Exposition-->Rising Action

Open to all, Late Junior Year

Here is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
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Post by Laurels »

Rachael quickly turned to the sound of the voice that suddenly responded to her conversation with Yasmin. It was Arthur, one of Rachael's friends from Book Club. How nice, he was outside today as well. Rachael then noticed the sketchpad in his hand. She knew Arthur liked to draw, and he, like Yasmin, must have wanted to sit outside and draw.

The gazebo is turning into the Villa Diodati. Hmm, maybe Lady Rhiannon's Knife will become a classic short story then.

Arthur then joined them. He noticed Rachael's laptop and asked her what she was doing with that.

"Oh, since there's very little going on this week, I figured I work on some story ideas I had. Presently, I'm working on a story called Lady Rhiannon's Knife, a story about a lady finding a knife in her bedroom and assuming that one of the neighboring lords and ladies is trying to kill her."

Rachael brushed her bangs aside as she focused on Arthur's sketchpad.

"But, I don't want to tell you too much right now, so you can read it when I'm done. What are you working on right now?"
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Post by Solitair† »

"Eh," Arthur said with a shrug. "Getting away from things." He leaned against one of the support beams of the gazebo and looked down at the floor. Really, that was probably the best way to phrase it, or maybe he just couldn't bring himself to think of a better way right now. It was good enough for friends, right?

Yaz appeared to just be talking at the moment. If she drew anything, she wasn't working on it at the moment or displaying it out in the open, where Arthur could see it. But Rachael, on the other hand, had just shared a plot thread with Arthur, which made his face light up. "Huh, really?" he asked. "Can I ask how that goes? Is she right about all that? No wait, that would be a spoiler, wouldn't it?" He chuckled and sat next to Rachael. "Maybe I can just draw Lady Rhiannon or the knife for you instead. Until it's finished and I can read it, I mean."

When asked what he was working on, he opened his sketchbook, seeing a blank page where he left his bookmark. Nothing there, not yet. Arthur turned the page and saw a spread of cartoon horses drawn so densely that there wasn't a single space left to doodle in. There were ponies walking, ponies talking, ponies joking and playing and... stealing kisses from one another. His gaze lingered on a drawing of Twilight Sparkle blushing and looking away from Rainbow Dash with a smile on her face.

He silently flipped the page back. There was no need for Rachael to see that, even if she'd already glanced at it from over his shoulder. "I haven't really started work on anything yet," he said, taking out a pencil and starting a new sketch, this one of a human character in a dynamic pose.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Solitair. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Deamon »

Arthur had said he was outside to get away from things and Yaz knew enough about talking to people to not ask what those things were. He would've said if he wanted anyone to know specifically. He didn't really acknowledge Yaz beyond that anyway which she thought was slightly rude but then he had answered her question. But then again he had walked over interrupted the conversation and then started up a new one while practically ignoring her. Yaz pushed the thoughts from her mind though. They weren't healthy for her.

He had his sketchbook with him though and that piqued Yaz's interest. She found it interesting to look at what others drew because everyone had their own style and techniques. Yaz liked to see different styles and techniques because then she could experiment with that technique or style and see if she enjoyed using it and if it worked with the type of pictures she drew. If they did then she would continue to adapt and refine them until they blended seamlessly with her own personal style. If not she could chalk it up to a learning experience and carry on as if nothing had happened, so essentially it was a win-win for her.

Arthur was talking to Rachael as Yaz came back to reality but it was only about her story and it was all stuff she knew already, so she hadn't missed anything. The he offered to draw something from the story for her. Yaz hadn't thought of offering to do that but then again she doubted that Lady Rhiannon was freakishly tall. So it was probably for the best; unless of course she was freakishly tall, in which case Yaz's style would probably suit the picture better. She shook her head a little to bring herself back to reality and adjusted her headband where it dipped over one of her eyes.

"It can't hurt to ask." She muttered to herself before actually addressing Arthur.

"What else have you drawn?" She asked picking up her own sketchbook again, in case he wanted to see her drawings. But she couldn't help a small smile subconsciously forming due to the fact that she had managed to ask a question without stopping because of nerves.
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
Roberta “Robbie” Woodvine
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Laurels »

Arthur seemed interested in her story idea. He asked a few more questions about plot details, as well as if he could try to draw it.

"Well, a picture would be neat to go along with the story," said Rachael, "but I think I'd rather finish the story before letting you read it and draw a picture for it. It's not just that I'd rather have the entire story fleshed out, but I figure you would like to get the whole idea of who Lady Rhiannon is beyond her appearance and the look of things around her."

Rachael noticed Arthur flip through his own sketchpad, something that got Yasmin's attention. Rachael found herself curious as to what Arthur might be drawing as well. She quickly saved the word document and closed the laptop. Lady Rhiannon could until Math class.
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Post by Laurels »

((Double posting because it's time to leave this thread.))

Before Rachael could look at the sketchpad, she heard the bell ring. Rachael let out a sigh. Of course the bell would ring when she, Yasmin, and Arthur were being really chummy.

"Well, I got to get to class," Rachael said, packing her laptop into her bag. "We should hang out again. See you later."

Rachael stood up and made her way out of the gazebo. Next period would be a similar free period, but the teacher was still taking roll. Plus, she would need to charge her laptop soon, especially if she wanted to finish Lady Rhiannon's Knife.

((Rachael Langdon continued elsewhere))

Lady Rhiannon held the knife in her hands. The source of her misery. The cause of everything. It still shined like the moon on a cloudless evening. The curve resembled a large grin, the kind her fools would bear during their performances. It sickened her.

The door to her room burst open.

"Sir Rolay."

Before her stood a large man, covered in mail and armor.

"M'lady, it's as you figured. The Yundrasan forces will be meeting the Runedarans at the border of Rhiannos Wood. We will meet them there at dawn."

"Thank you, Sir Rolay."

"M'lady," the knight said, reaching his hand out. "Let me take that knife away. The message was made clear, and you do not need it anymore."

"Very well," Lady Rhiannon said.

She stood from her chair and handed the knife to Sir Rolay, ensuring he grabbed the hilt instead of the blade. The knight bowed and exited the chamber. He made his way down the steps of her tower, keeping the knife in his belt. He soon arrived to an area near the castle walls, where most of the waste would be collected before being disposed. Sir Rolay pulled the knife out of his belt.

"You have caused enough trouble. Thousands will die because of you. Begone."

He dropped the knife in the garbage and walked away. As he left, a figure appeared near the trash pile. A small boy, around eight years old, approached the pile. He had been employed to help in the kitchens of the castle along with his father and older sister. He was taking some scraps of food to the pile when he noticed the knife. The boy reached for the knife and picked it up. It was marvelous.

"Hey! Where did you get that?" asked a voice.

The boy turned and saw his older sister standing there.

"I found it," he said. "It was in the garbage."

"Well, it's not garbage," the girl said. "It's Father's knife."

"It is?"

"Yes. It's a knife he uses when Lady Rhiannon asks for a fruit and cheese plate. It's perfect for slicing bread and cheese. He hasn't been able to find it in days."

The boy then noticed the writing on the knife.

"Sister, what does 'servire nocte' mean?"

The girl took the knife and looked at it.

"It's from Father's home country. It means 'serve at night'. It's just a reminder so he doesn't mix it with any of the other cutlery in the kitchen."

The boy understood and looked down. The sister looked at her brother and grinned. She put the knife in his hands, and they began to walk back to the kitchens.

"Come on," she said. "Take it to Father. He's been looking for that knife. He'll be happy to see it."
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Post by Solitair† »

Arthur shifted his lips to the left when he heard Rachael's reasoning for politely denying his help in drawing her character. He got what she was saying, since he was an amateur writer himself, with a decent amount of characters that he'd commissioned drawings of over the internet. Sometimes he got concerned about the accuracy of these depictions, since the artist had never heard of the character in question before and thus wouldn't know how to make them act unless Arthur told them. Sometimes it worked out, and sometimes it didn't. If Rachael wanted a better way of showing him who this Lady Rhiannon was, so be it.

That said, he was starting to feel a bit of an artist's block coming on, and thus he was always on the lookout for new drawing subjects. Who knew if he'd even remember who Lady Rhiannon was in a week, let alone that he wanted to draw her. If only he'd brought some kind of notepad or...

Arthur looked up at the sound of the bell, then back down at the sketchbook. "Okay, shoot. Gotta go, see you later." He quickly wrote "ask Rachael to draw Lady Rhiannon" on the edge of the page and slammed the book shut.

Right as he slung his backpack on and started to run out, he looked back over at Yaz. Now that he thought about it, he kind of monopolized the whole conversation. He did know Rachael quite a bit more than Yaz, and was more comfortable talking to her, but that was no excuse to ignore her as much as he did. "Sorry about that, Yaz. We can talk later, right?" He started walking away before Yaz could answer him.

((Arthur Wells continued elsewhere))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Solitair. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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