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Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by Riki
She chuckled at L's proposals. Fiyori looked down to the girl (now that L was standing next to her, Fiyori got how incredibly tiny she was - kinda cute, in a way), smiled at her and took the hat from her head once again, to twirl it around her hands, the fake flowers occasionally brushing against her wrist.

"Yeah, I'd be naked and people'll just go 'wow, Fiyori, what a nice hat!' or something like that."

Nadia returned, with the denim dress on her body.

She presented it, asked Fiyori and L about whether it'd look good on a photo. With the correct shop, Fiyori was about to say. But nah, she actually liked the way it looked.

"Ah yeah, it's awesome. What's the price tag saying?"

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by ViolentMedic
That was... quite the mental image.

Lily let out a quiet snort before saying, "Might work. Wouldn't try it out on the main street. But it might work."

She turned to look at Nadia, crossing her arms as she gazed thoughtfully at the shirt-dress. She didn't have the faintest idea about what looked good in photos or not. Denim was blue, and blue was... kind of like green. It was probably fine, though.

Lily nodded after a few moments. "Looks good. But you know more about the photography side than I do."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by Laurels
Well, that reaction was good enough for Nadia. These two girls seemed to react to the outfit well enough to let Nadia think it's be good for a photo. Fiyori did ask about the price.

"Uh, good question."

Nadia found the tag hanging off the shirt, under her armpit. $40. Nadia raised her eyebrows. That seemed a little hefty for a denim shirt dress. However, Nadia had to understand why it would be that much. Considering how old it was, how good the condition it was kept in, and probably blame to be placed on the economy, it was natural the shop would want it to cost a little more than expected.

"It's within my budget," she said.

Nadia looked over at the other girl. That Easter hat raised a good point. She should have a hat to go with the outfit. Hats were extra accessories and items to pose with. There had to be some good hats here as well.

"I'm gonna check the hats out next," she said, making her way over to the hat display.

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by NotAFlyingToy
((Asher Glas, pregame start))

He'd been standing near the men's shorts section - comparably tiny when you looked at the racks and walls of women's clothing in this particular store - when he'd heard the familiar voices. Actually, he'd been holding a pair of yellow shorts - tiny, tight ones - when they floated towards his section, prompting an embarrassed red to steal up the back of his neck and the shorts to ball in his fist.

He'd been looking for some new soccer gear, having just been reminded of it by a commercial for FIFA 16 a few hours beforehand, reminding him that his old practice shorts were getting pretty scary-looking from constant washing, wear and tear, and general abuse. He'd passed the store with his iPod in, figured might as well, and started perusing.

The shorts had wound up in his hand out of morbid fascination - how did anyone wear something like this - when he'd heard Fiyori mention something about being nude in a hat. That's when the blush began to threaten.

It came full force when he realized that the three girls were two or three racks away, and he was standing there holding what was probably an inch and a half away from a dong thong. A bright yellow dong thong, at that, with a few suspicious stains around the thigh region.

His first instinct was to turn and flee - throw up the hood of his sweater, take off, buy shorts some other time - but it seemed an extreme reaction. They were classmates, after all. He knew them somewhat - recognized the voices. He shouldn't run from every social encounter he wasn't ready for.

But he had stuff to do, too, he reasoned. He had to study for that new term quiz in Chem, had some paint drying on a birdhouse for Aunt June that probably needed a second coat. He also had just bought The Raid 2, and that wasn't going to watch itself. Busy night, potentially. So he could probably leave - it wasn't really running.

They probably didn't care enough if he just took off without saying hi. It wasn't rude - not really.

Set in his course, Asher turned to leave, heading right past the hat display. He was so wrapped up in his rationale for why he wasn't retreating that he didn't really see Nadia until he was nearly walking her down from behind her, forcing him to twist his body, skirting around her without cutting his speed.

"Oh," he said, pausing to apologize, reaching a hand out in case he jostled her, "sorry. I um, wasn't..."

From his twisted fingers, the tiny, stained, bright yellow booty shorts dangled.

"...paying attention."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:54 am
by Riki
It was within her budget, aha. That could mean a lot, but sure, it was an answer at least. Fiyori glanced down to the polka dress. That one was sixty bucks. No idea whether that was much or not. For Fiyori, at least, it was cause enough to think deeply about any potential purchases. It was hella cute... but it was also quite the bit of money. A dilemma...

Nadia in the meantime decided she needed the appropriate head wear as well. Fiyori was about to jokingly offer her the flower parade on her head, but Nadia already went straight in direction of the hat racks. Fiyori glanced over to L, shrugged and went after the fashion dick.

Suddenly, a boy came forward and stepped between Nadia and Fiyori. Actually, no wait - he nearly stepped on Nadia. Fiyori stood still, somewhat surprised.

Her eyes, almost if caught by the color, darted to the shorts and... uh jeez.

She snorted.

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by ViolentMedic
Lily hadn't exactly meant to end up following Nadia around the store like this. All she'd wanted to do was pick up a jacket from the floor and try and curb Fiyori's rather blunt opinions. But she hadn't finished with the hats, and she'd left the beanie she'd been wearing when she came in over there somewhere. So she followed, glancing at Fiyori and mirroring her shrug.

A boy from school appeared, out of nowhere it seemed. At least he was polite. But... well...

Lily glanced down at the bright yellow fabric he was holding. She gazed at it rather obviously for a few moments before realising what they were. She spent another couple of seconds still staring at it, eyebrows raised.

She wondered if it was her civic duty to warn him against wearing them. She could cite the stains, so as to not imply anything bad about his taste in clothing style.

Instead, Lily turned her head and started looking around for where she'd left her hat, pretending she hadn't seen. The obvious determination to look anywhere but at the yellow booty shorts made the effort somewhat transparent.

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by Laurels
Nadia was about to reach the hat display when a guy came out of nowhere and nearly ran into her. Nadia froze, keeping her arms close to her chest as he avoided her, apologizing for his movement.

"No, it's fine, it's just..."

That's when Nadia saw the bright yellow short shorts in his hand. Nadia raised an eyebrow. They were an eyesore. Nadia wasn't sure when in history those would have been deemed fashionably acceptable, but they were really crazy looking. She seriously didn't hope this guy was looking to purchase those.

She took a quick look at the shorts, then back at the guy.

"You must be very brave," she said.

That's probably the nicest way I can address those shorts.

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by NotAFlyingToy
"Oh, I was just wondering at the complete ridiculousness of these," Asher could've said, "not picking them out for myself. Talk about an eyeful, huh?"

He didn't.

"No, I'm not. I mean the shorts. I'm - I was just braving them. Getting them. No, I wasn't- I mean-"

Asher's eyes slid to the floor, the stupid, stained, slightly crusty yellow shorts dangling from his fingers. A nervous chuckle bubbled from his throat as he ran his free hand over his heated neck, taking a two-step, far too large shuffle backwards, before tossing the shorts onto the rack closest to him and spinning around.

"I need to- something."

((Asher Glas, elsewhere))

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by Riki
She retained her bemused smile for a bit, but soon the boy - she knew him, went to school with him... must be Ash or something - excused himself with all the charm he could muster. Which frankly was not a lot, but it got another chuckle out of Fiyori.

Ash tossed the shorts to the side and fled the store, as if running from a crazed serial killer who was offended by Ash's fashion choices. Fiyori glanced to Nadia, pondered it for a while and decided not to make the joke.

"Well..." she addressed the two people with her. "On to the hats?"

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by ViolentMedic
Lily looked away to be polite and when she looked back he was fleeing in the other directions. ...Well, alright, then.

"Uh. ...Yes. Onto the hats," she agreed slowly, after marveling at the boy's speed.

When she went to turn back to the hats, however, the phone in her pocket started ringing. That little generic beepy ringtone that she'd set to indicate that her parents were calling, as was their annoyingly regular custom.

If she ignored it, they might have a heart attack. Lily quickly grabbed her beanie from where she'd left it and jammed it back on her head.

"I'm sorry, I have to take this. It was nice meeting you," she said, trying to speak fast without being rude, before leaving the store so she could talk without annoying any other customers.

((Lily Caldwell continued in Every day is great at your Junes.))

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by Laurels
Nadia kept a single eyebrow raised as the shorts guy stuttered out his response. It looked like she really caught him in an awkward  situation, one that he decided to bail quickly from, tossing the shorts aside before rushing out. Nadia gave him half a smile as he ran off.

"Well, that was something," she muttered.

The other girl had to hurry off as well, leaving Nadia with Fiyori to try on silly hats.

"Sure, let's do this."

Nadia walked over to the hat display and grabbed the nearest hat. The hat was a black bowler hat. She put it on and looked at herself in the mirror. It looked kind of cute paired with the shirt dress.

"Be honest," she said to Fiyori, "how hipster can I get with these hats before I start to make people think I have a collection of fake square glasses?

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by Riki
And so it turned out L needed to leave ASAP as well. She was gone quickly, and so Fiyori and Nadia were alone again. Well, alone meant them being the only Cochise students around the shop. Unless there was another student hiding in some rack waiting for their chance to - dunno - jump on her shoulders or something.

Nadia went and grabbed one of the hats - a classic bowler hat - and tried it on while studying it's look in the mirror. She turned to Fiyori for advise.

"You actually don't?" she remarked about Nadia's fake square glasses comment. Amusing and snide reply aside, the hat did look well on Nadia. Perhaps Fiyori was not a fashion expert, but she could see the bowler hat complimenting this... uh, retro chic or something that Nadia went for.

"On a serious note..." Fiyori took the easter parade off her head. "As long as you have something... uh, classic or so. You know, something simple and elegant, it should be great for photo shoots or, dunno, formal wear. I mean, you can go full hipster on special occasions, right?

"I'd laugh at you if you was to wear that to school, though."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by Laurels
Nadia put the bowler hat on and looked at herself in a mirror. It actually looked pretty good on her with the dress. Fiyori gave some general advice on what she should wear for the shoot. Nadia agreed with her assessment, even though it was pretty standard. Nadia nodded along.

I'd laugh at you if you was to wear that to school, though.

Nadia let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to wear a bowler hat at school like I'm some fucking Brooklyn-hipster-Lena-Dunham-wannabe. It's purely for the craft."

"How about you? Any reason you're looking around here today?"

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by Riki
Who the fuck was Lena Dunham? Some... sort of fashion icon? That fell out of grace, maybe? Maybe not? Fiyori had, despite her earnest desire to speak enough and satisfying bullshit, reached the end of her fashion knowledge.

Fortunately, Nadia directed another question at her. One Fiyori could work with.

"Well, I..." she stumbled at first. She looked at the polka dress in her hands and the easter parade hat in the other. She quickly threw the hat - like a deformed Frisbee - away. Technically, it was supposed to land in a stylish manner on some rack or so but it fell on the floor too.

"Was actually buying shoes, but then I saw this store and I figured I'd give it a visit. You know, my mother tends to dress like... dunno, this retro style. I think. Guess. Looked good on her, so maybe it'll suit me too.

"But it kinda shoots past my budget, so I'll... well, not buy this. Maybe another time."

Re: Don't Call it a Comeback

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:55 am
by Laurels
"Yeah, I get what you mean. This kind of shopping trip was pretty much funded by Christmas money from relatives," Nadia said to Fiyori. "This dress and hat will probably blow through three quarters of that money. Ah well, I deserve to treat myself."

Nadia brushed some hair aside.

"Well, I'm going to get this," she told Fiyori. "Thanks for the help."

Nadia walked away from the girl and back to the changing room. Now that she had the denim shirt dress and the bowler hat, she had to immediately think of the next stage of this photo shoot. She could search her wardrobe at home for extra accessories for the look, but now she needed to think about the setting.

Is there a good building to shoot this in? Maybe an abandoned warehouse or something? Nah, that's overdone. Then again, so is shooting out in the desert. Agh, is Kingman that weak on clever locations? Maybe I'll just model against a brick wall or something.

Nadia's mind continue to run as she changed back into her clothes and purchased the outfit. By the time she left the store, she still hadn't figure out what she was doing. At the very least, she knew she'd look good doing it.

((Nadia Riva continued in Pool Slingshot))