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Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:34 pm
by BetaKnight
"Hey James," Aislyn answered as she nodded gratefully to Thea for moving her desk back. As she waited for one of the two of them to offer her their notes, she noticed James pass a note to Thea, who read it and responded before passing it back to James. Aislyn raised an incredulous eyebrow. Are they passing notes? We're seniors in high school, sitting in literature circles so we can discuss things, and they're passing notes?

As she watched, James opened the note, read it, started to write, apparently changed his mind and scribbled something out, started again, folded up the note, and then passed it back to Thea. Oh-kay. This has got to be something they don't want anyone to overhear since they're still passing the note. So it's either something really embarrassing or really juicy. Aislyn wasn't usually much of a gossip, but she was intrigued by whatever was going on.

Trying to be as unobtrusive as possible, she leaned forward and propped her chin in the palm of her hand. Tilting her head a bit, she strained to try and read the illicit note that Thea was currently answering. Much to her irritation, she could see quite a few lines of text on the page but she couldn't make out anything that James and Thea had scrawled.

Aislyn had to bite her lip to keep a frustrated huff from escaping her. Hello! I'm sitting right here and you're both STILL ignoring me and passing notes! This is so incredibly rude! The least you two could do is cough up your notes so I could copy them while you keep gossiping or doing whatever the hell it is you're doing!

Deciding to take matters into her own hands, Aislyn placed both hands flat on her desk and sat up ramrod straight before clearing her throat. "Uhmmm, guys. I really hate to be the buzzkill for your little note-passing party here, but don't you think Mr. Howard is gonna notice that there's no discussion going on here and get suspicious? And if either one of you could, you know, let me see your notes for today, that would be super awesome. Please." She tried to summon a pleasant smile onto her face to offset the cranky tone of her comment.

Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:04 pm
by Ciel†
The second James opened his note, he heard Aislyn call to him and Thea. He looked up from the note. Aislyn was smiling but from her tone she seemed annoyed - which was understandable since he and Thea were passing notes. He hadn't realized that she had been waiting on either of them to help her. It was a very rude thing of him to do and as soon as he realized this he looked down at his desk for a brief second. Then she asked to see the notes Thea and he were exchanging.

James perked up. He blushed slightly, not quite visible on his tanned face. His eyes darted to Thea for a second, waiting for her to answer. He didn't want to show Aislyn the paper without knowing she wasn't going to get angry. Pissing off your date to the prom the day you asked her out was probably the worst mistake one could make. Thea wasn't one to get angry over things like that but James didn't want to bet on that.

Trying to push that thought out of his mind, James reached for his notebook. He turned to the notes he had taken while reading Mansfield Park - he stopped on the correct part of the notes. He dog-eared the notes he had taken that day, not as extensive and certainly nothing he had gathered from just reading the tome but hell Aislyn was going to need them. He pushed his book over onto Aislyn's table, smiling gently.

"Here are the notes Aislyn..." he hesitated, sitting back into his seat. "Umm... I apologize for ignoring you back there." He glanced back down at the opened note, reading it for a moment.

Great minds must think alike, although you had me worried for a second there. I'd love to go to prom with you.

Yes they do think alive. James looked up at Thea and beamed at her. He wanted to burst out saying something along the lines of "Oh awesome!" but he thought better of that. Instead he just shrugged and motioned to Aislyn.

"Would you mind it if I showed her?" He asked her bluntly.

Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:12 pm
by Naqualo†



"Just Samson? This is ridiculous. I get rid of the reading quizzes and already you're practically begging me to bring them back. You've tied my hands behind my back."

Mr. Howard had decided to sit down with Samson's group today. He simply pulled up a chair and asked for the discussion to continue. Naturally, the discussion ended as the students instead began squirming discomfortably. Samson considered trying to lead a conversation that would appear involved, but didn't feel like making a fool himself today.

As result, Mr. Howard discovered that only one person in the entire group had read the previous night's assignment. He didn't want to hear excuses. Samson's groupmates would probably hate him for making it so blatantly obvious they had neglected their reading, but in a few days they would have forgotten and moved on. In the best case scenario, they would be joking about Mr. Howard's awestruck reaction after class.

"Samson, you were capable of doing everything I assigned, so you can go join some other group while I finish up with this one." Samson was met with a number glares and rolled eyes, not unexpectedly.

"See you later then," Samson said with a tinge of sarcasm. Oh High School... The only place you can get punished for actually doing your work. He got up and walked over to James's, Thea's, and Aislyn's group, grabbing a chair along the way.

"Guys, I've been dislocated. Mind if I join?"

Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:15 am
by Arscapi†
"Sorry Aislyn. I guess we can actually talk now. We started passing the note to keep each other awake. There aren't many notes, but I did get the vocabulary words we'll need for the next chapter," Thea explained. "We're done now. James just asked me to prom," she continued with a wide smile, and then paused to catch her breath as Samson approached the group.

"Guys, I've been dislocated. Mind if I join?"

"Of course," Thea said offering him another smile. "Finally convince Mr. Howard you were up to joining the cool kids?"

'Great, just great,' Thea thought. 'Samson's going to join our group after he was totally eves-watching us. What was up with that? And now I so have to play nice with him. What-ever.'

Thea exhaled heavily through her nose, before continuing in a cheerful voice, "I guess we should actually at least pretend to be talking about Mansfield Park before Mr. Howard swings by again. Although what exactly are we supposed to be discussing, what a complete prude Fanny Bright is. I mean, seriously."

Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:53 am
by BetaKnight
"Here are the notes Aislyn. Umm... I apologize for ignoring you back there."

James handed Aislyn his notebook, which she took gratefully. "Oh, no problem," she assured him as she scanned his notes. Grabbing her pen, she began to copy the notes as quickly as possible while making sure her writing was still legible.

"Sorry Aislyn. I guess we can actually talk now. We started passing the note to keep each other awake. There aren't many notes, but I did get the vocabulary words we'll need for the next chapter. We're done now. James just asked me to prom," Thea explained.

"Mmm-hmmm. That's nice," Aislyn answered absently as she continued writing. She stopped and ran her finger over the notes several times, a puzzled frown appearing on her face as she tried to decipher the text. "Hey James, does this say 'without' or 'withhold' ?" she asked, pointing at one particular section of the notes.

"Guys, I've been dislocated. Mind if I join?"

Startled by the new voice, Aislyn stopped and looked up. "Oh, hey Samson." A quick glance assured her that he had more than enough room and she returned to her notes in an effort to finish before Mr. Howard made his rounds. If he caught her with James' notes, he would take both sets and destroy them as punishment for 'cheating'.

"I guess we should actually at least pretend to be talking about Mansfield Park before Mr. Howard swings by again. Although what exactly are we supposed to be discussing, what a complete prude Fanny Bright is? I mean, seriously."

Aislyn finished with a flourish and a relieved sigh. "Thanks, James. I would have been seriously screwed without them," she admitted as she handed him back his notebook.

She looked over at Thea, now ready to engage in the discussion. "I dunno think that Fanny is a prude since she was supposed to be a prude. If she didn't act the way she did, then her entire life would have been ruined. Well, even more messed up than it was," she allowed with a little shrug. "But I think Fanny's biggest problem was the failure of the family unit, which was supposed to be her support net. Instead, it kinda seems to me like she's supporting them. What do you guys think?"

Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:32 pm
by Ciel†
Aislyn seemed more absorbed by James's notes than anything else. He wasn't really sure what to think of this but he felt good, for some reason. He smiled over at Thea, sitting back in his seat and looking over to Samson. James really didn't mind Samson that much though for all the life in him he didn't really know anything about him other than having this class with him. Thea however seemed displeased by Sampson, that much was clear. James didn't know why Sampson was coming over to the table but he didn't mind.

"Sure just come over here," James smiled slightly, "We're just in the middle of-"


Oh for the love- James just remembered that it was the school bell. Had time really slipped by so quickly. He looked up at the clock, seeing that it was really time to go. He sighed, closing the notebook that Aislyn gave back to him and put it in his bookbag quickly. He didn't want to be anywhere near this classroom. He wanted out.

He couldn't help but look back at Thea for a long moment. He motioned to her as he was slipping his bookbag on to try to gain her attention. He smiled at her for a minute. "Hey Thea..." He waited for a second, slightly distracted from the crowds of kids piling out. "Call me when you're done cheerleading. Maybe we can get together later..."

He turned and waved to Aislyn, then towards Sampson. "See you guys tommorrow!" He turns and waved to Thea last. "Hope to hear from you!"

(James Mulzet continued in Seems About Right)

Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:30 am
by Arscapi†
James motion caught Thea's eye and she looked up from where she was shoving her notebook into her backpack. He smiled at her for a minute. What was that? Does he really like me, like me?

"Hey Thea...," he said then waited for a second, slightly distracted from the crowds of kids piling out. "Call me when you're done cheerleading. Maybe we can get together later..." Together, like together, together. Did I just get a prom date and a boyfriend with a single yes? Thea was too busy with her own thoughts to answer right a way, a small distracted smile played across her face at the idea. She really had been single for far too long.

He turned and waved to Aislyn, then towards Sampson. "See you guys tomorrow!" He turns and waved to Thea last. "Hope to hear from you!" He's leaving, say something idiot!

"Definitely," she said standing and placing her pen into the front pouch of her backpack. "We were talking about the mall earlier. We have all kinds of plans to discuss," she said with a grin as she watched him leave the classroom. With a small sigh she turned back to Aislyn and said, "Catch up with me later if you still need those vocabulary words."

Then, as if she was a hostess at a party, she turned her attention to Samson. "Sorry you didn't get to say much. But welcome to our group," she said the hurried out the door now that most of the class had fled.

((Thea Kairos continued in We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do ))

Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:52 pm
by Naqualo†
Thea smiled. "Of course. Finally convince Mr. Howard you were up to joining the cool kids?"

"Oh, hey Samson." Samson turned his head to see Aislyn now scribbling in one of two notebooks that laid upon her desk. It seemed this group wasn't as different as he expected. Mr. Howard would be preoccupied for the rest of class at least, so he could finally just sit and relax. There was plenty of room, so he pulled up his chair.

Samson was startled when Aislyn actually began leading the discussion. It appeared he had misjudged her.

"I think Fanny's biggest problem was the failure of the family unit, which was supposed to be her support net. Instead, it kinda seems to me like she's supporting them. What do you guys think?"

James must have been fairly distracted, perhaps by whatever conversation he had been having with Thea, because he just now seemed to realize Samson had come over. Man, I zone out like that all the time. Apparently trying to help, he began, "We're just in the middle of-", but was abruptly cut off by the ring of the bell.

Well, that was short-lived, Samson thought. He began packing up his things.

"See you guys tomorrow!" said James.

"Sorry you didn't get to say much. But welcome to our group," said Thea. Samson was about to respond, but she had already scurried out the door before he got the chance. "If I'm lucky, Mr. Howard will let me stay in this group," Samson said absently. He waved goodbye to Aislyn, who was still gathering her things, then left the room.

((Samson Everett continued elsewhere))

Re: No Talent for Certainty

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:14 am
by BetaKnight
The bell rang and the others in the group rushed to pack up and get out. Saved by the bell. Aislyn sat back while Thea, James, and Sampson quickly exited. There wasn't any sense in hurrying to get out the door, only to wind up in the log-jam that formed at then entrance to the hall.

Methodically packing up her own things, she let her mind wander back to the list she had been working on in class. Am I feeling up to a trip to the mall, or should I go swim a few laps? I was feeling okay at the start of the period, but the mention of prom has kinda bummed me out. I mean, it's not like I'm not gonna go if I don't have a date, but being asked would be nice too.

Feeling a little bit cranky, she rolled her neck, trying to ease some of the tension in her back. Seeing that the room was mostly empty, Aislyn stood up and slung her backpack across her shoulders. Nodding at Mr. Howard, she slipped out of the room.

((Aislyn McCreery continued in Splashdown!))