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Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:35 am
by Aura
Oh, come on!  That line was total shit, which meant that it was exactly the kind of thing that Tony expected Demetri to throw out.  The guy had one of the shittiest senses of humor that Tony had ever seen by, like, a mile.  It was hard to tell whether he should laugh at how bad it was or get pissed at him for being annoying, and right now the latter option was winning.  But if he got mad, that would mean that he was giving Demetri what he wanted, and he didn't want to let him win.

But even so, it was really hard to keep the creep from getting under his skin.

... Oh shit, that didn't sound like a noise a piano was supposed to make, at least not on purpose.  Roxanne stopped singing, too.  Oh man, that definitely couldn't be good.

Roxanne's response had been to shoot a vicious glare at Demetri, which made Tony breathe a sigh of relief.  She wasn't pissed at him, which was good.  Of course, he didn't see why she would be considering he wasn't the one starting trouble here, but it was a nice assurance.

Now he wondered how Demetri would react under pressure.

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:36 am
by Cicada
So Demetri glanced up and all of a sudden everyone was staring at him. Made him the.. spotlight, something like that. That whole 'no literal spotlight' but 'comparable to one being there and on you only you're not blinded by overly hot and bright stage lights' thing, and feeling.

And Demetri felt...

Bunch of shit, bundled up like... he guessed it was like being attacked, so it was hot on the back of his neck and a little tighter inside his chest- not the shirt that was tight, but the skin underneath it. This was that 'holy shit I'm an ass' feel, only also, 'fuck you all' feel in a sense too. He hadn't done anything wrong. It was a free country (last he'd heard anyways, pre SJW liberal shill attacks on free speech), he could say whatever he wanted. In fact, like. Roxy's fault she got that distracted, pretty much, it was like... dude. Dude-ette. If you're going to get thrown off your game like that it's your own damn fault. And here Demetri was thinking, 'well shit guess I don't respect her as much anymore'. Had to work on your focus, that's how these things went. Couldn't blame anyone but yourself if you slipped.

Man, fuck both these kids. But like hell Demetri was going to be saying that out loud.

"Uh, hah." Demetri's smile was pretty much forced, but he tried to at least pretend he was embodying the same amount of casual swagger. It looked like it hurt.

"You guys can look, but don't touch." Eh. Not his best line.

And then before he could stop himself, "look, what do you want from me? I was talking with Frosted Flakes over there, shit had nothing to do with you. You can go back to, like, your Bowie, c'mon." He waved his hand a bit insistently, stopped smiling much if at all. "It was doing good."

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:36 am
by Yugikun
Demetri Futscher was the person who had apparently had something so important to say that it warranted him interrupting Roxanne's performance to do so. Whatever that thing was she didn't know, but given that it was him saying it Roxanne felt free to assume that it really wasn't as important as he was making it out to be. Given that his contributions to classes were of the more juvenile kind, given that he was… honestly only ordinary at best at the guitar there wasn't really a lot he could say that really justified throwing her off her groove. Honestly, he was sorta the type of person who if he asked 'hey, sorry for pulling you off of what you're playing can I please play my stuff here instead?' the response would be some variant of 'fuck off, don't interrupt me.'

Which was both tempting and fitting, but given the grin on his face, given that he seemed to be begging for that reaction, she wasn't going to bend to him. She wasn't going to do what he wanted just because he told her to do it.

So she stayed silent. Kept staring at him. Aunt Aria mentioned in one of her emails that staying silent could put someone on the spot, so she was willing to try him. Put him on the spot.

Ideally, get him back for making her fuck up the first private performance she'd done.

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:36 am
by Aura
He wasn't sure if he was a dick for thinking it, but Tony was kind of having fun watching Demetri get stared down.  Probably wasn't as good as him getting straight-up called out, but it still looked pretty effective.  Besides, it wasn't like the guy hadn't done anything to deserve it.  After all, he just had to come in an make an ass out of himself when they were doing just fine, so he deserved to be put on the spot a little.  And man, he really wasn't doing a good job of handling the spotlight.

Seriously, Frosted Flakes?  Tony had really low expectations for what Demetri would pull out of his ass to try to defend himself, but even by those standards, that was just lame.  He almost laughed at just how bad it was, actually.  But if he did, then Demetri would probably think that he had actually said something funny, so he restrained himself to prevent him from attaining his imagined victory.

"Come on man, nothing to say for yourself?"  Tony piped in.  "You just gonna be like that after you barged in on her performance?"

It was really hard for Tony to keep from grinning his ass off.  He just couldn't resist getting in on this.  There was nothing quite like getting the upper hand on an asshole.

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:37 am
by Cicada
"Gonna be like what, huh? I don't see anyone having any problems here."

Demetri was trying to ward off the awkward, holding up his cross against some demons or some shit like that, but he could feel the jitters. That shitty ass stomach sensation that was heavy and nauseating, when you were a lone renegade up against the law. Shit, as if he were that badass. This was Loser 1 and girl he barely even knew beyond her getting pissed off if you used the wrong name, and somehow he was back to the wall.

His next words burst out a bit before he could help himself, or like, at least make them sound less lame and pathetic and like begging.

"Didn't mean it, alright...? Jeez, I'm sorry. Yeah, I am. I was just trying to, like. Get in a word edgewise you know, didn't mean to make it too loud..."

He trailed off and Demetri was an ass and feeling the part. He hated Roxy's look and Tony's look, probably for different reasons. What the fuck had he even done? He was a good kid, he didn't deserve this. Shit, maybe if he just bailed everyone would forget this had happened. Yeah, like. He was dreaming of the door, but he wasn't daring for the door at all. Nope, his feet were heavy like something heavy-like.

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:37 am
by Yugikun

She broke off the stare. Looked to the wall between Toby and Demetri. The anger — the sheer fucking annoyance that the very first solo performance she'd done had been interrupted — was still in the air, and the fact that apparently what Demetri had said wasn't important enough to repeat ensured it stayed there. Told Roxanne that her performance apparently just didn't matter. That, y'know, she could play whatever she wanted to play but it wasn't as if anyone would actually listen to it. It wasn't as if she was actually good at it, or anything.

Whatever. Least she was better at piano than he was at guitar. She turned around again.

"Don't speak next time."

And she began to play again. Not a song — well, not now, it wasn't — but something that could turn into a song once she put her focus into it. Once she got rid of all the anger crushing her head.

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:37 am
by Aura
Okay, Rox really seemed pissed now.  Whatever point Demetri tried to make, if he even had one, pretty clearly didn't fly with her.  Hell, Rox wasn't even staring directly at Tony, and he could feel the fierceness radiating from her gaze.  Like when you fuck up and you know it, and someone looks at you with those eyes that just scream disappointment.  That was kind of the vibe Tony was feeling, and it was uncomfortable.  Definitely not what he planned on feeling when he was just trying to enjoy his lunch.

He didn't move from his chair, nor did he speak up.  Like hell he was going to piss off Rox even more than she already was.  Nah, he knew when to stay out of it, and this was one of those times.  He silently took another bite of his sandwich and listened while she continued on with her piano.  It definitely wasn't the same song she was playing before.  It sounded way too different for that.

Still pretty nice, though.

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:37 am
by Cicada
Demetri felt like he wasn't in trouble. Also, he felt like a loser.

It was really loud in his head, and not so loud in the room proper. Where, Roxy had gotten back into some kind of plinking about with the keys. But really, who cared about her? Demetri couldn't really see the other two people in the room. Just the laces on his shoes.

"Got it,"

And he barely even whispered, shit, he couldn't even hear himself. Definitely not saying another word, more or less. No other way to put it. He almost wondered if she'd pick another fight, get all snippy again like a bitch.

She didn't.

Anyways, he was gone. A few more seconds of stunned silence and he tried his hardest to walk through the door like he'd never walked in at all in the first place. The door barely opened as he slid through it, barely closed as he slipped out. The hinges had never been more shushed.

((Demetri Futscher continued elsewhere))

And he forgot about that shit soon enough, but really? If he could actually get a word in edgewise, for a change, it was like... artist-types. What could you do about them? Hormonal, like, permanent PMS or some shit like that.

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:38 am
by Aura
Tony was glad that fine slice of awkwardness was out of the way.  Demetri had beat it, so that meant that Tony could get back to chilling out and listening to Rox while finishing his lunch.

He stuck around for a little longer until his sandwich had been fully depleted.  He carefully crumbled the plastic and put it back into the bag so that it wouldn't make quite as much noise, and chose a moment where there was a lull in the music to make his exit.  He gave a quick farewell as he was on the way out.

"Catch you later, alright Rox?"

And just like that, he was off to math class.  Good thing it came just after lunch, too.  Being full always helped him focus, and he would definitely need it there.

(Tony Acardi continued elsewhere...)

Re: Life on Mars?

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:06 pm
by Yugikun
The piano wasn't loud enough to mask the other noises in the room.

Demetri left, signifying his action with a huff of footsteps since apparently he only wanted to mess things up since apparently he didn't even care about what he'd just ruined. He'd come in here, interrupted them to start an argument, and he didn't even stay to see the aftereffects of what he'd done, didn't even give a shit about whether what she was playing even meant anything. Tony had left as well, a couple minutes after. He'd probably felt awkward about what had happened, felt like being here would produce more of that, and opted to remove himself from the situation. It was fine. It made sense. Given she'd barely even been playing these past few minutes, given that the couple notes she had played weren't anything resembling proper songs, he probably thought it was best to leave her alone. Let her feel what she wanted to feel without him being in the way.

And that was it, she supposed.

The first private performance she'd ever done.


And it wasn't even Tony's fault, he had nothing to do with what Demetri did. She knew she'd spent the first couple minutes of their meeting together being scared that he would blow up on her but by the end, it'd basically been the opposite. He'd been nice. He'd sided with her against Demetri even though all she'd been thinking by that point was whether he would start shouting at her or not. She hadn't been fair to him, and he hadn't been fair to her either because he'd given her a lot more than she'd given him. He'd been way, way kinder than he would have been if he could read Anna's thoughts.

And she supposed that was karma, in a way.

She supposed that whatever power, whatever higher being out there that had decided to strike her down for what she'd been thinking sort of had the right idea. She'd been flying too close to the sun — only fair that she burned. She'd taken one step too far with her freedom and suddenly she had to run, scatter backwards.

She sighed.

On the bright side, at least she could pretend this mistake didn't matter.

At least she could pretend as if her first private performance wasn't really an important thing. Like, yeah, it sounded special, but was it really? Even if there was a novelty in doing something for the first time, even if there was a novelty to playing something only one other person could hear, had it really been that important to her? If she'd been willing to give her first one to someone so random, so insignificant to her as Tony, then she-

Took a breath.

Put her hands on the piano.

She didn't want to think like that. She didn't want to lash out. She didn't want to let this one failure ruin things, break down what Roxanne had been building up for herself.

At least her parents didn't know.

At least she could still be her.

At least she could still play. At least she could try that. She looked at the music and put her hands down. She heard the music and she felt her hands but she could hear she could feel the buzzing in her head and-

She stopped.

Breathed. Started again. Heard the music felt her hands heard felt the buzz and-

Stopped. Breathed. Started again. Music, hands, buzzing, and-

Music, hands, bu-

Bell ringing.

Class imminent.

Lunchtime — freedom wasted.

((Anna "Roxanne" Herbert, continued elsewhere))