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Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by Neuphim†
In retrospect, Heath is still surprised to hell and back that this Lenny didn't mow him. He had all the reason to do so. Nonetheless, he didn't like a gun pointed at his face one bit. And if it weren't for the fact that Heath wrenched to the floor coughing, Heath would have done something stupid. Well, stupider.

The cough came suddenly, with no warning. Oh crap... that was suppose to be the signal... dammit. Well, dawn is coming soon. We have only one shot at it.

"I... see," he muttered, feeling genuinely wretched. "I'll...catch my breath... if you don't mind." On his knees, could only gasp for air and ponder.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by ZombiexCreame†
James looked over at Lenny, wondering what he would do or say. It was hard to say. James predicted that Lenny would just say no, or perhaps even lie, then let the guy go on his way. It wasn't like this Heath guy was bothering him. Just looking for his friend. If James was in Lenny's shoes, he would have let Heath go. But then again, if James was in Lenny's shoes, he wouldn't even be in this situation. He wouldn't even plan to kidnap someone.

But when Lenny raised his gun and aimed it at Heath, James couldn't help but feel surprised. Was Lenny really going to kill this boy? Kill the boy that was only searching for his friend? James wanted to stop Lenny but was afraid of interfering. He was afraid of getting shot himself. It was a selfish thought, but it was either, "Let one person die, or let both people die", so James said nothing. He just stared at the back of Lenny's head nervously. "Maybe he'll kidnap Heath too.", James thought musingly. But would he do that when Anna, Lulu and Lauren were within hearing-distance?

Lulu looked over at Lauren and shrugged, brushing her hair off her shoulder. "Hmm. Maybe...I sure hope not..", Lulu said nervously. If Liam was right and Lenny really was kidnapping James...Lulu knew that she would have gotten herself into a sticky situation. But she still had her friends, so she felt relatively safe. Would Lauren and Anna keep her safe? Could Lulu keep Lauren and Anna safe? She sure hoped so.

The red headed girl looked ahead, over to where Lenny, James and Elizabeth were. She was expecting them to still be chatting idly, so it came as a shock when she saw Lenny aiming his gun at Heath. She had no clue why he was. Was Heath threatening them or something? Lulu gripped her scythe tightly. But Heath looked injured, not to mention he was on his knees and coughing. Why would he pick a fight with someone with a gun? Unless he was insane or something...Lulu couldn't piece this situation.

She was stuck. Should she just stay back here? Should she go forward and help? Lulu took a few steps forward.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by Theseus†
Lenny was caught off guard by Heath's sudden coughing fit. What was going on? He was on the ground now, coughing, like he was dying or something. Lenny stood up and lowed his gun, looking at the boy.

Put him out of his misery!

No. Lenny could do that, but that would lead to more problems. He had to think. It was dark out, and Lenny felt safe in the darkness, but with Heath coughing up a lung it was likely to attract people.

Like vulchers to a wounded animal. After Liam's outburst back at the tree, Lenny knew he had to think about what he did carefully. So what he was about to do was more of a calculated move to get his group to trust him more, to help him "protect" James than an act of kindness. For Lenny could care less about Heath.

Without saying a word, Lenny quickly made his way over to Heath, and with his right hand still holding his gun, offered his left hand to the boy to help him up. From there Lenny would help Heath back towards James and Elizabeth where hopefully they could stop him from coughing or dying or whatever he was doing.

Elizabeth watched the act, not sure what to think. She was surprised her brother didn't kill the boy, but from the way his mood has been swinging the past week, the shock was gone. She was desensitized to his, and anyone else's violence. As bad as it sounded, she just wanted Heath to leave. To go away. New people always cause problems, and that's something Elizabeth has learned. It's another variable, another person that can snap, another person to die.

She had enough to worry about with James and her brother than to worry about yet another boy into their group. A boy she didn't even know very well.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by Namira
Time to get killed.

Rob checked his gun one last time then cocked it just as he stepped out from the trees, emerging just behind Heath, who was having some kind of coughing fit, which was either an unfortunate coincidence or a needlessly elaborate interpretation of the agreed 'signal'. It didn't matter, this was part of the distraction.

"Good morning Lenny," Bobby said calmly, gripping his gun with both hands and pointing it squarely at the one he was addressing. "I wonder if I might trouble you to release one James Martinek from your custody? I understand there are a few people around here who would rather you didn't blow off his head," Rob didn't really expect Lenny to just give in, but that wasn't the point now, was it? Hopefully, by now Shamee would have worked her way around the other side of the group, and would be able to get James away...

Of course, there would then be the problem that Bobby was standing directly in front of somebody who would have very few compunctions about trying to shoot him full of holes, and there was of course always the possibility that the others in the area would simply see Rob as a threat. Seven kills didn't breed trust, he'd found already.

But if I die, at least I will have done something worthwhile with my life.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by Ciel†
"I don't think," Anna turned to Lauren with a shrug, "Liam was right at all. I know his type: they want attention, nothing more or nothing less. I really think you would have to be crazy to take him seriously. The fool was just grasping at strings, as I said before. I doubt what's going on here is as serious as that. However, no matter how hard I try, I can't shake the feeling that there's something that Lenny is not telling us. I can trust anyone if I feel as though they should be trusted. Of course..."

Anna trailed off, forgetting about her unfinished statement. She had noticed that Lulu was fixated on something and curiosity was biting her in the shit. She turned her head towards the coast without any hesitation, sighing softly. Anna was wondering what Lulu was looking at.

The trouble turned out to be two visitors. It was hard to see who they were, what with the darkness and sunlight mixed together the way they were but she could see that there were a few more figures on the beach. Anna bit her lip immediately and spoke to no one in particular. "Oh... I do believe that there wasn't as many people there the last time I checked. Who are they?"

That wasn't the question Anna was focused on. What she really was wondering about was what was going on and where did these two people come from. Her eyes looked all around, hoping to see that no one else was around. It certainly would be unfortunate if she, Lulu and Lauren were killed without even knowing who did them in. A look of fear crossed her face. The chances of that happening seemed pretty good.

She did spot a figure along the trees but she was very unsure if it was a person or just some foliage. Even if she was completely certain that it was a person, the distance between them prevented Anna from telling who it was. Normally Anna wouldn't have thought much of it and would just chalk it up to a trick of the eyes, but at that moment it stuck out in her mind. Anna looked nervously towards Lauren and Lulu. "I hate to tell you this..." she whispered. "But I think someone's over there... should we run or go over and see who it is?"

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by Theseus†
So this was it.

The confrontation Lenny had been waiting for. He wouldn't have to kill Jame's now, because it appears that Shameeca has found him before dawn.

She brought company too.

"Bobby Jacks!"

Lenny Priestly looked at the boy in front of him. One of the most notorious killers on the island, here to retrieve James. Where was Shameeca though? She had to be the one who got Bobby to help her. There was no other explanation for his sudden appearance and request for James.

"What are you doing helping a girl like Shameeca? Haven't you killed...what...7 or 8 people?"

Lenny smiled at the boy, wondering where Shameeca was. Maybe it was all a set up. If it was, he walked right into it, however he did have Elizabeth and the rest of the group to back him up. Though being all unarmed, they were useless unless they could muster up some sort of surprise.

However, Lenny was enjoying this. This was how he wanted his "game" to end with James and Shameeca. In fact, this was even better than he had imagined it. Logic told him to hand over James and he could have a shot of coming out of this alive, another part of him told him to aim his gun at Bobby and shoot.

That only meant a shootout where one or both of them would get shot. Needless really. Why must there be bloodshed?

Why was Bobby helping though?

Lenny wouldn't believe he had turned over a new leaf. Not Bobby. He was one of the true psychos on the island.

Instead of aiming his gun at Bobby, Lenny crouched down and used his left arm to get a choke hold on the coughing Heath. He then brought his right hand, which was holding the handgun, towards Heath's head.

"Bobby. Come on now. This is between me and Shameeca. Do you know this boy? His name's Heath and he's looking for some girl. Now, you could shoot me, or whatever you want to do, but know that I'll take Heath with me to the grave. I know that won't stop you though Bobby. You should have no qualms about killing. So how about it? You want James so bad? Come and get him."

Lenny smiled, wondering what Bobby would do.

Elizabeth watched in horror as her brother took another boy hostage, and saw that the latest newcomer was armed. Not only was he armed, but he was threatening Lenny.

She looked at James and said, "James, please. I'll keep you safe, but I don't want my brother to die. I know he's made mistakes, but he's a good guy. I swear. Please, help me."

She didn't know what they could do though.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:34 am
by Lexi†
Through the trees, Shameeca watched as Rob revealed himself and as Heath suddenly got caught in a neck grip, she knew now was the time to act. But do what? She couldn't shoot at Lenny now, as she might hit Heath. She couldn't stay here and do nothing, and she wouldn't be able to sneak up that distance where Lenny was with her rifle and not be seen. However, some people were closer than others, a target that would really spice up Lennys game. The best way to break someone is to take away their most treasured possesion. And what in this game did Lenny want to protect more than anything?

His sister.

Crouching as she made her way through the trees to the edge, Shameeca tried to remain in the shadows as she crept forwards towards her prey. Lenny was too focused on talking to Rob to look around, yet Elizabeth was with James, and the black teenager had to hope that he would forgive her for doing this to someone who wasn't a bad person, just stuck with a bad lot. Emerging from the trees as quietly as she could, she gave James a small nod of the head to reassure him as she then took the final few steps and stood up fully, the gun's barrel directly aiming at the back of Elizabeths head, almost touching the hair, it was so close to her.

"Sorry to do this girl, but your Lennys's weak spot, and I need to get my friends free" she whispered, loud enough so that Elizabeth would hear it, maybe James but not loud enough to get Lenny's earshot. She wasn't really going to shoot Elizabeth, at least she didn't think that she would. But this game was going to make people do things they didn't want to do to survive and protect their own and Shameeca wasn't going to get James and Heaths blood on her hands when she could have Elizabeths in exchange. The only way to get out of this game was by murder, and murder was what she might have to resort to.

"Lenny! Let go of Heath, James and let them and Rob get outta here and your sister won't have a bullet through her skull. Don't think that I wouldn't do it, I killed to get this gun and I will kill to make sure that you stop your twisted game. What do you want more, your cheap thrills or Elizabeth living till the announcement?" Shameeca proclaimed, manouvering herself so that the female twin was between her and Lenny. The gun part was a bluff, but Lenny didn't know that. He didn't know her at all, so he couldn't judge wether she could kill someone. Hell, Shamee didn't know herself but she was about to find out. This was going to end with someone dead, and Shameeca hoped that it would be Lenny. Three of them had guns and Rob was the only one who didn't have a hostage.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:35 am
by ZombiexCreame†
James let out a breath of relief when Lenny lowered his gun, holding out his hand to help Heath. So it had just been some misunderstanding? James wasn't totally sure of the details. It was only clear that Heath wasn't an enemy and Lenny was going to help him out. If Heath was okay, that is...He appeared to be coughing his guts out. James' lips formed a grim line, like a stiff shoestring.

But what happened next was completely unexpected in James' mind. Sure, he was expecting to be saved. Somewhere deep in his mind. He had been looking around all day for Shameeca to pop out. Albeit nervously, since he wasn't sure if Shameeca's arrival would be the beginning of a fight.

James was frozen, as if his whole body were encased in ice. He even felt a little cold and the rain wasn't helping much. His eyes were locked onto the boy he knew as Bobby Jacks. A player. A killer. From James' view, it was apparent that Bobby was really only interested in Lenny. Killing Lenny, that is. Which means that Bobby wasn't interested in killing off any of the others. Elizabeth, Heath, himself...Even the girls in the back. (If Bobby had even noticed them, but James had doubted it. Even he had found himself forgetting the existence of those three girls.)

But when Bobby spoke, James listened, the words not fully registering in James' head. He wanted Lenny to release James. And what was that last comment about? Did this mean that Bobby was in on James' kidnapping? Was Bobby James' savior? James would have never thought in a million years that one of the feared killers of this island was here to save him. But where was Shameeca?

James turned his head, looking around the wooded area. He didn't see Shameeca. Not yet. But still, he didn't let his guard down. He didn't scream out in happiness, fleeing to hide behind Bobby. Hiding from big bad Lenny.

James turned his head again, looking at Bobby. It was then that he examined the gun in detail. No, not the gun itself, but the death that was to come upon Lenny. If Bobby decided to shoot that is. Even though Lenny had kidnapped him and made him play this twisted game, James didn't want Lenny to die. "H..Hey, put that down..There's no need for that..", James muttered weakly.

But Lenny had Heath in a choke hold. So Lenny changed just like that. First, it appeared that he wanted to help Heath and now he was holding him hostage. It definitely wasn't right. "Lenny, don't!! You-", James stopped himself. He wasn't sure what to say. What could he say? But before he could say another thing, he heard Elizabeth's soft voice speaking to him.

She didn't want her brother to die, in exchange for James' own safety. James nodded. He wouldn't let Elizabeth down. He knew she was a good girl. She loved her brother dearly, even though this game had changed him. "I understand. I'll help you.", James told Elizabeth.

He walked over, crossing right in between Lenny and Bobby. "Bobby, don't shoot Lenny. Please. Elizabeth wishes for him to be safe. She loves her brother..Even though he kidnapped me and sure he's a nice guy..somewhere deep inside..Just don't shoot.", James said, sounding unsure of himself. Was this the right choice? If he protected Lenny now, would it come back to bite him in the behind? But even if it did, he wanted to show Elizabeth that he trusted her, that he truly wanted to help her. Even if Elizabeth hadn't done anything to truly help James, James knew she had good intentions. He took a deep breath.

That was when he noticed Shameeca emerging from the trees. She gave a nod in James' direction, but he could only stare and blink. He was numb for a few moments, as if his body were excreting some sort of numbing liquid instead of sweat. After a few moments that seemed to go by excruciatingly slow, his mind snapped back like a rubber band. Snap! Happiness flooded through his very being and he grinned at Shameeca. "You came for me..", He managed to whisper. He would have hugged her. Would have, if not for the fact that she was aiming her rifle at Elizabeth!

Maybe it was a set-up. Lenny was aiming at Heath, so Shameeca was aiming at Elizabeth. But even if it was, James' heart couldn't stop beating. "Sh..Shameeca..don't shoot her, please..", He begged weakly. He felt like he was being pulled between both sides. His captors and his saviors. For some reason, some strange reason, he liked both sides equally as well, as twisted as it was.

And then there was that comment about Shameeca killing? Had she? James didn't know. If she had killed, it must have been recently, since she didn't have that gun earlier. Did she kill to get to James faster? James had so many questions left unanswered and so many were in danger at this moment. Once again, he felt much like a rubber band, being pulled tighter and tighter until it snapped. James could feel tears stinging his eyes and wiped them quickly with the back of his shirt.

Lulu was staring at the group ahead. Her vision was quite good because of her glasses, so she see a fair bit of what was going on. It appeared that Lenny had lowered his gun and had his hand out to help Heath. This didn't last long however. Another figure emerged, aiming his gun at Lenny. Lulu gasped slightly, looking over at Anna. "Uh-oh, Lenny's in trouble..Are these the people here to kill James?!", Lulu asked urgently, more to herself. But while her vision was excellent, she couldn't hear exactly what was going on, 'nor did she want to risk walking closer. Not when guns were present.

This is when Lenny got Heath into a choke hold and another figure appeared from the trees. A female. Was this that girl that Lenny and the others were talking about earlier? Shameeca, the killer? Either way, Shameeca was aiming her rifle at Elizabeth. Lulu's eyes widened again. "Anna! ..Anna..What should we do? Those people are here to kill James! Remember? What Lenny said..? What should we do?!", Lulu asked frantically. She had no clue, honestly. Should she fight? Should she stay? She took a step closer to Anna and looked over at Lauren. She tried working out the situation in her head, piece by piece but the details just didn't make sense. She wanted to get closer but knew it was too much of a risk. For now, she'd just have to confide in Anna and see what her plan was. If she had one, that is, and Lulu hoped that she did.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:35 am
by Neuphim†
Thinking wasn't as easy for Heath as he thought it was, ironically enough. He felt especially light headed. And for a moment he thought was lending a helping. Then putting him in a chockhold.

Some good Samaritan. Heath mentally riffed. Bet he helps old ladies across streets. In front of Semis, ya know. he's Bobby, huh? This sudden revelation depressed Heath. Through association, he was an enemy to those he initial met up with. Even though he didn't really know them for long, how could he deal with that if he was called into action? Heath realized that the question at hand wasn't vital, and there were other things to worry about. Like surviving.

By the time Shamecca came along with HER hostage, Heath's head cleared. So now we have ourselves a good old fashion Mexican Standoff, huh? With me in the middle. Just fantastic.

Heath just waited for how this situation cold possibly get worse.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:35 am
by Namira
Rob didn't say a word, just kept his aim steady on Lenny. His finger tightened momentarily on the trigger as he caught hold of Heath, but he reminded himself that Shameeca was still to make her appearance. Firing now would only endanger the already hurt Heath, and in that case, he would be guilty of sparking off a gunfight, which would almost inevitably lead to the death of at least two people.

In short, taking Heath hostage? Extremely good move on Lenny's part, although it was something of a desperate gambit. If Bobby hadn't cared about Heath at all, then the gesture would have been utterly useless. But Lenny was a smart guy, he knew that if Rob was here to help somebody - rescue James, then something had to have changed.

"Rob. Please," he said stiffly, after a few moments, breathing slowly in and out and willing his hands to stop shaking so that he could concentrate. Where the hell was Shameeca? If this went on much longer, he would be forced to start shooting, and Bobby doubted he could place a shot over Heath's shoulder to hit Lenny with any degree of reliability. McCann? That had been fluke, he wasn't a sharpshooter.

He was greatly relieved when Shamee came onto the scene, even if he wasn't entirely happy with what she proceeded to do.

Great, now there's two hostages instead of one. That... well, helped, because both sides have got reasons not to shoot, but at the same time... do you really think Lenny is just going to stand there and grin when somebody has a gun to his sister's head?

"This isn't going to go well," Rob muttered under his breath. Hearing James shouting, his voice turned harsh. "James, he kidnapped you! If we'd come just a little later, he would have shot you, just like that. If you don't have anything useful to say, kindly shut the hell up!"

Put up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:35 am
by Theseus†

Elizabeth barely noticed the fact that the sun was rising, and the darkness was lit up, albeit with rain still falling.

She had more pressing matters to deal with.

Like the fact there was a gun pointed to the back of her head by Shameeca. The girl claimed she killed to get the gun, was that true? If so, she would have no trouble killing Elizabeth. It also didn't help that Elizabeth was Lenny's sister. Though, she had to be calm, at least for her brother. She didn't know how he would react, and she didn't want anything bad to happen.

James said he would help her. James said he would help Lenny. He was a good boy, and genuinely good. He deserved better than Lenny and Shameeca. The game has gotten to both of them. Bobby Jacks? Elizabeth couldn't make any sense of the situation, and who was on who's side. All she knew was that James was in the middle of Bobby and Lenny, and Shameeca had a gun pointed at her head.

"Don't look back Lenny. She's not joking. Shes got a gun aimed at me. Please Len! Stop this! Let them take James! It's dawn! They won!"

Lenny noticed the sun too.

Shameeca barely made it in time. Would he have shot James?

Didn't matter anymore.

Now he's supposed to hand over James and everyone go on their merry way. Unfortunately, nothing is ever that easy. Shameeca is threatening his sister's life, and that doesn't sit too well with Lenny.

"I'll tell you what. You let my sister go and I'll let Heath go. Then you can take James and we can all go our seperate ways. Though, what are you going to do to them Bobby? Sorry, I mean Rob."

Lenny couldn't understand the boy. He was a killer, and here he was, helping Shameeca. Was he just setting them up? That had to be it. That could be the only rational explanation. "Are you going to kill them Rob? How did Shameeca get the gun? Did she really kill for it? Did you help her? I guess it doesn't matter. It's none of my business. If Shameeca let's my sister go, you can have Heath and James, and we'll go back into the jungle."

Back into the jungle.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:35 am
by Ciel†
(My head. iT HURTS.)

Anna was conflicted. This was all going downhill and she knew it, and yet there was nothing she could do to stop it. There was nothing she could do. She didn't have a gun: she could try to calm the situation down if she could with her sword... if she wanted to die very desperately. However Anna was against doing that. AND she had no idea what was going on. Was Lenny lying to her? Was he telling the truth? Anna had no clue. She had absolutely no idea about anything anymore.

Anna bit her lip and sat in silence for a long moment. "I... I think it would be a capital idea if we left. I'm worried that Jacks character is going to get some bad ideas." She turned to Lulu and forced a smile. Anna was lying: she just wanted to get out of there, period. She wasn't going to let that slip though. "I'm sorry Lulu, Lauren.... We're going to have to get out of here, quickly."

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:35 am
by Lexi†
The suns first rays started to peek over the horizon, its bright light shining through the falling rain like little sparkling diamonds. It would be a thing of beauty, were it not for the current situation. Rain water dripped off the end of Shameeca's nose as she held the gun tightly, its barrel pointed at her target, the female Priestly. She didn't want to have to do it, but her mind presented it as the best oppurtunity. However, a little surprised at how easily the lie had tripped off her tounge about killing. Not often had she the reason to tell lies, yet Shameeca had once lied to anyone and everyone in her life, from her friends to the authoritys who sometimes questioned them. She could feel her old younger bravado returning bit by bit, yet Shamee was unsure whether her change of character would be a good thing. Sure, having the balls to do things that she normally wouldn't do may be an advantage on the island, but she wouldn't be true to herself if she became that girl. No, I'm not that girl she thought.

However, she had gone through all this, walked so far, seen people die, just to rescue James. And what did he do? Stand in front of his rescue. Wow, she had done all that just to rescue a total dumbass? She had taken a girl hostage in some kind of stand-off just so that he could try and get himself killed. Bree must be dead proud of him. All she thought was thank God that Rob said what she wanted to say to him. Forget James then, he had a death wish, then she couldn't help him, but she could get Heath out of the mess she had dropped him in.

However, Lenny did seem to be a tad more worried now that Shameeca had Liz. Not as much as she would have thought, but it was good to see a little self doubt creep in to him. But he seemed cool and that scared her. Scared her more than anything else that she had seen that day.

"James, get the hell behind Rob, this is a rescue! Ok Lenny, let go of Heath and let him start walking over here. I will let your sister walk over to you, but you try anything, I will fire. Understand me?" she said, eyes still focused on Lenny.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:35 am
by ZombiexCreame†
James found himself staring down at the hostage boy Heath for a few minutes, wishing he could do something. Sweat spread across his forehead, his hair hanging limp in his face. Time seemed to go by specifically slowly for the teenage boy. In this slowed-down time, James seemed relatively aware of everything. Every little detail seemed to snap into perspective. Sound was muted, as if he were listening to everything with his hands over his ears. He imagined himself doing so, like an immature child. Perhaps this way, he could convince himself this wasn't happening. Live in a world of delusions. Would things be better that way? Or was he just lying to himself?

He took a deep breath and tried to focus on the situation at hand. He could see everyone, still in position. Still waiting to pull the trigger on someone or another. The sound of the jungle was disgustingly noisy, the sound of bugs chattering and the rain pouring downward. It was during this moment that James' mind fluttered off in another direction, as if a butterfly going from one bright flower to the next.

He imagined getting through this ordeal. Peacefully, of course. He saw Lenny letting Heath go and Shameeca letting Elizabeth go. James was able to leave and everyone was safe. James was able to thank Shameeca and find Bree, who was also unharmed and happy to see him. (Even by this point, James himself was getting a little sick of this perfect illusion)

But even if he did find Bree, even if they didn't survive for much longer, he'd still be happy to see her one last time. To spend their last few moments with each other. James was ignorant to the fact that Bree was already dead.

He shook himself from this daydream, realizing there were way more important things to think of. If anything, he should be more happy to see Shameeca. She was the one who had rounded up others to come save him and here James was, trying to defend Lenny. He felt ashamed of himself. But still, a piece of him did want Lenny to be safe. Mostly because of Elizabeth. But if Shameeca oh so desired for Elizabeth to die, she could kill her in a heart beat. Then, there would be no reason for James to keep his promise to Elizabeth. The promise to help keep Lenny safe.

The boy who had his gun aimed at Lenny, who wanted to be known as Rob, realized this. Realized that James shouldn't be thinking of Lenny and Elizabeth. His harsh voice brought James plummeting to reality and he listened without saying a word.

James felt so sickened. Sickened that he had the nerve to try to defend Lenny when Rob was completely right. He was kidnapped. He would have died if not for these three. He felt ashamed and looked down at the dirt, saying nothing.

For James had nothing useful to say. Hell had been gladly shut in James' view. He managed to look over at Elizabeth from the corner of his eye, but he said or did nothing. What could he do?

But James didn't make any attempts to move. He stayed in his place and glanced over at Lenny, as he began to talk, negotiating a deal. It was a simple deal. If Shameeca released Elizabeth, then Lenny would release Heath. Then, James would also be released. James could go on with Shameeca, Rob and Heath. Eventually find Bree.

But Lenny also had a point. Why was Rob helping Shameeca get James back? It wasn't exactly fishy but it did strike James as odd. He felt a little scared. Scared that this was a trap and he would eventually fall into Rob's clutches and killed. But who would waste that much effort to save someone, only to kill them later? It didn't make sense. James' only choice was to trust this stranger.

Shameeca's voice was demanding, yelling at James to get behind Rob. He paused, glancing back at Elizabeth for a second. He wanted to say something to her, but his throat felt dry. He knew he could say nothing. He looked slightly guilty, as if saying, "There was nothing I could do.." Indeed, James did feel bad about not being able to help Elizabeth out. Although apprehensive, James took a few careful steps forward and stood behind Rob. He was half expecting to be shot in the back while doing so, but so far, so good.

James was on the other side now. No longer a captive. He was staring at Lenny, who had Heath captive and Shameeca, who had Elizabeth captive. He simply wished for this fighting to end.

A fair distance away, in the midst of the jungle, Lulu glanced over at Lenny and the others, off in the distance. She had no clue what was going on, what sort of situation James was really in. The group up in the distance were all(well...not all.) pointing guns at each other and the little red-headed girl didn't want to get mixed up in that at all. Too risky.

"You're right.", She told Anna. "Let's get out of here...But where should we go?", She asked, rubbing her bleary, tired eyes.

Re: When We Die

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:35 am
by Theseus†
Lenny didn't like the situation, but he knew he had to play it cool. He was dealing with one established killer and one girl who said she killed to get her gun. The validity of that has yet to be seen, however Lenny wouldn't doubt it. There were lots of crazy kids on the island now. Was he one of them? He would be the first to admit sense he's been on the island he has noticed the darker side of him. The more primal Lenny Priestly that only wants to cause damage and make life difficult for people.

He even enjoyed murdering.

Yet, at the same time, he tried his best to control it. It wasn't always easy, but so far with the help of his sister he's been able to contain that part of him. He couldn't let her down. He had to protect her.

He watched as James went from trying to stop the fight to going behind Bobby. Figures, though Shameeca did keep her promise. He was free now. Lenny didn't like the idea of letting Heath go first though. If he let Heath go he had no leverage, and since he was outnumbered that could spell disaster for him and for his sister.

So Lenny, with Heath still in a chokehold, starting walking backward until he hit some foliage with some cover. From there, he could see both Bobby and his sister with Shameeca behind her.

"Ok, how about we let them both go at the same time? The count of three? No funny business either or I won't hesitate to shoot Heath as he's walking away."

Elizabeth was shocked James gave up so easy. She couldn't blame him though. She would have done the same. He was probably wanting to get as far away from the Priestly twins as he could. She said nothing as she watched her brother try to negotiate his way out of the standoff.