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Re: Music of the Spheres

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:04 pm
by AnimeDutchess†
Asher laughed, too. His laugh was stilted, and a bit deep for a high school kid, but it was his laugh, and he couldn't do a thing about it. Why would he, anyway? The song had been so ridiculous he had to laugh.

He'd enjoyed himself, though, and that was the important thing.

He nodded as Tom left, understanding the need for water. His own throat felt a little dry, he pondered this, Rudy said goodbye.

"Oh! Later."

...And now he was all alone. Ah, well, such was life. He glanced up at the wall clock...

And cringed.

"Fuck! I'm late!" He exclaimed, grabbing his bookbag and pratically running out of the room. If he was going to at least be able to change into his uniform for fencing before the coach came, he was going to have to hurry...

((Asher Kerrington continued in Fencing...No, Not That Kind.))