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Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:57 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Was it too late to find somewhere else to sit? Yeah, shit, it was too late to find somewhere else to sit without resigning herself to sitting next to the pariahs and the social rejects that always had seats open next to them. Those open seats were trapped, and sitting in them was a sure way to bump yourself down a few notches on the social ladder. Cheri didn't care about being popular, but she did care about being seen as explicitly unpopular, so that was a route unavailable to go down.

But this was tough to listen to, and even tougher to try and find a response that didn't either derail the whole thing or play further into Myles being Myles. Let Camilla fall into that trap; Cheridene wasn't interested in following suit.

"Big concern for me," Cheri said finally, "is just how we can't get nice shit in the classrooms but you know this school's getting tons of money from somewhere. Read the news lately? Canon wants our teachers packin' heat, but they ain't even got fuckin' markers."

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:58 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Camilla turned to Myles, and just quickly nodded in acknowledgement. She fought the urge to jump in with a comment about that whole green burial craze, and instead kept her mouth shut in the painfully awkward smile that her not-quite-true laughter had molded it into.

Should she laugh again? I mean, he was clearly making another joke about the cafeteria food. But twice in a row? That would just look like sucking up.

Cheri said something, but Camilla couldn't quite hear it over her internal screaming. Teachers... packing heat? The meaning of that escaped her at that moment. Maybe she should ask for clarification.

She opened her mouth, and considered shutting it again when she changed her mind on asking. Instead, she let out a quiet giggle. Giggle at Myles' joke. Giggle at Cheri's maybe-it-was-a-joke-oh-god-I-hope-it-was-a-joke. Giggle at the joke that is Camilla's social skills. She giggled a bit more, with her head lowered. Laughter helps relieve stress. right? She ceased her out-of-place laughter and glanced up at her two table-mates.

She then lowered her head again, and took another bite of her sandwich, both to hide her shame.

Great job, Camilla.

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:58 am
by backslash
Oh jeez.

Newgirl didn't take the bait and instead opted to giggle like she was on the verge of a psychotic break, and now Cheridene was trying to turn this into a serious discussion or something. Myles's smile faded into a more thoughtful expression. And a slight pout.

"I don't know about you," he said to the table in general, "but I'd rather not have, say, Mr. Faust trying to restore order to the classroom with a Glock. I think music lessons would turn into dancing lessons real quick, if you catch my drift."

Okay, that was actually kind of an amusing mental image. Like an old cartoon, or that one scene in Back to the Future 3. Moonwalk on away from that school shooter, buddy.

...Wow, even with Myles trying to course-correct, this conversation was getting dark.

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:58 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"We've all got a teacher or two that we wouldn't trust with a gun," Cheri said in a more general agreement. Myles seemed to be handling this situation with an unusual amount of gravity. He acted, at least in this moment, more morose than she was used to seeing him. Preparing for the possibility that it was all an act leading up back to his usual attitude was key for surviving lunch with Myles.

"And then you got the ones that's break themselves in half. Ms. Clark-Moone would break her wrist." Cheridene took another drink. "Anyway, think we can all agree, stupid fuckin' idea."

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:58 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Camilla looked up, and took a deep breath.

Ah, so this was about the arming-teachers-with-guns fiasco. Camilla could feel her nervous smile melt away, realizing this wasn't a joke. It seems she had let herself get too accustomed to how she expected party kids to act.

Even Myles seemed serious now, holy shit.

Contribute something to the conversation. Be serious. Try to get them to forget your little inane giggling a few seconds prior.

"Yeah. Besides, for something supposedly meant to protect students, it seems to put guns way closer to potential school-shooter-type kids," she commented.

She then took another bite out of her sandwich, making a point not to lower her head this time. Act a certain way, and you'll end up becoming the mask, or something.

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:58 am
by backslash
"Politicians in general are stupid," Myles said, opting for what he thought was the least-inflammatory general statement he could make. "I mean, don't tell Juliette that I said that though." He half-smiled, but it was going to take a few minutes to dredge a chipper attitude back up after the turn the conversation had taken.

Of course, now Newgirl decided to pick up her slack in the conversation. Look. Myles wasn't here for deep conversation or debates. He wasn't into decisions that had real consequences, especially when the decision itself was out of his hands.

And here's the other thing: Myles talked a lot of smack. That was kind of his deal. But he'd been around the block enough times to know what you could and couldn't say, and this was starting to veer dangerously close to speculating which of their classmates seemed the most likely to lose their shit in the worst way. A crowded cafeteria with classmates and teachers on all sides was the literal worst possible place and time to have that discussion.

Newgirl might have been quiet, but she sure had no chill.

"Anyway y'all, my real concern in the day-to-day is whether Ms. Clarke-Moone is going to fall over and break her hip if I sneeze in her direction. I don't think the lady needs any more risks in her working life." Talking smack about teachers was always fine though, as long as you didn't get too personal. If someone took exception, he might get a slap on the wrist, but he had never gotten anything worse. You just had to know which lines to walk.

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:59 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Was this really going to turn into talks of who was going to go all Virginia Tech on them? Shit, Cheridene didn't want to think about that at all. She had her little sister in this school as a sophomore. Her baby brother was coming to this school in a year. She didn't want to think about little Isaiah being a freshman and then something terrible happening when she wasn't around to do anything about it... and she wasn't about to count on Anna to go save his ass either. Nobody should have to be put in that sort of situation.

For once, Myles' random mashing of words to form vaguely relevant sentences came as a boon, and Cheri was all over that change of topic. She didn't know much about Ms. Clarke-Moone aside from her being the French teacher; Cheri took Spanish because she believed it would be more relevant, unless she wanted to move to Louisiana for work. California or Texas was more likely at this stage... fewer bugs, less humidity, and those both sounded like nice options. They also happened to be full of Mexicans, so maybe a few years in Spanish would help her to buy really cheap avocados and tell whether cooks were talking shit behind her back.

"Fuck man, all I know is I wanna go home. This day can't end fast enough."

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:59 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Camilla could only nod and chew as Myles was talking, finishing up her sandwich. She only knew Ms. Clarke-Moone as 'that scary french teacher', but could you really blame her? If she had to deal with bratty teenagers all day in a subject most bratty teens didn't take awfully seriously, Camilla figured she'd become just a little bit frustrated too.

Talking about guns, and possible school shootings... it seemed like a faraway cry, something that just couldn't happen here. Still, as much as she'd like to deny it, the risk was still there. She could still feel the quiver of anxiety in her stomach at the thought, no matter how abstract and poorly-envisioned it was.

When Cheri talked about how she wanted to go home, Camilla felt as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Gun debates with trusted friends in a corner to yourselves was one thing, gun debates with nigh-strangers in the middle of the cafeteria at peak lunch hours was another entirely.

"It never does, sadly." Camilla responded with a sigh, and she put down the crusts of the sandwich in its plastic box, and shoved the box into her backpack. No snacks today, sadly. Maybe Friday, she'd be lucky enough.

She grabbed her notebook, then hesitated. Were these people exactly known for being outstanding students? For taking their studies seriously? How would they react at the sight of her doing math homework in the middle of lunch? It was her usual routine, sure, but that was when she ate lunch alone or with the other gardening club members. This was not the gardening club's company she was in.

"Homework? Now? Ugh, what a nerd."

She slowly pulled her hand out of her bag. She clasped the two of them together in front of her, pushing her two index fingers against one another. Her full attention was on her table-mates now. She waited for something to respond to.

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:59 am
by backslash
"I hear you," Myles agreed with the new sentiment settling over the table. He could relax a little now that the seriousness seemed to be passing.

He dared to fish his phone out of his pocket and check the time, even with the ever-present risk of someone who took exception to modern convenience swooping out of nowhere to chastise him. The lunch period might be ending soon enough, but they had the whole afternoon looming ahead of them.

"But anyway," Myles returned his phone to his pocket and turned his full attention to Newgirl. Cheri's patience seemed to be running thin, and he didn't want to poke her too much if that was the case. "We got sidetracked. What's been eating you?"

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:59 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Myles could have phrased that better four different ways, Cheri thought.

Well, the ball was in Camilla's court at the moment. Just as well; Cheri was getting tired of talking. She was almost running out of food too and, wouldn't you know it, lunch only had five or so minutes remaining. Tomorrow she'd pick a different table and start the process all over again. With any luck, it may not even be awkward. When she could catch a table with... say, 'Zona, at least they had the consistent and grueling topic of the basketball season to talk about.

Sigh... that's right, basketball was over and done with, and now here she was, as a senior. Likely not good enough to play for a college team either... and that just reminded her of the question of whether or not she'd be going to college, most likely leaning toward 'no'. For... now, anyway. Cheri frowned and leaned harder on the table.

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:59 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
"What's been eating me?" Camilla responded, buying herself a little time to think. Actually no, she spent that time focusing on her talking, dammit.

Didn't Myles ask her this before? Was that the point of this whole conversation? He did say they got sidetracked before he said this. Hm, might as well answer. This time, in a bit more detail.

"I thought I-" No, no, no, that's coming out condescending-sounding, he probably remembers what she said before. "Well, it's the usual. Homework, parents, and thinking about damn close graduation is now."


"Though I think it's-"

What was that? Camilla was going to ask why Myles was so interested in 'what's been eating her'. Maybe it was his way of saying "Hey, you're acting weird." That was none of her business, though. Her business, if that was the case, was to explain herself in socially-acceptable manner. Ah, never mind. She'd already started asking. Got to finish it now. You can't leave people hanging like that.

"Though I think it's odd you'd be asking me that." Camilla said, slower this time.

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:00 am
by backslash
There we go. Myles relaxed further, satisfied and now somewhat amused again. "Hm? Is it odd? I'm just curious."

Just curious. That was one of several phrases that would have been a red flag to anyone who knew Myles well, signalling that he was fishing for information again. He had a few stock phrases on hand and didn't really care that it made him a bit predictable. In a way, it made things more entertaining when people failed to pick up on his cues.

Cheri was sharp enough that she might notice, but he doubted that Camilla -- That was her name! Jeez, that took him long enough. Anyway, he doubted that she would catch on.

"What, do I not seem like I'd care? Anyway, you didn't actually answer me earlier."

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:00 am
by MK Kilmarnock
She wanted to have many reactions to Camilla conversationally shooting herself in the foot, but all the things Cheri wanted to say just sorta coalesced into one clearing of the throat, accompanied by the motion of swinging one of her legs over the bench. In doing so, she had completed what most high school kids would recognize as the international body language for 'I'm about to high tail it outta here.'

'Just curious.' That's a phrase she'd definitely heard Myles use before and if any of Camilla's deer-in-headlights conversational prowess had told her anything, one could only assume that she didn't recognize it to be the flashing hazard that Cheri did.

And y'know, she didn't much feel kind to warning her about it either. Because after a certain point, Cheri felt, you were honestly asking for that sort of thing. Yeah, it was awkward phrasing, and there might have been some double meaning behind asking 'hey, what's eating you?' (though Cheri was at a total loss for what that mey have been). But over-analyzing it like a political candidate responding to the question certainly wasn't the right way of going about things, either. It was the George Hunter cafeteria for fuck's sake, not the capitol building.

"How's your head, girl?" Cheri quipped, not caring if Camilla got that one, either. "Alright well, I wanna beat the bell, some asshole decided my locker should be as far as possible from like, all of my classes. Hope you figure out what's uh, eating people." Cheridene grabbed her tray and swung her other leg over. Peeeeace out.

((Cheridene Williams continued elsewhere))

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:00 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
"How's my-?"

Unfortunately, Cheri left before Camilla could say much of anything. All she could do was watch her go.

...What? How's your head? She felt Cheri was implying something, but what? Was she worried about her? But they just met, so that probably isn't. Actually, it could be, some people are like that. No, no, maybe that is it. "How's your head?" It was something she could imagine Aunt Caroline saying. Still, not in the way Cheri said it. Was she... was she calling her dumb? Well, she wouldn't blame her for thinking that. Camilla had probably made more than her fair share of blunders in this conversation, after all. Still, the wording seemed off...

Ah, she was overthinking this too much, wasn't she? Since she left right afterwards, it probably wasn't too important of a question in any case. She turned back to Myles.

"I mean, you literally just met me..."

Hey, didn't he mention she didn't answer earlier?

"I mean, sorry for not answering and all, of course, I just don't see why you'd be interested."

Re: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:00 am
by backslash
Myles snorted at Cheridene's parting shot and didn't bother to hide it. Poor Camilla was clueless enough that he might have felt bad for teasing her if he thought that there was any chance she would catch on sometime before they all graduated.

"Well I mean, I thought I was just being friendly. Is it really weird to ask?"

Did Camilla even have anything going on in her personal life that would be of interest to anyone besides herself? Myles doubted it, seeing how he'd gotten through most of the lunch period without even remembering her name.

Then again, people liked to warn you about the quiet ones. It wasn't true that the real crazy always came from the people you didn't expect, but every so often...

Well, it never hurt to dig a little. Almost never.