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Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:20 am
by Solomir†
Tiffany was a bit too preoccupied with Sapphire's latest buys to notice the entrance of Bobby. It wasn't until Sapphire leaned over to greet him and strike up small talk did Tiffany even notice that Bobby was there. Bobby was a nice guy, though Tiffany never talked to him that much around the school. Peter had mentioned that he was inordinately nice for all the money he had. Tiffany had never really paid attention, and was just happy to see more people joining in with GODspeed at the meetings.

Tiffany didn't get a chance to properly greet Bobby before Rachel started the meeting. It seemed Rachel was quite set on naming herself president again. Not that Tiffany minded. She sure wasn't proper leader material for anything; at least that's what Peter had told her before. In any case, Bobby had already thrown his vote for Rachel.

And then suddenly, there were lots more people in the classroom. Somehow, Maddy and Imraan had snuck into the classroom without Tiffany noticinig. Actually, it seemed Tiffany was doing a pretty bad job of noticing people today. And that had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Peter was at the mall instead of here at the meeting.

Maddy piped up, offering to run against Rachel. Maddy was a friend of Peter's, which by extension meant that she was Tiffany's friend too. They got along quite well, but Tiffany had always felt that Maddy was what Peter would call a 'tagalong' Catholic: following along with family without ever having any personal faith. Tiffany never really understood what was wrong with that.

Before Tiffany could give any real thought about her vote, Imraan had nominated himself. The tall Palestinian basketball player gave a rousing speech about what he hoped to do with the club. It was a very inspiring (also humorous) speech, and Tiffany wanted to yell and applaud him. But that energy was probably better saved for after the elections were over.

And then Tristan Matthews burst into the classroom, blubbering something about how late he was. Something about a DS and the cafetorium or the library. He caught himself mid-ramble, and calmed down enough to nominate himself for the position of president, then amble over to Rachel's cupcakes to sample one of them.

So that was four, count'em four, nominees for club president. Tiffany wasn't really sure who to choose. It was a good thing she had listened to Peter's totally unnecessary opinions of the members of the club. On the one hand, Rachel had been doing a fine job so far, and she could do a good job planning events for the club to partake in. On the other hand, Imraan could certainly be an excellent leader, and he had vision to push on the rest of the club toward something good. Maddy had never struck Tiffany as a leader-y kind of person, but would be a great support for any president. Tristan was too awkward in general to be an effective leader, but he did mean well most of the time.

What had Peter said when he had been gunning for his position as youth leader at the church? "Don't vote for your friend, or the person you like the most. Choose the person that you want to represent you, the person you want to lead you." Peter had known what needed to be said to win his position. It really opened the eyes for the youth group, and opened many new doors the old ways would not have.

"I'm going to vote for Imraan," Tiffany said cheerily. "He has some great ideas, and we need some real spirit around this club." She smiled at all the nominees. "But we only have three people not running, so this is kind of unfair that I get to throw the tiebreaker vote. Why don't you guys vote for who you want to be president too? Just don't vote for yourself, and it'll be as fair as we can have it."

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:05 pm
by Killer_Moth†
The second he spoke, Bobby knew he had opened his mouth too soon. Like clockwork, once he declared himself for Rachel, the rest of the club started coming in and nominating themselves.

Maddy was first. Bobby doubted her commitment to the cause slightly, given how rarely he had seen her at Saturday Mass recently. Between that, and her close friendship with Rachel he was shocked that she was standing. Was this for the resume, or did she actually want the position? Just so that you have someone to beat this year, I'll stand against you. She was just here to fill out the field then. Not a contender

Imraan was another matter. Tall, dark, good looking, sporty, and devout. He was dedicated to helping others, and wanted to use GODspeed to help the community. He talked a good game, and Bobby liked having his voice in the club. Sadly, it was a voice that was all too often absent due to other commitments. Between his basketball and work, he often didn't make meetings. Did they really want an absentee president.

Apparently they did. Sapphire voted for him. He could see and understand that. He was a strong contender. Bobby wondered if maybe he could be the one to come out to. Nah, it would be too much like coming onto him, and he valued Imraan as a friend. There weren't a lot of sporty Christian guys in the school. Did he want to drive this one away if he turned out to hate gays? He didn't want to risk it. Besides, he so wasn't his type.

Sapphire's vote had come out of left field, and meant that both Rachel and Imraan were tied. Of course, he didn't know if his vote properly counted, given that it had been made when there was only one contender. Then again, his support for Rachel was well known in the club. Nobody expected him to vote for any of the others.

It all depended on Tiffany. Who was she going to pick? Maybe it'd be Maddy, leaving them a three way tie. No, Tiffany took these things seriously. As seriously as she took anything, he supposed.

Then, another member stumbled his way in. Tristan Matthews. Arriving late, dishevelled, admitting his confusion. Generally not making a good start to an attempt to run. Still, he was a good guy, another worker, solid, dependable to be there when you needed him, and good for giving advice. Still, it was the votes that counted.

He looked at Tiffany, just as she announced that she was voting for Imraan as well. He didn't need to look to know that Rachel would be hurting. Even though Tiffany attempted to take the knife back out of Rachel's back by asking all those who were standing to vote as well, he could sense that Rachel wanted them to pay. Maybe he could talk her out of it after the meeting, but then again, if the votes still went her way, maybe she wouldn't need to be stopped.

He found himself speaking almost without thinking. 'Hey guys, now that we've got a real election going here, I'd like to see some campaigning. What do you bring to GODspeed, besides cupcakes? Why should you be in charge? A quick statement, then we all vote. How's that for a plan?'

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:43 pm
by Parzel†
Alexandra walked towards the room; she anxiously stopped outside the door and peeked inside. It looked like a serious debate was going on, she didn't want to disrupt anything, but she didn't want to have to wait for a long while. She wanted to join the club and help out as much as she could. She looked over everyone in there, the candidates and various other members of the club.

She always wanted to join a Christian club and share her experiences with others, something she loved doing was talking to others about problems and hoping to help. He crossed her fingers, hoping not to intrude on their discussions and opened up the door, causing an frustrating creak.

"Sorry to disturb, but I'd like to join the club..." She said, as courteously as she could and smiling slightly to the people. She didn't know whether they would be angry with her or okay, but she hoped they would be able to accept her entrance.

I hope they didn't think I was too rude...

Alexandra reached into her pocket, attempting to find a sweet she had left in there earlier. She popped it out, and swiftly placed it in her mouth and began to chew. She awaited the clubs response, eager to be a part of the club.

(Sorry if I just interrupted something here... I just wanted to get Alexandra in the club somehow)

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:21 am
by Pigeon Army†
((OOC: Sorry for the late reply. Real life intervenes.))

The election (Rachel said election, she meant reaffirmation of her position as President) started out well, with Bobby casually announcing his support for Rachel. One. Things were looking good.

Then Maddy Stone entered the room, and everything went to hell.

Maddy was a Catholic, albeit one who played fast and loose with the rules of the religion, and was also on her hockey team. They got along well and didn't rub each other the wrong way - she was a girl Rachel was friendly with.

Was being the operative word.

Maddy had slipped in, late as usual, as Bobby made known his support for Rachel. A second later, she leaped to her feet and proclaimed loudly, "Oh what the heck, just so that you have someone to beat this year, I'll stand against you."


Inside, Rachel was furious. The last thing she wanted was someone standing against her, even if it was for reasons of boosting her ego or playfulness, as Maddy's sly wink at Rachel suggested. On the outside, however, she was calm and composed, and jotted down Maddy's name in the diary. She looked up and forced a smile at Maddy. She went to acknowledge the nomination verbally, but was interrupted by -

"Ah, don't you worry Maddy. Ya aint the only one."


"Sorry I'm late. Y'know, the season starts soon, had to get some practice in."

Rachel had never liked Imraan. He was loud, he was obnoxious, he dressed in horrible clothes, his parents were split, he was poor, he wasn't Catholic...

"Then I had to shower, cause really, how many votes am I gonna get if I come here straight from practice? NONE, man. I mean, still probably not gonna get any, but hey."

And, most noticeably, he was an Arab. A Palestinian Arab raghead mongrel, at that, Rachel rattled off in her mind.

"ANYWAY, yeah I'll throw my hat in the ring. Rachel girl, you know you do great work here, but hey, like Maddy said, we've just got to give you a bit of competition. Ain't that right?"

If there was anyone who she wouldn't hand the reins over to, it would be the brown boy. She would never trust her baby - her legacy to the school - in the hands of a foreigner, particularly this annoying one.

"But seriously, I've got some good ideas on how we can move GODspeed out of the classroom and into the school and community as a whole. We've spent a lot of time talking lately, and I just think we need to spend more time DOING. I mean, we're all brothers and sisters in Christ here. We know that. But we should be getting out more, helping those outside the club. And that's how we bring them over to us."


"I'll go with Imraan."

Rachel just stopped herself from spinning around and strangling Sapphire. She has had the GUTS to talk out HERE? She's an Anglican, what does she know? Rachel knew she couldn't verbally abuse or pummel the girl, but so very little was holding back her urge to exact violence upon Sapphire.

Then Tristan Matthews, another non-denominational, and a hyperactive idiot non-denominational at that, stormed into the room, announced he was running for the Presidency, grabbed a cupcake with a minimum of decorum or gratitude for them, and sat himself down.

Rachel's day was getting worse and worse and worse, and Tiffany's vote would only exacerbate things, Rachel knew it.

"I'm going to vote for Imraan. He has some great ideas, and we need some real spirit around this club." She smiled at all the nominees. "But we only have three people not running, so this is kind of unfair that I get to throw the tiebreaker vote. Why don't you guys vote for who you want to be president too? Just don't vote for yourself, and it'll be as fair as we can have it."

Rachel knew it. Trust Tiffany to turn this into a democratic free-for-all to work against me. Rachel was slowly reaching the end of her tether with these people - why did they want the club, the club she had nurtured and made single-handedly into a major extra-curricular Bayview Secondary School, to fall into the hands of someone else? Someone who was probably related to terrorists, no less?

Bobby jumped in before someone was killed, and decided to make the election even more interesting, suggesting the nominees make statements. This was followed up by a new girl Rachel didn't recognise, a tall, thin girl caked in makeup, walking in on the elections, wanting to join the club. Under her breath and out of earshot of everyone, Rachel hissed to herself, "Can't anyone here arrive on time?" Then, she stood up, brushing the lint off her skirt.

"As the still-active current President, I suggest everyone take their votes back for now. First, I believe the new girl should introduce herself, as is customary, and then we can have statements, first from Imraan, then from Maddy, then from Tristan, and then from myself. If anyone should wish to step back from the election plate before their statements, they can do so." Without risk of severe reprieve, Rachel added in her head.

She smiled at the group and clapped her hands together. "Is this good for everyone?"

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:41 pm
by Dropbear†
Before Sapphire could look at Rachel's laserbeam glare for voting for the opposition, a shrill yell came from the door, announcing the presence of Tristan. Sapphire met him in the library briefly before escaping the clutches of Mrs. Collins. He was interested in... some game... on the DS. Something with vampires.

Tristan was going for the election as well. This in itself made Sapphire scratching her head in wonder. There were more people going for the spot than voters.

And then came the bombshell.
"I'm going to vote for Imraan,"

Sapphire's eyes widened in shock. Tiffany voted for Imraan. Voted against Rachel... And that meant...

Rachel: 1, Imraan: 2.
And now I am going to die at the hands of Cyclone Rachel.

Snapping her back to reality, she turned around when a loud creaking noise emitted from the back of the room, indicating the presence of another person to the party... or lack of. A tall brown haired girl walked into the room, who Sapphire vaguely identified as... something beginning with A... Ash? Amanda... something like that.

"Sorry to disturb, but I'd like to join the club..."

Sapphire spun her head around, and realising that noone was answering her, she slowly mumbled "Ahhh... welcome. There's seats over there, and you can bring them over here and sit on one with us..."

It sounded less cheesy in her head.

Rachel managed to stand up and in a remarkable display of kindness, explained what she thought should happen.

"As the still-active current President, I suggest everyone take their votes back for now. First, I believe the new girl should introduce herself, as is customary, and then we can have statements, first from Imraan, then from Maddy, then from Tristan, and then from myself. If anyone should wish to step back from the election plate before their statements, they can do so. Is this good for everyone?"

Nervously, Sapphire quipped a quick "Yes" before sitting back in her seat, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the group, especially Rachel. Hopefully they would do something nicer after the elections.

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:06 pm
by xylophonefairy†
Maddy had watched people jump in to stand for election with a mixture of shock similar to Rachel's, even if it didn't hit her as hard because she wasn't actually losing anything. As Imraan and Tristan both stood forwards, she realised with a bizarre feeling of calm that she wasn't going to win in any circumstances, in fact, Maddy seriosuly doubted she'd get a single vote, feeling that Rachel needed her vote more than the group needed an extra person standing for president.

Imraan, not that had been a surprise. Perhaps it was her prejudiced view against people who held sport as a priority, but she couldn't see him running any kind of club. For starters he'd shown up even later than she had, was that going to be a regular thing? She had to admit though, as he spoke, Imraan did have a certain level of charisma that Rachel somewhat lacked.

And then Sapphire and Tiffany voted for Imraan. Maddy sent a wide eyed look to the door that was some kind of crazy prayer on the hope of their lives. She sneaked a look in Rachel's direction and immediately wished that she hadn't, there was a strange mettalic feeling in her throat, and Maddy wished that she could be somewhere else, wished that she hadn't bothered coming at all today.

Tristan was even later than Imraan, and was even louder than the latter. Somewhere in his ramble, he nominated himself for the role of president. This surprised Maddy somewhat, she'd never really though of Tristan as being one who wanted to take on any specific responsibilities, particularly for one as tiny and specific as GODspeed. He was right about saying this was going to be an interesting election, though. Maddy became acutely aware that she hadn't actually sat down since she'd arrived at the meeting.

It didn't really feel right, GODspeed was Rachel's baby and Maddy felt guilty now, as though she'd started off some kind of destruction chain reaction. She took a step back, the behinds of her knees knocking against her chair, and fiddled with the buttons on her shirt. Her voice stayed surprisingly clear as she spoke, hiding her uncertainty.

"Well, I'm going to take that offer and stand down," Maddy said determinedly. "I only stood for fun, and now that we have some actual contenders" Maddy hoped that she wouldn't be assasinated later for implying that Tristan and Imraan were contenders, "I think I could make more use as a vote than as an extra person that really doesn't deserve the title. So I'll step back gracefully," (that was ironic as she'd nearly fallen over her chair a second beforehand after stepping backwards), "and let you big cats fight it out between you."

Maddy sat down, with a faint sense of relief.

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:53 am
by Killer_Moth†
Barron inwardly smiled. It always amused him slightly when he could see how somebody was manipulating a situation to their best advantage. Nothing actually wrong or immoral about it, just good psychology. And here he saw that Rachel was playing to her strengths.

She accepted the plan, which made sense, as the alternative was letting Imraan win. Then, she specified the order. Noticeably, the order was not random, nor was it based on seniority within the club, or even order of standing. No, simple, get Imraan in at the start. He's the major threat, gives him less time to figure out a coherent plan. Then Maddy and Tristan, a solid buffer, give Rachel time to prepare a rebuttal. And then, the vote, allowing everybody to have her points in their heads immediately.

Bobby smiled at the new girl, Alexandra, as she nervously made her way into the room. He hadn't had a chance to really talk to her yet, but knew her name. He tried to know everybody's name if he could. Made everything a little nicer to be able to say 'Hey, Alexandra, welcome. Sit down, make yourself comfortable.' Rachel had already done that, though. Another tactic. Using the unexpected, she was able to take command of the situation, show her leadership skills, and endear herself to another voter.

She also laid out the hand of friendship to her wayward flock, inviting the prodigals to return. Maddy jumped at the chance to back down, to come back to team Rachel. Great, another vote. Even if nobody changed votes now, that still left a probable victory of Rachel, with Alexandra presumably voting for the incumbent, being new and not wanting to rock the boat, so to speak. All in all, unless something spectacularly went awry, then Rachel had the election sewn up.

The best thing was knowing that he was good at this. Seeing how everybody thought, how they planned. He had long been planning his career, and psychology seemed as good a major as any. Even if he didn't go into practice, it was a good base, with lots of career options. He quite liked this background stuff, making a difference without making a spectacle. While this was a small scale, he knew that Rachel was the best choice for the club. He was tempted to make a speech in favour of Rachel himself, but that would be too much for him, putting himself too far forward.

All his own problems temporarily forgotten in the excitement of genuine politics, he looked expectantly at Imraan, wondering if he was going to take the initiative, or let Alex be welcomed formally first.

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:50 pm
by Parzel†
Alexandra smiled nervously as she walked into the room, the heated elections still in full swing. Alexandra laughed to her self, such a large event for such a small thing. President of a small club in a High School, it wasn't exactly President of U.S.A. She smiled much more warmly to the girl who introduced her, her name was Sapphire or something along them lines she knew most of the students names as she loved to know everybody she could meet.

"Thank you, I wont disturb these... elections or whatever you've got going on here" She said, her smile gently fading as she headed to back off the classroom and placing his hands around a small plastic chair, bringing it to the front and sitting down with the rest of the group and observing the events. She didn't know if they expected her to vote, she was new and didn't know any of the people in the group, let alone the candidates. She sunk into her chair, observing the candidates and everyone who was in the room.

Sapphire stated that the new girl should introduce herself, she confusedly looked around. Was that her? Was she accepted already, or was someone else new... she didn't want to be an idiot, especially on her first day. She waited to see if she would get called up and stopped to look over everyone else once again, slightly on edge as she tried to think of what she would say to introduce herself.

That was certainly quick, I thought they would have to talk to me about it or make me sign something!

((Alexandra Powell in The Light Fandango))

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:53 pm
by D/N
"Hooooo, man"

Tristan had announced his candidacy for the top position too, which was a bit of a shock. They didn't have too much in common, but Tristan was a heck of a guy and a good friend, who could make him laugh even if it was Tristan's own ridiculousness at times. Still, Imraan couldn't really see Tristan as the leader type. He just didn't think the guy could take things seriously enough when it got right down to it.

Then, just like that, he'd managed to pick up both Tiffany's and Sapphire's votes, and suddenly they had an actual contest on their hands. Whoa.

Alexandra's arrival had calmed things a bit, as Rachel wisely backed things up and turned the election into an actual process rather than just people voting. That'd give them all time to actually think things over, which was probably good for her but bad for him in the end. Still, not much he could do, and he didn't want people making votes they'd regret later.

He didn't really know the new girl, but she was clearly kind of nervous. Might as well greet her first, then.

"Good to have you here. Name's Imraan. Yeah, we got elections going right now, that's why it's all seniors here. The general meeting isn't till next week. So I mean, no one else objects, you're welcome to sit in."

She gave the indication that she wasn't going to vote, which was good. Considering that she didn't really know the group well, voting for the President on her first time being part of it was probably not the greatest of ideas.

Then Maddy spoke first and took the opportunity to stand down herself, which was kind of disappointing. Expected, though. She and Rachel were close, and if the election was going to be an actual contest there was no way that Maddy would stand against her. Plus, Rachel still had Bobby, and judging by both Sapphire and Tiffany's looks, they might already be feeling guilty about voting for him....

Imraan frowned just a bit as he considered his options. Frankly, it'd probably be best for him to step aside, too. The odds weren't really there for him, and even IF he managed to get elected, actually running the group could be a nightmare. Even assuming he made the time available to run things and implement his ideas, he was sure to encounter opposition from Rachel's end and he really didn't feel like letting the last half-year of the club degenerate into infighting and dissention.

But at the same time, Imraan had a stubborn streak in him. And the slightest bit of cockiness. Yeah, he could run this group, he could work with Rachel and her friends, after all, he'd done well so far, hadn't he? No, backing down had never been his style.

He took a breath.

"Anyway, I'll take the floor. I mean, I don't have a big speech prepared or anything."

Truth be told, he didn't have ANY kind of speech prepared.

"Look, I'm not like, gonna bore you with any details or long story about my journey of faith or anything. I mean, we've all got those. But like I said before, I'm running because I'd like to try integrating the group with the community a bit more, so we can work on spreading our message. I've been talking with my church, and they're open to us possibly doing some joint events, faith-building, community outreach, that sort of thing. I've also been hoping to get the basketball team together for a charity event, and GODspeed could partner up with them, we could get a portion of the profits for a Christian charity of our choice."

Of course, actually convincing the basketball team about that was much, MUCH easier said than done. A charity event might be one thing, but a Christian one? Tough, maybe workable though.

"But I don't think it needs to be just me doing this. So, we could have us at GODspeed working in conjuntion with the outside. Y'know, my church, Sapphire's church, Rachel's church. I'm not saying that we all need our churches to get along, but we can sort of set GODspeed up as a central point for the various programs we can get started at our churches, and branch out.

So uh, that's my piece. Like I said, it's all about faith here. And we should try to use this club as a means of spreading our faith, standing out from everyone else. So whatever way you guys vote, I'm for it."

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:50 am
by Candescence†
Oh, this would be very, very interesting indeed. Firstly, Tiffany voted for Imraan. That probably took the wind out of Rachel. But then Rachel decided to make this whole affair more proper. A half-decent idea for once - at least people would get a better idea of what they would be voting for. In the meantime, Tristan had been switching DS carts, from Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow to his CycloDS Evolution, which he used for homebrew as opposed to pirating games. By the time Bobby had made the suggestion for speeches, he had turned it on, and plugged in the recharger to the wall.

But before the proceedings began, Tristan slid one of his headphones into his ear. He turned the volume up to a suitable level, before immediately starting up a particular song and set it on loop - Court Begins, from Phoenix Wright. Because despite this being obviously not a courtroom, it just felt like it to him.

As it began, the mood changed. Tristan noticed Saphirre's expression, she was obviously nervous. Maddy had backed down, mostly out of fear of being torn apart by Rachel. Now, the order was Immran, Tristan and Rachel. Tristan didn't really figure the order was going to matter in his mind. Not that it mattered to him. He really felt that the best man or woman would win this "contest".

He began setting up his DS as he listened to what Immran had to say. The bloke had good ideas, he had to commend him on that. And he was stubborn enough to take on Rachel. Now, which one...? No, Edgeworth's Return, as good as it was, wasn't suited for this. He needed something interesting that would stick in their heads. As Immran finished, Tristan clapped. "Good speech, mate. I do have to say, you've got some good ideas."

He immediately tapped the DS' touch screen, changing the music to Godot's Theme, "The Fragrance of Dark Coffee". Perfect. He looked at Rachel, with a calm expression that practically spoke, "I'm not afraid to take you head-on".

Tristan tried to pull off that smile that Godot did, that wide grin that displayed his teeth that was always white despite his constant drinking of coffee. He stood up, taking a deep breath.

"I will be standing firm in my candidacy, but I won't bore you with a lengthly speech. Heck, like Immaran, I never prepared any sort of speech. Might as well wing it."

Tristan's expression relaxed into a slight smile. If there was any time to make use of his oppertunity, it might as well be now. "Helping people. That's what I do. If someone has a problem, I like to help out if possible. I just feel that's my responsibility as a Christian. I want to reach out to the community, get people together and help those in need. I am open to everyone's ideas - no matter who is the president of GODSpeed, I hope that person is open to everyone's idea, to work together for the sake of not just the faiths, but the community as a whole."

Yeah, he was that sort of idealist. But he was confident in his ideals. He'd even take suggestions from Rachel into consideration. "Yeah, some of you probably think I'm not the leader type. That's because I'm usually content with simply helping others. But I am confident I can do the job, and if it means increasing my ability to help improve the community, I'm going for it. There's so many things we could do that I can't list in this short space of time, such as what Immran here has spoken about."

Oh, right, his finishing paragraph. Let's see... "It's about spreading the word of the lord, and helping others. That's what I intend to do if I am elected. May the most qualified man or woman win. Thank you." And with that, he switched the BGM back to Court Begins, sitting back down with a smile. This was a three-way chess match. And Rachel's next move seemed precarious - it would seal the fates of all three candidates. Or not. Tristan still didn't care.

((Edit: After Mimi so kindly pointed out some potential problems, I'll make edits after I get a second opinion-son of a... Dammit, I made some edits too early, might as well edit the whole thing.
Edit2: Alright, I've done it, are you happy now?))

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:33 pm
by Pigeon Army†
Rachel stepped back, smiling cordially. Her mind, however, was anything but cordial, a whir of anger and smug satisfaction. She had gotten the situation under control, and her assertive behavior would probably be more than enough to remind everyone that, even with elections going, she still was, and always would be, boss.

Impressively, Maddy wisely took the lifeline offered and almost immediately stepped down. "I only stood for fun, and now that we have some actual contenders, I think I could make more use as a vote than as an extra person that really doesn't deserve the title. So I'll step back gracefully, and let you big cats fight it out between you."

While Rachel wasn't a fan of people who stood for positions of power for fun, particularly in her organisation, this was Maddy. Maddy was OK - for now. Rachel made a mental note to be wary of the girl, and to come down hard on her if she ever pulled any tricks again.

Meanwhile, the new girl, also wisely, decided not to intervene in the situation. Rachel had no idea who she was, but with matters of leadership at hand, the timid girl's name could go by the wayside for now.

Besides, it was time for the raghead to talk.

Rachel quietly and covertly gritted her teeth as Imraan began to talk, his voice like particularly thick nails on a particularly large chalkboard to her. He started off by pandering to the new girl, but she wasn't voting anyway, so Rachel could see immediately that the only motive he had for doing so was political. To show he could relate well to newbies.

At least, that's what Rachel would do.

Then, after what appeared to be a moment of reflection, Imraan decided to tempt fate. Again. With a speech as insultingly simplistic as it was painfully faux-humble.

At the end of Imraan's speech, Rachel clapped with everyone else, and smiled a pained smile at her opposition. Nothing he had proposed - aside from a nigh-on impossible 'partnership' with the basketball team the budding terrorist was pretty much married to - was new to Rachel. They were initiatives she had wanted to push for since she started up GODspeed - integration with local Catholic churches, greater school involvement, anything and everything that would increase the club's membership and profile. His ideas probably just sounded better because he was a new face - a new black face.

Then came Tristan's turn. The hyperactive tool didn't disappoint, having the gall to disturb the sanctity of the GODspeed meeting with his infernal video game music, and then parroting what Imraan had said. Rachel clapped for Tristan as well, but she found herself hating the white boy more than the foreigner, and this perturbed her, though not as much as she expected. After all, this was Tristan - he'd been dead weight on the club since Day 1, annoying dead weight that nattered on from the bottom of the boat while it was sinking and was too heavy for the crew to lift off and throw overboard.

Finally, Rachel's time came to shine. She had not prepared a speech, primarily because she did not expect competition, but she knew what she had to say. Clearing her throat, she stepped forward.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she began, smiling a genuinely appealing smile, "as you know, I've been with this club since its inception almost one and a half years ago. I was here when myself and two other committed Christians decided something needed to be done for us. Since then, the group's grown steadily and become one of the more prominent figures in student politics here, and we've already begun negotiations with two churches in order to gain better connection with them and branch out to them."

That last part was a lie. A bald-faced lie. But Rachel knew such lies were necessary to undermine the competition, as long as they were vague enough for no-one to work out the truth, as would be the case today.

"However, I cannot stress enough the necessity for us to focus on our position as a group within Bayview Secondary School. As students here, we are the primary stakeholders, and as such, the school should cater to all our interests as best it can. There are many Christian students in this school right now who are put off by us, by our 'fundamental' reputation and our openly Christian nature.

"This is why, in addition to these weekly meetings, I do believe that we should make a greater effort to recruit students within the school going forward. This is a community full of Christians looking for support, and who better to give it to them than a group catering directly to their spiritual needs? Promotions, events within the school - these are what is required in order to ensure our growth and our acceptance into the school community as a normal and required organ. We're not here for the wider community as much as we're here for the student community at Bayview Secondary School, and if I were to continue as your leader, I would ensure that this is where the focus remains. Students first. Streets second."

Rachel stepped back, her hands clasped together in front of her. Then, with the same assuring, genial tone with which she had delivered the speech, she suggested, "Shall we vote now?"

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:00 am
by Killer_Moth†
Why was he uneasy about all of this? Bobby had always considered his faith to be an important part of him, so why was he worried about all this talk of reaching out. He'd always been quiet about it amongst most of the school, didn't like shoving it down everybody's throat. It wasn't a secret, but most people only knew of his faith because of his membership in GODspeed.

Despite what was said, he was even more worried about the atmosphere in the room. Even though she was putting on a good show, Bobby knew Rachel well enough to tell that she was furious about this whole election. Was this really the girl that he knew so well, who was always so nice to the group? And if it was, did he want her as president?

Imraan made some good points, and a lot of what he was talking about, reaching out to the community, working with local churches, it all seemed like good ideas. But it didn't sit right with him at all. He knew that GODspeed wasn't the most popular group in the school, and working with the Basketball team seemed a little too far out there. The same with working with all the local Christian churches. He admired the ideals, but felt that the reality would come crashing down fairly quickly.

Tristan made a reasonable showing of himself, showing a level of earnestness that was refreshing. Even with the unusual musical accompaniment, But it just seemed to echo what Imraan had said, with even less focus. And he didn't inspire confidence when he talked about having to increase his ability to do the job. He wanted to see Tristan show some quality that would make him suitable besides enthusiasm and faith, but doubted that any plans he had would be more realistic than Imraan's.

Rachel's speech was everything he'd expected it to be. Take the best parts from previous speeches, address the current situation, showcase her own talents. So, maybe she was a bit economical as regards the groups standing in the school, but he couldn't really fault her, and she had been trying to make the group more relevant. He did wonder which churches had been approached, and why this was the first the group was hearing of it. Surely she wasn't – No, that was an unworthy thought. Still, she seemed more based in what the group could actually accomplish, rather what they'd like to do. If only he could get over that niggling doubt about her anger issues.

Bobby got up. "Guys, we've heard a lot today about what the club as a whole should be doing. But I agree with Rachel, we need to concentrate on what the club can do. I've never been comfortable with going out and preaching to others, to try and convert them, but I do feel that we can work within the school to develop an understanding of ourselves, who we are and what we stand for, and most importantly, what we can do for this school. We are who we are in this club, and it is not something to be ashamed of. At the same time, we need to realise that not everybody feels the need to have everybody else know our faith as loudly as possible. It's for those reasons that I've decided to not change my vote. Rachel's been a good, solid club leader for as long as I've been a member, and I see no reason for a change at this point."

He sat back down, hoping that he hadn't offended either of the other two candidates, and that what he had planned next wouldn't blow up in his face. He leaned over to Rachel and whispered. "Good luck. By the way, can I speak with you alone, after the meeting? I've got something I want to talk to you about." There, he was committed. He made a silent prayer that everything would somehow be all right, and that he wasn't making a massive mistake.

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:26 am
by Dropbear†
Sapphire subconsciously fingered the necklace around her neck, a dark blue and purple creation she made herself. Closing her eyes and sighing softly, she heard Maddy proclaim herself out of the race, and Alexandra introducing herself and sitting down.

Imraam took the floor then, talking about doing community things, joint events and maybe fundraisers. It was weird, but it felt like her mind was slipping in and out of focus. Quite frankly, the whole situation just kept on making her nervous and it bored her to just be sitting around politely, listening to people wearing masks over their faces, manipulating the truth. Politics. It was just... annoying.

Tristan came up next, putting on some slightly awkward music in the background from the portable game console. Well, at least he said that he didn't have a speech planned, being honest. It was basically a repeat of what Imraam said with him helping people. Not exactly inspiring.

And then came the current champion Rachel.
"Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, I've been with this club since its inception almost one and..."

Sapphire had to resist yawning. She hadn't signed up to listen to people saying why they should put up notices in the bulletin. She came here to chat, debate, help others. She vaguely picked up that Rachel was going to focus around helping people in the school or something like that before idly thinking of the nice green beads that she picked up today and what she was going to make with them.

"...Shall we vote now?"

Sapphire woke up with the word vote. Looking over at everyone else, he saw Robert pondering over the thoughts in his head before getting up. He made his speech, but in the end didn't change his vote, still going with Rachel. It didn't occur to her as weird that Bobby was whispering in her ear afterwards. She was too worried about the vote.

Rachel: 1

And now it was her turn. Groaning inwardly, she quickly got up, her gut clenching as all eyes turned onto her. Should she stay with Imraam, or jump over to Tristan, or side with Rachel?

I really should have stayed at the mall.

"I'm going with Rachel."

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:43 pm
by xylophonefairy†
Maddy watched the speeches with an intense stare, it almost appeared that she was considering the situation with a fair and unbased mind, even though she didn't doubt that everyone in the room had known exactly how she would vote the moment she stood down from the running. Even though her deicision was already sealed, she had to admit that Imraan and Tristan came up with some good points. Additionally, she wasn't sure how much of Rachel's was true as she was pretty sure she would have already heard about the links to Churches if it had indeed happened, but then it wasn't like Rachel told her everything. But then, good Catholics never lied, right?

With Imraan, she had to admit that the guy had guts and enthusiasm, he seemed to really care about what he was talking about, and Maddy respected that. Plus his ideas were sound, though possibly reaching a bit far, she seriously doubted that any of the basketball team bar Imraan, even if he was made president, would have any interest in the goings on of the school's little religious sect in one of the deepest corners of the language arts wing, however nicely Rachel might have decorated it.

Then Tristan gave his speech, and Maddy found herself entirely unconvinced. It all seemed to be a gimmick, and the sheer fact that he was playing on his little games console during the meeting seemed enough of a snub that he lost her vote entirely. What would he do in meetings? Today, ladies and gents, we shall be discussing the religious aspect of mario mand twelve thousand. Maddy had no taste for computer games, especially not when linked in any way to the Church, though she had enjoyed playing Grand Theft Auto at her cousin's house for about three minutes before her parents discovered what she was up to and immediately pulled her away from it and its violence.

As Rachel gave her speech, despite the dubiousness of it's nature, Maddy still found herself agreeing with it all, and still that niggling strand of guilt that she initiated the trend of people trying to take her title, also vaguely wondering why she was so devoted to Rachel getting the post back. It was a strange notion.

She didn't get to her feet as Sapphire had done, she had spent enough of the meeting stood up already, and didn't want todraw herself to attention for the third time. Maddy liked to play sepctator sometimes, and this was one of those times.

"Well," she said when Sapphire finished, feeling a sense of satisfaction as two people agreed with her vote. "This was unexpected." She'd abandoned her chance to make a formal speech, but felt a need to speak now. "We've got three very different candidates standing for one position, one position as leader of a small club, but a great club too, and we can be even greater. Imraan," she turned in her seat to face him. "I admire your vision, and I think you're a great motivator, but I worry that you have so many outside commitments, could you really offer us the commitment that you'd want. And Tristan," she shifted again, "I think you'd bring a real breath of fresh air, but, you know, we're all leaving soon, and I can't help but wonder if this is the time to stick with the person who's proved most loyal to us. The person who helped get the ball rolling in the first place, without whom we probably wouldn't be sitting here."

She paused, for dramatic effect, and to take a breath.

"So, that's why I'm going to vote for Rachel." She smiled at her friend. "Three up."

((Maddy Stone continued in Survival of the Attentive))

Re: For The Kingdom, The Power And Glory Are Yours

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:34 am
by Killer_Moth†
"Well, if nobody else wants to vote, I reckon that we can call it at that. Congratulations Rachel. I always knew that you would do it."

Barron smiled nervously. The atmosphere in the room had changed. Everybody seemed listless. There was little of the enthusiasm that he normally associated with the club meetings. Had his own mood affected the others? He hoped not. He had partially come here hoping for the alternate.

Even Alexandra looked lost and out of place. The group had been welcoming enough, but now, with the awkward silence. He felt compelled to say something to her. "Don't worry Alex; we're not always this formal. We can have some good clean fun here as well" He wondered briefly just how many of the club activities would be considered "fun" by the rest of the school. They weren't exactly known as the party crowd.

"In fact, now that we've got the housekeeping out of the way, I was wondering if our President would like to start the meeting proper by leading us all in a prayer." That was how to do it. It always helped everyone centre. There truly was a union when they all bowed their heads and spoke to The Lord.