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Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:36 am
by Ares

Dan turned to face the new comer, who turned out to be Khrysta Lawrence. She tried to provoke him with her words, but Dan was smarter than that.

"You know, as a matter of fact," Dan said with a grunt as he turned and took another swing at Mary, "I do feel pretty spectacular right now, so why bother trying you out? I like picking on the one's who've been broken in already." Dan snarled pointing at Mary's showing stomach. He gave a smirk and glared back at Khrysta.

It was then that Dan noticed some rustling in the bushes behind Khrysta.

Fuckin' hell. She's got friends.

"Meh, since you're so adamant about sparing poor Mary's life, I'll make you a guarantee right now Khrysta. I'm not going to kill her, but mark my words, I will kill you, so watch your back sweetheart."

Dan made a fake-out type lunge at Mary just for some effect before grabbing his pack and disappearing behind one of the downed aircraft and into the jungle.

Just wait, that bitch will really regret what she just did

((Dan continued in Carnage))

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:36 am
by Theseus†
((Continued from From Serenity to Shame))

Corbin had followed Khrysta through the dark jungle, and like her, he had fallen and stumbled a couple of times. The darkness offered him no comfort, and he wondered what would be waiting for him and Khrysta past every turn and bend. He followed her though, until he saw her slow down and stop.

A tree line.

Corbin peered out, it was an airfield. He saw the crashed aircraft, and he knew all at once the reason Khrysta was silent. He heard the voices as well. Did he hear it right though? A girl pleading for her life?

Khrysta confirmed his suspicion by telling him that someone was in trouble, so Corbin moved up a bit to get a better view of who it was. Squinting into the dark, he saw Dan Wolfe and Mary McKay.

Back in school, they both seemed like nice people. He had heard Dan Wolfe play before, he had filmed some of their practice before for one of his movies he made. Mary McKay was also a nice girl. A pregnant girl. Why was Dan attacking her?

Corbin felt anger rise up in him. He had heard Khrysta tell him people were playing, and he heard a gunshot at the lookout tower, but he hadn't actually seen yet someone trying to kill someone. Someone who was innocent and just wanted to live.

That's when Khrysta sprinted out behind the cover of a downed aircraft. That's when she stood out in the open and shouted towards Dan to leave Mary alone. To Corbin this was it, this was the do or don't moment, was he going to chicken out and prove worthless to Khrysta, or was he going to stand up and prove to her that he was a valuable asset.

Screw it, I'll go down swinging if I have to, no one's going to push around an innocent girl, a pregnant girl at that.

Corbin stood up and ran out into the field, coming from a different angle at Dan. He aimed his M16 assault rifle at him, and dropped down to his knee to steady the shot if he had to take it.

His finger went from outside the trigger guard to inside of it, and he tried to slow his breathing to steady his hands, which were shaking from the adrenaline.

Dan threatened Khrysta, but when he noticed Corbin, he threatened to kill her, but took off.

Corbin smiled, standing up from his kneeling position, his M16 still at the ready just incase.

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:36 am
by Cactus
As Dan's elbow smashed the saw aside, Mary finally panicked. She dropped the blade, and held up her hands to protect herself, taking the blow on the arm, which staggered her. Dan aimed another punch, which hit her in the face, knocking her backwards, Mary only narrowly keeping her balance. With stars making their way through her vision, Mary's head swam, but she had enough presence of mind to see that Dan was screaming at someone.

Is he screaming? Maybe he's just talking, my head feels like it just got squooshed by a hammer! Does it matter? Dan's gone crazy! He may as well be screaming!

As Mary glanced at the object of Daniel's frustrations, she was elated to see that there were two figures that had obviously stumbled into the area, and onto the scene of Dan attacking the far-less able Mary. Unable to see who the two were thanks to the blurriness that had spread through her vision, she moved her eyes back to the boy in front of her, who lunged at her with speed. Screaming a little, Mary threw herself backwards, and landed squarely on her butt, hoping to protect both the bulge in her stomach and the head on her shoulders. Of course, she soon realized that this move was a fake-out, as the blow never came, and her attacker ran off into the bushes nearby.

Oh, wonderful...

Mary took a moment to collect herself. Her heart was racing, and she was feeling anything but relaxed. Still, she didn't feel outwardly angry or hostile, just confused and perplexed at her situation. She was still having trouble comprehending just what exactly was happening, as it didn't seem real to her. Just like how the pregnancy had, at first, not seemed real.

But this? This is a whole other set of crap to deal with. And it's life or death, it isn't a big joke! And if it wasn't for whoever those people are...

The thought struck her, and Mary pulled herself back on to her feet, with a small degree of difficulty. Turning to face her saviours, she rubbed her eyes to try and wipe away the blur that had settled in. It was here that she realized, much to her chagrin, that her nose was bleeding. Wiping the blood on her jeans, she sighed a frustrated sigh, and then finally saw who her rescuers were.

And she couldn't have been happier. It was someone she knew - two someones, at least, that she was familiar with, but an honest-to-god, real life person that she was at least socially familiar with - friendly, even. Khrysta Lawrence was almost a friend, though they didn't socialize much. The fact was that they'd always gotten along quite well, but moved in very different social circles, and hence had never usually spoken all that often.

It was, however, a friendly face, and for that, Mary was grateful.

Especially since they gave me a saw to defend myself with! What kind of protection can I possibly offer myself with a saw!? Unless everyone else suddenly decided to become made out of wood, I don't think I stand much of a chance alone!

Corbin Arlen wasn't someone who she was all that familiar with, but she knew him, had spoken to him once or twice, and he seemed like a decent enough guy. Of course, this was notwithstanding the awesome-looking weapon that he'd managed to either find or be assigned. Mary couldn't even tell what it was, aside from the fact that it was large. A machine gun? A rifle? Who knew? It didn't matter. If he was protecting Khrysta, maybe they wouldn't mind if she tagged along.

I'd better hope to hell that they don't mind!

Not knowing how to greet the two, Mary resorted to the only thing that she figured would be appropriate in the situation. She cried out, and ran (waddled, really, was far more appropriate) over to Khrysta and before the other girl could react, grabbed her in a light embrace, burying her face on the girl's shoulder. Mary was scared, sure, and the tears running down her face weren't disingenuine, but she felt more scared and confused than anything else. And Mary McKay despised confusion. It was engrained upon her from both of her parents that knowing what was going on was always key, and now? Now, Mary had absolutely no idea what to expect. All she knew was that two friendly faces stood before her, and she silently prayed that they would remain friendly.

"Oh my god, Khrysta! saved me!"

Mary released the other girl, and through tears, gently grabbed her arm, and pleaded with her.

"Khrysta...what's happening!?"

Of course, Mary knew full well what was going on. It was moments earlier that she'd been sarcastically wandering around, musing about playing with power tools before kicking off. But if she wanted protection, then she was going to have to earn it, as a pregnant woman wasn't exactly the ideal combat partner. Especially if she were armed with a cross-cutting floppy saw.

So many different things to think, I don't even know how to react anymore! It's enough to make a girl's head explode. Bet those terrorists'd have a field day with that'm feeling especially morbid today!

"Is this what I think it is?"

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:36 am
by Megami†
Khrysta had anticipated Dan's next move. Unfortunately, she had anticipated that move incorrectly. Instead of running at her like she'd intended him to do and probably getting blown to bits by a nervous Corbin in the bushes, Dan instead turned his attention toward Khrysta and told her she'd just traded her life for Mary's before running away from the group and off into the jungle somewhere.

Perhaps the blonde should have been a bit more threatened by Dan's words. Instead, she only offered a slight chuckle as he took off. Khrysta took his threat as being completely empty, after all. If he were any sort of man, he would've gone after her instead of attacking the most helpless individual there. Instead, he'd fled the area after hearing a rustling in the bushes. It didn't say much for his masculinity.

A smiling Corbin appeared out of the bushes a moment later and Khrysta gave him as much of a smile as she could muster in return. Her attention turned back to Mary, who was slowly pulling herself onto her feet. She didn't seem to be harmed, aside from a few spots that might bruise over from being struck.

Khrysta simply looked at the girl standing in front of her, not quite sure of what to say. Khrysta might have been the kind of person who looks out for number one, but that didn't make it right to stand by idly while someone murdered a pregnant girl in cold blood. Khrysta felt like she should say something to the other girl, but no words seemed to come out of her mouth.

Mary made the first move instead, suddenly run-waddling toward Khrysta and hugging her tightly. A confused expression passed over the blonde's features for a moment and she merely patted Mary lightly on the back, not quite sure how to handle the situation. Much to Khrysta's chagrin, the pregnant girl started crying.

The entire scenario left her even more dumbfounded for a response. Khrysta had always been a good listener when it came to other people's problems. When it came to comforting people, though, she always found herself at a loss for words. It had never been something she'd been particularly good at. Now, of course, was no exception.

It's... uh..." she started, struggling to find the words, "It's no problem. Anybody... would've done the same thing..."

The other girl released her, only to begin pleading with her for answers. What was happening? The truth was, Khrysta was just as baffled by the entire situation as Mary, and probably the rest of the island, was. She might have been playing it smart, but she didn't know what to expect any more than anybody else on the whole island.

"They're playing," Khrysta offered, probably a little more coldly than she might have intended, "People are scared for their lives, so they're doing what they have to do live. That man... he fills people's heads with the idea that if they kill everything that moves, they'll survive. The truth is, each of our survival rates is... one in... a hundred? Two hundred? Five hundred, even? Killing other people... it's not going to accomplish anything."

She didn't know if she was talking to Mary, Corbin, or simply restating those facts to herself. She wasn't good at speeches, she wasn't good at comforting other people, and she wasn't good at being a leader. All of a sudden, though, it seemed she had found herself being thrown into the position.

"You're safe now, though," Khrysta spoke up again, trying to force some kind of smile, "Corbin got a pretty decent weapon, and we've just been staying on the move... just trying to survive. Considering we just saved your life, it'd be pointless to leave you to die now, wouldn't it? I guess that means you're with us now... if you want to be."

Inwardly, Khrysta wasn't sure that recruiting a pregnant girl with a wobbly-looking saw into their ranks was the best course of action to take. The thing was, she had actively put herself in danger to save Mary. If they walked away and left her there now, and she got herself killed, Khrysta would've done it for nothing.

"That's alright with you, isn't it Corbin?"

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:36 am
by Theseus†
Corbin had watched as the pregnant girl hugged Khrysta and cried. Corbin just stood off to the side, not sure if he should talk or not. So he kept quiet, his eyes searching everywhere but the two girls, not sure what he'd say if they looked at him. So he stood there, and listened to them.

Khrysta had talked about how other people were playing, and how in retrospect, his, Khrystas, and Mary the pregnant girl's chances were virtually 0 of going home. Was Corbin really ready to accept death, which seemed inevitable? He wasn't sure on that one. He wanted to go home, make some more movies, DJ on the radio some more, then go to film school.

Unfortunately, here he was, carrying an M16 around being told he had to kill his friends. That he wouldn't do, that he would never do, but he believed now whole heartedly what Khrysta and told Mary they have been spending their time on the island doing.


It was all about surviving, and even if Corbin wouldn't hunt his friends down, things were happening in his mind. Maybe it was the years of being desensitized by violent movies and video games (which Corbin didn't believe caused violent behavior in youth) or maybe it was his constant running, trying to survive with Khrysta and now watching as some guy tried to murder a pregnant girl. Either way, Corbin was becoming at least a little harder, more willing to pull the trigger when the time was right.

Khrysta had known that not only did her survival somewhat rest in Corbin's ability to pull the trigger and fight, but Corbin knew his survival mattered to because of it.

So when push came to shove, Corbin was willing to shove back.

"That's alright with you, isn't it Corbin?"

Corbin looked at Khrysta and nodded and said, "The more the merrier. Besides, we wouldn't just leave you out here, don't worry, we'll keep you safe."

Corbin smiled at the pregnant girl, happy that he and Khrysta were able to save her. Mostly Khrysta, it was her bold and somewhat crazy decision to run out and yell at the boy, but her action none the less saved Mary's life, and for that, Corbin was glad to be her ally.

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:36 am
by Cactus
Relief flooded through Mary's whole body as her two rescuers accepted her into their little group with very little hesitation. It was nice - when she really thought about it, she knew that many kids would figure 'pregnant girl = burden' and try and ditch her at the first opportunity. She sensed none of that attitude amongst Corbin and Khrysta, which was a bonus for her.

This whole 'pregnancy' thing has really tossed me for a fruit loop. It's been, what...five months, and I still haven't figured out how to be 'motherly'? All I know is that in five months, I've had the most bizarre cravings for scrambled eggs with chocolate syrup! It's so bizarre!

Sighing a little bit, Mary absently rubbed her stomach, feeling that same craving coming over her as she thought about it. There was absolutely no way that she'd ever see anything like that while on this island, that was for sure. She'd looked through her pack earlier on, and along with all of her original things, were a couple tins of crackers and some bottled water. Obviously, their health and nourishment weren't primary concerns.

Well of COURSE they aren't primary concerns, they are trying to have us KILL each other! I mean, hello Mary, anybody home?

It was here that Mary brought herself back to the real world. Khrysta and Corbin had both offered an invitation to her, and even further, and explanation to what she already knew was happening. But hearing it out loud just made it that much more real. The fact also remained that Mary didn't have any kind of a weapon that had any substance to it, that she could defend herself with should she become separated from Corbin and his M16. This was, provided that she accepted their invitation. Blinking, Mary came to the conclusion that this was something better done sooner, rather than later.

"Oh my goodness, yes, please! I don't want to sound like I'm begging, but my goodness, this situation doesn't exactly favour me wandering around with nobody to talk to but my baby. And he...or she...they aren't too good at conversation yet."

Forcing herself into a smile, and wiping the tears away from her eyes, Mary found herself looking both Khrysta and Corbin up and down. These two people were genuinely good people, in good shape, and seemingly smart enough to know at least guess what to do in such a situation as their current one. In the back of her mind, Mary made a decision as to what she needed to do while here. The events that had transpired at the present time were disturbing, and Mary knew that she had no choice but to try and make the best of them. Filing away her mental list, she sniffed, and visibly relaxed a little.

"By the way, I can't thank you enough; Khrysta, for what you did for me. Daniel Wolfe...lost his mind! I don't think anybody would have thought that he would have acted like least, I didn't think so. If you hadn't come along when you did..."

Mary trailed off. A lot of it was really just lip-service, Khrysta was obviously a moral enough person to put her own safety over that of others, but the more she tried to appeal to that, the safer she'd be. She couldn't escape the fact that she carried a fetus inside of her, and while she didn't see it as a burden, she knew very well that physically, it was. Running quickly, avoiding bullets - one wasn't very agile when they were nursing an unborn child.

I'll just have to do my best, and hope that it's good enough! That's what dad always tried to your best, and nobody can hold you back! Who knows! Maybe when they release the DVD set, I'll be on the cover, with some ridiculous caption, like 'Mary McKay - saws through the competiton! Oh, goodness. Another morbid thought! I blame the scrambled eggs and chocolate that I'm not having...

Raising an eyebrow, Mary turned around and slowly walked over to where she'd dropped her saw on the ground when Dan had attacked. Squatting down in an effort to pick it up, she managed with a grreat deal of effort to retrieve the saw. Wobbling the saw back and forth, she noticed some blood on the edges, where she'd obviously cut Dan when he'd rushed at her the first time. Turning back to Corbin and Khrysta, she held up the saw in a sense of near-amazement.

"Well, it looks like he didn't get away without a scratch after all...I guess that will teach him not to beat up on people any more!"

Grimacing a little as she realized what she'd just said, she made a defeated face, and shrugged at Corbin and Khrysta.

", I don't really believe that, either. Anyways, this is what I got for a weapon. It's not great for a whole lot except making funny noises, I'm afraid. And carpentry, but that's not exactly a useful skill out here, now is it?"

Smiling at the two of them, she sighed at her almost sarcastic assessment of the situation, but they were the ones in charge, as, after all, they were accepting her into their group.

"So...where do we go next? I vote anywhere where Daniel isn't!"

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:36 am
by Megami†
A strange thought passed through Khrysta's mind as Corbin spoke up, agreeing that Mary was more than welcome to join them. The thought occurred to her that throughout the day or so that she had joined with Corbin, the two of them had barely talked. She wondered if he was just quiet by nature, or if he felt uncomfortable around her, or what. Regardless of the reasons behind it, having Mary around as some sort of buffer sounded better and better.

Mary seemed to lose herself in thought for a moment, absent-mindedly rubbing her stomach. Khrysta wondered briefly whether she was thinking about her unborn child, but decided it was better not to ask about it. She imagined that someone like Mary would probably be having a hard time getting accustomed to the idea that she probably wouldn't be escaping the game, and what made the situation all the more saddening was that she'd most definitely lose her baby as well.

Mary spoke a bit longer, commenting that it was nice to have company other than the unborn child inside of her and thanking Khrysta for intervening during her fight with Daniel. Khrysta only offered a nod and a light smile in return, followed by a simple, "It's really nothing."

Of course, Daniel's words were starting to weigh on her a bit more than they should have, and while she had originally taken his threats as idle at best, the thought that he might try to make good on his promise was starting to weigh in the back of Khrysta's mind. If Daniel really did plan on hunting her down, she would probably be putting Mary and Corbin in harm's way by being around them.

It wasn't as if she could leave, though. She had taken on Mary as her responsibility when she'd stopped Dan from killing her, and Corbin seemed like a nice enough guy, but from what she'd learned about him over the course of the past day, he didn't seem like the most apt guy to be in a leadership situation. He seemed more happy to be a yes man and follow her around blindly with his gun. Which, of course, wasn't a bad thing.

Mary showed Khrysta and Corbin her weapon, commenting on how useless it was. The saw did have its uses. As Mary had said, she'd managed to take quite a chunk out of Dan's arm during the attack. It was more useful than the jo she'd been given. It was basically a stronger version of a stick. Corbin, by far, had the best weapon of the group. In a way, the rifle he'd been armed with was comforting.

Khrysta finally came out of her own scattered thoughts when Mary asked where their next destination would be. Up until this point in the game, Khrysta had been -- quite literally -- running around blindly in the dark. She had stumbled upon most of the places she'd been by pure accident. The thought of actually being able to sit down and logically pick a location almost baffled her. She hadn't had that luxury since she'd woken up on the island.

"Well..." Khrysta pondered, rubbing her chin slightly, "To be honest, I've barely even had a chance to look at the map. I met up with Corbin early this morning and we've been running ever since."

Khrysta offhandedly glanced at the silver watch attached to her wrist.

"It should be dawn soon, so maybe we should wait until Danya makes his first announcement. I remember in the last game, there were dangerzones. I'd hate to head into one of those and settle in only to have to escape early in the morning. It might be best to take shelter in one of these planes for the rest of the night... but... it isn't just up to me. What do you all think?"

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:36 am
by Theseus†
Corbin smiled at Mary's humor about her weapon. He found it nice that even during the circumstances and that chances were, by the next week they would all be laying dead someplace. Of course, that didn't stop them. They still trudged on and Mary proved that there could still be happiness, even if it was in a small form like humor about a weapon that right now had blood on it.

Corbin listened to Khrysta decide what they were going to do, where they were going to go. It was dark now, and dawn would be coming soon, and she was right, there were danger zones and all that stuff that made running not the smartest choice.

Corbin admired Khrysta too, for reasons different then Mary. While Khrysta was kind of distant, well, very distant, she was blunt and honest. She also had something about her, something about her personality that Corbin knew he was doing the right thing blindly following her around the island. Though he spoke only a couple sentences total to her throughout the entire day, most being just questions about what they were going to do now, he felt safe being with her. Even though he had the big gun, he felt confident to use it when he was with Khrysta. Now they had Mary, he felt he had a reason to use it.

Corbin liked the idea of taking shelter in one of the planes until dawn. His adrenaline was gone, and he was tired now, and he felt a sudden need to just want to sit down and rest. He nodded and said, "That sounds like a good idea to me." Corbin looked around the airfield, scattered with broken airplanes, not sure which one was best. Instead of choosing their shelter, he just offered, "Maybe one of us could stand watch, while the others get some sleep, and switch off through the night or something. I don't know." Corbin rubbed the back of his neck hoping it wasn't a stupid suggestion.

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:38 am
by Buko
((Continued from Pomme de Terre

Paul Smith, was vigilant.

Though to the average reader of his file Paul Smith was nothing more than a series of practical jokes and hedonism. He had stayed away from drugs because they where never a requirement, beer and cigarettes provided him with enough calmness to get through the day, Paul Smith? Paul Smith was a walking defense mechanism that had taught itself that self-doubt was something to be ashamed of and that a person could only be truly happy when they relied on one thing and one thing only: their own self confidence.

Paul Smith, was a liar.

Underneath the facade of confidence and debauchery that was presented to the public Paul was just an insecure, intelligent, and most of all selfish boy. Why he was insecure was one of the grand mysteries of his personality, when he would contemplate on who exactly he was it would often go unanswered. Paul Smith had everything -now more than ever-, he was good looking enough for more than a few women to call him handsome, he had a well paying job, was talented enough so that the school orchestra had called upon him to conduct multiple times, it seemed that Paul Smith had everything he could ever want in Highland Beach.

Paul Smith, was a player.

On this nameless island in the pacific Paul Smith was also blessed in many ways. His job had placed him in combat a multitude of times, Danya and fate had decided to bless him with very good weapons and the scab on his neck proved that he had the right stuff to make it out of sticky situations. No matter how much he overwhelmed himself with the thought that he was crazy and really was the shit Paul Smith couldn't possibly escape this self doubt.

Perhaps the reason lied in deeper than what most people originally believed, Paul of course had slept with fifteen girls and among those only one of them had been because he was involved in a committed relationship with said woman, the truth was that Paul Smith was absolutely terrified of comiting to the fairer sex. And despite how casual and aloof he seemed to be whenever his eye patch was brought into discussion it became obvious that the death of Elena Smith, for lack of better word--rocked Paul Smith to the core.

Paul Smith was nodding to himself.

As he approached the airfield he found himself realizing that if there ever or ever would be a reason for why he was so scared of his own eventual demise it would be the death of his mother, the memory had always been an unpleasant stain on the cloth that was his conscience, his mother? His mother was a beautiful woman, it had been so long since he had considered her his mother that he could even say that she was what most men would call sexually attractive. His mother however was unlike his father in every way, his mother was wrought with self doubt, she was shy, she was soft spoken, she was in essence...a very calming person.

Her death? A gas leak coming from the stove causing a humongous explosion, Paul of course would like to say that he wasn't anywhere near the kitchen and he had reported to the Southridge Gazette at the beginning of the year that he was in his room...the truth was a lot harder to swallow for the young boy and that was a simple one: his lovingly soft spoken mother had shielded Paul Smith from the shrapnel and it was only when Paul doubted his dead mother and looked up to see what was going on that he received the injury now immortalized on his face. Self doubt made you a good mother. It did not save your life nor the life of your child.

And that of course would be the end of Paul Smith's mental monologue as he found himself approaching the group, his gun was in his left breast pocket, his knife in his right sleeve ready to be flicked out; if he was attacked -and the announcements made it seem like that was a strong possibility, Paul would be prepared to take any means necessary to eliminate the threat...though he was a liar so he couldn't exactly be sure if he would do anything. As he walked up to the group and lit up what seemed to be the sixteenth cigarette of his time in SOTF (in the United States women ages 18-30 watching the show purchased a large amount of Marlboro Reds after seeing Paul Smith) and smirked lazily.

"A pregnant chick, a dancer, and a guy with an M16," he exhaled the smoke, "Sounds like a Vietnam era porn flick."

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:38 am
by Cactus
Mary was about to answer her comrades musings when the announcement crackled to life over the island. As she listened to the listings of the people who had died, she felt horrified. She then was surprised when Paul Smith made his appearance known and made some lewd comment.

"Paul Smith, you'd certainly know a thing or two about adult movies, now wouldn't you?"

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:38 am
by Megami†
Khrysta felt herself quite inclined to agree with Corbin's suggestion. They might not have been the most ideal shelter on the island, but the interior of one of the wrecked planes littered across the airfield would be an adequate place to sleep off some of the fatigue that seemed to be accumulating from the twenty-four hours gone by with no sleep. Her gaze moved from Corbin to Mary, and she thought idly for a moment.

Of the three, Mary probably needed her rest the most, given her condition. Besides, there was something morally wrong about asking a pregnant girl who had barely managed to fend off some crazy with a wrench to stand guard while the people who had saved her life slept. It wasn't hard to tell that only bad things could come of it, and that left Mary out of the picture for the watchdog.

So, by default, it was either herself or Corbin. Khrysta didn't need much sleep. She was quite accustomed to going to sleep at one or two in the morning and waking up at five to jog around the neighborhood. This routine had gone on for years, and she'd become quite accustomed to functioning on very little sleep.

Besides, with everything that had been going on on the island, her senses seemed so tuned in to her surroundings that she didn't think she could wind down and sleep even if she wanted to. Corbin didn't look particularly tired, but he had been the one to bring up the idea of resting in the aircrafts. That gave his exhaustion away a little. If he hadn't been tired, the thought probably wouldn't have crossed his mind.

She had planned on volunteering herself for watch duty, but hadn't spoken up because Mary looked as though she was about to respond to Corbin's suggestion herself. Mary's voice wasn't the one that rang out, though. Instead, the voice was much deeper, far more masculine, and possessed a sort of smart-alecky tone that only a handful of students at Southridge High School could have possessed.


She nodded in welcome toward the other student, but certainly didn't let her guard down. Khrysta'd seen him around school, and just like everyone else, she'd heard all the "glamorous" stories of the one and only Super Senior. She'd heard of all his escapades, she'd seen many of his pranks. The fact was, Khrysta couldn't stand Paul Smith.

In school, his laid-back attitude and chauvenistic demeanor had completely disgusted her. It seemed like every day she walked into class, it was to a story about the random freshman Paul had banged under the bench on the pavilion or something. She didn't even know if all the stories were true, or if Paul simply went around spreading rumors about himself to give him some sort of ego boost.

Khrysta cast a sidelong glance at Mary, trying to gauge her opinion of Paul by her words. Unfortunately, she couldn't read the statement Mary'd made well enough to tell if she'd been serious or simply teasing in her comment. Her attention turned immediately toward Corbin, still peering through her peripheral vision rather than turning to out and out face her ally.

She knew one thing. She didn't trust Paul. He'd messed with too many people during his days at school, and if she had her guess about it, he'd made more than a few enemies through his pranks and continual need to prey on the female population of Southridge High School. Part of her hoped Corbin would step up to play with the M16, although by looking at Smith, she couldn't figure out what sort of weapon he had.

Small talk was all she could manage until they could figure out what he was armed with. If Corbin attacked him foolishly, he might easily kill him, but it might also prove to be a crucial mistake for their entire group. Hopefully, this confrontation would just end peacefully and Paul would be on his way.

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:38 am
by Theseus†
Corbin was shocked to hear another voice. Turning around he saw who it belonged to. Paul Smith. Corbin knew Paul Smith. He's heard the guy's band. It was actually a pretty good band. Corbin didn't have much to say about Paul, besides he was a huge man-whore. Corbin had even played some of his songs (when his teacher wasn't around) on the school radio.

Corbin has also heard about the boys other adventures. Like burning his report card, failing, and running from police. Corbin found it hard to hate a man like him though. He found students like him amusing.

Corbin wasn't sure what to make of this situation now though. All he saw was Paul Smith smoking, no gun in sight. Was he playing? Corbin didn't want to believe he was. He's made some bad decisions, but he was no murderer. Right?

Though, Corbin did have the M16, and he was standing next to a pregnant girl and Khrysta. He didn't want to have the guilt of them getting heart because of his lack of awareness.

So Corbin let his finger slide inside the trigger guard, barely resting against the trigger itself. His gun was pointed down, to show he wasn't hostile or playing, but in the chance that Paul wants to fight, Corbin would be ready to swing the gun up and shoot.

He looked at him, saying nothing, believing it better to leave the talking to Khrysta.

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:38 am
by Buko
"Well, I suppose I've been around the block," he said calmly to Mary and then noted the tension build up in...Khrysta? That was her name right? Paul usually knew her as 'uppity bitch with a stick up her ass #2', so it was hard to judge, Corbin? Corbin was a nice guy, an ally to Zippo records -Paul's company and the largest music distributor in Southridge-, of course him and Corbin where pretty much what Paul would call 'mosh buddies', meaning you'd help the guy out of the pit, say hi, and then move on...their friendship pretty much ended when the shows ended and that was that.

He smirked coolly at Corbin and chuckled lightly before flicking the cigarette to the ground, Paul could appeal to Corbin or at least he thought he could and as began to speak.

"Remember the show a few months back Corbin? You got trampled in the pit and that skin head guy was coming in to pretty much curb stomp you? If it wasn't for me and my band mates jumping in you would've had a mighty fine bruise, we're pit brothers, lower the gun and calm down," he smiled lightly, "If you paid attention to the announcement you'll know that I'm not playin'."

Would it work, he noted the distance between the group and also noted that if Corbin decided to open fire Paul would have little to know option but to take the shots, or at least some of him, Paul was fast and while he might be able to jump to the side...dealing with a bullet wound would be tedious even for him, he smiled a bit though as he turned to Khrysta.

"And it's always a pleasure to see a woman who hates my guts," he smirked a bit, "Though they usually have good reason, what's yours?"

The curt and blunt way she stated his name was conveyed all that needed to be conveyed and her facial expressions and body languages confirmed it: Khrysta didn't want Paul there and that meant that sooner or later she'd snap and order him to leave. This would cause distrust within the group and that would cause three dead bodies to appear right here in this barren field. Paul continued to run scenarios in his mind and smirked, if Khrysta did snap? Well, there wasn't one scenario that didn't end with Paul dead or close to it.

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:38 am
by Theseus†
Corbin listened to Paul. He was right. Back at the concerts they helped each other up. Him and his buddies have helped Corbin out of a couple tight spots in the pit. This guy couldn't be playing. His name wasn't on the announcements, and if he had a gun wouldn't he have shot them from a distance instead of risking approaching so close?

Corbin let his finger leave the inside of the trigger guard, and rest outside. Corbin let his M16 fall completely to side, as he let himself relax a bit more. There was no reason to sit here and insult Paul by acting like he was going to shoot him.

Corbin listened to what Paul had to say to Khrysta and he decided that he was just as blunt as her.


None of that was of any importance though, for right now all that mattered was how Khrysta and Mary accepted Paul. Corbin personally thought he was safe. Yeah, he wasn't the greatest student in school, but they had helped each other out back at the concerts enough that Corbin saw no threat in him.

That's why Corbin said, "I know you're not playing man. Don't worry I'm not going to shoot or anything like that."

Re: Motion Isn't Meaning

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:38 am
by Cactus
Mary's eyes narrowed as she watched Corbin grapple over the issue of trusting Paul Smith. She couldn't say that she trusted him - not at all. Many of her friends had experienced the 'legend' that Paul Smith considered himself to be, and all that they'd taken away from the experience had been a whole lot of heartbreak. No, Paul Smith was not someone that she believed she could trust, and if only for the fact that his exploits were well-documented.

Paul Smith was someone that you were wary around if you were a female, and that was just a general rule. He'd hit on anybody and anyone that moved, and Mary was just thankful that she'd never been swayed by the charms that Paul seemed to have in spades.

But you're not perfect, Mary - you certainly fell for someone else's charms, and you got suckered in like any of those friends. It's just a fluke that Paul Smith's not the father of your child...

Noting Khrysta's obvious distaste for Paul, Mary herself was hesitant in what came out of her mouth next.

"Does she even need a reason, Paul? You're basically a legend through school for being the biggest man-whore in the whole town. That kind of a reputation doesn't exactly endear you to the women who've managed to stay untouched by your undoubtedly filthy little hands."

Taking a bit of a step back from the group of them, Mary put her hand to her head and staggered a touch. She'd lost blood from her nose (which had now stopped) and she was hungry. She knew that she wasn't the most effective of allies, not while she was bloated and carrying around a child inside of her, but she'd tough it out for as long as was physically possible.

Hopefully they'll be able to say that about me, at least. Mary McKay...she came, she got attacked, she SAW a way to survive, and tried her hardest...oh, goodness. These saw puns are just awful.

"I don't mean to judge you too harshly, Paul...but you're not exactly the most trustworthy person. You're a womanizer, and you only think about yourself. How would you expect us to believe that you're any different? I can't afford to be with someone who thinks only about themselves - especially in my condition. I hope you'll forgive my asking, but if you expect us to actually think about trusting you, I'd think you'd want to let us know what you're walking around with, and what's happened to you since you've landed here. I think it'd be only appropriate."

Rubbing her stomach almost subconsciously, Mary looked to Corbin and Khrysta for backup. Corbin seemed to know Paul, and seemed to have fallen upon the side of trust, Khrysta upon the side of distrust. Mary figured that she'd allow Paul the chance to explain himself before choosing whether to follow her gut, or her heart on this one.

It's like dad always said, "no matter how smart you are, sometimes your gut has more brainpower than your head does". To hear him, someone who valued intelligence over just about everything else? It's good advice, and I'm going to stick to it.