gaze when she made him, although he shifted uncomfortably and his eyes squinted a little.

She said they should be friends again. That leaving school without being friends would suck. And she was right. It would suck, to lose someone as cool as Fiyori because he couldn't deal with taking his pants off.

"Yeah. Yeah, same, I'd... yeah. I'd like that."

She'd let go of his face, ironically the moment that it had become less uncomfortable. And she was smiling but she was also breathing weird. And Danny was feeling pretty emotional. Ashamed and happy and relieved and more than a little awkward. It made his stomach feel very tight, and he shuffled on his feet for a moment.

He cleared his throat and spoke in perhaps a slightly louder and cheerier voice than what was perhaps suitable.

"Yeah! Friendship! High five!"

He lifted his hand up, grinning. Nothing like a high five to make shit go back to normal in a good way.

Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by Riki
She sighed. At least, she exhaled. Deeply. She felt more... calm now. More content. Were those the right words? Fiyori did not know. Yet, she knew, she felt better. Somehow. She supposed that was how lightning worked. Charge it up and then unload it in a moment. Just, everything there was, everything that was bottled up. Gone in a moment. Maybe not healthy.

Felt pretty good, though.

Danny raised his hand. He... offered her a high five? He was being a huge dork again. Fiyori was still kinda shakey and this was some serious moment, and he just... it was adorable.

Fiyori laughed, and took up on his offer.

"Still..." Fiyori pointed her finger right at his face. "That whole 'owing me' stuff is still a thing, right?"

She pulled the finger back, scratching her head for a moment while taking a step back. Now that thunder struck the ground, there was no reason for her to be all up in his face. To be honest, it actually began to feel uncomfortable for her too. God, she was being an embarrassement for herself.

"Well, then again, maybe I should've been a little bit... saner about all this."

Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by ViolentMedic
She returned the high five. It did make everything feel better. Lightened the knot in his stomach a little. Angry people burning with hatred didn't return high fives.

"Yep. Absolutely." He did owe her. (Okay, he probably owed a lot of girls but that was a giant pit of owingness that he really could not acknowledge without screaming right now.) "I mean... I could go with you to the dance, if you wanted? Not as, like... stalkers or in a romantic way, but..."

He paused, then shifted awkwardly again.

"Um. ...Yeah, I may have lied about the prior thing, too. Sorry. You did have me going there for a moment with the stalker thing. But that's the last lie or excuse, I swear!

"And nah, you earned the right to be a little insane." Danny laughed and added, "If you can't fake at being a creepy stalker in this situation, then when can you?"

Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by Riki
"Well, I can think of a few. Some might cross the 'fake' line though."

Fiyori remarked wryly. Was she joking? Yes, but she took a moment to think about possible scenarios. It was a fruitless endeavor. It felt as if her mind was rubbed against sand paper. No point in thinking.

"Still, seriously. I am not going. To the dance, I mean. Have you heard of the theme? Nothing against it, but definitely not my taste."

She leaned back and forth. Actually, it would be pretty funny to go with Danny. People knew of him, people knew of her. And they both had certain reputations. Fiyori cared little for the nasty little lies high schoolers liked to spread. But so close to the goal, she could find a certain entertainment in them.

"I'll go somewhere else to party, but if you want... well, you can come wherever I am... and I won't rip your balls off."

She attached a coy smirk, and winked at him.


Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by ViolentMedic
"What, 'Cosmic Space Adventure?' What's not awesome about that? It's adventure. In space!" Danny lifted his hands and wiggled his fingers, to emphasise just how awesome adventure in space was. But that was fair. School dances weren't for everyone. Danny just really liked any excuse to dance.

"But I getcha. Uh... and much appreciated. I like my junk where it is." He rubbed the back of his head and grinned wider. His cheeks were still a little pink.

"Uh, I guess I'll see you there if we end up in the same place, then?" Although he'd have to figure out where said party was. He was not ready to confront every ex-girlfriend he had yet. Even if he knew, based off this experience, that it might be a good idea in the long run.

Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by Riki
Fiyori stretched her tongue out. She toyed with the idea of just appearing at his place at the evening of the dance. Kindly encourage him to join her on some wild night ride in... Kingman. Alright, that wouldn't be much of a wild ride.

They held the silence for a moment, and it was just then that Fiyori noticed something. The sound of... she'd say jazz. Yeah, she still got his buds, hanging over her shoulder. She briefly plugged one of them in again. Still unknown, still kinda good.

"I don't know what this is, but I dig it."

Still, she grasped the MP3-player and offered it to Danny.

"Now, I wonder, how many girls do you still have to go? The number must be in the dozens."

Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by ViolentMedic
He took his mp3 player back, looking down at it for a moment before switching it off and sticking it back in his pocket.

"Thanks. Uhh... I dunno, I got a lotta songs on there. Jazz is always pretty nice, though."

And, oh great, that wasn't an awkward question at all.

"Girls on the go? What? I don't have girls on the go," Danny said defensively. "I have exactly zero girlfriends right now. Besides, I don't cheat on girls. That's just... no."

He rocked back and forth on his feet for a moment.

"But, if you mean 'how many did I dump via text message and then attempt to avoid'... then yeah, the number might be... slightly higher." He was looking at the ground again.

God, he was a piece of shit, wasn't he?

Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by Riki
He seemed to feel ashamed. Seemed. Bad word, because it was obvious. And in that moment, Fiyori looked at him with compassionate somberness.

It was strange, was it not? How quickly, how unpredictably her emotions shifted. From amused disattachement, to the anger of a woman scorned, to empathy with a man who shares her crushing fear of one's own feeling

She hated it. But it was, how it was.

Fiyori stared into the blending blue of the sky. Nearby, birds were singing. Students were talking. She wondered, were they watching, were they talking? She'd knew it soon enough.

"I mean..." She returned her focus to Danny. "You got one lady down. That's progress, at least."

False optimism. Or so she'd say in any other situation. She wanted to pat Danny's shoulder, as a sign of encouragement. She let it rest there for a while.

"Take care."

[[Fiyori Senay, continued in Mass Destruction]]

Re: Tank!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:33 am
by ViolentMedic
He didn't really say anything as she left, although he kind of awkwardly waved once she was some distance away.

He supposed it was progress. Maybe he should find all the other girls he'd been a jerk towards. Try and apologise. Some of them probably would kick him in the junk. But it was better to wrap things up, right? And maybe he'd regain a few friends, like with Fiyori.

Of course, Danny wouldn't do that. He was a coward, that didn't change because of one encounter. But it was a nice thought. Maybe one day it would be more than a thought.

Danny sat down, back against the wall he'd unsuccessfully tried to jump over, and put his earbuds back in. He had some things to think about. Now was as good a time as any.

((Danny Brooks continued elsewhere.))