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Re: Just Dance

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:52 pm
by Primrosette
Emmett was starting to see red.

What the hell did Kayden think he was? 'Oh look at me! I'm Kayden the big hotshot with my tough-looking body! Blah, Blah...!' I can't believe that this guy actually thinks that he is better than me. Newsflash, asshole! I'm not the only person who is a nobody! One day you will be a nobody yourself! And then you will fucking cry when I will be the one who is the superior somebody!

"Heh.... You're a petty bitch with these baby insults, loser...!"

Emmett then did something daring and stupid at the same time. He didn't care. He was asking for trouble and he was getting a thrill out of ruining someone else's night as well as his. So why couldn't he have some 'fun' in his own way.

He raised his hand and he roughly knocked the red bull can out of Kayden's hand. He felt a smug smirk forming onto his face.

"Serves you right, you little shit.... Heh."

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:28 pm
by Brackie
"Well, petty's my middle na-"

Kayden's Red Bull was suddenly flung out of his hands. He watched it go across the kitchen, tumbling through the air, before skidding into a roll across the linoleum, the contents pouring onto the ground. It was quite a scene to watch, considering how far it went, but Kayden was suddenly more focused on the swelling rage he felt in the back of his throat.

It would have been so easy to dive into him and lay the beatdown on the kid he must have at least had twenty pounds on, and considering how many people were suddenly focused on the two of them he couldn't say he'd have any blame heaped on him, but Kayden wasn't about that life right now - it was so close to the end of the year, and the only time he wanted to get into physical action with another guy was if it involved walking funny afterward, and his dick would probably calcify to dust if he even entertained the thought of going near Emmett with it.

So instead, he locked eyes with the other boy, and smirked. After that, he walked over to the fridge, opened the door, reached into the back, and pulled out what was now his third Red Bull of the night. He walked back over to the other boy, and opened it up, the can clenched firmly in his hand - were it held any tighter, it would crumple beneath the grip.

And then suddenly, all veneers fell, his expression dropped just like his voice did. The pretense of him having any sort of moral high ground evaporated the moment the snarl of a sentence left his lips.

"I've got nine more of these, sweetie, so I'd take that little mistake as your cue to walk away before one more fag in this room does something he'll regret. Now."

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:28 pm
by Primrosette
Emmett felt his breathing getting more heavier with each breath and he felt like he was finally going to punch someone in the actual face. That someone being Kayden. How could Kayden throw his smugness back in his face by trying to sound threatening? As if a threat would scare the shit out of Emmett, Kayden really didn't know who the fuck he was messing with and Emmett felt like he had to make Kayden his stepping stone.

Damn his stupid Red Bull cans!

Emmett moved slightly closer to Kayden until he was about a few inches away from Kayden's face and he just wanted to knock his lights out. No, instead he was going to do what he knew was better. "Oh, what's that? You're going to do something that you regret, huh? Tough manly Kayden is gonna fucking pound my body, huh?" Emmett's voice was whispery at first and then it was starting to get louder for the other people around them to notice and heard more. "As if I want your fucking small dick anywhere near my ass, douchebag!"

That'll teach you for your empty, stupid threat....

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:55 pm
by Buko
Ace had been pretty content on just drinking and enjoying his night getting his groove on...I mean, don't start no shit won't be no shit, right? And he had already found some abandoned liquor, he had found a majority female cast of characters to drink it with and as the chills from that shot of vodka made their way down his spine to accompany the burning of his throat...well golly-gee, he even was beginning to change his mind on the music coming out of the basement! Things were going pretty swimmingly! Not bad at all.

He had been too up in his own head and shenanigans to really see the drama with Emmett and Kayden begin but by the time Kayden was strolling to the fridge to get another red bull Ace's spidey senses began tingling. He knew something was going down. He liked Kayden, they were teammates and he always respected the dude. It takes a special sort to be the gay guy on the football team and to not be scared to be yourself. In many respects Ace was envious but also admired Brockman--he was out here fighting to be who he was and Ace was out here just trying to find out who he was and what he wanted.

Kayden could protect himself though, he gave as good as he got and the football team was mostly made of caveman types anyway. He didn't need Ace's help, Beats was sure...

And then Emmett got in his face again and that whole group mentality, team mindset that only comes from a sacred game where teenagers give other teenagers brain damage kicked in. Ace didn't know Emmett, his first instinct was to sucker punch the kid but he bit that bile down--it was a party, right? It would be over or close to it if a goddamn fight broke out. That wasn't smart! Diplomacy was the answer!

Or at least putting the fire out was...

" 'Scuse me ladies," he said putting his cup and the bottle down, "Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah!"

He shouted going forward and trying his best to wedge himself between Kayden and Emmett...

"Hope you guys are like playin' rock paper scissors or somethin'," he said trying his best to sound clever while also posturing himself so his entire 6'3" form seemed particularly tall, "How 'bout you go that way," he spoke to Emmett and pointed away from the kitchen, "And I'll chill with my buddy Brockman and we'll all have a good time? We cool? Sound straight? I think y'all have said all you need to say to each other tonight anyway. Save some energy for Prom."

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 4:25 pm
by Brackie
The kid must have been autistic, it was the only reason that made sense for why he was continually trying to escalate this situation when all paths in that direction ended in Kayden kicking the shit out of him. Kayden was only a hair's width away from raising his fists when suddenly, the gangly piece of shit got into his personal space.

He felt the hand grasping his Red Bull can tense and it tensed and crackled the moment they scraped skin. Kayden was no longer responsible for anything that happened.

In a split second, he placed his drink on the counter behind him and was ready to propel himself off the cupboard and into the other boy like he was taught to do from the moment he watched his first NFL YouTube video, when in burst Ortega. One of the team's Running Backs and one of the few people who didn't outright treat Kayden like a piece of shit or hide thinly veiled disdain, Ortega was between Kayden and Emmett before he even realized what was happening and the increase in distance between Kayden and the boy fueling his rage suddenly saw a dramatic change in his emotional state. Suddenly, he wasn't redlining, wasn't thinking of all the ways he could throw Emmett through the nearest table.

He was back.

Were he not more preoccupied with listening to Ortega defuse the situation he would have probably pondered on how he'd picked up the habit of referring to his teammates by their last name, which never even did before he joined the team - it was basically second nature to him now, even though he never intended to pick up on the scraps of masculinity thrown his way. As Ortega basically directed Emmett to fuck off, he became aware that this was the first time in a while that one of his teammates had defended him in such a way. Puchero had been off the team for ages, Lorenzen was unreliable, and fuck if anyone else was stepping up to home plate for the fag.

All of this calmed him down immensely. There might as well have been a six foot three wall of concrete between himself and Emmett - his hand released its tension, every possible retort turned from acidic to sarcastic, and things felt safe now. He wasn't alone, and that was great.

But that still didn't mean he could suddenly converse with the little bitch who cost him a drink. He zipped his lip, and focused his gaze to the instigator, waiting for him to leave so he could have that chat with his buddy Ortega. If Emmett knew what was best for him now, he would fuck off back to whatever ditch he crawled out of.

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 6:53 pm
by Primrosette
Ace had interrupted in his and Kayden's argument and Emmett suddenly felt his 'be an asshole to this dickweed' side slowly start to fade away. The rush of it all was starting to fade away and Emmett could only felt embarrassment coming over him. Reacting like that with so many people looking their way was fucking humiliating. Emmett still wanted to just yell at Kayden some more because he just didn't like the guy one bit. They both obviously made bad impressions on each other and now Emmett did want to go hide somewhere else and sulk.

"....Fine, whatever...." Emmett mumbled bitterly as he was still staring at Kayden and then he moved back from the two guys, wanting to curled into his bed at home and forget that this ever happened. "This was a stupid fight anyway. Fuck you, Kayden. Don't ever talk to me again."

He then turned away and pushed past some people to get out of the kitchen, not being able to get Kayden's face out of his head.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid...!

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:01 pm
by backslash
"Hey guys, what's going on in- oh, shit."

((Andy Silverman continued from Half Psychotic Sick Hypnotic))

Mikki was busy trying to shake the house down with her DJing set, and make no mistake, it was awesome, but Andy had gotten a little thirsty and neglected hanging out in the corner waiting for her to take a break. Bow chicka wow wow. But seriously, he was starting to feel the first beginnings of what promised to be a serious case of drymouth thanks to the quality weed Erika had delivered.

So he'd wandered off to find a drink, the first non-alcoholic one he'd had in... at all, this evening. Then he would come back. That was how it worked. You went to the kitchen, you found what you were looking for, you returned to claim your spot in the corner. That's how the cool kids did it.

And when he got to the kitchen, there was this mess going on.

Ace, being an ace, seemed like he had things handled, but Andy was obligated to chime in as the surrogate bouncer since Claude was nowhere to be found. "Hey, hey, what's-" Emmett made to shove past Andy, and Andy swung one arm out on reflex, catching Emmett around the shoulders and preventing him from moving towards the door. "What's good, man?"

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:03 pm
by Buko
Ace couldn't hide the scowl on his face as Emmett walked away and spouted off another insult to Kayden--so he didn't. The mean mug remained plastered on his face, just as much a front to himself as it was to everyone else.

There was too much testosterone in the air, not a foreign feeling but one he didn't necessarily feel at home in.

Football was high testosterone and like he said everyone on the team mostly fell into the cavemen jock stereotypes...Ace wore that cape very awkwardly. He was very much grateful that Emmett walked away and the relief seemed palpable in his body as his shoulders relaxed and the tension keeping his posture propped up seemed to fade. Good endings were good things and it didn't get much better than both sticking up for a teammate and being able to defuse the situation without getting all hyper meat head. Ace appreciated when good luck went his way.

"You a'ight?"

He looked at Kayden with a mirror of concern but mostly reassurance as if the question was just as much to himself as it was to Brockman.

"I dunno what the fuck his problem was," he said finally, "Some folks just aggy for no real reason it seems."

And then he saw Andy enter the scene and put his arm around Emmett--Ace couldn't say he sympathized with the guy...but his inner kumbaya came out and he wasn't gonna exactly fight it. He hadn't drank enough to blame that on the shot of Peach Absolut or maybe because he didn't drink enough in general he could blame it all on that. He thought so and thems were the rules.

"Ah...took care of it bro," he said a bit uneasily and that maybe betrayed the tough guy persona he was trying before, "Don't think he wants any problems with anybody anymore."

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:47 pm
by Primrosette
I didn't see that fucking coming....You should have tho, you fucking idiot!

Emmett was now somewhat trapped against another guy and it had to be.... him. Andy Silverman. He felt a bit irritated that this was the guy that was blocking him from his freedom from this place and he felt a frown start to form on his lips. He noticed that Andy was too close and he looked like he was wasted.

Great, that's all I fucking need right now.... A drunk guy that I keep on drawing in my sketchbook and I don't even freaking know why I am.

Ace was speaking to Andy and Emmett was now wanting to disappear. Problems, right. Yes, he did have a lot of with people. Especially when they try to make HIM the bad guy in this stage. When he was minding his own business and Kayden had to ruin his own little mopey corner. He wanted to snap at them and curse the two jocks out like a petty child. But what was the fucking point? A lot of people didn't even like Emmett because of his issues and honestly, he couldn't believe them for not wanting to be friends with him or near him.

I'm better off being alone than having so-called friends anyway....

Emmett was now staring at Andy's face and he opened his mouth to swear at him. But then he changed his mind as he didn't want to make things escalate again and he moved one of his hands up to Andy's chest to try to move him back as gently he could to avoid drama. "There are no problems here.... Just a.... misunderstanding...." He muttered in a grumpy tone of voice. "Kayden was just invading my privacy.... No big fucking deal."

UGH! I hated this 'trying to suck up to Andy' attitude that I am trying to pull. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:18 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
The moment things got heated, Camilla had retreated to behind a section of wall next to the kitchen entrance with a bottle of beer she had grabbed in her hand. By the time she felt brave enough to peek out at the chaos, she had been gripping the bottle so long she figured she might as well own it. Sighing, she with a strong but stuttering motion opened the bottle and took a long, long gulp.

Camilla wasn't the kind to drink. The only other time was when she was 15 or something and visiting Dad in the summer, and he was talking to some pals of his and left one of those beer glasses lying on a counter somewhere. She'd gotten curious enough to down a good portion of it. Beer was... a thing. That existed. It got people drunk. That's about all she could have said for it.

Now, one thing she had never done, was drink enough beer or any alcoholic beverage to get drunk. That was a no-no, hammered into her head the moment she could have been considered a teenager. Drunkenness bad.

Ah well, since when did she want to listen to her mother? Besides, having seen a guy almost start a fight with a guy, she figured she'd need it.

With a sly, rebellious smile, she brought the bottle up to her lips, and the not terribly tasty beverage poured into her mouth. By the time she brought the bottle back down, she turned to cough, and looked down at it. It was about a quarter gone.

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:09 pm
by Brackie
Ortega's focus was back on him now and not shepherding out the whiny fuck, so Kayden could finally get a breath in edgewise. Kayden wasn't entirely shaken, to tell the truth - he probably would have been had it escalated. but for now, he was just getting back into the mood of the party.

"You know me, man, takes more than a whiny bitch to get me down. Like, the fucker was just standing in the corner complaining about everything like it was cute, so I told him if he hated it here so much then the door was over there. Then he started acting real tough, like he was somebody, tried getting in my face about it."

Kayden laughed.

"And he's, what, 50 pounds? Could probably pop his fucking skull off with my thumb if I wanted to, if not then what's all that gym time for? "

He absentmindedly shook his head, then reached for the Red Bull can placed on the counter behind him.

"Whatever, who cares anyway. He's fucked off as he should. I wanted to enjoy this party, so didn't feel like getting kicked out, whatever. It's done."

All things considered, he was pretty grateful to Ortega for showing up. The headspace Kayden entered when his drink got backhanded across the room wasn't unique but it was particularly hard to talk himself down from without taking it out on the person who sent him there in the first place. Most likely a problem for a Kayden in the future to figure out, but for now, Kayden was still high and caffeinated at a really good party and now he had a teammate to chat to since he was back in a friendly mood. He took a large sip from the Red Bull and turned his full attention back to Ortega.

"Thanks a bunch, though, Ortega. You want a Red Bull? I've got like 9 left. Or, like, I have a bump of E I could share if that's your thing."

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:59 pm
by Buko
Luckily Emmett seemed to be properly handled and in Andy's capable good hands, it allowed Ace to escape from his watch dog mentality for a few moments.

Turning his attention back to Brockman, Ace couldn't help but smile and give the wide receiver a playful shove...

"Just checkin' to be sure man, I know you can handle bigger dicks than that guy."

Woah. Unfortunate word choice.

Just keep the conversation rolling yo.

Brockman was being his regular degular shmegular self assured self and that gave Ace a bit of comfort--that was short lived. The offer for a Red Bull didn't really shake him up so much but the offer of the bump seemed to paralyze him a bit. Ace didn't really drink and he had never smoked and he had never had a girlfriend either. Sometimes his classmates really flexed that experience advantage on him and Ace found it easier to either retreat or simply play it cool.

That was easy in the locker room, stories couldn't actually be verified a party though? Ace didn't want to look like a complete dork.

"Huh? I don't really like Red Bull but thanks," his eyes shifted in their sockets a bit, "As for the bump, I dunno...", he drifted for a moment, "Y'know I'm kinda a L-7 square, Brockman--seems like it'd be a bit too much too fast."

Fuck it.

"I ain't ever done anything like that before, so if you'll walk me through it and shit, your boy down to get a little too turnt tonight. YOLO, right?"

He chuckled very much hoping that Brockman would simply roast him and not call his bluff by actually offering him narcotics.

Kind of.


I think.

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:11 pm
by Laurels
"Eye to eye, mouth to mouth, front to back," Tanisha replied as she and Ace clinked glasses together before taking their first shots.

This was cool. Doing shots with a tall buff guy. It was the sort of shit she wouldn't get to do outside of a raucous party. A few more shots and things could get downright dangerous. She'd have to mind herself for that.

Just as another girl approached to join in, it looked like some guys were close to boiling over like spaghetti cooked on top of a volcano, only exacerbated by Red Bull suddenly flying in the kitchen. Tanisha watched as Ace hurried over to break these guys up. She poured herself another shot of peach vodka from the bottle left behind.

"Alright, might as well enjoy the show," she muttered.

Tanisha stuck her pretzel stick in the cup as well, stirring the vodka as Ace and another guy seemed to chat with one of the near-brawlers. It looked like things had settled quickly, which was nice. The last thing Tanisha needed was to be caught in the middle of some dumb guys fighting over whose dick is less microscopic. She did at least have the bottle of vodka to defend herself with. And pretzel sticks to rejuvenate her if she got hungry during the war.

But, it was done, so Tanisha figured it was time to get things back in the swing.

"Alright, if we're all cool now," Tanisha shouted, lining all the cups up in a row, "let's get back to what we're here for: having a good time."

Tanisha grabbed the vodka and moved it across the glasses, letting the vodka haphazardly flow into the cups, some splashing onto the counter. She moved it back, looking to get an even amount in whatever she could.

"Who wants one?"

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:38 pm
by backslash
"Cool, cool." Andy didn't relinquish his hold on Emmett's shoulders, but allowed him space to turn around if he wanted. Keep things all friendly-like. No problems here.

Actually, Tanisha was here with the solution. Just the thing to chill Emmett's ass out.

"Hey, right here." Andy waved her over. "Have a drink, man," he said to Emmett, giving his shoulder a squeeze. Your escape has been foiled, Emmett. It's too late. Buddy system is a go.

Andy had vague ambitions of keeping an eye on Emmett until he was in a proper party mood and not about to run off and cause trouble somewhere else. But also poking at Emmett was funny.

"Oh, and if anybody could hit me with a soda or something, that'd be awesome. I'm dying over here."

Re: Just Dance

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:01 am
by Primrosette


Okay. Emmett's thoughts were overreacting because getting drunk with all these people had not been on his agenda and Andy was definitely fucking with him. He had to do something right now.

Maybe just one drink will make me forgot this shitty party.... But Andy being this close to-- AHHHH!! EMMETT!! GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE FUCKING GUTTER!!

Emmett let out a defeated sigh and he stared right at Andy, feeling grumpy and a bit calmer than before. "Fine.... If you really want me to get fucking wasted, Andy." He grumbled gently and he was now feeling awkward about staying in the same room as Kayden's. "If it make you so, so happy...."