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Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by ViolentMedic
He pointed it down. Great. He wanted to know what they were doing. Not so great. That meant Mallory actually had to think about the situation.

She didn't want to do that. Thinking about it made her panic. Mallory glanced sideways at Alba. She wasn't sure why she was standing around with him. It certainly wasn't a rational decision. She would have found someone she hadn't spent all of high school wishing they would just explode. She wouldn't have chosen a golf course to stand in. She wouldn't be staring down a gun if she had a plan. If she had a plan, she'd be doing it.

So Mallory didn't reply. She just threw her hands into the air and shrugged.

Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by Aura
The good news was that Country Boy had stopped pointing his gun at them.  The bad news was that he was still holding the gun, but that couldn't really be helped.  The guy still seemed pretty pissed, though, and that certainly didn't make Adonis feel any more comfortable.  He accused them of having a plan, which to be honest, Adonis didn't think wither of them did.  If he did have a plan, it would probably involve staying away from angry people with guns, and he was already failing at that.

Then the guy asked if he was interrupting anything.  Adonis gave him a look.  Usually when someone asks if they're "interrupting something", that means that they were walking in on you and your date getting busy.  Is... is that what he was implying?  Adonis made a face as he thought about it.

What is he talking about?  Does he mean like... "interrupting"... me and McCormick? Oh Hell no.  That's messed up.

Naturally, Adonis shot his mouth off without thinking about the potential consequences.  "Wait, you saying that we were making out or something?"

At that moment, he realized what he was saying, and how he was making things look.

"... Not that we were or anything!  I mean... we weren't making out, if that's what you were saying."

Dammit, stop talking!  You're making it worse!

Adonis tried to play off his sudden outburst with a nervous smile.  He knew that he had just screwed up big time.

Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by NotAFlyingToy
Hansel's eyebrows raised, the gun swinging slightly as he worked his jaw, trying to react to what he was saying. How low had the populace sunk, that two teenagers would be attempting to swallow each other's heads while a bleeding man was looming over them with a gun?

Finally, he snapped his mouth closed. It wasn't worth going into. If he'd proven one thing on the island after a measly amount of time, it was that calling it like it was resulted in bullet wounds. Even if these two didn't have a single gun (or a brain) between them, there were two of them, and one of him. He was bleeding, which meant he'd need to keep hydrated, find the time to seat himself and patch up properly, and he didn't like his chances with a fresh wound and two attackers.

The advantage, here, was he had the weapon, and they were both clearly still shell-shocked and afraid of it. They didn't know what had occurred to make Theodore shoot him, and they likely didn't know what he was capable of.

If this was the type of attitude his classmates were going to show him - hostility, blind fear, stupidity - then he could shoot the possibility of alliances right in the foot. That went double for panicked, idiot kids with weapons.

And so, Hansel casually lifted the FAMAS, flipped open his left hand, and rested the foregrip in it, his right hand holding onto the grip of the gun, caressing the trigger with his finger. The motion was deliberate; in a single motion, he went from non-threatening to a possible shooter. His eyes locked on Adonis this time.

"'K-kay. Here's how we're g-going t-to play it," he said, his voice washed of the deep rumble, replaced with a slightly nervous waver. He couldn't believe he was doing this. He couldn't predict their reactions, and his body tensed, eyes sharpening. But he needed to get ahead, if he couldn't count on anyone to not be an idiot or shooting randomly or both. In order to get ahead, he'd need an edge. And with him already bleeding, he'd take any help he could get.

"I'll need you tuh-two to h-hand me one of those b-b-bottles of water in your p-packs, each."

He punctuated the sentence with a flick of his wrist, his thumb snapping the safety on his rifle from on to off.



Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by ViolentMedic
Mallory could only slowly turn to look at Alba, eyebrows raised and a mildly confused and nauseous expression on her face. She... didn't even have words. Where had he even gotten that from?

Almost thankfully, Hansel broke the awkwardness by trying to rob them. And now he had the gun up again. Oh god, he turned the safety off.

Mallory raised her hands. "Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Seriously, put the gun down. I mean, come on. I would have given you a bottle of water if you'd asked politely! You know, like, 'hey, Mallory, can I please have a bottle of water?' Don't wave a freaking gun at me!"

She started slowly unzipping her bag. Maybe if she threw the bottle of water away from them, he'd run off.

Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by Aura
There was an uncomfortable silence for a few moments after Adonis had finished talking, which was understandable, considering what he had said.  He had hoped that the situation would defuse itself due to the sheer awkwardness, but things once again took a turn for the worse as the Cowboy took the safety off of his gun and demanded that Adonis and Mallory give him water.

Adonis didn't want to take that lying down.  He didn't want to get robbed without putting up a fight.  At the same time, however, he really, really didn't want to get shot, which put him at a bit of a crossroads.  He decided to try to find a medium between the two options, and maybe, just maybe, get out of the situation without getting robbed or shot.  He put one hand on his pack and held the other up in a cautionary gesture.

"Whoa there, man.  I'm not tryin' to start trouble here, but why do you need our water?  Didn't you get some, too?"

Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by NotAFlyingToy
As suspected, Alba wasn't cooperating, despite the fact that Hansel had the gun and Alba didn't have much. Hansel's left hand tightened around the grip of the gun, his knuckles turning white as he shifted his stance. His torso was turned, the barrel pointed somewhere below Adonis' kneecaps, in a position to lift the weapon and shoot at any moment.

"B-because this is a waste of time," he spat out, his face growing slightly redder. "Y'all are running around b-burnt out guh-golf carts in the middle of the open, h-hoping somone d-doesn't come along and k-k-kill you. If you're not g-going to use the fucking supplies, someone who will might as well have it."

He tilted his head so the brim of his hat blocked out more of the sun. "So, reckon I'll ask you again. Follow th' lady's fine example, and c-cough up a b-bottle of water. Ain't askin' much."

Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by ViolentMedic
((GMing of Hansel approved.)

"How's water gonna forward your plans any?" Mallory muttered as she continued slowly rifling through her bag for a bottle. "If you're killing people, or robbing people for shit you don't even need yet, that's what I call a waste of time."

She grasped the bottle and intended to throw it at his feet, but was also still thinking about the 'throw it far and hope he runs after it' idea. So instead, she ended up throwing it directly at his face.

Why does that always—

The cowboy blocked it with his left arm. But this had two effects. One, he moved his left arm, aka the one that was all bloody and painful-looking. Two, he fumbled with the gun and, all of a sudden, it was pointing downwards.

That was all the reason Mallory needed to run away.

"RUN!" she yelped before running off, zigzagging across the golf course because she couldn't decide which direction to go, not looking back to see if anyone was following.

((Mallory McCormick continued in Disneyland with the Death Penalty.))

Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by Aura
Okay, questioning the guy wasn't the best thing to do.  All that came of it was the guy giving out more threats in that southern drawl of his and pointing his gun at Adonis' feet.

Adonis was starting to sweat.  Although he'd never admit it, he was getting really scared now.  Once false move, and this Cowboy asshole was going to blow his knees off, and presumably kill him right after.  All he had to do was give him the water, but he just had to talk tough.  He just had to let his ego get in the way as usual.  And now, he was going to pay the price for it.

All of a sudden, the Cowboy was hit with a water bottle, causing him to flinch and stop aiming at him.  Adonis turned his head to see Mallory clutching her bag and running away, while yelling for him to do the same.

McCormick, you magnificent bitch.  I owe you one.

Adonis kept a hand on his bag to keep it steady as he ran into the woods.  The coverage provided by the trees would give him enough time to get away before the Cowboy could get a shot in.  All he had to do was keep running, and he would be fine.

((Adonis Alba continued in Ducks Love Fireworks))

Re: Far Below Par

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by NotAFlyingToy
It was only when Hansel was standing in an abruptly empty field, a water bottle at his feet and his left arm shrieking and throbbing in pain, that he figured he had overplayed his hand. But when the bottle had been suddenly flung in his face, he had a jolt of fear, like it was a tomahawk or a grenade she had hucked, rather than a bottle of the stuff that he had requested that she give him.

Mallory McCormick, he thought, was sharper than he'd given her credit for.

He let the FAMAS rest by its shoulder strap around his right arm, unzipping his pack with the now freed hand. He attempted to lower his heart rate as he knelt down, snatching up the bottle of water and tossing it into his bag haphazardly. It was one more bottle than the rest of the competition, he decided.

Unlike his last encounter with other students, he could consider this one a win.

His shoulder sang again, and he rolled it as he re-zipped his pack, moving around the golf cart to ensure that they hadn't left anything behind. When the ground was clear, he set off again on a determined march.

He'd need to take care of his shoulder, stop somewhere and patch himself up properly. From there, he'd take it one day at a time.

((Hansel Williams, Stagecoach, and other vehicles.))