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Re: Sweet for Some and Painful for Others [CONTENT]

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:22 am
by Namira
Katie was a little confused by the reaction which came back at her from the other side of the shower stall. On the other hand, Rio had just been rather badly traumatised, by all accounts, so it wasn't too surprising that she wasn't particularly coherent. Still... it was hardly reassuring that Rio couldn't recognise the voice of one of her best friends, even with the circumstances as they were.

"Hey, don't worry, it's Katie. C'mon, I'll get your clothes and we can leave before anybody else comes in." Katie said through the door, in what she hoped was a soothing tone. Unless they left quickly, there would be all sorts in here - and a lot of the girls had reason to dislike Rio. It was a natural flair, a natural firiness. She and Katie weren't too different, when it came down to it, Katie was just better at surpressing her anger and temper, and didn't have the acting potential... but that was by the by, her priority was getting Rio out of there before things went from bad (putting it lightly) to worse for the rising (or was it falling now?) star.

Katie didn't really care how this situation had come around in the first place, in all honesty, the most important thing was that her friend was in trouble and she was going to do her very best to get her out of it. That was just the way she was. If somebody would be designated driver on a night out, it would be Katie, if someone stayed sober to keep an eye on their friends, it would be Katie. She had been a worrier for a long time now, and although it could be annoying, it was worth it at many a time.

Re: Sweet for Some and Painful for Others [CONTENT]

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:22 am
by laZardo†
"Pleasejust...someonegetme...atowel...please" the redhead whimpered. She kept her gaze fixed on the gap under the shower door. There would soon be a lot of pairs of legs filling up that narrow view, and inevitably a few faces as well. How better (per se) to complete the worst day of Reneé's life than to have her cornered, helpless and defenseless in the shower until a "responsible adult" arrived? Never mind that it was Katie, one of the few people Rio could have called a "friend" since she settled in Highland Beach to foster her Hollywood career, who was "cornering" her right now, and that the crowd was dissipating outside.

Fresh with a hot new rumor...this must all be just a bad dream...

And perhaps it was her state of mind, but Reneé didn't trust a single soul right now, not even Katie Nellt. For all she knew Katie could be trying to lure her out for more humiliation, even as the school principal was now searching for a "masked kid" that had sexually assaulted someone in the hallways. Reneé certainly hadn't been much better than Katie at suppressing her emotions ever since karma claimed the lives of her former "crew" back in if moving down to what she now deemed one shithole of a school wasn't karma enough.

Re: Sweet for Some and Painful for Others [CONTENT]

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:22 am
by Namira
Despite her friend being near hysterical, Katie could just about make out what she was telling her through the door. Oh yeah, right, I should probably have gone and got it in the first place... Katie looked around and spotted Reneé's bag, lying on the floor, persumably where it had been dropped. Towel? I can do one better. Katie went over as quickly as possible and grabbed the bag, first checking that it actually had some clothes in it. Then she returned to the shower stall and slid the bag awkwardly underneath the door, although it needed a little forcing to push it through the fairly narrow gap.

"There, now get your clothes on and we can get the heck out of here pronto," Katie was still rather worried, it had been up to five minutes since Reneé had first come back into the locker room, in any case, it wouldn't be too long before the onlookers that had caused Rio to become so distressed (and probably what she was now afraid of seeing) came onto the scene. Katie anxiously rubbed her hands together as she stood there. What had started as a normal day had turned into a rollercoaster, and considered that was how she felt, Rio must have been even worse...

Re: Sweet for Some and Painful for Others [CONTENT]

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:22 am
by laZardo†
Worse was an understatement in describing how Rio felt compared to Katie...but she didn't want to even have to think about why again. That didn't mean she still obsessed about it as Katie slipped her bag through. Rio quickly pulled it to herself like a starving prisoner receiving his first meal in months.

Rio cringed as she lifted her free arm up to close the shower because it was drenching her bag. She had to force herself to "pin" her injured arm to her chest because it wasn't even supported. Once the water had been shut off (not completely, it was still trickling though Rio's desire to get clothed was more important than getting dry,) she rifled through her open clothes bag until she found a jacket (thankfully her own) that she often wore, and partially wore it such that only her free arm found its way through a sleeve. She was not going to risk injuring her other arm even more...though it was still aching like a bitch, no pun intended. It was aching enough that Katie could probably have heard grunts and moans of pain through the door as Rio was dressing herself.

The only other article of clothing she managed to put on was her jean-shorts, which she thankfully knew how to button up with one hand...though it meant letting her injured arm go unsupported for a few more harrowing seconds. She had to lean back against the wet stall walls as she slowly got back up, in what seemed like her previous slump played in reverse...and in slow motion. She winced repeatedly as her leg sometimes twitched as it tried to recover from the pain.

She unlatched and opened the door slowly, peeking out to make sure that not too many people were outside. There was Katie, to be sure...but there were a few other confused-looking girls in various stages of dress that also watched her get out. At the doorway to the locker room - which was not in direct view from the stall, there were a few still-curious onlookers (most of them obviously male) wondering whatever happened to the redhead that Blood Boy stood up to.

At least he's not around...I hope...

Trembling and shivering and snivelling, Rio Valenti slowly stepped out of the shower like a child taking her first steps. She didn't go back for her bag, someone could pick that up for her later. Besides which, the only place she had in mind now was the clinic...and then the safety of her own house. The latter of which she wanted to stay in for a very long time.


((Rio continued elsewhere. I'm going on vacation for a few days, check the Away thread to find out why. Katie can escort her out and I give Clueless permission to RP any possible hallway reactions if it doesn't directly affect Renee's actions too badly.))

((Continued in Beauty, Beast and Boxer))

Re: Sweet for Some and Painful for Others [CONTENT]

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:22 am
by Namira
((Been kinda leaving this hanging, I'll just finish it up))

Katie put a friendly arm around Reneé, trying to communicate all the comfort she wished to say through a mere hand. She couldn't speak right now though, because the pack was gathering. Hyenas. Katie thought bitterly. Vultures. What kind of sick fuck likes laughing at others' misfortune? To her, that was exactly what they were doing, getting their kicks just because they disliked somebody. Hell, if it was somebody who was their friend they'd probably still do it.

Katie just tried to get Rio out of there as quickly as possible, nudging her on a little, making sure she would walk a little faster. The quicker they left, the better. A couple of the guys, peering into the locker room in a perverted fashion, let out guffaws or whoops when the pair of them emerged. Katie persuaded her seething mind not to retaliate. As one of them made a particularly vulgar comment - Katie decided that the restriction pertained only to physical striking. She simply responded by lifting the middle finger of her free hand emphatically at them. There were a couple of indignant shouts, but finally, Katie got Rio away.

"Let's get you out of here," Katie murmured to her friend.

((Katie continued elsewhere))