Little Talks

A Seattle Elementary School - Open Thread

Here is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
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Post by Laurels »

((Brief GMing approved))

"Okay, you can push. Then we'll trade."

Claire sat tight as Kyran began to push the swing. She began to move forward and get a bit airborne.

She heard Kyran ask if her dad takes her to the park.

"Yeah, we tend to go at least once a week. My dad is a heart doctor, so he likes us to stay in shape. So I go there with him, my mom, and my siblings Emma, Mason, and Jessica, and we run around the park. Then they usually let me and Jessica play on the playground while Emma and Mason go off to do a few more laps. It's kind of tiring, and we don't really get to do much during the winter, but usually we go get some pancakes afterwards. It's pretty awesome."

"What about you? Do you go to the park with your family or friends? Who are you friends with anyways? Most of my friends are in the other classes."
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Post by Cake »

Kyran kept the pushes gentle so he could continue to talk and listen to what Claire had to say.

"Cool. My dad brings me and my brothers to jog and play sports at the park too. He works a job called "athletic director" for bigger kids and likes us being active. Oh! Maybe we can play at the park together one day. That would be fun."

Then she started asking about friends and Kyran went quiet once again. He had friends, but most of them were friends because of his brothers and because they played ball during recess together and stuff. He didn't really have very many of his own.

"I'm friends with Cammy, Gray and Alex. Do you know them? They're cool. You kinda remind me of Alex a little. Most of my other friends are the other guys I play with or know me because of my brothers."

Kyran normally didn't talk much, but he had opened up quite a bit to Claire today. She did remind him of Alex Ripley's personality and maybe that's partially why he felt comfortable talking to her.

"Also, what else stuff is fun for you? I mean like, you know I like sports and animals... but what do you like? You know, like your hobbies and stuff?"
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Post by Laurels »

"Athletic Director sounds cool. Yeah, we oughta play there sometime. Wee!"

Claire kicked her legs as she got higher. Kyran then said he was friends with Gray Emerson and Alex Ripley. Claire tried to remember who they were. Wasn't Gray a skater? Who was Alex again?

"I'm not sure if I know who they are, but if you say Alex and I are similar, then we'd probably get along. We should all hang out sometime."

Kyran then asked what else Claire was into.

"I don't know. I like a lot of stuff. I mean, my sister is into art, and so I like art. My brother likes animals, so I like animals. I do watch a lot of TV and read a lot of books. Mostly fiction stuff, like Harry Potter and Kim Possible."

"Okay! Switch!"
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Post by Cake »

Claire didn't seem to know Gray or Alex too well, but showed some interest in getting to know them.

"Cool. I think you'll like them if you met them!"

Then Claire started talking about hobbies and once again her love of TV, books and the liked reminded the young boy about his friend Alex. He wondered if she liked movies too. The movies were always fun to go to. Sometimes on weekend nights his family would all go together to the theater there. Weekends and watching movies were always such a blast. If he didn't already plan to be a vet like his mom, Kyran thought working in the theater would be pretty fun. Hopefully he wasn't going to be horribly wrong about that.

He was about to ask Alex if she liked movies and going to the theater too, but she had already hopped off of the swing and asked them to switch. Carefully, Kyran sat on the swing seat and wrapped his dirt scrapped palms around the small chains of the swing set.

"Just don't push too hard okay? I have cuts on my hands." He looked at her carefully and unsure.

"Hey since you like TV and books do you like going to the movies too, huh? My family goes there sometimes, it's cool. We even watched that Harry Potter movie. Some parts were scary though, like the guy with the scary face..."

Kyran went silent when he remembered that there was a new kid in class with a messed up face too and he didn't want to sound like he was making fun of the boy.

"Oh, do you know that new boy, I think his name is Oswaldo, you know like Where's Waldo? He's pretty nice, but I wonder what happened to him?"
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Post by Laurels »

Claire began to push Kyran on the swing. He asked her to be careful, since he apparently had some scrapes on his hand. As she did, he asked if she liked to watch movies, bringing up the first Harry Potter film. He also asked her about some new kid.

"Oh yeah, I love movies. I like to go to the movies, and my family has HBO. Don't really find a whole lot of good stuff on it, but I do get to see films like Lord of the Rings and stuff. My sister likes to watch some really weird movies, like this one movie I briefly saw her watching called Dogville. The movie was set against a white or black screen and didn't even have walls for the houses and it was a lot of shots of people talking very quietly about drapes and pie. It was weird looking, I don't get why she was watching it."

"Oh, and that new kid. Yeah, Oswaldo, he seems nice, haven't really talked to him. I think he was burned or something. I saw a picture of a burn victim in one of my dad's medical journals, and I think that kid looked like one of those people. Poor guy. We ought to try and make him feel welcome."

Claire then realized how high Kyran was getting.

"Hey, how high are you? Can you see the Space Needle from here?"
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Post by Cake »

Kyran listened intently to Claire talk about movies as he swung. Then she brought up the scary thought of Oswaldo perhaps getting burned. Burns were awful. He burnt his finger on a candle once when he tried flicking his fingers through the flame. He didn't like it at all. Imagine what fire could feel to a face. The thought made him shiver.

Claire brought up making Oswaldo feel welcome and Kyran could only nod in agreement to that idea. He didn't exactly know how he'd do it, but helping the boy fit in was something he could support.

Then Kyran started to realize how high he was swinging when Claire asked if he could see the Space Needle.

"I see it. I- slow down!"

Kyran put his feet to the ground in an effort to break the momentum of the swing and in the process, ended up face planting into the dirt once again, somehow. He could feel a sting on his knee and knew he got yet another scrape.

"I- I think I'm done playing." He muttered, while sitting down on the ground and staring at the fresh scrape covered with dirt and tiny droplets of blood.
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Post by Laurels »

Cool! He can see the Space Needle. He's really high!

Just then, Kyran was asking Claire to slow down on her pushes, when he suddenly fell off the swing and hit the ground. Claire let out a small scream as he fell. She then ran over to him.

"Ohjeezimsorryimsorryimsorry!" she quickly said to him.

I- I think I'm done playing.

"Okay, yeah, let's go see the nurse. I can see blood, and you need to get that looked at," said Claire, her mouth shaking as she spoke.

"Can you walk? Do you need help?"
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Post by Cake »

Claire started quickly apologizing for pushing him too fast.

"It's okay." It was true, he wasn't mad at her or anything, but she was probably right that he should go to the nurse's office to get cleaned and bandaged up.

Kyran pushed himself up, continuously contemplating the scrape curiously with his eyes and fingers. His face was quite dirty and he knew that he probably had a few scratches there as well.

"Yeah um, I'll just get my stuff first," Kyran said as he limped slightly to ease the sting on his knee cap toward the picnic table to get his stuff. Together with Claire, they left the playground and headed down the hallway to the health room.

The walk to the health room was easier and less painful due to the company of his very talkative new friend. He appreciated her help and kindness along with a fun recess. Kyran looked both ways noting that there was no one else around in the hallway.

Then he hugged Claire.

"Thanks Claire, that was fun. You're really cool."

Braving through cooties was worth it.
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Post by Laurels »

Okay, he's okay. Oh man, I can't believe I pushed him too hard.

Kyran got off the ground. He was pretty dirty looking. Claire figured that landing face first in the dirt would have that natural effect, but she worried what he looked like if they wiped that dirt away.

Kyran was ready to go to the nurse's office, but after getting his stuff first. Claire walked back to the table with him. He picked his books up and began to walk to the office, with Claire close behind him. She worried that from the way he was limping he might have really hurt his leg.

"Well, I once heard that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," she said to distract Kyran from the pain, "so just imagine how much tougher you got. You probably powered up like Mario after eating a mushroom. You could probably break down a wall if you wanted. But don't get too careless, or else you'll end up in the I.C.U. with the heart attack patients my Dad deals with on a daily basis. They are some nice people though, just folks who need to watch their cholesterol and eat healthy."

Claire then realized that they had managed to reach the nurse's office. She must have talked the entire way, which must not have been really long.

Kyran took a quick look around the hall and suddenly threw his arms around Claire. She froze.


Thanks Claire, that was fun. You're really cool.

"Uh, thanks Kyran. You're really cool as well. We definitely gotta hang out more. But, first thing's first."

Claire opened the door of the nurse's office.

"Excuse me! My friend here fell off a swing. Could you help him out?"

Yeah, we are friends.
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Post by Un-Persona† »

(Rutherford Roger Jr. -Memories- Start)

"Boy-o-boy, ya got yourself sick again, huh Ruth?

"Yes Ma'am..."

"*Sigh*...all-right, just hold still while i take your temperature."

As Ruth stood completely still, the school nurse gently placed the thermometer inside his ear and waited for the beep.


"Well how about that, 101.6 degrees....guess you really are sick."


"OK, then just go lay on the cot, and i'll call your ma, all-right."


"Excuse Me! My friend here fell off the swing. Could you help him out?"

Ruth was a little bit startled by the two children entering the room, since the boy was bleeding from both of his hands. He recognized the girl as Claire Monaghan, and the boy, with scrapes all over him, as Kyran Dean, both from his class. The nurse got to work right away and grabbed everything she needed from the top left cabinet.

"All-right just give me a sec, kiddo"
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Post by Cake »

Kyran followed Claire in as she pushed open the door to the nurse's office, immediately asking for help on his behalf.

The school's nurse happened to be a very casual and friendly woman named Mrs. Au, whom always treated her student patients as if she were their aunt. Kyran always thought it was funny that her name was Mrs. Au too, because it sounded like Mrs. "Oww!" and she happened to be a school nurse.

Currently though, Mrs. Au seemed to be preoccupied with a curly haired blonde girl already there, asking for Claire to hold on as she finished up the phone call she was in the middle of, before Claire and Kyran both walked in.

"Okay-dokey, what seems to be the problem here children?" Mrs. Au said as she hung up the phone glancing at Claire first, surveying her for any injuries before turning her attention to Kyran.

"Oh my, you're a mess dearie, all covered in dirt. We should get you cleaned up right away, mister- What happened?"

Kyran thought Claire had already told the lady what happened, but it seemed like she must have missed it while she was talking on the phone. Being the shy type, especially to grown-ups, Kyran kept his mouth closed and stared at the nurse for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders in response.

Mrs. Au sighed after the non-answer and went ahead to help clean Kyran up at the sink with soap and water. She also used a cloth to clean the dirt from Kyran's face and limbs little by little, to spot the exact location of any open wounds. The nurse made Kyran sit on a chair across from the blonde girl already there whom Kyran now recognized from his class. It was still the very beginning of the school year and he wasn't quite familiar with the girl, except her name, which from what he remembered was: Ruth.

In the middle of cleaning Kyran up, Mrs. Au looked over at Claire again.

"Thank you for bringing him over Claire, just like your father; such a helpful one." She paused to look at Kyran and Claire again. "Hm, you two are in the same class aren't you? Would you mind bringing us some of your friend's extra set of clothes from class? Please let your teacher know he's with me."

In the background, Kyran could hear the bell ring signaling the end of recess time.
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Post by Laurels »

Okay-dokey, what seems to be the problem here children?

"Uh, he fell down, and I think he got hurt," said Claire.

She was confused. She thought her loud proclamation indicated that Kyran was hurt.

Oh my, you're a mess dearie, all covered in dirt. We should get you cleaned up right away, mister- What happened?

"He fell off a swing."

Claire began to look around. She saw another kid in the room. She remembered that the kid had a strange name.

Rutherford? That's a boy name, wasn't it? There was a president with that name. So, that's a guy? Huh. Couldn't tell from a distance.

The nurse was already wiping down Kyran. She thanked Claire for bringing Kyran there, and asked her to tell the teacher he was there, and to get spare clothes.

"Um, sure, I can tell the teacher. Kyran, did you bring spare clothes to school?"

I doubt he brought clothes to school. Why would he have any? Did his mom think this might happen and tell him to bring extra clothes?
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Post by Un-Persona† »

"Okey-dokey, what seems to be the problem here?"

"Didn't she just say what happened?"

Ruth liked Ms. Au, since she was really nice, but sometimes he felt that she was...absent-minded. However, she was good at her job, and got Kyran cleaned up quick, so that was all that mattered.

Ms. Au had already got off the phone, so Ruth expected that his mother was on her way, but she worked all the way downtown, so he had a while till she got to the school.

Ms. Au asked Claire to get Kyran's extra clothes, which Ruth felt was an odd request.

"This guy must get dirty a lot, if Ms.Au already knew he had extra clothes."

His throat was feeling dry, so he lifted the blanket he was lying under, revealing his Chicago Cubs jersey and khaki shorts, and asked Ms. Au if he could get a drink of water.

"Of course sug, here, take a cup and go with Claire to get your stuff."

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Post by Cake »

Kyran nodded. Every kid was supposed to bring an extra set of clothes to school on the first day to store away in their cubby holes for use later in the year in case they got dirty, he thought. Those were the rules on the school supply list. Only reason the nurse would even ask, right?

Nurse Au allowed Ruth and Claire to go to class and do whatever they were told to do, so Kyran was left alone in the room to wait as the nurse cleaned him up and started dressing his small wounds with medicine and bandages. Kyran cringed when he saw Mrs. Au pull out her bottle of rubbing alcohol, knowing full well what was about to happen.

"Okay, this will only hurt a bit."

That meant it was going to hurt a lot.
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Post by Laurels »

"Oh right, every student has a pair of clothes," Claire said. "Okay, yeah, I can get them."

Mrs. Au then asked Ruth to go with Claire, mostly so he could get some water.

"Alright," she said to the boy. "Let's go."

She made her way out the door and waited for Ruth to join her.

If Ruth here is sick, why is he coming with me? Shouldn't he stay put? I think there is a reason Mrs. Au is a school nurse and not a real one.

"So, Ruth, what happened to you?" Claire asked.
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