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Re: Ice Cream, Kit Kats, and Whales

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:19 pm
by Tythanin†
"Oh, Spice Girls?" Melissa responded with a bit of surprise. She wasn't unfamiliar with the group, having heard at least one of their songs here and there in her life. It wasn't anything that she was particularly fond of or excited about, but she did have to admit that had a certain type of catchy rhythm that was a little addicting to listen to. It was a surprising answer, though. She definitely didn't expect that to be Aileen's answer. She expected something more like...Green Day or something metal, not 90s music. 'Hmmm...pretty cool...'

Aileen suddenly let out a shout and Melissa followed her gaze to look at one of the ever helpful directories and maps that the mall had scattered around its three floors. She walked up to it with the other girl, ignoring her slightly embarrassed tone as examined the map carefully. She gave Aileen a reassuring smile. "Hey, everyone forgets about these things sometimes. Don't worry about that we know it's here, we'll be sure to find a place that sells prom dresses, right?"

Re: Ice Cream, Kit Kats, and Whales

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:59 am
by KamiKaze
".... Right."

Nodding, Aileen placed her finger on the spot that said "You are here", and moved it along, trying to figure out where it was. Well, now that they had a map, they could find it, of course. After all, that's what maps were for; helping you find where something is.

"Hmmm... we started here, and then we could move in this direction..."

Her fingertip moved in random directions, stopping a bit whenever she had to look at the key on the bottom. Eventually, it stopped on one store, as she looked at the key to find the number it matched.

"Well, this one says "Formal" in the title, so it could be it. Unless it is referring to methylal, it has to be it. Now, what level is that?"

Aileen couldn't believe it. All she needed to do was just find the map, and she would have an idea where things were. Why didn't she think of it earlier?! Perhaps she was thinking of something else each time she passed one, or perhaps she just didn't even consider it. But, she was still human, and prone to making errors. Still though...

She looked to see what level it was, only to see it was done... a little oddly. It took her a while to figure out, but she did... or so she thought.

"Alright, judging by what the map says, it's on Level one. I'm not sure whether it can be trusted on that though, based on how confusing this thing is about levels."

Turning to Melissa, she spoke again.

"What do you think?"

Level one... wasn't that where all the "tween" stuff was? Like Hot Topic or whatever it's called, and Claire's? Would there really be what they're looking for? Aileen honestly doubted it. But, strange things popped up in strange places, of course. But, still! She could be wrong, or she could be right!

Re: Ice Cream, Kit Kats, and Whales

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:32 pm
by Tythanin†
"Well, this one says "Formal" in the title, so it could be it. Unless it is referring to methylal, it has to be it. Now, what level is that?"

Melissa tried to restrain a snicker, but it only made an amused grunt come out. She definitely wasn't expecting a chemistry joke out of nowhere and it really took her by surprise. The whole thing was just so nerdy. It was kind of cute, in a way. She doubted many people would immediately make the connection though.

"The first floor?" Melissa said with distaste in her voice, her mouth twisted in a slight frown. It wasn't like she hated all the main stores that were present there, but she disliked most of them and preferred to spend as little time there as possible. She never understood what people saw when they bought clothes from Hot Topic and it was always filled with kids that were trying to be...Melissa didn't really know what the term was for it but she thought it was annoying. But if that's what the map said...

"Yeah...I mean, you wouldn't put formal in the name if it didn't have something to do with...formal stuff, right? Let's go check it out."

Re: Ice Cream, Kit Kats, and Whales

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:59 am
by KamiKaze
Aileen got the feeling that they might have to go down there with loads of caution, but it was there, and would always be there. It would be upsetting if she and Melissa gave up so soon, really. It would make all their efforts... well, pointless. And no one wanted to make their own goals hit a dead end, right?

"Alright, I have the feeling we might have to bring swords and shields with us before we go there, but let's go. No use giving up now" she replied, heading to her left towards the elevator.

Heck, swords and shields? Aileen had the feeling they needed tanks.

If they had to encounter what you would usually expect from the tween level... well, they'd just quickly find the store, grab dresses, and move on out quickly like little ninjas. Or something. Aileen wasn't sure what other things were stealthy. Spies, perhaps? Cats? Anyways, they'd have to find it quickly, before someone spotted them. If they were spotted, they would head out of there as if escaping from a mountain lion, that was both hungry and trying to protect its young.

Turning to her left, she found the elevator, and started slowly stepping towards it, as if they were going off to war, and were going to attempt winning it all with only an army of two people. To her, it was. Who knew what kind of abominations that they had to go through on this level? Well, probably the normal abominations, actually. Nothing like Cthulhu or his friends. If there were, that would be... worrying, to say the least. But, nothing like that. She hoped. It was just the tween level, after all. No use getting nervous over small children, right? They were children, after all, and although Aileen could never actually see herself being a good parent, they were not to be mistreated in any way, shape, or form.

"I guess we'll have to use this thing, then, to get there", she said, in regards to the elevator.

Re: Ice Cream, Kit Kats, and Whales

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:33 am
by Tythanin†
"Hahaha, swords and shields, huh? Maybe we should don some plate armor or something for additional protection." Melissa joked with a happy smile. It was utterly ridiculous that they feared the "tween" level this much, but there was a sort of joy she felt when talking about this. It wasn't like they would even be harmed or mentally influenced by those kids, but it was always fun to hype up a nonexistent disaster. She guessed that's why so many people liked watching strange disaster movies. Maybe it was that and because those types of movies usually had amazing special effects and important landmarks blowing up.

When was the last time she watched a movie? She couldn't even remember. Her past was filled with school mornings, piano lessons or band in the afternoon, and studying in the evening sprinkled with random fun events like hanging out with friends (or god forbid, going to a family gathering). She mentally shuddered. Family gatherings were the worst. All they talked to her about was school and whenever they didn't need to quiz her on her grades, they spent hours upon hours discussing things and leaving her out of the loop. She envied her cousins. Most of them were already in college out of state and they didn't have to come visit.

She gave a start when Aileen suddenly spoke. "Huh? Oh yeah, the elevators. Are you ready to face the horde, Aileen? I know I am."

Re: Ice Cream, Kit Kats, and Whales

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:41 pm
by KamiKaze
Melissa... seemed to really appreciate that "swords and shields" comment. Was she being sarcastic, or did she did she find it humorous? Aileen's right hand slightly clenched itself. Damn, she had no idea how to pick up tone in other people's voices at times. Was she laughing at her, or with her? She really had no clue. All she knew was that she kept repeating the phrase "swords and shields". Aileen didn't really understand people sometimes, and this... was one of those times, really. Seriously. How did others act the way they did? It wasn't like Aileen was from some planet from another galaxy or something, but sometimes, it sure felt that way. She really did not "get" others, not as much as she hoped. Why were people so complex sometimes? It befuddled her, to be honest.

Oh well, might as not worry about it. It was probably nothing. Might as well not ponder it too much, or else she'll be thinking about it all day, to the point where absolutely nothing would be done.

"I... guess..." she started, as she stepped towards the elevator.

Horde? Oh yeah. Who knew how many tweens would be running around today? Probably a lot. Lots of tweens liked to shop, right? So... dang. Quite a lot would show up, actually. But, again, they were just children, and shouldn't be feared or mistreated. But... children made Aileen nervous, to be honest.

As Aileen pressed the button to make the elevator open, it promptly did so, and out came a guy carrying a few bags. Geez, how many things could you buy here and still be able to carry them? Judging by the amount he was carrying, she was surprised that he would be able to simply carry them without any help from anyone or anything whatsoever. People these days.

As she stepped in, Aileen pressed another button, this time to go to the proper level.

"Level one..." she mumbled to herself, as the elevator's doors slowly started to close.

((Aileen Borden continued in Horrors From Beyond))

Re: Ice Cream, Kit Kats, and Whales

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:51 pm
by Tythanin†
(OOC: It should not have taken me this long to post :< This is going to be drastically short too.)

She wasn't certain if Aileen was having a good time or not with that "I...guess..." comment, but she decided to interpret it as a sort of neutral comment. It was better than stark silence, she supposed. She hated it when things were silent. There were two types of silence in the world. One was the peaceful sort you supposedly felt when you died or the silence of a sunny, breezy hill with nothing more than the leaves crackling in the wind to tease your ears. And then there was the awkward silence where tension hung so thick that you needed a knife to cut it and that a single wrong word could unleash an explosion of rage and words that did nothing but hurt. She had way too much experience with the latter and she hated it. So even two small words were good enough to satisfy her.

A man laden with bags walked past them as they entered the elevator and she briefly wondered just how much money he had spent this day. People always said that women were the heavy shoppers, but this guy might be the exception to the rule. Well, it wasn't her business. She could only hope that one day she'd be successful enough to afford things like a full day shopping spree. It was nice to be lucky.

Aileen pressed the button to Level One and Melissa waited next to her, hands folded behind her back. 'I shouldn't get jealous...there are plenty of other people who need much more. For now though, I'll just try to let Aileen have a good time.'

(Melissa Li continued in Horrors From Beyond)