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Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:09 am
by Slayer†
It hadn't taken long for Adam to get up into a sitting position. He had taken much harder falls before, especially in tougher wrestling matches against teams like Northside's or Westwood's, and every time he had gotten up quickly. Maxie's kick, interesting and unexpected as it was (did Lucas teach her that kick? Adam had no way to know), was more of a trip than the takedowns he was accustomed to. All he'd had to do was push against the ground with his arms and force his upper body to move up. As he tried to do this as quickly as possible, he was sure he'd gotten up before Maxie could stand, draw her gun from her bra (heh, told you that was a stupid place to put it, bitch), aim at his head, and fire. Considering he wasn't dead yet, he was confident that his attempt had worked when he looked over to Maxie.

Heh, running away, huh? What would Lucas say if he saw what a coward his kid sister was being?

Indeed, the first thing Adam Reeves saw when he sat up and prepared to stand again was Maxie's rear end as she scrambled to get up in the mud and then stood. However, instead of turning around and attacking, she tried to run away from Adam, in the direction she was facing. This amused but baffled him. She had him where she surely wanted him, but she chose to flee? His sword was not too far from him, she could have grabbed it and impaled him. Her gun was within easy reach of her, she could have shot him. Instead, she was running. That just didn't make sense to him, until he figured it out after a quick thought. She wasn't trying to escape, just put some range between them. At this range he could fight back, defend himself honourably, and if she killed him he'd die with dignity, but she wouldn't have any of that. She wanted to put as much distance between them as possible so she could pick him off like a dog, leave him begging in the mud until she splattered his brains.

I'm not going to die like some pussy, hiding in the mud! You fucking bitch, get back here! I'm not going down like some loser!

Adam couldn't help the anger that started to push through his sheer terror as he prepared himself, the fury at what he saw as Maxie's cowardice. If he weren't scared out of his bloody mind he'd have realized that if she wanted to kill him she would've just taken his sword while he was down and stabbed him, but he waved that away by reminding himself that the sword was too big for her to use effectively, and she probably didn't have the courage to kill that personally. She'd kill him, sure, anyone would in her circumstance, but she wanted to crush all hope he had of defending himself first. Wanted to make sure the last thing he ever felt was abject terror as he waited for the bullet to take him.

Fucking whore...

Adam wouldn't let Maxie get far. As her leg pushed off the ground again to power her run, his fury reached a boiling point, and he burst from his position sitting in the mud to lunge at her, bellowing a scream of rage mixed with panic.


During the lunge, Adam's massive hand would shoot towards Maxie's somewhat-less-massive ankle, hoping to take a firm grip on it and drag her back to him after pulling her to the ground. The lunge would've made him land on his stomach, and some mud would splatter into his beard as it touched the ground just below him, but he was more focused on fighting for his life and didn't care. He couldn't die today, he wouldn't.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:09 am
by Namira
Gotta get some distance between me an' him. C'mon, c'mon, just a little furhter and he won't be able to get near. C'mon... FUCK!

Maxie barely had enough time to become incredibly confused at the raving vcoming from behind (Kill Reeves? She was running the fuck away from him) before she felt a hand latch onto her ankle, curtailing her attempt at fleeing, and pulling her to the ground. Luckily, the fact she wasn't properly standing up in her mad scramble stopped falling from driving the wind out of her. Nevertheless, Reeves wound up dragging her right back to square one... and into danger besides.

What the hell was Reeves talking about though? She couldn't have been acting anything less like wanting to kill him. She had started running away, hell, she'd put her gun away - what was going through Reeves' head to make him think she was playing the game? Maxie hadn't been on any announcements and it wasn't like she had attempted to kill Kathy (where was that bitch anyway? Or was this too interesting, seeing her adored SotF in action firsthand, to interfere in?) Right now though, Maxie had more pressing issues at hand. She could wonder why Reeves was going after her and thinking she was trying to kill him later. Later being after he had stopped trying to kill her. The guy was off of his fucking rocker, although Maxie had already known about his temper, this was just something else.

Maxie wasn't just going to let herself get dragged back without a murmur though. That Reeves had pulled her back just meant she had to try harder to break out of his grasp. Rolling over as Reeves pulled her back Maxie used what was essentially a horizontal stomp, trying to land her boot on the top of Reeves' skull and hopefully disorientate him. He was fully stretched out from the lunge at her ankle after all, he would struggle to defend himself against the blow. Regardless, Maxie then executed the same move again, this time aiming for Reeves' hands. She doubted Reeves would appreciate his fingers getting kicked, but since he'd tried to cut her half earlier, he'd more or less forfeited any right to complain to Maxie. It was dirty, it was brutal, but most of all... it was survival.

Fuck you Reeves. I know ya carry a grudge, but we ain't sortin' it at a time where either of us could die durin' it.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:09 am
by Slayer†
Yes! Got you!

Adam almost felt relieved when he was able to grab a hold of Maxie's ankle and drag her right back to him, but he knew she wasn't done yet. He doubted Maxie was even capable of giving up on anything, especially not murdering him. He wasn't going to give up either, though, if he gave up he died, and he didn't want to die. If he didn't want to die, he knew he had to keep fighting, and he'd eventually need that gun. Then what, though? What would he do with the gun when he had it? Shoot her? He wouldn't be any better than her if he did that. But he had to do it, to survive, to go home back to his life in Highland Beach. Friends, trust, that kind of crap didn't have a place on the island, the explosive collar on his neck and the fact that he was fighting for his life against a girl from school told him that much.

There really is no choice. Not like escape is possible, and she wouldn't have a gun if she wasn't gonna use it!

Adam let go of Maxie when he had finished dragging her back to him and started to back up from his lunge, and this would prove to have been a good idea as she started to turn around, bringing her other foot around in what appeared to be some weird horizontal stomp or something. If he hadn't moved back, the kick would've been a direct hit, and even despite the fact that Maxie was nowhere near as strong as he was it wouldn't have been pleasant. As it were though, the kick started to pass right in front of him before it actually made any impact, and as he started to rise Adam reached out with his right hand to grab Maxie's kicking foot around the ankle, standing and pulling up in the hope that with his strength it'd cause her to be lifted up a bit. When/if that happened, he'd forcefully push the leg to the side, the intention being to basically flip her onto her back as she fell to the ground (falling because the move was intended to lift her). If that didn't work he'd just grab her shoulders and move her until she was on her back.

Have to get that gun!

More out of spite than anything else, Adam aimed a quick kick at Maxie's ribs with the right of his steel-toe clad boots before trying to more or less drop onto her, straddling/mounting Maxie and at the same time pinning her to the ground. His eyes focusing on her shirt, he noticed he could see the outline of the gun there due to how wet the fabric had gotten and the fact that Maxie's tanktop was already pretty skintight. The shirt was now covered in mud, but he could still see the gun's outline. He knew he needed to get the gun from her before she could kill him, then she'd stop being a threat. Reaching his hands into the neckline/collar area of her shirt, he'd pull downwards with as much strength as he could muster, hoping to rip the shirt open. This was for no real other reason than that it'd be easier than trying to reach inside the shirt, really, and he'd be able to get the gun more quickly. For now, that was all he was after.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:09 am
by Namira
As soon as her kick went past Reeves, Maxie knew she was in trouble. She didn't claim to have some kind of database on him, but there were one or two tidbits she did have, and one of them was that Reeves was one of the stars on the wrestling team, alongside people like Darnell Butler (with three kills to his name, jesus) and Trey Leyton (very, very dead). Being on the ground, where the grappler practically lived, was a bad, bad idea.

And fuck if she could do anything about it.

With that thought racing through her head, Maxie was pretty much flipped over in one movement as Reeves hauled on her leg, effectively spinning her right around. Although there was a drop, it wasn't really enough to hurt her, just get her a little disorientated from the sudden motion, and handily preventing any kind of dodge or even reaction before Reeves aimed a kick at her ribs which, with his boots, hurt. Moments later, Maxie stopped worrying about that blow entirely.


Why the fuck would Reeves go for her shirt of all things was this some kind of... oh, the gun.

Maxie hoped to fucking hell it was the gun Reeves was going after.

Nevertheless, Reeves' attack about accomplished what he was aiming to do... and then some. The wrestler was damn strong, enough so that Maxie's tanktop pretty much ripped into two, torn into shreds by the force he exerted on it. It didn't stop there though. Whether it was intentional or Reeves just put a bit too much force into it Maxie didn't know, but that wasn't important, fact was, the tanktop wasn't the only article of clothing in the line for damage.

What was?

Oh shit. Y'all have got to be fuckin' kiddin' me. This can't be fuckin' real!

The length of material between the two cups on her bra snapped and the undergarment pretty much dropped clean off, the Mauser falling free from where she had stashed it. Maxie, however, couldn't actually have given a flying fuck about the gun, the fact that her breasts had been exposed was something rather more important to worry about. An ice cold wash of dread spilled over her, sweeping away the rush and exhilaration of the fight. The adrenaline-fuelled pumping of her heart was replaced by that of apprehension. Fear.

She was fucking topless with a guy she knew lusted after her pinning her to the ground.

Maxie was just too stunned, feeling sick to her stomach with dread to say anything or even just try to hit Reeves, that sick fuck.

He ripped my fuckin' BRA off. Maxie your goddamn TITS are out on fuckin' TV... Fuck! FUCK! Ya fuckin' touch me Reeves and I'm gonna rip your motherfuckin' balls off!

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:09 am
by Slayer†
OOC: The mention of Kathleen Martin just standing there isn't controlling, it's just that since Chad hasn't posted I have no logical reason to assume she did anything else.

Well shit, that wasn't supposed to happen.

Everything had gone perfectly up until he had gone to rip Maxie's shirt open. Well, that wasn't right, that had gone perfectly too, but like his elbow attack earlier he had done it too well, forgotten his own strength. He must've gotten carried away after flipping her on her back and kicking her (for fun, admittedly), because instead of just ripping her shirt open he tore right through it. His first clue had been the odd amount of resistance the shirt put on, it was true that he didn't really rip shirts often but it felt like he were trying to go through two things at once. What really tipped him off was the flash of white he saw as the practically shredded tanktop, which was a pale colour but not white, started to slip off of the shocked girl underneath him, and the odd snapping noise he'd heard. As the ruined shirt and bra started to fall off her, Adam couldn't help but do a double take.

Wait, what?

Looking closer, Adam found that he hadn't been daydreaming. He'd put way too much force into it, and not only practically ripped her tanktop to shreds but snapped the band that held the cups of Maxie Dasai's bra together. The undergarment, now useless, fell off of Maxie like some creature that had been killed, and the gun appeared from where she'd stashed it. More or less next to the left of her ample breasts, Maxie Dasai's Mauser C-96 pistol lay just as exposed as the girl's voluptuous upper body, right where she'd hidden it. He wasn't sure if it was because of the nice gun, the fact that Maxie's breasts had suddenly appeared in his face, both, or some sick and twisted hybrid of the two, but a grin started to appear on his face, definitely pleased at what he saw.

A guy could definitely get used to this. Guess I was wrong though, a trigger guard like that, and there was no way she was going to accidentally shoot herself.

As evidenced by the fact that his shorts suddenly felt quite a bit tighter as he straddled Maxie and pinned her down, he was enjoying every moment of this awkward situation, even if aside from the grin he looked just as confused as she looked surprised during the few seconds of silence that followed. After all, he had wanted Maxie for quite some time. If one looked at her right they'd realize she really was one of the hotter girls in the class, if not the entire school, at least in his opinion. It helped that as far as he knew only a few could (naturally, at least) rival the size of her bust, the very one he appeared to be leering at even though he was merely examining the gun. At the same time, though, they didn't look stupidly huge. Just big and round and inviting.

Maybe I could have a little fun with this. Have wanted this chance for a while after all, and it's not like she can fight back effectively pinned like she is. But I can't afford to waste time like that.

Almost greedily, Adam quickly moved to grab the gun off of Maxie, admiration in his eyes. Of course, as he picked the Mauser up it brushed and pressed against Maxie's breast, but that was coincidence. It really was a grand piece of work, the Mauser. It was nothing like his favourite, the FN-P90, but it was still a good enough gun. A bonus, it appeared to be loaded. The gun looked tiny in his big hand, but he couldn't wait to pull the trigger and send a bullet flying into someone. The lustful look in his eyes turned vaguely evil for a moment as he looked down at Maxie underneath him, his eyes meeting hers as he experimentally pointed the gun at her face just to see how it felt. The weight would take some getting used to, but the feeling of power the Mauser brought was worth it.

Might as well do her in, she was gonna do the same to me.

The grin faded from his face as he steadied his aim with the gun at Maxie's face, so close that the barrel almost touched her skin. Could he really do it? His finger wandered into the trigger guard, his other hand moving onto the gun to steady his aim, trying to steel his will to prepare himself to pull the trigger. Could he end her life? Adam didn't disillusion himself by thinking he was a good person, he wasn't; he was a horrible, mean, person, but murder was a step beyond that. Losing control of yourself while drunk? Can make up for it. Killing someone, especially a young woman? Nothing could make up for that. His finger stopped right before the trigger, unable to budge.

I was perfectly willing to kill her earlier! No, that's different. I had to, or she would've shot me. She's not a threat now, can't even move freely. Why would I waste a bullet on her? It's not right...hah, besides, what good's a piece of ass if it's dead?

After that thought, Adam couldn't help but flinch visibly. Sometimes his own subconscious disgusted him. It would come out of nowhere with a vile thought like that, and even Adam Reeves himself would be wondering where the hell that one had come from. A sigh escaped, as he shook his head, lifting the gun from Maxie's forehead even if he didn't release his grip or the fact that his finger was on the trigger in case she went ballistic. There was no point, really, she wasn't a threat. He'd just wanted the gun, so she couldn't hurt him. No point in pushing that even further. He'd won, got what he'd wanted. Sure, killing Maxie would bring him one step closer to winning, killing anyone would, but would it even have a point? It'd just be a wasted bullet on someone who wasn't a threat, who couldn't attack him anyway.

Had he not spotted Kathleen Martin, that train of thought may have convinced Adam to put down the gun entirely, but he did. In the heat of battle, he'd forgotten all about her, and it was lucky for him that she seemed content to sit and watch or she could have ambushed him by now. True, she would never be a physical threat to him no matter how hot she was, but she was still a threat. A threat that would kill him if he wasn't careful. Adam would probably never find out that Maxie had no intentions of killing him had he left her alone, but Kathleen was, from what Adam knew, one of those nuts who prayed to be put in SOTF, and that meant she was probably a killer.

Almost out of reflex, which was odd since he'd never handled a gun before, Adam quickly brought up the gun, both hands gripping it, and pulled the trigger at Kathleen, sending a bullet aimed right for the area just below her left breast, Adam's specific hope being to hit the heart. What recoil the gun had was negated by Adam's semi-seated position, his own strength, and his proper grip on the gun, but to his uninitiated ears the crack of the gunshot was still remarkable. It took all his self control to not flinch at the sheer noise. He hadn't thought he'd be firing guns at the school trip, so he hadn't brought ear protection. He was regretting that now, especially since that one shot had probably already damaged his ears.

Well let's hope it doesn't make me go deaf.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:10 am
by Namira
Even when Reeves actually picked up the gun (naturally brushing against one of her breasts as he did so, the asshole) Maxie still wasn't sure what was pissing her off, or hell, scaring her more: That she had a freaking huge guy pinning her to the ground, or that thousands upon thousands of viewers were at this moment tuning in to ogle at her tits. And it was true, they were, they had to be. Wasn't this the action they loved, so much more than all of the fighting and the struggles? Ultimately those people that watched this show liked nothing more than the chance of a bit of T&A.

It really didn't help that where Reeves was straddling her she could feel ... 'something' pressed up against her stomach. The guy had a freaking massive hard-on, and feeling it up against her like that, even through Reeves' shorts, sent Maxie into a panic. She started struggling then, but the way Reeves was sat on top of her there wasn't really anything she could do to get away. Reeves was just too damn big she realised, even as her mind raced for some solution - anything that would get Reeves off of her and give her a chance to just fucking run. He had to outweigh her by over a hundred pounds, he had almost a foot on her. Pinned down like this, there was no way Maxie could squirm free of him. Seeing Reeves' sick little smile, Maxie was filled with a despairing rage.

You're fuckin' enjoyin' this ain't ya Reeves!? I'll fuckin' KILL YA!

Maxie froze instants later as Reeves pointed the Mauser which had previously been stashed in her bra straight at her face. That... wasn't something she had been expecting. Not after he ripped her fucking shirt off. Maxie had just assumed he'd been after something other than the gun? Had he just been trying to get her mauser all along? But no... the look in Adam's eyes... the sly touching and brushing against her... would he have done all of that, be showing all of that if he was going to immediately kill her? What was in his pants made it abundantly clear that at least part of Reeves didn't have his mind on murder.

And now I don't know whether I would prefer if he just wanted ta get his rocks off... This guy is a fuckin' animal... but I don't wanna die either.

The gun remained pointed at her for several long moments that seemed to stretch on for an eternity, and absurdly all Maxie could think was...

Great. Not only am I gonna die but I'll be half naked too.

And then Reeves swung away, firing his gun at somebody - Kathy? It could have been. It was loud enough to make her wince but more importantly Reeves was momentarily distracted, and it snapped her out of her terror. Maxie had to be calm, had to keep her composure, otherwise she didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting out of this. Pinned she might have been, but the delinquent wasn't helpless, especially with Reeves' attention elsewhere. She had to exploit this opening, it was the only one that she was likely to get. One last throw of the dice.

So ya don't like my brother? Well you're gonna hate him even more after th'move that he taught me hits ya!

Maxie lunged forwards awkwardly, extending two knuckles of her fist to make a drive at Reeves' throat with the small point of impact. The less of her hand touched him the more it was going to hurt and the greater damage it would do. Hopefully Reeves would then look back towards her, by which time she would have fallen back again and then lunged at him a second time - on this occasion with a headbutt.

Reeves thought he had her dead to rights, Maxie was going to prove you never let your guard down whilst dealing with her. Even topless.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:10 am
by Slayer†
OOC: This post was approved by Clueless, so if you're concerned that it may be controlling, which I hope it didn't come across as at all, he gave the okay.

Adam didn't get to see whether his shot had hit Kathleen or not, as more or less the second he fired he felt Maxie's knuckles driving into the part of his neck just below the collar. The blow hit dead centre, and Adam didn't as much shout in pain as let out a strangled cry as his head dropped reflexively. He had expected Maxie to realize that once he had gotten the gun he had what he wanted, and therefore assumed she wouldn't have attacked the second he took his eyes off of her to engage another threat. Turns out she proved him wrong. She was always a threat. As if the punch to the throat wasn't enough, as his head dropped Maxie immediately threw her own head up to meet his own. Her forehead smashed against the bridge of his blade-like nose, and this time he did shout out from the pain.

As Adam reeled back, dropping the gun to the side of himself and Maxie and cradling his nose out of reflex, he let out a guttural but wordless shout, both from the pain and anger. After only a second or so it was apparent that his nose hadn't been broken, but even then a hard blow to the nose always hurt like a bitch, and Adam tended to get angry when he was in pain. His eyes hardening into a glare, he lowered his hands from his nose but at first kept them around his head in case she attacked again. This would quickly be changed, however, as Adam brought his almost boulder-like right fist around in a potentially devastating right hook aimed at her jaw. If it hit (as it would most likely), it wouldn't break anything, but it'd probably be hard enough to lay her out at least temporarily.

That fucking HURT!

Regardless of what happened after the hook, Adam would bring the fist back around the other way in a backhand aimed at the other side of Maxie's jaw/cheek, grunting a bit. If that worked, he'd take advantage by having both of his hands grab the sides of Maxie's head, after which he'd lift said head up and repeatedly slam (the back of) it against the ground.

"You piece of shit whore!"

The head was slammed into the mud.

"All I wanted was the fucking gun!"

Another slam.

"But you had to fuck things up! I'm not gonna let you fucking shoot me, so you have another fucking thing coming if you think that's what's going to happen!"

Assuming there wasn't any interference like a fingernail through the eye or something, Adam would continue smashing Maxie's head to the ground a few more times, but would then suddenly stop, catching his breath. Deciding to repay the favour, his hands then moved to pin down her shoulders to restrict her movement with her arms. Assuming that was successful he'd then send his own head crashing down at hers, hoping to hit her forehead with his own. Withdrawing, he'd send another punch down at the side of her head, but after that stop again, almost as if content with what he'd done so far.

At least until his left hand moved to grab Maxie by the throat, just tight enough to be a bit constricting and holding her down.

"You just had to push your god damn luck, didn't you?! Could've just ran away, but no, you were so hell bent on adding me to your FUCKING bodycount that you decided to stick around and fight. What, did you think I was a pushover because your faggot brother cheapshotted me?"

Without warning his grip on her throat would tighten exponentially, and his right hand would grasp me muddy Mauser on the ground, lifting it up and moving it towards Maxie's head. If he could get it in he'd put the barrel right in her mouth. Otherwise he'd give up after a few seconds and press it against her forehead like he did earlier.

"Well you're WRONG! I'm gonna win this fucking game, and I'm not gonna let you or anyone else finish me off!"

His finger once again found itself on the trigger, and for a bit it looked like he was going to pull it and blow Maxie's brains out. However, for whatever reason, Adam suddenly released his grip on Maxie's throat and withdrew the gun, putting it at his side again.

That'd be too good for her. I'll enjoy making her squeal like the pig she and her brother are, then I can gut her.

Without even really thinking about it, Adam's hands then moved to Maxie's breasts, and started groping and squeezing them in a strange mixture of affection and animalistic lust. Stopping once with his right hand to thumb the nipple, Adam then lowered his head back down at Maxie, pressing his lips hard against hers, at first just kissing and sucking her lips, but then forcing his tongue in. The morning was just starting, but Adam hoped to make this a very long day for Maxie Dasai.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:10 am
by Namira
Maxie got in two pretty good digs, even if she did say so herself. The punch to the throat took Reeves totally by surprise, and as he looked from Kathy back down to her again her head smashed against his nose with a hugely satisfying impact. It didn't seem as if anything was broken, but the hit certainly gave the sick bastard something to think about. Unfortunately, the thought that appeared to occur to Reeves instantly afterwards was that now was the time to beat the living shit out of her.

She didn't even see his first punch coming, being still pretty damn panicked about the fact that she wasn't wearing a stitch on her upper body, and partially with a degree of self-satisfacation with having finally managed to hit back and actually hurt the bastard who was on top of her. Preoccupied as Maxie was with attempting to dislodge her attacker from on top of her, she misjudged how long he'd be dazed for, only succeeding in moving out from underneath him a little before her face exploded in a wave of pain.

Maxie was seeing stars as Reeves' fist hit her in the side of the head, badly disorientating her. Maxie could take a punch, sure, but when somebody was straddling you, especially with a big a size advantage as Reeves, you pretty much just had to throw your arms up and weather the storm. Maxie didn't even get time to recover and bring up any semblance of defence before her attacker struck again, this time with a huge backhanded-slap which made her head ring and a red mark instantly appear on her cheek. After that Reeves started slamming her head against the ground, which while not a pleasant experience was infinitely better than taking another right hook - the force of which was likely to lay her out for good. She held onto Reeves' arms as he attacked, reducing the force very slightly, but the onslaught was just too much for her to handle and her efforts were largely insignificant.

"Crazy bastard!" Maxie managed to hiss at one point. "Ya tried to kill me and now ya wanna make out I was after your number too!? Ya fuckin' psycho!" but hell, with Reeves in the state of bloodlust and mindless agression he was in, she doubted her words fell on anything other than deaf ears. Either way, the guy was just plain raving, nothing he said making the slightest bit of sense to Maxie. How'd she been trying to kill him? She spent the entirity of the fight just trying to make some room so that she could run away for christ's sake!

Still, better to worry about that later, Maxie, even after suffering a massive haymaker, had enough wherewithal to keep looking for opportunities. As Reeves moved to pinion her even further, Maxie got an arm free and once Reeves tried for a headbutt, used her hand to try and deflect the blow, which, coupled with a quick jerk of her head to one side, meant Reeves' forehead caught her only a glancing blow, leaving her with enough wits about her to about parry his last punch.

Motherfucker. MOTHERFUCKER.

Maxie was just too exhausted to put up a fight as Reeves grasped her by the throat, luckily with nowhere near the force Joey had exerted whilst trying to throttle her earlier, but then, Joey hadn't had her pinned to ground shirtless either... As Reeves raised the mauser again Maxie spat defiantly at him, getting ahold of the mauser with what else? Her teeth and shaking it like a dog, in some kind of petty act of mild irritation. Maxie wasn't going to let Reeves make her go quietly, no matter what. Anything she could do - regardless of how small or simply meaningless, just made her feel better, less powerless. It was all an illusion though, Reeves was unquestionably on top here.

Reeves was once again ranting about her somehow trying to kill him, but he was so incoherent by this point she didn't really care. Maxie knew she was going to die within the next couple of moments and hell if she was going to waste that time listening to the deranged ravings of Adam fucking Reeves. Her mind filled with thoughts of family, of home, of Lucas encouraging her antics, of the exasperation of her parents, of parties and nights out, of friends and-

Then things took a turn for the worse.


Maxie had thought Reeves had given up on that particular tack, just about convinced herself the bra-tearing was coincidental... well, the sick fuck definitely put paid to any notions she might still have been entertaining.

His hands were all over her fucking tits - not just a sly brush, full on groping, squeezing them in his hands and even going for the nipple at one point. Far from being turned on, Maxie was more horrified, revulsed, and above all terrified than ever. Sex was her one big taboo, and here was somebody hell bent on violating it... and her. Maxie's skin crawled as Reeves made the most of his dominant position, even moving in for a kiss - forcing his tongue past her lips in spite of her best attempt to keep them sealed. As Reeves invaded her, Maxie bit at his tongue, but with him on top of her how he was, it was a futile gesture - she just couldn't get at him enough to be anything more than a mild annoyance. Tears sprang to Maxie's eyes as her assailant continued unabated, ravaging her mouth with wanton abandon.

God, god no. Ya motherfuckin' - Get off of me! For the love of god get off!

Worst of all. Maxie knew that people were going to be GLUED to this.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:10 am
by Pigeon Army†
Damn Martin, blocking my view of the entertainment.

Leo had since moved a few metres to the left of the clearing since the fight had begun, as Kathleen, rooted to the ground as she was, was obstructing his perfect view. She's probably enjoying this too, Leo thought to himself. A front-row seat to her favourite television show.

The fight had escalated quickly, and the place was such a hotspot now that even a step out from behind the line of bushes and shrubs would be monumentally idiotic. Ms. Dasai and Mr. Reeves had been going at each other, and for a while they seemed pretty evenly matched - well, until Reeves dragged her to the ground, pinioned her and ripped her shirt and bra in order to get a gun lodged between her breasts, for some odd reason. Leo had looked away and begun to focus on the other people - catatonic Cara, crazy Kathleen, animalistic Adam. Leo was a good Democrat - he wouldn't be caught dead objectifying a woman, even one as...coarse as Maxie Dasai. There is no way that I'm going to give the impression of enjoying Dasai's toplessness. Even if I am enjoying the fight.

Then, Reeves shot at Kathleen. Leo cursed quietly - he was hoping Reeves would kill Dasai and run off to leave Kathleen for him. Leo didn't follow the bullet, convinced it'd take out Kathleen, and continued watching the fight. Dasai got in a few punches before Reeves began pummelling her and then...

I was at school with that animal? And I'm still alive?

Adam's actions were stunning Leo, and not in a good way - he was attempting to rape her.

You know, I really wish Reeves was a pushover and did not have the gun. Then, I would stop this...oh well.

Leo kept watching.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:10 am
by Slayer†
Adam, on the other hand, didn't notice the cameras around him at all, and therefore it never occurred to him that the entire world was watching him take advantage of Maxie. He was far too caught up in the moment, their bodies pressing together, his lips against hers while his hands went to work on the massive rack that her soaked shirt had so teasingly displayed earlier. In fact, it briefly crossed his mind that he didn't even know why he was doing what he was doing, how he had gone from attacking her to trying to make love to her in the span of a couple seconds.

Maxie tried to bite his tongue as it moved around in her mouth, and even though she couldn't put enough power into it for it to be a nuisance he found himself almost habitually taking his right hand off her breast and throwing a punch to her ribs before going back to it, hoping it'd knock the wind out of her. He broke the liplock after that, taking some air into his lungs and ignoring the slight saliva trail between them as he nibbled the lobe of one of her ears lightly, not enough to hurt, and started trailing kisses down her jawline and neck. He continued this down her body, past her breasts and solar plexus (naturally giving each nipple a kiss), and stopped at her gut, pulling back up.

While he did this, his hands were at Maxie's arms to pin her down, but as he rose they moved to his vest, undoing the zipper so he could slide the garment off of his shoulders and throw it to the side. Later he'd realize that the rain would make him cold as hell because of this, but he didn't notice for now, especially since it'd be a while before that happened. Shifting his position so that he went from straddling Maxie to laying on her, he again started to kiss her, though more gently this time, his hips grinding against her own, as his hands started to travel down her body, caressing it bit by bit. The grinding started to slow down as his hands reached her jeans despite the fact that he was even harder than he was before, his fingers moving to undo the button on the front of her jeans and pull down the zipper in a practiced motion, too caught up in what he was doing to notice if Maxie was trying to fight him off.

After that, though, he didn't pull down her pants or anything, instead his hands went around to under Maxie, almost lifting her hips up as his hand went on her rear and the back of her legs, lightly squeezing and stroking that area as his hands moved down. He'd gone back to kissing Maxie's lips at this point but was still concentrating on where his hands were, especially when they moved to the inside of her thighs. Then Adam started moving the fingers around in a sort of semicircle pattern, trying to stroke and massage that area of her legs, since from what experience he had the inner thighs seemed to be a source of pleasure for girls when stimulated right. Eventually though, his hands would move to the waistline of her jeans, trying to pull them down.

He didn't know if it was something Maxie did or he just realized the full extent of what he was attempting, but around the point Maxie's pants came down to about thigh level his thoughts started to get at him, and he found himself stalling. Shocked, he broke off the kiss and removed his hands from Maxie's jeans, moving back some and looking over her, as if just realizing what he was doing.

What the hell? I can't do this, this is wrong!

At that moment in time, Adam was completely and totally disgusted with himself, seeing Maxie disheveled and nearly naked underneath him. His body had been acting faster than his mind could keep up, and he'd completely lost control, his desire overriding his sense of survival, every thought after he'd stopped hitting her being clouded by lust. He really couldn't believe how he'd gotten so derailed, from fighting for his life to trying to rape someone for no reason.

I've been an asshole all my life, I mean it's been kind of warranted with how worthless the idiots I go to school with are, but rape? That's just low.

How long had he been lusting after Maxie? Adam couldn't really remember, though he thought it'd started with him having a bit of a crush on her way back, but he had no idea how it had spiraled so out of control, to the point they were at now. It was the second time he had lost control of himself, the first time he was drunk and the second terrified for his life, and it repulsed him that this kept being the outcome. Was he really that weak-willed? It was inconceivable. With a sigh, he prepared to get off of Maxie entirely.

Tch, fuck that. 'If you want something, take it, if you're strong enough to take it it's yours', remember? How long have I wanted this chance, anyway? Not like I'm gonna get it again. Girl isn't even putting up a fight, should have some fun with her before I go.

The thoughts from before were forced down with startling speed as the lecherous look returned to Adam's eyes and he again moved to pin Maxie down. While his left arm would alternate between groping Maxie and trying to hold her down, his right would move towards her exposed panties. Once he got through those, she'd be all his, he knew it. He wouldn't take them off if he reached them, though. Instead his hand would slide inside her panties, brushing up against her pussy inside. The grin from before reappearing on his face, he started to rub and stroke Maxie's vagina, and one of his fingers would be reassigned to flicking and rubbing against her clit once he found it. That done, Adam slowly slipped a trio of digits inside of Maxie, although not thrusting or anything. Instead, he was hoping to turn her on enough that she was practically begging him to finish her off.

Everyone has a breaking point.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:10 am
by Namira
Maxie hated what Reeves was doing, hated every touch he made, every new place he found to grope at made her feel sick. She was enraged but at the same time, disgusted to the very pit of her stomach. Waves of revulsion went through her with each touch that Adam made, the delinqeunt writhing and squirming on the ground, as if that would help her get away from him. No such luck.

When Reeves hit her in the ribs Maxie winced, but it wasn't a hard blow, it was almost... a chastisement, like... 'Don't do that, I'm trying to kiss'. Still, it definitely reminded Maxie who was on top here, much as she hated to admit it. It was a warning of sorts - warding her off from trying anything - but she'd be fucked if she just lay there. There had to be something - some way of getting out of this. She couldn't, wouldn't just let it happen! The tears started flowing freely now, Maxie loathing her own helplessness, her own lack of strength. The rain washed it all away, but the pain was clear to see in her eyes.

As her attacker broke off the kiss Maxie disgustedly jerked her head to one side, breaking off the small trail of saliva connecting their mouths. She gagged then - the other's spit tasting foul and unnatural to her, though it wasn't like Reeves had bad hygiene, Maxie just felt horrified by the thought he'd been in her mouth. She shivered as Reeves continued with his assault, kissing his way down her body, the sham affection more unsettling than any brutality.

Please... please just stop touchin' me.

This was her taboo, and what Reeves was doing sickened Maxie to her very core. Even as her body went through the superficial reactions to stimulation that would usually indicate arousal, the delinquent was far too caught up in the horror of the situation to even contemplate how Reeves would view stiffening nipples. Sex wasn't supposed to be like this, and it wasn't supposed to be casually thrown about with any dude that you happened to run across at a party either. It was supposed to be special, meaningful - something all too many people just didn't understand. Odd really that some just considered Maxie a prude to think about things in that way. But sharing yourself so completely with somebody else... that shouldn't be approached lightly.

And because Maxie wouldn't share, Reeves was attempting to steal.

She felt even worse, if that was even possible, as Reeves continued grinding his hips against hers, showing her that at least one thing was at odds with the softness of his caresses. So caught up was Maxie in her thoughts and fear that when Reeves went for another kiss, she didn't even react, which allowed him full reign to capture her tounge with his, making-out with her freely. Maxie snapped back into attentiveness and jerked her head back, yet more tears spilling from her eyes. Although she knew it wasn't deliberate, Maxie doubted Reeves would take it that way, and was probably even now gloating in his head that he'd got her to submit to him so easily.

Well fuck him.

She would show him how wrong he was in that assumption.

Maxie redoubled her writhing and movement, to the point that she was pretty much thrashing about on the ground as Reeves went for her jeans, bizarrely getting the button undone and unzipping them before seeming to find interest in some other part of her. This time, it looked to be her ass, and true to form, Reeves once again started squeezing and rubbing. Almost tenderly, almost affectionately. That made it worse in all too many ways. He was trying to rape her, yet at the same time trying to put on a veneer of consensuality, a show of this being in any way true sex. But it wasn't. It was robbing her of dignity, of choice, of-of... everything.

"Ya piece of shit!" Maxie yelled as Reeves pulled at her jeans, pretty much the first time she'd spoken throughout the entire affair. More than a tinge of desperation coloured her tone. She was rapidly running out of options. "Shoulda killed ya back there! Shot your fuckin' head off as soon as I saw ya!" for some reason, this appeared to give him some pause, and Reeves practically froze up for a moment, just staring at her (although somehow, not in a lecherous way) as if shocked as to what he was doing. Maxie took that as her cue to try and move the fuck away, but as quickly as it came, the moment left, and even as Maxie was wriggling free Reeves was right back on top of her, pinning to the ground and cutting off an escape once again. And just when Maxie was thinking that things couldn't possibly get worse? They took another downward turn.

Although her jeans were somewhat down, Maxie was assuming Reeves was going to try and strip her off before going on to the ... next stage. Apparently not. Maxie gasped audibly as she felt a hand suddenly intrude underneath her panties, rubbing and stroking her pussy.

No no no please no -ahhh!

Maxie's entire body tensed up as Reeves violated her vagina, forcing his fingers inside of her entrance. All at once, every bit of defiance simply crumbled and Maxie started to sob unashamedly, her mind an utter blank at the feel of being invaded so utterly. Reeves was inside of her, probing away at her most intimate region with creeping, horrific fingers. For a few moments, she just shook, crying all the while. Maxie's hands unconciously swept the ground alongside her, searching for something - anything that could end this.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:10 am
by Slayer†
She's really enjoying this, isn't she?

It didn't take long for Adam to notice that Maxie was starting to get turned on by the lavish attention he was paying to her body, and that realization made the grin widen on his face. Oddly enough, not in a creepy or lecherous manner, but just a pleased-looking smile which definitely looked odd as his right hand's fingers almost greedily stroked and rubbed Maxie's genitals. He'd first gotten an idea of it when he'd kissed her nipples and almost immediately felt them harden as they perked up and her breasts swelled slightly. The way she was moving and occasionally shivering when he touched her wasn't all disgust, he assumed, so it wasn't long before he caught on. Especially when she unexpectedly failed to resist one of his kisses, their tongues tangling together and pressing against one another for a few instants, which served to make him even more excited than he was.

Heh, well if you want it that badly...

Maxie may or may not have known, but he was hoping to get exactly the reaction she was giving. Well, not the struggling and disgust, but the fact that her body was steadily becoming more and more aroused. On the one, more malicious, hand, it would be far more humiliating for Maxie if he actually forced her to want him, to actively consent to what he was doing (and really, considering as far as he knew she had all but kissed him, he had no real reason to assume otherwise). On the other hand, though, he wanted to enjoy every inch of her body while he had the chance, and due to old habits was approaching it just like he used to when sleeping with girls. Maybe he was hoping that if he pleasured her enough, she'd give in and give herself to him, old wishful thinking. Could have been something else entirely.

"What's wrong? You look like you're having a good time," he said as his left hand temporarily rose to cup her cheek, the tone being a disturbing mix of mocking and loving or affectionate, "just relax and enjoy the show."

A kiss on the cheek, and then his hand would go into her panties, causing Maxie to gasp audibly. As far as Adam was concerned, the proverbial last straw came when he found Maxie's clit and started to stroke it, drawing a slight gasp of pleasure from her before she stopped and glared at him. Another kiss, a few more seconds of sensually stroking the inside of her, and then he withdrew his fingers from Maxie and actually seemed to back off. That wasn't the case however, as his hands soon went down to her trainers and pulled at them to try to get them off, doing the same for her socks if he succeeded. Kicking off his own boots, assuming there wasn't any resistance, his hands would move back to the waistline of her jeans and pull down until he'd slid them off of her entirely. His shorts and came down and then he was on her again, kissing and groping and grinding, touching and caressing her nearly naked body all over before he made an effort at her panties too. If that worked she'd be entirely nude underneath him, the fabric of his underwear being the only thing that kept him from actually penetrating her with his erect member all but trying to push into her as he continued to press his body close to her.

If you want it so much, who am I to say no?

At the moment his hands were actually around her back, one on her back and one behind her head, almost trying to pull her up close to him. They'd snake back around to her front though, still fondling her almost gently but with the element of lust still there. Trailing down her abdomen and waist, still softly kissing her neck, face, and lips, they slipped around to stimulate her rear and upper legs some more before he pulled down his undergarments, leaving both of them naked in the rain. Seizing her legs and wrapping them around his waist after fingering her a bit more, he again started to trail kisses down her body, but this time not stopping until he'd reached her entrance (naturally he had to back up a bit to reach said entrance). Touching the clit a few times with his tongue while his hands manipulated the inside of her thighs, he began to thrust inside of her wetness with it, penetrating her repeatedly. Almost too aroused to think straight, part of him was wondering why he didn't take her right now, but he thought that could wait a bit.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:11 am
by Pigeon Army†
Leo was shocked.

Not "Why won't someone think of the children" shocked - no, Leo's shock had gone much further than that. He was bearing direct witness to rape. There wasn't anything he could do about it - Leo may have had a good swinging arm, but his swing plus the club would still not be enough to even dent the skin on the head of that massive slobbering creature. He'd managed to distract himself a little by writing down the kills and deaths on his pad when the announcement blared over the speakers, which had left him marking out Trish McCarroll and Bobby Jacks for avoiding, but nothing was distracting him now from the heinous act in front of him.

Leo simply couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm not watching any more of this."

Leo ran off into the rain.

((Leo continued in Amaro))

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:11 am
by Namira
L-look like I'm havin' a good time?

This whole thing was twisted, and in more ways than one. His touch was so very tender for what he was truly doing, Maxie's tears showing full well exactly the nature of what was going on, her real response to his gleeful fingering of her insides. Every fibre of her being screaming at the wrongness of this, about her disgust, about her sheer and utter despair of Reeves' actions. He was growing closer and closer to something irrevocable and no doubt death to follow, and Maxie could no longer muster even a token resistance to him. Nowhere except inside of her head could she do anything.

She was breathing heavily, choking sobs really, as Reeves moved downwards to remove her shoes and socks, eyes glazed over. This abrupt departure gave Maxie momentary, very fleeting hope, but even as the thought reached her fear-dulled mind, Reeves had seized hold of her again, preventing her from moving away. Maxie felt her jeans being slid off her and jerked her head back up, noting with some fear that Reeves, too, was down to his underwear, a sizeable tent being made out of his shorts by his hard-on. She was almost paralyzed as he put his hands all over her again, and hardly murmured as he hooked his thumbs into the cord of her panties and pulled them down, baring her pussy to (as Maxie was unaware of the situation with the cameras, and glad of it she was too) the thousands of people no doubt fixed on this sensual scene.

Stop it! STOP IT YOU COCKSUCKIN' ASSHOLE! Leave me alone, please leave me- god please. Somebody. SOMEBODY PLEASE HE-

Maxie went rigid as Reeves' tongue entered her vagina and then her entire body shook as her legs clenched tightly together (which unfortunately, did little towards stopping Reeves). Maxie's mouth opened, but not a sound came out. She didn't know exactly what had happened, but the feeling of another part of him invading her triggered another sweeping wave of revulsion through her. Her silence broke abruptly with something approaching a wail, and Maxie's crying began anew.

"A-Adam! Please!" she choked out, as if the plea would do any good.

An insufferable grin crossed Reeves' face as his head came back into view, seemingly interpreting Maxie's reaction as something other than it really was. There was a brief cessitation after that, then Reeves shifted himself up again, his fully erect member brushing against Maxie's sex, causing her to shiver again, shrinking back as far as she could, which wasn't exactly far. She didn't want to look down, knew she shouldn't... but then couldn't help it. Maxie let out a whimper of despair as she saw Reeves' erection bobbing between their bodies, hovering bare centimetres above her pussy. Maxie's scrambling hands suddenly alighted on something - an eleventh hour lifeline. Something fist-sized, jagged, with rough edges. It was a rock, she'd found a rock just in the nick of...

Maxie screamed a gut-wrenching scream as Reeves hilted himself inside of her in one brutal movement. He tore into her, ripping at her insides in one thrust. Maxie couldn't comprehend, not even for a moment, what he'd done to her. Understanding, perhaps, would come later. The present, the here and now... was nothing more than the pain of being ravaged in the most intimate of ways possible. As Reeves started to pull out Maxie, almost instinctively, brought her too-late last minute saving grace into play, bringing the rock around as hard as she possibly could. It slammed into Reeves' temple with a crunch, leaving a small bloodstain and sending her attacker's eyes rolling back in his head. The sheer force of the blow knocked him sideways and with a shove from below, Maxie got Reeves off of her, sending him rolling clear.

Letting out incoherent sobs of pain, Maxie tried to scramble away from Reeves, get her clothes. Through the sickness pervading her mind and the pain wracking her body, one thought managed to burn. She had to escape, had to make the most of the window of opportunity before it was slammed shut. However, as far as clothing went she only managed to lay hands on her jeans (which were right nearby) and pull her panties most of the way back on before falling again, still essentially naked. Something warm was trickling down the insides of her thighs. Maxie didn't need to look to know that it was blood.

Gotta get away before... before.

Maxie fell again, stars flashing before her eyes, unable to act through her pain-filled haze.

Re: Desperation

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:11 am
by Cactus
((Continued from the Jail House))

I just can't deal...can't fuckin' deal...this isn't fuckin' happening...there's no fuckin' way...fuckin', fuckity fuckin' FUCK!

A similar little ditty had been playing throughout Keith Jackson's mind since he'd snapped and bolted from the jailhouse. The concept of travelling with a group in which one of the members was carrying around his buddy Guy's head was a little too much for Keith to handle - not to mention the distrust and skepticism that was flowing through the small jailhouse. He had been forced to eject himself from it - something bad had been coming, of that he was sure, and running away was the only way he knew how to deal with that kind of situation.

He'd done it before, of course. Running away from your problems wasn't exactly a solution that was foreign to Keith Jackson. If he really thought about it, there were already two - even more, instances in which he'd just bolted, not thinking about anyone else except himself. He'd left Izzy Cheung and Trey Layton behind, and Trey ended up dead.

That's fuckin' masterful, Keith. You're a real, grade-A stand-up fuckin' guy. Your friends trusted you, an' ya just fuckin' up and take off. Good fuckin' job.

Then, he'd done it again when he'd been in the danger zone with Kallie, Guy, and Alice. Two had ended up at the jailhouse, and only one and a quarter of the other pairing had met up with them. At the analogy in his head, Keith shuddered. Running away never seemed to bode well for anyone but himself, and internally, Keith bitterly wondered how his parents would look at him, just standing up and running away from situations that required a thick resolve and a hard shell to get through. If anything happened to Kallie - who he'd left...

Guess that's three fuckin' times now. An' I won't hear about it til tomorrow, if anythin' did happen. If I even make it that long...damn...

Keith had long fancied himself as someone who did the right thing, who was usually a pretty decent guy. He'd sometimes daydreamed about himself as a heroic kind of person - and he'd certainly roleplayed as such. But now? When Keith was faced with such horrific events and thrown into the face of treachery and despair? He began to realize what kind of a person that he really was.

Keith spat as the thought went through his head.

I'm a fuckin' coward.

Hefting the shotgun and brushing away some foliage, he wore a bitter expression on his face. If these were truly to be his last days, it was some kind of irony that he was having all kinds of self-revelation right now. Of course, it was the truth. His actions seemed to spell that out for him, and there really wasn't a huge amount of evidence to the contrary. If that was the case? Maybe Kallie was better off with Darnell and the others. At least they wouldn't have a coward holding them back, running off on them when they needed his supposed strength.

As he blindly stumbled his way through the foliage, Keith stopped suddenly as he heard what sounded like a struggle coming immediately ahead of him. The voices were loud, but the rain (which was beginning to settle down, finally) drowned most of them out. The only thing Keith could hear was an angry tone, matched by one sounding as though it were in combined state of extreme ecstasy and pain. He only heard one word clearly throughout the whole thing.

"A-Adam! Please!"

Then a scream.

Immediately, Keith's brain shot itself out of its doldrums and sprang to life. It was a girl's voice - whose, he couldn't be certain, but by the name, Keith was only aware of two men who were named Adam who attended Southridge in the twelfth grade. One was a particularily large jackass by the name of Adam Reeves; a wrestler and a grade-A asshole, by Keith's own opinion.

The other, of course, was Adam Dodd.

From day one, he'd had a bit of a tiff with the thought of Dodd attending Southridge, and even more of a problem with the eventual interest that he'd shown in Izzy Cheung; a fairly innocent person by what he knew of her. He also knew that Dodd was a trifle fucked-up, he'd already killed, and if that was Izzy and she was in trouble...?

Maybe I can get some sorta' fuckin' redemption goin' on...

Pressing forward, Keith picked up speed and barrelled towards the sounds, the path he was blazing sounding like a steamroller through the jungle. Finally, he jumped out of the foliage and on to what looked like a dirt path - the sight before him not at ALL what he'd expected to see. Mouth agape, he found himself gawking at the sight before him.

"...the FUCK is this?!"

Maxie Dasai wasn't necessarily the most attractive girl at Southridge, but she certainly had a solid body on her, and Keith'd snuck himself a glance now and again. If she'd actually given a shit about taking care of herself a little better, Keith might have found himself pursuing her. As it stood, though, Maxie was really just eye-candy for those who actually noticed. At this point though, it was hard NOT to notice. Maxie Dasai lay on the ground - essentially nude, her pants barely on her legs and panties pulled virtually all of the way down her legs, and was that blood on her thighs? She was covered in dirt and mud from the ground, and in one of her hands, she held a bloody rock. She looked as though she were struggling to remain coherent. From having run into her before, he knew that this was obviously not how she was ordinarily. This would have been surprising enough for Keith (she did have a SOLID body, and naked it looked even better), were it not for object number two that lay to her left.

Even sprawled out, Keith would know the large form of Adam Reeves without question. The tall wrestler was a monster of a man, and even a guy as built as Keith himself would feel intimidated by a guy that size staring him down in a corner. As it was now, though, Adam was sprawled out, bleeding from the head, completely naked.

It didn't take a genius to see what was happening here, and Keith considered himself a pretty smart guy; putting the pieces together pretty quickly. Doing a quick double-take at the situation, he quickly brought the shotgun up and pointed it directly a Reeves, his gaping jaw turning into one of anger.

"Th'FUCK is goin' on here, you asswipe? There's no FUCKIN' way that this is what it looks like, is it? IS IT?"

Keith felt personally offended, as though someone had been messing with him or a close personal friend. While he knew Maxie and Adam both from school; and had run into Maxie on the island once before, knowing neither all that well, he also knew that the two of them virtually despised each other. Consensual sex, this was not. He'd stumbled onto a rape - and a potentially more volatile situation than the one he'd just walked out of. Weapon still pointed at Adam, Keith carefully walked over to where Maxie lay, and knelt down, carefully putting a hand on her shoulder - hoping it not to be interperted in a predatory manner, but a "it's okay, if he tries it again I'll shoot his balls off" kind of way. Glancing around for the rest of her clothing, Keith saw that her shirt was ripped and torn up something fierce, tossed a few feet away.


Jesus, Keith...what d'you think? 'Course she ain't alright. She just got fuckin' raped, you idiot! Th'fuck am I supposed to say, though...?

Heart beating, Keith waited. Either one of two things would happen. Reeves would get up, and Keith would shoot him, or Maxie would respond, and they'd get the fuck out of there. It frightened Keith how real the first option seemed to him - and how little of a problem with it that he had.