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Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:01 pm
by xylophonefairy†
((Apologies for taking a few days to respons. Major revision was occurring.))

Neill had been chewing on an exceptionally large bite of sandwich, all the while twisting his hand around in it's socket to try and convey the message that he did actually have something to say if they gave him a moment. In actualy reality, Neill was very ecited. Here was Chris, a fellow writer, like himself. Neill thought about the meaningful conversations they could hold on the finer points of the subjunctive clause, Neill just couldn't fathom a writer who wasn't equally as obsessed with grammar as he was.

Looking up to see Sarah staring seductively (or so he percieved) at them, these thoughts fell from his mind and he took effort to swallow the still painfully large slump of sandwich ,ashed up in his mouth. He fixed his best charming smil at her, always happy for some female company, though slightly offended that she had chosen to tap Chris rather than him. He dabbed at the corners of his mouth, checking for stray pieces of tuna, and wondered if it would be cheesy to the extent of being socially unacceptable to use the breath spray that was usually buried in his bag for times such as this. Neill tapped on the table in a rhythm, the way he often did when he was worried his actions wold give him away, fortunately nobody in current company knew him well enough to call on this crutch.

"Yes!" Neill almost squealed just as Chris finished speaking, before checking himself and nodding with somewhat more grace. "I mean, yeah, that'd be cool and stuff,".

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:28 am
by R-S-Lee†
((Continued from Seclusion))

Monty had come to the cafeterium to try and get a quick snack at the vending machine.

As he approached the vending machines, Monty pulled out his wallet and pulled out a solitary one dollar bill.

Running kind of low. I'm going to need a bit more spending money... Where's Winston? That fucker's loaded.

Putting the wallet back, Monty arrived at the vending machine. He slipped the bill in and selected his choice of snack, beef jerky. As the beef jerky dropped to the bottom, Monty took a quick glance to a group of kids who were sitting near by.

Oh, great. A fucking geek convention.

Monty was familiar with most of the group. They were all smug pathetic little bastards. Chris Carlson was the worst of the group though. His nerd buddies were annoying, but smart enough to not bother Monty. Chris Carlson on the other hand was a righteous douche bag.

"Fucking prick..." Monty muttered to himself, bending down to grab his beef jerky.

Freeing his snack from its wrapper, Monty took a bite of it. He calmly took a seat at a nearby empty table. Right now, all Monty wanted was to eat his snack.

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:01 pm
by ifnotwinter†
Dominic, true to form, had started to blush the second Sarah approached their table, and now he played with a pen, waiting until the moment of awkward silence after Neill had spoken to give his reply. "Uh, sure, yeah. We're not really doing anything."

He fiddled with the pen cap, pulling it off and snagging a nearby piece of blank paper (well, mostly blank - okay, so there was homework on it, but that totally didn't matter). Carefully avoiding looking at the girl in front of them, who he recognized vaguely, he started to doodle idle patterns and glance around the rest of the cafeteria. Girls had a tendency to make him nervous, which he personally thought was a little ridiculous - he LIVED with one - but still.

As he looked, he happened to notice Monty, and his stomach sank. Oh, great. Fortunately the boy appeared to be ignoring them now, but Dominic still leaned forwards slightly and tapped Chris's shoulder, jerking his head at Monty's table in a silent don't do or say anything to him and hopefully he'll just keep ignoring us.

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:14 pm
by chitoryu12†
Chris was waiting for Sarah's first question when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned, and Dominic jerked his head toward a nearby table.

Sitting unnervingly close to him was Monty Pondsworth. Monty was a complete mountain of a guy, taller than Chris (one of the few) and pretty much just muscle with legs attached. He was by far one of the most intimidating people Chris ever knew, and while Chris was a skilled fighter, he doubted he could handle Monty in a one-on-one fight.

Chris decided it would be in his best interests to ignore the bully. As much as they hated each other, they usually decided to keep their animosity to a low level in public to avoid having any problems with authority. It was hard to keep it under control, but Chris managed. It helped that he refused to attack anyone except in self-defense. Indeed, he could sometimes be a bit devious about it, trying to get people who were trying to bully or mess with him angry enough to attack, which meant Chris could beat the crap out of the person he hated with impunity and not worry about getting in trouble. He was just defending himself, after all.

Chris nodded to Dominic, and tapped Neil's shoulder, leaning in close. "Watch it, Monty's nearby," he whispered. "Don't cause problems."

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:04 am
by Fanatic†
(OoC: sorry was waiting for post order until I posted and didn't realise everyone had went! doh!)

Sarah grinned and dug into her backpack for her notepad while keeping the camcorder trained on the group of boys, who were now whispering about something. Finally pulling the pad out she turned back to Chris and cleared her throat, putting on her more serious tone she reserved for when the camera was rolling.

"Ok Chris, sorry about that. So tell me a few things, what's you're most memorable experience at Bayview this year, who's your vote for prettiest girl in the year and what are your plans for graduation?"

Sarah shot off her questions in a great clump. She knew that she could always edit it out later, and that people usually were more relaxed when they could amalgamate answers.

Glancing around to Dominic and Neill, Sarah motioned with her hand. "you guys can talk too!" Sneaking a look sideways to where the boys had currently been distracted Sarah focused on Monty and paused halfway in a wave. The guy was creepy, she would have to work up to getting a shot with him later. Putting back on a grin and refocusing on the present she awaited the answers of the three guys she was recording now.

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:26 pm
by chitoryu12†
Chris was a bit taken aback by the sudden flurry of questions. He was thankful his mind could work fast to think up answers (he was an fan of improv acting, after all), and took only seconds to think about it.

"Well, my most memorable experience at Bayview would be......taking part in our production of Hamlet as Laertes, my vote for the prettiest girl.......uh, I think I would pick Victoria Logan, and after I graduate, I'll be hitting a party or two and heading off to the University of Central Florida to study theatre."

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 10:36 pm
by xylophonefairy†
Neill had glanced backwards at Monty following Chris' warning with an interested air. He'd generally stayed out of the bully's warpath, though he deduced that these two hadn't, and kind of felt for them. Instead he focused his attentions on the mini interview that was happening in front of him, a far more interesting topic. He pushed a floppy bit of hair from his forehead, then remembered the spot that pulsated furiously towards his hairline and dropped it quickly with a nonchalant air.

He listened to Chris' response with a passing interest. So, the guy was involved in theatre? That was another thing they held in common, while Neill couldn't act a part to save his life, he very much enjoyed watching other people, and alaysing their performance, critiquing it. In a way he was a born director, but he never even considered it as a career.

"Well," he said dramatically as Chris finished, feeling almost as though he needed to usurp the guy, make his story funnier more exciting. It was strange, Neill wasn't usually competitive, a female presence did a lot to him. "There have been so many memorable moments it's difficult to pin them down to just one. Interesting debates in the club, an article I wrote made the headline in the school newspaper back in March, and a featured one in November last year. And the first fifteen chapters of my novel were at last completed. That's part one." Neill added proudly, unaware that not everybody shared the same fastiduous interest in the novel that he did.

"Prettiest girl," Neill said slowly, "obviously, you're one of the top runners," Neill said with a, slightly leering, flirtatious smile at Sarah. "Claire Lambert has a pretty air about her as well, and anyone on the cheerleading squad, and, you know what," Neill added, looking around the canteen. "Pretty much every girl in our grade." Wow, way to sound desperate... "I mean," he added hastily, "everyone is beautiful on the inside, and beautiful to somebody. The best apples are the last to be picked." Neill grinned, aware that he should move one before he slipped completely into cliches.

"After graduation, I intend to spend the summer revising my book and possibly getting a job, when the book is published and becomes a bestseller I shall be able to fund my way through university. I'm going to go to Cornell to major in linguistics." Neill paused, felling a loose thread in his shirt, resiting the urge to point out that it was an Ivy League school. He didn't even play sport so it's not like it should matter, he just really liked the linguistics course. "My grandmother is paying. I'm the only academic of all her grandchildren, though if Sam suddenly decides not to be a baseball player he's in for a shock."

Suddenly becoming acutely aware of how much he'd spoken, and how much of it was likely to be ommitted, Neill stopped and took a drink from his bottle of water, a slight pinkish tinge appearing over his cheeks.

"So, yeah," he finished awkwardly.

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:30 pm
by R-S-Lee†
Monty continued to sit at his table, chowing down on his piece of beef jerky. The geeks seemed to have noticed him, but they were doing their best to not get Monty's attention. A move which was surprising smart of them.

And, as the girl with the camera asked the group some questions, Monty simply finished off his snack. He was starting to think that perhaps he wouldn't have to bother the small little group.

But then, they started speaking. And all hope of that ever happening was gone.

"Well, my most memorable experience at Bayview would be......taking part in our production of Hamlet as Laertes, my vote for the prettiest girl.......uh, I think I would pick Victoria Logan, and after I graduate, I'll be hitting a party or two and heading off to the University of Central Florida to study theatre."

Oh, fucking Christ. It just figures that he'd have the hots for the sluttiest chick in this school. Victoria Logan is probably the one person in this school who'd knowingly bone Carlson. She's pretty much just a prostitute whom you don't have to pay...

"Well, there have been so many memorable moments it's difficult to pin them down to just one. Interesting debates in the club, an article I wrote made the headline in the school newspaper back in March, and a featured one in November last year. And the first fifteen chapters of my novel were at last completed. That's part one."

Wow. That's got to be the douchiest answer to a simple question that I've ever heard...

"Prettiest girl, obviously, you're one of the top runners, Claire Lambert has a pretty air about her as well, and anyone on the cheerleading squad, and, you know what, Pretty much every girl in our grade. I mean, everyone is beautiful on the inside, and beautiful to somebody. The best apples are the last to be picked."

Never mind. THAT is!!!

"After graduation, I intend to spend the summer revising my book and possibly getting a job, when the book is published and becomes a bestseller I shall be able to fund my way through university. I'm going to go to Cornell to major in linguistics My grandmother is paying. I'm the only academic of all her grandchildren, though if Sam suddenly decides not to be a baseball player he's in for a shock."

At this point, the boy seemed to have run out of things to blather on about. And, Monty simply could not keep quiet. It was just not in his nature to let kids get away with saying stuff like this.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, boy?" Monty called out from his table. "She only asked you three questions. Three simple questions."

"To be honest, I'm impressed. I did not know that it was possible to stuff so much pretentious stupidity into mere words. But, you found a way. Bravo! Brav-Fucking-Vo!!!"

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 12:37 am
by chitoryu12†
Neill had barely finished his answer when Chris heard a mocking baritone resonate from nearby. It was a voice that just about chilled his goddamn blood. As much as they wanted to, they were unable to avoid the wrath of Montgomery Pondsworth.

""What the fuck is wrong with you, boy? She only asked you three questions. Three simple questions. To be honest, I'm impressed. I did not know that it was possible to stuff so much pretentious stupidity into mere words. But, you found a way. Bravo! Brav-Fucking-Vo!"

Chris was just about to fire off one of his oft-biting retorts, but his lips were barely a centimeter apart when he slammed them shut again. He sorely wished to have a chance to beat the crap out of the big dude, but taking one look at him was enough to make him hold his tongue. Monty was big and strong, the two worst kinds of people Chris could fight. He figured that with Dominic and Neill on his side, he could handle Monty, but he didn't want to get them involved. That, and if they DIDN'T jump in and get themselves injured, then he would be left all alone to fight what looked like a goddamn bodybuilder.

So Chris decided not to say anything at the moment. He knew that eventually, he would probably be pushed enough, but he sorely prayed that he wouldn't lose his cool when faced with a mountain of a man.

Funny enough, one of the first thoughts to cross his mind as his vision traveled over to Monty was I wonder how a fight would look on camera.

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:07 am
by ifnotwinter†
Dominic had been just waiting for Neill to finish his answer - and trying to think of a way to phrase his answers that didn't sound horribly pathetic in front of a pretty girl - but he hadn't had a chance to open his mouth when Monty spoke.

""What the fuck is wrong with you, boy? She only asked you three questions. Three simple questions. To be honest, I'm impressed. I did not know that it was possible to stuff so much pretentious stupidity into mere words. But, you found a way. Bravo! Brav-Fucking-Vo!"

He glanced instantly over at Chris, silently willing the taller boy not to say anything inflammatory...and was pleasantly surprised when he got his wish. Still, the camera was on, and who knows - if they just ignored Monty, it might piss him off even more.

Think defusing, he thought, and turned to Monty, flashing a slightly awkward smile.

"Hey, man, relax. He was just answering questions. I kind of liked his answers, actually, more interesting then the usual stuff. Nothing wrong with getting creative."

He then turned back to Sarah (still keeping half an eye on Monty) and smiled a little more strongly. "As for me, I really couldn't say for most memorable. Maybe working with Stagecraft on Hamlet? Prettiest girl, well...I'm not the most qualified and besides, I agree with Chris. Inner beauty over outer, y'know? And I'm planning on going to vet school, so I'll be hopefully doing pre-vet at CalPoly."

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:43 am
by Gwbiii†
"Hi, sorry, I was wondering if you could please nuke this container for me? Thanks."
"Sure dear, anything else?"
"No thank you, thanks a lot."

Sarah walked away from the Cafetorium counter to find a seat, a smallish plastic container filled with hot, delicious, home-made noodles held carefully by it's rim in her hands. She'd been looking forward to this, German had gone overtime a little bit and she felt more than ready to eat something.

She stopped at the line where the maze of chairs and tables began.
Ok, can't see anybody, maybe there's a spare table around here... ah! Ehh, crap, Monty. Just keep your head down and walk, don't make eye contact, you don't need any of that right now.

She was almost past him when he suddenly started shouting. "WHAT THE FUCK..." She jumped, almost dropping the container. Oh god, what did I do? She turned on the spot, when she realised he wasn't shouting at her, she turned around again and scurried a few metres away. She sat down and opened the container, closing her eyes as the warm, chickeny scent wafted up. She wasn't letting some asshat like him ruin her meal now.

She fetched a pair of chopsticks and a book (with a particularly dashing picture of Lenin on the cover) out of her bag and made herself comfortable.

"Brav Fucking Vo!"

((OOC – sorry if this messes up post order or anything, but I'm kind of new to the whole concept.))

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 3:03 am
by Fanatic†
(OoC): events in this post take place above "other sarah" since I started before that post above was posted didn't take anything into account.

Sarah was pretty pleased in how Chris answered her questions in a short, surefire way. That, she could use. Little bit of editing and it would make a fine piece, although she was surprised that he would pick a girl like Victoria. Didn't he know she was playing for the other team at present? Although who knew when that might change again.

Shaking her head slightly and focusing back on the conversation Sarah almost cringed when Neill started in about his extensive list of hobbies. "Wow" she thought to herself, "the guy can go on, pity I'll have to cut most of it." Listening to Neill's continued ramblings Sarah smiled slightly when he mentioned her name. It wasn't that she that easily charmed, but it was nice to hear it and she was happy to be grouped in with Claire. The girl was nice, if not a little in to her own airs.

Sarah was just about to cut Neill off when he kind of trailed off himself, just in time for Monty to speak up. Shocked, she took a step back, positioning herself between the boys on the table and Monty. She did not want to get into a fight with the guy, rumours said that he broken a girl's arm once.

Dominic's quick step in re focused her attention to the group in front of her, and his calm reply to her questions allowed her to breathe easy again. Slightly panning her camera up to get a view of Monty in the background and flicking the on / off switch twice to give the impression she had turned the camera off she smiled again and coked her head slightly. "Ok guys, thank you, let me know if there is anything you'd like to add, camera's off so you can relax now."

Letting the camera roll she lingered for a little, the sense that Monty was going to do something kept her journalistic side waiting to see what the bully would do.

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 3:46 pm
by xylophonefairy†
Neill swung slowly round to look at Monty with a bemused expression on his face. Okay, so he'd rambled, he always rambled, there was a girl operating a camcorder on a gangly teenage boy, the rambling was sure to het up a little. Still, he felt defensive all of a sudden, it's not like anyone was asking him.

"And what would your answers be?" Neill said in a slightly mocking tone, feeling more confident now the camera was off, drawing energy from the attention that Monty's outburst had foistered on the motley group of them. "Most memorable moment, beating up an elementary school kid on their was back from scouts." He was well aware he was heading into dangerous territory and that the best way to deal with a bully was to ignore them, his pride was too hurt to listen to reason. Plus, he had always kind of dreamed of this day, standing up to the bully etc. And he had started now.

"Prettiest girl. Wait, no girl would ever consider Monty so what's the point? Probably his Mom or the gay chick that sells him crack." Neill continued candidly, forcing all his energy into continuing to stare into Monty's eyes. He glanced to the side to relieve a little tension and saw a girl hurriedly eating noodles out of a plastic container and wished that he could swap places with her.

"What is Monty Pondsworth going to do when he leaves school? Hah." Neill was starting to realise the gravity of what he was doing and was, sincerely, about to shit himself with fear. He knotted his hands together to hide the shaking, then thought better of it and balled them into fists just in case he should have to defend himself. Maybe buy himself an extra three seconds of life, enough to cry for his absconded Mommy. How fast can Monty run? Faster than me? I'm not that fast. Fuckity fuck I hope he's slow. Maybe if I vault a table I could outsmart him? Heck, I've got a car! I could drive. Oh my God what am I doing? He could probably pull my car back with hi bare hands. "Get arrested? Quite possible. Open a brothel. Hey, think you'd quite like that! Only way you're gonna be getting any getting any."

He turned to Sarah.
"I've got something to add. This is my most memorable moment so far."

Then he bolted from the room.

((Neill Robertson continued in Running Like A Headless Chicken.))

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:04 pm
by chitoryu12†
Chris just about pissed himself. Monty Pondsworth was, by far, the most dangerous person in the school. Tall, extraordinarily strong, and completely ruthless when he got pissed off, which seemed to be every second. He often wondered if the guy was plain psychotic.

As such, nothing shocked him more than when Neill opened his mouth. Hearing all the things he wanted to say but was smart enough to avoid saying was enough to make his jaw drop, one of the few times it did.

"Most memorable moment, beating up an elementary school kid on their way back from scouts."

This was when Chris's mouth opened.

"Prettiest girl. Wait, no girl would ever consider Monty so what's the point? Probably his Mom or the gay chick that sells him crack."

His mouth opened wider. His eyes began to dart between everyone, from Neill's smug stare, to Monty's growing rage, to Dominic's look of shock, to the lens of Sarah's camera. Didn't she turn it off?

"Get arrested? Quite possible. Open a brothel. Hey, think you'd quite like that! Only way you're gonna be getting any getting any."

Chris was ashamed to admit that his deer-in-the-headlights expression turned slightly into a grin. He just found it too funny not to.

"I've got something to add. This is my most memorable moment so far."

And with that, Neill was gone in a flash. Damn, who knew the kid was so fast? Chris looked at Monty, trying to decide which would be worse: Monty chasing after Neill, or Monty staying with them?

Re: Homework: Last Resort of the Bored

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:55 am
by R-S-Lee†
Monty didn't react to what Dominic and Sarah had said. Hell, he didn't actually list to what they had said. They just did not matter to him at all.

"And what would your answers be?"

Monty had been about to respond to Neill with the usual biting sarcasm. Unfortunately for everybody, Neill just had to keep yapping on again.

"Most memorable moment, beating up an elementary school kid on their was back from scouts."

Okay... This little bastard's gonna have to die...

"Prettiest girl. Wait, no girl would ever consider Monty so what's the point? Probably his Mom or the gay chick that sells him crack."

Monty had never, in his entire life, used crack or felt any attraction whatsoever to his mother. But, he still didn't intend on letting him get away with that.

"What is Monty Pondsworth going to do when he leaves school? Hah. Get arrested? Quite possible. Open a brothel. Hey, think you'd quite like that! Only way you're gonna be getting any getting any."

Monty knew that he could not let anybody get away with talking to him like that. So, he felt compelled to beat the living crap out of the little punk. Monty slowly got to his feet. Just as he did so, the little bastard broke into a sprint.

This kid was surprisingly fast. But Monty, being an experienced athlete, was faster. He could easily catch the kid before he escaped from the cafeterium.