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Re: Start - G07

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:20 am
by Cactus
"Everyone SHOULD have trust issues, really..."

There was that voice again - that Ken Lawson fellow. The hippy, who didn't speak up all that much. In fact, while most of the goings-on had been; well, going on, Ken had been mentally assessing the situation with a most un-relaxed state of mind. In fact, while Ken may have outwardly seemed mellow and quiet, internally, his mind was racing. Too many different things were flowing throughout his brain, and he felt slightly overwhelmed by the situation and all that'd happened.

He'd been kidnapped. Essentially, again. His whole 'false identity' charade had been for naught. He'd been assigned a piece of body armour that might stop a couple of bullets, but after that, he couldn't be sure of what it might stop. It certainly wouldn't stop an axe to the head or a shotgun blast to his legs, or anything like that. Here he was, in a small cottage with a group of people who he didn't really know all that well, who didn't know him.

And here was a girl, taking charge, who he didn't even know. Obviously, she was used to leading a group around, but how was it that she could possibly try and act in the best interests of a group of people that she wasn't friends with, or didn't know well at all? The question near-baffled him, and the silence was when he slipped out and mumbled his line about trust. Realizing what he'd said aloud, he internally groaned. Now, he was going to sound like he was trying to create dissent. Lucky for him, his mumble had simply sounded like how he was when he always talked, so in trying to avoid sounding like a creep, he continued a bit.

"Like...I'm not trying to encourage paranoia, but...can we ever truly trust anyone in this situation? You never know if somebody's going to snap, or what they've been through. Your best friend could...y' the one to pull the trigger...and you have to ask much do I REALLY know about somebody?"

Ken, as he called himself now, knew that he himself was hiding quite the secret from everybody else. And now, here, with all of this talk about trust, things were probably going to get interesting...

"You can't even begin to trust somebody unless you know they're being honest with you...and like...I think that unless we're all honest, and don't hold anything back about who we are and what we've done...I don't quite believe that staying together as a group is possible..."

Ken smirked at the rest of the kids, and leaned back against the wall.

"So...anybody got anything they'd like to share? Any deep, dark secrets? Body counts that nobody knows about...? Anything they'd like to share? Trust is earned, not alotted. I don't know any of you that well. I've talked to you all maybe once or twice outside of anything that you all can tell me about yourselves would really go a long way to ensuring that I can put my life in the communal hands of the follow?"

It was the most that Ken had said since he'd arrived on the island, and it probably struck most of the group by surprise. Smirking, he continued to lean against the wall and waited for a response, the stunned silence of the room hanging in the air.

Re: Start - G07

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:20 am
by lovebirdjo†
((Sorry about the wait and for how short it is.))

Uncertainty was written deeply across her face as the Hawaiian was ushered into the house by a vivacious Kallie. The array of teenagers inside of the cottage surprised Kristin, as she had expected only a couple of people. Funnily enough, Kallie was the only one out of the group that the girl actually had talked to even passingly, though the others were faces she'd passed by plenty over the past years. Ken Lawson was somewhat well-known in the school as an intelligent sort of hippie. Matthew Wittany was an odd, quiet boy and famous photographer around the school. Darnell Butler, on the other hand, happened to be a talented athlete and from what Kristin knew, a very nice guy. Then there was Kallie Majors. The blonde girl was beautiful in a different way from Kristin. She was the all-American standard of perfection. Where Kallie was a blonde bombshell, the brunette was an exotic beauty. This group of people were all somewhat reputable for something or another.

'I'm suddenly more scared than I was outside.'

Were they really all not going to be playing the game. The more that Kristin thought about it, the more she began to place some doubt in her decision to be boarded up with a group of other people. It was like a ticking time bomb to some degree. Everyone in the cottage had something to stay alive for; something to kill others for. The Hawaiian tensed up visibly as she listened to the others speaking. There was something about the way that Kallie chose not to say her name that Kristin didn't care for. Not that she really liked the blonde to begin with. It was just that she didn't care enough about anyone at Southridge to take the time to like or dislike them.

But there it was. Ken spoke with a relaxing ring in his voice, though his words confirmed her suspicions. Not a one in the room, including herself, could be trusted completely. Not in a situation like this. If they were going to band together, they really would need to trust one another more than this game normally allowed. When the young man called for some introductions, Kristin was the first to speak up, though there was uncertainty edging at her brow and through her eyes.

"Um... I'm Kristin. Kristin Washington, for those of you who don't know who I am. I... like surfing, the sea, and I'm a swimmer for our school. I know I've never been talkative to anyone, but I'm no killer either. I've never done anything bad, really. I'm straight edge, anyways," the girl said aloud to the group, looking pointedly at Kallie as she spoke. Plopping down onto the floor, the girl released the grip she had on her knife and allowed it to clang in front of her. She set the bags she was carrying to one side and looked up at the others with wide, expectant eyes. There was worry in her dark irises. She knew that her words sounded a little bit fake. But it was hard to be fully truthful.

'If it comes to it, I will defend myself.'

Re: Start - G07

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:20 am
by Megami†
To say she was annoyed by Ken Lawson's speech might have been a bit of an understatement. From the moment she had, quite literally, been surrounded by the group of people sitting in front of her, she had tried to establish some sort of unity and trust between them. Kallie knew good and well that she didn't want to stay with the group permanently, but she didn't want to die during her first day on the island, either.

And now, in a handful of sentences, Ken had probably completely shattered any and all trust that might have possibly formed between the group of people. The way the words came out of his mouth made her somewhat suspicious, as well. Why would anyone feel the need to ask a question like that? It wasn't so much that she took offense to it -- the fact was, she had nothing to hide. But...

Is there something you're hiding, Lawson?

Her eyebrows raised somewhat as her eyes moved around the room, slowly analyzing each of the figures sitting before her.

Have you killed somebody? Is that why you're grilling us? It's probably your way of hiding the truth about yourself... you're trying to call others out on their lies and deceit so you don't have to reveal your own, is that it?

It might have been baseless speculation, but she couldn't stop the questions from pouring through her head. Overall, she felt completely overwhelmed, and it simply wasn't a feeling that Kallie was used to. She almost felt claustrophic, being crammed in such a small room with such a large group of people. It was funny, situations like that had never affected her before. Back home, she'd been to lots of parties, and Darnell and Guy -- to name two -- were always familiar faces at the ones she threw.

The way things are going... we won't last through the night.

It was such a morbid thought, but it rang true in Kallie's mind. There were too many variables, too many factors coming into play. It seemed like everyone had headed for this cottage, and they'd been pouring in throughout the entire course of the day, so who was to say that they'd stop at nightfall? It was just a matter of time before someone who was playing the game wandered in, and in such close quarters... they were all goners.

She crossed her arms over her chest, the sword still hanging limply in her left hand, as she looked at the group of people. Could she rightly stand up here and try to "lead" a group of people that she honestly didn't care all that much about? If any of them died, would she cry? Darnell and Guy, yes. The rest... no. She didn't think she'd even feel anything. She didn't know them, after all. Classmates were so much different than friends in that respect.

But what are you going to do, Kal? Walk out the front door? Assume you did, then you'd be leaving Guy and Darnell behind... and what if you're right, and somebody does attack this place in the middle of the night? What if they died? But... it wouldn't matter if you were here, either. You'd just die with them. Darnell's a smart guy, he'll survive, and Guy... you know good and well that he never stood a chance anyway.

The sun had almost buried itself beyond the horizon, and night was quickly descending across the island. If she did leave, she'd be taking a major risk on the island, alone, at night. But, for whatever reason, leaving seemed safer than the alternative. One on one, maybe, just maybe, she could survive. Crammed into a small, one bedroom house with all these people... they were sitting ducks.

"We've got time for chit-chat later," Kallie stated after a moment, "I'm going outside for a minute... somebody needs to check the area before it gets completely dark... you never know what kind of psychopath is hiding out in the bushes waiting on the sun to go down so he can launch a grenade in here or something."

Grabbing her pack, which she'd dropped a few feet away from her, Kallie unlocked the front door, opened it, and headed outside. Whether or not it seemed suspicious that she'd grabbed her pack didn't really matter to her. It wasn't like she'd planned on coming back anytime soon anyway. The first thing Kallie immediately noticed was how much the wind seemed to cool down as the sun was setting.

It blew lightly, causing the leaves on the trees to rustle in the wind. Her body was shivering, whether from cold, fear, or anxiety, she didn't know. Now that she was outside, by herself, she was really starting to second guess leaving the group. She let out a light gulp and clutched her fists determinedly. It was too late to turn back now. Kallie moved around the side of the house, noticing a back gate in the old fence, away from any window that the other students might have been able to notice her from. Quietly, she opened the gate and took off into the foliage surrounding the house.

((Continued in Beyond the Horizon.))

Re: Start - G07

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:20 am
by Mitsuko2†
Matthew sighed. He watched as everyone's faces basically said that what Ken had said was corecct. There was no trust here. Matt didn't like that at all. Kallie must have seen it too. She quickly said that she was going to check the surroundings. Alone? Matt really doubted it. She was leaving beofre someone cracked. It was the smartest thing to do, and Matt was certainly going to follow suit.

"You know she isn't coming back." He said as he stood. He pocketed his bike chain and swund his daypack on.

"I refuse to stay here and wait until someone tries to kill me. Sorry. Kallie had the right idea. There's no trust here." He saighed and walked out the door, looking back to see if any of the others would follow.

"If you want to try to trust, any one of you can follow me. I'm going to find a group, and I'm going to survive. I don't know about the rest of you, but that's my best bet."

Matt began to walk away from the area. At night, the island was even spookier. And he felt more alone now than ever before in his entire life. Matthew didn't like it one bit.

((Continued in In God's House))

Re: Start - G07

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:20 am
by Buko
And so Guillame "Guy" Rapide was in bind the moment he saw Kallie Major's well sculpted ass walk out the door, mostly because, well let's be honest: out of the current group of people Kallie was the only one who tolerated his presence. Guy? Guy didn't want to be with a group of people who tolerated him purely because they wanted to get into Kallie's pants, sure it was an admirable ambition (one he himself would've liked to try at some point in his life), but to be used as an aide in it? Hell even if they weren't on an island and being forced to kill each other Guy would protest it.

"I'm afraid that I've come to an enpase," Guy spoke standing up and dumping the contents of his daypack into his Jansport book bag and flinging it on his back, "You see, I'm inclined to follow Kallie, you want to know why? David Perez's getty back in March, y'know the tourists had just left so we decided to drink and hang out in David's pool? Well, yeah me and Kallie where there and y'know what happens when you get a bunch of drunk teenagers near water, dontcha? Well they get naked and y'know, I have absolutely no clue as to why, but after that party...well hanging around Kallie just felt so goddamn right..."

At this point for theatrics Guy licked his lips and then looked towards the door before looking back at the group of men.

"Anyways, sorry for the abandoning of this great male gettogether we got goin' on, but tits in a tube top and skirt always win over a bunch of my fellow it a character flaw," he smirked, "Anyways promise not to kill ya, good luck, and all that other obligatory shit, I'm bailing."

And with that Guy Rapide proved his namesake and ran out of the college towards the vast that was the island.

((Continued in The Sparks of Madness))

Re: Start - G07

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:20 am
by lovebirdjo†
Kristin was left in the cottage with only Darnell for company, though she wasn't even sure the black boy would speak to her anyway. Everyone had left without explanation. Was it because she had stumbled upon the small house? The thought made the Hawaiian girl both sad and worried. It meant that people probably wouldn't trust her, which made her list of allies even more thin. If only she had taken the time to get to know people during her years at Southridge; but what was to be the point of that? She had other goals and priorities to manage. Now there was only the question hanging in the air as to whether or not she would end up playing the game on the island. She wanted to be able to live her life, to complete her dream of becoming an amazing marine biologist and possibly find a way to prevent marine environmental disasters.

'I can't kill someone, though. I just can't do something like that. My entire lifestyle would be hypocrisy if I did.'

"You know what? If you're going to leave too, just do it," she said to Darnell. She stood up and plopped herself onto the couch; she placed the knife from the floor back into her daypack. She let out a groan of helplessness and frustration. Why was this happening? Everything was such a mess now. How many hopes and dreams had this game claimed as morsels for terrorism? She could only wonder. Only hours ago she had no clue what Survival of the Fittest even was, but now she was experiencing the television show firsthand. It worried her that everyone of her classmates had the capability of killing. All of them had it in them somewhere, maybe deep down. Would she give into panic eventually and gut someone in fear of them doing the same to her? No. She couldn't think like that. Just had to stay calm.

"Fuck," she grunted, swearing for the first time in her entire life. This really was hell. "You know what, I'm gone too. I'll just have to find someone else to get around with."

((Kristin continued elsewhere))

Re: Start - G07

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:21 am
by Cactus
Having leaned against a wall and said absolutely nothing since his outburst, Ken Lawson watched as the group collapsed in upon itself. Everyone opted to disappear, and as he watched them all leave the cottage until Darnell and himself were the only two remaining, Ken had to muse to himself that he hadn't exactly figured that to be the reaction. Truthfully...? He hadn't been sure of what the reaction to it all would have been. He really was hoping for more disclosure from everyone, so that he could ascertain just who, if any of them, were playing and hiding it from the others. Usually, when people said more, that was what happened - you could see the flaws in their carefully crafted lies, and could pinpoint just where to strike to collapse the whole damn thing in one fell swoop.

But instead of collapsing anyone's lies, Ken's speech had brought down the house of cards that had formed to be their merry little group. Regardless of how it had played out, though, Ken knew that it was time to get moving. There was an uneasy feeling in the air, and Ken knew an exit when he saw one.


Nodding at Darnell, Ken picked up his pack, and leisurely strode out the door of the cottage, unsure of where to lead himself next.

((Continued in Walk Amongst the Dead))

Re: Start - G07

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:21 am
by Slayer†
Of course, what Ken, Kristin, and the others didn't seem to notice was that Darnell hadn't even been awake to hear them. Looking at the floor, with his head in his hands, he appeared as if he was in deep thought. However, that wasn't true. The truth? Shortly after Kristin had entered, just before Ken started his rant that destroyed the trust the group had in each other, the exhausted Darnell Butler had dozed off. After having spent so many hours running through the jungle, finally coming across the cottage, he had been almost too tired to think when he was finally let in. Putting his head down quickly, he had figured he could at least shut his eyes for a few minutes, gather his thoughts some as he rested, and at worst he'd be woken up later. This turned out to not be the case; as his eyes slowly opened and he rose his head up, he could see nobody. The entire cottage was bathed in darkness, without a sound to be heard. The door was even left open, showing the night outside. Blinking slowly a couple of times, he rubbed his eyes and let out a loud yawn.

...Huh? What's going on? Did I miss something?

A low groan escaped him as he pushed himself to his feet, blinking again and looking around while he walked to the door. While it had been very hot earlier, at night the island was freezing, so he figured he should at least block off the wind that was blowing in while he tried to figure out what was going on. The island was eerily quiet at the moment, so when the door closed it sounded much louder than it actually was, causing Darnell to step back with a wince. When the noise didn't result in a psycho with a machine gun ambushing him, he allowed himself to relax, his eyes already starting to adjust to the dark. Turning around, he went to his pack and dug through it, eventually finding the flashlight therein. Flicking it on, he moved the beam of light it created through the living room, yielding nothing.

"Hello? Kallie? Matt? Ken...? Guy? Anyone here?"

His call received no response, other than the noises outside. Something wasn't right, but Darnell wasn't ready to give up yet. Logically, if anyone was still inside they would have heard him, but they may have been asleep. Of course, the darker side of that coin was that if anyone hostile was inside, and Darnell had slept through whatever they did to the rest of his group, they were alerted to his presence now. It was definitely too quiet. Shaking his head, Darnell slowly stepped around the couch, making his way to the bedroom door while keeping alert, listening for the slightest noise that would indicate the presence of someone else. There were no signs of life other than his own as he pressed his back against the wall near the bedroom door, slowly moving his hand to the handle.

He hesitated. How could he know there wasn't someone with a gun right behind the door, ready to fill him with lead the second he opened up? Cold fear settled in the pit of his stomach, clenching his guts in its grip. He couldn't stop, he had to be sure. If he let the fear get to him, Danya would win. The terrorists would win. He didn't know where everyone was, but he had to find them. If he never saw any of them again because he was stupid and took a nap, if they all died out there and he never found any of them...

I don't know if I could forgive myself if that happened, especially with Guy or Kallie. Alright! On three! One...

His grip tightened on the knob, his hand twisting it a little.


He started to lean more heavily on the door, slowing his breathing.


Twisting the knob completely and rushing against the door with his shoulder, Darnell pushed the door wide open, quickly bringing up his flashlight as he stepped into the bedroom. There was no killer, no sleeping friends, just Darnell. His first guess had been wrong, and he was wasting time. It was stupid of him to think they were still in the house, if they were there'd have been some response earlier, and the fucking door wouldn't have been left wide open, with all the packs and everything gone. He was being an idiot. Kallie, Guy, Ken, Matt, Kristin...they were probably all out there being hurt or even killed, and he was just fucking around, letting it happen while he couldn't even figure out they weren't in the god damn house.

"SHUT UP!" he snarled at himself, shaking his head, "Shut up! Shut up! SHUT THE HELL UP! They're NOT hurt, they're NOT dead, and you're GOING to fucking FIND them!"

Oh, great, so now I'm yelling at myself.

Taking a couple of seconds to calm down, Darnell took several deep breaths. He couldn't let the stress get to him, he wouldn't be any help if he did. He had to stay calm, keep his head on his shoulders. He'd find his friends, try to meet up with the rest of the team, and they'd beat this fucking game. Yeah, they could pull it off this time. There were smart people on the island; if they found Andrea it'd be smooth sailing. All they needed was a way to get rid of the collars and a boat. His grimace slowly returning to a grin, he flicked off the flashlight to conserve its battery as he headed back into the living room and to where his pack and hedgeclippers were. Putting the flashlight in the bag, he closed it up and slung it onto his shoulder, placing the hedgeclippers back in his hands. He'd have to hurry, anything could happen in the middle of a night like this. Besides, empty houses always gave him the creeps, especially in the middle of the night. Especially in a death game where anyone could kill you. That meant he wasn't entirely comfortable in the cottage anymore, no matter how safe a hiding spot it was.

I'm not here to hide. I'm going to find Kallie, Guy, any other friends that are here, and my team, and I'm gonna barrel straight through anyone who gets in the way if I have to!

It hurt him to think that way, he didn't really want to be violent against anyone, but this was real, and the gunshots and screams he had heard before dozing off to begin with were likely the sounds of kids being killed. If he wanted to survive, if he wanted to protect his friends, he'd have to accept the fact that he'd have to hurt, maybe even kill, anyone who attacked them.

God, I'd be lyin' if I said putting me in SOTF didn't make me a tad pissed off at you, but please don't make it necessary. I don't want to have to hurt anyone.

Taking another breath, he gathered his courage and opened the front door, walking through and closing it behind him. His brain told him that finding Guy or Keith first might be more useful, but his heart told him to go after Kallie. They could all take care of themselves, but as horrible as Darnell felt to think it the thought of Kallie being hurt out there just...affected him more than the same thought of Guy or Keith, for some reason.

"Darnell, you're a fucked up son of a bitch."

To be honest, he had no idea where to start, but he didn't care. He'd search the entire island for them, if he had to, and he figured going in any direction would get him closer than staying still would. Thus, he put as much speed as he could into a sprint into the surrounding jungle. At the least, it'd be good to get out of the house.

OOC: Darnell Butler will return in Best Served Cold.