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Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Espi
Gwen had known she would get hit with another bomb of a speech. Still, she was glad the ball was back in her court.

"Directors?" Gwen paused to think for a moment, trying to remember some movies she liked, and who their directors were.

"I uh, I saw this one movie called "The Fall", which was by something Singh. It was really beautiful, and I loved the way he mixed the of fantasy and reality and all the deep meanings in it. I should get a copy to see it again." Gwen finished off her cocoa.

"Oh, hold on, I'm gonna get a refill, if you don't mind?" Gwen stood, smiled and walked to join the queue.

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Laurels
"Ooh, The Fall is Tarsem Singh's best flick," Claire said when Gwen brought it up.

Gwen got up to get more cocoa, which Claire acknowledged. She quickly turned back to her computer and looked over her review.

Damn, The Fall is a good one. It had all those practical effects and that one really amazing fade in shot where the guy's face became those rocks. Great stuff, great stuff.

Claire began to scroll through what she had written already.

Gah, I can hardly focus on this right now. I better save it to a word document and continue it later.

Claire began to make the necessary moves to do so. This discussion was something she hadn't had in a long time, and it was awesome.

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Espi
Gwen ordered, and, knowing she'd have to wait a bit, walked back over to Claire.

She sat back down, not sure what to say yet again. Gwen tried her best, but conversations were not exactly herv strongest suit. She paused for a second, then started speaking.

"Did you see "Inception?" Gwen asked, then a moment later added, "If so, did you like it? I personally thought it was really interesting and intellectual, which is a really nice thing for a movie. But what about you?"

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Laurels
Claire finished saving her review right as Gwen returned, discussing Inception.

"Oh yeah, I enjoyed Inception, it's definitely in my Top 10 for this year," Claire began. "Yeah, it was cool to get a science fiction film this year with such a unique idea and a really good ensemble. I mean, there are some flaws in the story, but I really thought it was a good flick. I'm really big on ambiguity in film, and this flick was one that definitely riled the public with that."

"That's actually an interesting point I want to ask," she continued, "people seemed really upset by the uncertainty of the ending. Has there been any other films that really got under your skin because of story twists like that?"

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Espi
"Besides that one, you mean?" Gwen smiled; she liked to believe that the ending was real, but she also knew some people preferred sadder movies.

She wasn't really sure why.

"But I can't really think of a lot of those. I'm not big on super-mind-confusing movies, and I generally tend to avoid them." She shrugged.

"What about you? You get really aggravated by twist endings?" Gwen was okay with getting ranted at by now; Claire was pretty easy to talk to, to her surprise.

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Laurels
"I'm not really that upset by twist endings, if they're done correctly," Claire said. "I mean, there are good endings, ones where you really can't see it coming but there's at least enough build up to it, like Inception did that well. But then there are films where they just go 'Surprise! It's a dream! And aliens!' that really bother me."

"Basically, it just takes some real skill to write a twist ending, and it will take some real originality on the part of the writer."

Claire took another sip from her coffee.

"Originality is something you've got to have to break into Hollywood."

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Espi
Gwen was pretty surprised by that response. She nodded in interested, and then the barista called her name. She smiled, and said, "Excuse me for a moment," before standing and turning to take her cocoa.

Gwen smiled, thanked the man, and paid him for the drink before returning to Claire. The cocoa was steaming hot in the literal sense; she set it on the table and blew gently across the surface.

"Yeah, originality is definitely good," She said. "I don't really like movies if I've seen the concept a thousand times already. That's why I wasn't big on 'Avatar'. Gorgeous, sure, but the plot was a bit cliché for my tastes."

She suddenly realized that perhaps Claire had enjoyed the movie, and backpedaled. "Oh, but it was a good movie. I actually think that the art and whatnot was some of the best in a movie I've seen. Did you like it?" She gently blew the cocoa again, watching the steam swirl around in the air.

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Laurels
Gwen got up to get her drink, giving Claire the chance to go onto her computer and look at Tumblr. Gwen returned before she could really look at anything substantial, so she turned back to her acquaintance. Gwen admitted to not really being interested in Avatar and asked if Claire liked it.

"Well, not too much," Claire responded. "I mean, the effects were very good, the people working on that deserved to get paid for their hard work, but yeah, I didn't find it that special. There really wasn't anything that memorable to it aside from the visuals. It's a real shame, cause I bet there could be really amazing stories told with the setting and the technology, but they wasted it on something so generic."

Claire took another sip of her coffee before realizing she was empty.

"Actually, let me get another cup. I'll be right back. Make sure no one takes my laptop."

Claire got up and walked into line. This discussion was very interesting, and she needed to be sure that she could stay energized enough to keep up with Gwen.

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Espi
Gwen nodded as Claire stood to get a refill herself.

She tested her cocoa. Still too hot. She glanced around to see if anyone was approaching, but nobody was. Gwen cracked her back against the back of the chair.

She looked over to watch Claire standing in line. She tested her cocoa again, and found it to be just a little too hot to drink comfortably. She blew it again, and watched the steam dance into the air before dissipating.

"Hmm," she muttered, and wished she had a pad of paper; she had an idea for a little poem, but she didn't want to write it on a napkin. She settled for reciting it in her head.

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Laurels
Claire always took her coffee black when she was in coffee shops. When she was on the go, she would always prefer to get her coffee as quick as she could, then deal with sugar and cream when she wasn't having to stand in line. Thus, she always made sure she could get her drink at the register without having to wait for it.

Once she got her coffee, she quickly walked over to the side table with the sugar and cream. She quickly poured the cream in and stirred in two sugars. Once her coffee was suitably dressed, she made her way back to the table with Gwen.

"'kay," Claire said, "where were we? Sorry, my brain was suddenly turned to my coffee order mixed in with quotes from Firefly."

Claire took a sip from her new coffee.

Mmm. Damn fine coffee.

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:21 am
by Espi
Gwen paused for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts.

"Uh, we were talking Avatar. I think we were in agreement on its quality?" She gingerly sipped her cocoa; it was perfect, hot but just cool enough to be delicious. She smiled at the sweet richness.

"So, on a different note, have you gotten past that writer's block in your review?" Gwen asked. She hoped her advice was helping, though Claire didn't seem to have had much time to write.

Then she had an idea, which may or may not be any good. "Maybe you could read what you've gotten for me so I can give an opinion? If you don't mind, of course."

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:22 am
by Laurels
"Sure, let me pull it up," Claire said.

Claire turned to her computer to look at the review she was writing. She clicked on the word document she had pasted the review onto.

"Okay, let's see...."

Claire looked at the document.

"So, the first part is my explanation that I'm going to try to review all of Firefly, the next part is a basic synopsis of the episode. I think I ran into an issue where I needed to figure out what I needed to say. I'm probably going to scrap what I have written for the analysis section and try to start over. Does that sound about right?"

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:22 am
by Espi
Gwen looked over the work thoroughly. It seemed okay; not Gwen's style of writing, but of course Claire wrote differently. She smiled at the random gibberish at the end. It was like when she scribbled wildly when stuck, but electronic.

"Yeah, it seems okay. If you wanted to erase it, go ahead; I don't hate it, but it could probably use some revision."

Gwen sipped her cocoa again.

"The summary I think is good, as well." Gwen paused to think, before continuing, "So yeah, I can't really add much more; it is your writing, after all, and I don't want to change your style."

Gwen took another drink. "If I had to offer a critique, I'd say that maybe analyzing in chronological order might help, and going over notes if you had any?"

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:22 am
by Laurels
Claire listened closely as Gwen gave her advice. Everything Gwen said sounded pretty accurate, although Claire didn't take notes during the viewing of the episode. Mostly, she would write a review after researching the subject on Wikipedia, IMDB, and TvTropes for anything she might have missed, such as plot details or important imagery. She had to avoid that with Firefly because she wanted to watch the series with a fresh mind and without letting anything she might have read or heard get in the way.

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Claire said. "I'm thinking about tackling the series from a few questions that one should analyze a pilot from. From what I've gathered, a pilot needs to establish the characters, the setting, the tone, and the story. I guess what I'll have to do is attack each of those points one by one."

Claire took a long sip of coffee.

"I mean, one thing I liked about this pilot was that it could stand on its own as a film, and so I think it shouldn't be too hard to get in the groove."

Claire highlighted the old part of her review and deleted it. She then quickly wrote CHARACTERS, SETTING, TONE, and STORY on the document.

"This should help structure the review. What do you think?"

Re: You Can't Take the Sky From Me

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:22 am
by Espi
"Yeah, looks pretty good." Gwen offered her approval. "It definitely helps to have an organized thought process when you write." Claire seemed to have a good grasp on writing, which made sense; after all, she must do a lot of it. Gwen suddenly regretted not talking to the girl more; she was surprisingly intelligent and thoughtful, which Gwen appreciated.

She glanced up at the clock in the corner. It was still a reasonable time, but she didn't want to return too late and get in trouble.

"So first off, who were the characters and what did they do to establish their personalities and goals?" Gwen asked. Then she giggled. "God, I sounded like a teacher there, didn't I?"