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Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:19 am
by Yvaine†
Oh, Vic was loving this! She never tired of hearing someone cry out her name, to be honest, but with Alice? It was something entirely different. For one, Alice was more then a one night stand, more then just someone to screw and move on. Of course, that was how it was going to look when they first started dating. But, it was irrelevant. Alice was nearly naked underneath her, and that was all she wanted in this world. When the people at school either wanted to get in her pants or talked about her when she wasn't around, it was wonderful to have someone who actually, you know, liked her. It was a bit sad, but Vic probably had about the same amount of friends as Alice. Real friends, she meant. People she wasn't friends with just because she slept with them, Vincent aside.

But the way Alice was moving underneath her, man, it was something else! Her moans, her little noises, the way her toes curled, the way she writhed! This was everything she wanted, and Alice hadn't even came yet! Vic looked up at Alice and smiled, gently, yet mischievously. "I won't stop, baby, not if you don't want me to." And from the sounds she was making, that was the last thing on her mind. Vic's smiled widened, the pace of fingers increasing, hitting further inside Alice, her tongue exploring the other woman's mouth. Even while her fingers worked inside Alice, she continued to grind her chest against the slimmer woman, a slight groan of her own escaping her, even through her locked lips.

When Alice stiffened, Vic knew she was close. For the moment, Vic broke off the kiss to watch Alice as she reached her peak for the first time. For a second, Vic met her eyes, and tried to just, show her, how much she loved her. Even as the other woman's scream grew louder, Vic worked faster, moving quicker and harder, loving the expression of ecstasy on her girlfriends face. It seemed like that was all she was going to see before Alice pulled her close, her voice echoing in her ear. Vic didn't mind. For her, it was the sweetest sound in the world. If anything, she wished she was even louder. When the other woman settled, Vic smiled to herself as she pulled her fingers from the other woman, propping herself on her elbow as she languorously ran her tongue over them, licking them clean. Vic smiled, making sure Alice saw every slow, sultry movement. "Hm, I didn't know you tasted so good, babe." Vic leaned closer, whispering into her ear.

Even as Alice climbed shakily out of the bed, Vic knew she wasn't anywhere near done. Not Alice, and certainly not Vic. Vic watched her walk towards the bathroom, taking in her slender frame eagerly, her eyes running up and down her nearly bare frame. "Oh, we're not done here, not by a long shot." Vic called out to Alice as she slid out of bed, following after her partner. Vic threw her arms around Alice's neck, leaning in close, resting her forehead on her bare back. One of her hands trailed slowly, teasingly down her sides, resting on her waist, before spinning her around and kissing her deeply. After a moment, she broke away, smiling broadly. She looked away for a moment, seeing what they were near. Ah, the waist high dresser would work.

She pushed her back, onto the dresser before taking a step back. She unbuttoned her pants before settling her hands on the waistband. Vic exaggerated the swing of my hips as she worked the fabric over her thighs. If anything, her smile grew wider as her pants landed in a heap behind her, leaving her clad only in too small underwear, worn specifically for this sort of occasion. Vic stepped forward, pushing Alice's legs apart, a mischievous smile flitting across her lips as she pulled away Alice's soaked underwear. Victoria leaned forward, planting a kiss on Alice's lips before stepping back enough to kneel down before her. She raised her legs just enough to rest her thighs on my shoulders, giving her an unobstructed view of her target. For a moment, Vic hesitated, looking up to Alice, her expression conflicted. " want this, Alice?"

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:47 pm
by Sister Grimm†

Well, this was somewhat unexpected. She had expected Vic to be eager to continue, true, but she had figured she could have at least waited the one minute it would take her to walk to and from the bathroom. Alice just guessed she should be flattered that such a gorgeous woman couldn't keep her hands to herself. To be honest, Alice was just as ready to continue herself. Even if she was feeling a bit tired from Vic's first performance, her little comment as Alice climbed from the bed had brought her right back, not to mention bringing a blush to her face. Fighting back that blush as she spoke, she smiled broadly as Vic before she clambered out of bed. "Can't wait?" Alice fully expected for Vic to give up, and by the time she had returned, be in some risque position meant to titillate her even more, like that was even necessary.

So, when she turned, she was pleasantly surprised to find Vic wrapped around her neck. She sighed softly at her touch, perfectly content for what seemed like the first time since, well, as long as she could remember. Vic just had that effect on her. As her hands trailed down her side, Alice shivered, already expecting Vic to spin her around. For once, Alice took the initiative. Well, after Vic began to ravage her lips. Alice tangled her hands in the other woman's hair, pulling lightly while her other hand traveled down her back, settling on her rear. If Vic was surprised at that, Alice wished she could have seen her face when she squeezed. When she broke away and smiled, Alice was smiling just as broadly.

It was Alice's turn to be surprised when Vic pushed her back. she hadn't noticed the dresser, but she had an idea of what Vic had in mind as she sat back on the waist high surface. Alice started as Vic shed her pants, mesmerized just by the way her hips swung back and forth. Her jaw may have dropped at some point. She wasn't sure. And when Vic settled down underneath Alice? At that point she almost lost it. Alice was sorely tempted to nod dumbly, but she remember what she had started to think before. Vic had her desires, too.

Carefully, Alice swung her legs over Vic's head before sliding off the dresser. Adopting a mischievous grin, Alice planted a hand on Vic's chest and pushed her back onto the floor, climbing on top of her as soon as she had the chance. "No, Vic. What I want is to help you now." Alice winked, leaning in for a quick kiss. "Maybe next time, huh?" Now that she was on top of her, Alice had no idea. She stalled, thinking how clear everything seemed up to this point. Be aggressive! Aggressive, then? She could try that. She worked her hand under Vic, her fingers deftly undoing the flimsy strap barely keeping on Vic's bra. With a shaking gasp, she pulled away the last thing keeping Vic's chest covered, and Alice found herself losing her train of thought for a moment. After a moment to gather herself, Alice hesitantly leaned forward, her tongue darting out across Vic's now bare breast once she was close enough.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:36 pm
by Yvaine†
It seemed Alice was full of surprises. So far, the only thing she'd been was malleable. It was her first time, after all, it was really what Vic would expect. Not to slight Alice, but she wasn't exactly experienced. Not in this particular respect, at least. That was fine with her. Vic had met her share of virgins, and knew exactly how to deal with them. Not that she considered Alice just another screw. Alice was, well, Alice was special. Vic cared about her, more then anyone else, now or before.

Considering that, Vic was sorely tempted to just let Alice have her way with her. Now, Vic loved a good domination/submission roleplay every now and then. Being the dominatrix, or the submissive, it was good fun either way. Of course, either way, it often involved being bound, whips, safe-words...Call her crazy, but she didn't see Alice being down for that. At least, not tonight. The idea of Alice tied up and calling her mistress sent shivers down her spine, and considering Alice's masochistic streak, it didn't seem outside the realm of possibility.

But, at the moment, the woman settled on top of her was enough. While the happy, chipper side was nice, Vic liked this side even more. Still, she was torn. The prospect of Alice using Vic as she wanted was enticing, but Vic still wanted to explore her body even further. Wanted to plant kisses from head to toe, to make her cry out, to make her moan. She wanted Alice to know how much she loved her, that there was no way she was going to leave her. But, if this was what Alice wanted, she was perfectly content to go along.

"Okay, baby, if that's what you want." Vic simply smiled as Alice fumbled with her bra strap, waiting patiently for her chest to be uncovered. When Alice did finally get the strap undone, the expression on her face was perfect. "Like what you see?" She winked, wrapping her arms around Alice's neck as she leaned in. She trembled softly in anticipation, her smile broadening before Alice made tentative contact. Her head fell back, a soft gasp filtering through half parted lips. It wasn't any great secret her breasts were a weak spot. Hell, it half the school probably knew at that point. But, Alice didn't know. If she wanted Vic to feel good, she'd picked the right spot.

"Keep going, babe, the night's young." She whispered, softly, looking up to her love, smiling encouragingly.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:09 am
by Sister Grimm†
It sounded like she had the right idea. Vic certainly sounded pleased, and that was all that mattered, right? To Alice, Vic had her off? Was that it? Well, Vic had helped Alice reach her peak first, so it was only fair Alice did the same for her. Not to say there wasn't anything she wanted more, of course. Tonight had been, at the risk of sounding cheesy, wonderful. Alice would never have expected someone like Vic to take this much of an interest in her, especially not someone like Vic.

Okay, granted, she didn't have the best reputation. As much as Alice hated thinking about it, but she had to acknowledge that little caveat. To put it lightly, Vic was...loose. Loose, as in, slept with half the damn school. Alice hated the fact that it seemed like one person out of every five slept with the woman, but she had dealt with any trepidation she might have felt long ago. Just because it didn't gnaw at her thoughts whenever she spent time with Vic didn't mean she was okay with it, but it didn't bother her nearly as much. But, like she'd said, Victoria had a reputation.

The fact was just one more among many passed through her mind briefly as her mouth covered her girlfriends breast, but aside from a brief wince, didn't dwell upon it. No, the only thing that would come out of that was jealously and insecurity, two things she did not need more of. Alice could tell Vic anything, sure, but there were somethings she had to keep to herself. Vic didn't need to know about her self-loathing, or how she lacked really lack the confidence she put on for everyone else. Vic didn't need to know how terrified Alice was of her leaving. No, as much as Alice would tell Vic whatever she wanted to know, there were some things she didn't need to know.

Presently, the only thing on her mind was the woman lying underneath, and that was how she wanted to keep it. Alice took Victorias' words as encouragement, not to mention the sound that she made at her initial touch. Alice looked up, briefly, and returned the smile Vic gave her. Alice nodded before returning to Vic's chest. To be completely honest, Alice was just doing what she thought would have the most effect on Vic. If she tried something, the whatever sound Vic made would tell her to keep going or move on. It wasn't like she had any experience here or anything. For the moment, her tongue would explore Victoria's breast, licking back and forth, focusing on her nipple for a second before circling around it. Every so often, Alice would switch sides, moving to her other breast and repeating the process.

While she did, her hand settled on the woman's stomach, not for any specific reason, Alice just didn't know what to do with it. It occurred to her how amazing Vics touch had felt before, and it struck Alice to do the same. With a private smile, her hand slid lower on Vic's stomach, ghosting over the front of her underwear. It hovered there for a moment, moving softly over the fabric before moving back to the top and sliding under the band. Alice watched Vic carefully as she slid two fingers inside the woman, pausing at her entrance before moving inside more forcefully.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:10 pm
by Yvaine†
Alice was doing...surprisingly well for a virgin. Vic was somewhat embarrassed to admit she was close to coming. In her defense, if had been around five months. For someone who lived on sex, that was a goddamn lifetime. Suffice to say, before Alice, that was Vic. She was never big on masturbation, not in the least because she could always go and pick someone up if she was feeling particularly horny. But with Alice, she'd been tempted a few times. Did that sound weird? Yeah, yeah, that definitely sounded weird. You don't touch yourself thinking about the person you're dating. Quick question, did that also apply to those with an overactive sex-drive? 'Cause she thought that there should probably be an exception to the rule in her case.

It was almost enough to make her suspicious, the way Alice was hitting all the right spots. Okay, tagging her breast as a weak spot didn't exactly require a Sherlock Holmes intellect. Shit, at this point, it was about common knowledge. That didn't mean she expected Alice to know. Alice was about as plugged into school rumors as,...well, someone who isn't very plugged into something. Ugh, that sort of fell apart, didn't it? It was just, hell, she still hadn't expected Alice's ministrations to feel so good! Tonight would always have been special, sure, but she sort of expected it to that awkward first time that most, scratch that, all virgins had. Alice would do her damnedest to get Vic off, but she never expected Alice to get her anywhere. Not this first time, anyway.

Yet here she was. Screaming and moaning, shaking and writhing at Alice's every damn touch. It was nice, actually. The way Alice was going, it was almost enough to make Vic think there was someone she was hiding. If it wasn't for the constant looks up at Vic to make sure she was doing alright, that's what she would believe. But Alice seemed just as worried about messing up as she was determined to get Vic off. She thought it was sweet, adorable, even. To be honest, when this was still in the planning stages, Vic's entire plan was to focus on Alice. Even with the unexpected switch, she still planed to moan and scream, no matter how Alice was doing. It was nice that she didn't have to phone it in.

Especially with the sudden probing touch below. She probably expected it, at least a little. Not to say that it didn't surprise the hell out of her. "Fuck!" She gasped in a sudden escape of breath. Vic looked up at Alice, a broad grin or her face, her eyebrow raised suggestively. "C'mere." She grunted, tangling her hands in Alice's hair, jerking her head back, away from her breast, before pulling her face close. For a brief moment before contact, she paused. "I love you, Alice. So goddamned much." After another smile, she crushed her lips against Alice's, her tongue working into the mouth of the taller woman's. The way her fingers were working, it would be any second. She'd been close with just the work on her chest.

Vic broke away from the kiss, settling her chin on Vic's neck, biting her lip as she pulled Alice close against her. "O-oh! Jesus, Alice, don't fuckin' stop!" If Alice worked faster, Vic couldn't tell, her eyes closing, her teeth biting gently into Alice's shoulder as she suppressed a scream. Now this was a familiar feeling. That slow tingling, starting at her feet and working it's way up. Her body shuddered as her teeth sank deeper into Alice's shoulder, her nails digging into Alice's back. At this point, she'd worked into a sitting position, her hips bucking against Alice's fingers as best they could. Her back arched, and her grip on Alice tightened on Alice before she fell against her, shivering. With a content smile, she fell back on the bed, pulling Alice down with her. "Not bad for a virgin." Vic paused, shifting so she was lying next to her. "Wait, I guess you aren't a virgin anymore, are you?" She added with a broad grin, leaning in a quick kiss.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:51 am
by Sister Grimm†
She was doing...well? Alice had to repeat that to herself a few times, not sure she believed it. After all, why should she be able to pleasure Vic? She had to be used to people who knew what they were doing, Alice's groping and pawing had to be comical by comparison. But, despite what Alice might have thought, she sounded like she was having a good time. That would have been enough to bring a smile to Alice's face on it's own. She enjoyed nothing more then making Vic happy, and as the entire school knew, nothing made her happier then sex. Alice was sure she didn't stack up against some of Vic's previous conquests, but all that mattered was that she was happy now. Alice was sure she'd have her hands fool keeping it that way. Not that she wasn't looking forward that particular task.

Alice loved the sounds Vic made, not only because she never expected to hear her make them. At least, didn't expect to hear them caused by her. If she was being honest, Alice never expected Vic to stick around. She would never admit it, especially to Vic, but she always expected her girlfriend to ditch her when she realized Alice didn't want to just have sex. Not to slight Vic, but Alice always thought, at least for the first couple months, she was just after Alice for sex. It might sound egotistical, but some of Vic's rather overt advances didn't leave her goals to speculation. A few times, Alice almost gave in. She wanted Vic to like her, even if it meant doing something she wasn't 100% on. Vic was the first person in what felt like forever that Alice wanted to know, wanted to keep close. Even if it meant doing something she didn't want to.

But Vic didn't make her do anything. After a while, she stopped asking, stopped pushing. She seemed, dare Alice say it, happy to just be with her. It was, well, the happiest Alice had been in what seemed like forever. Alice hated herself just a little less, and even started to smile now and then. Anyone who knew her could tell the difference. It was, in a word, wonderful. This was just the icing on the cake. The knowledge that they could do this again whenever either of them wanted made it even better. Alice knew it was naive, but she couldn't see herself with anyone other then Vic.

Alice cried out herself as Vic jerked her head back. She managed an abashed smile and the beginning of a similar reply before Vic brought her in for a passionate kiss. Her right hand increased it's rhythm, back and forth, back and forth, while her left wrapped around Vic, pulling her flush. Alice found her own body shifting up and down against Vic's, the friction between them coaxing out another moan from her, even as her fingers worked faster. Alice pulled Vic closer in a near frenzy, her tongue meeting her partners while her hand traveled up and down the other woman's back. The tall woman felt as if she was on fire, and Vics every touch drove her wild. She felt as if she would be able to go all night, when Vic broke the kiss and bit into her neck, she hoped she wasn't the only one.

"O-oh! Jesus, Alice, don't fuckin' stop!"

With those words spurring her on, Alice worked faster still, slipping a third finger inside. Alice found herself crying out again, feeling something low in her body tightening. Every touch seemed amplified, from Vic biting into her shoulder, to her nails scratching across her body. She didn't want to be finished yet. She wanted to get Vic off and keep going. This felt too good, too fantastic to stop so soon. For once, Alice could see what the big fuss was all about. Vic crying out, Vic shuddering against her body, it only made her want it more. Even as Vic pulled her back to the bed, Alice couldn't keep her hands to herself. They continued to travel over her the woman's body, holding her close while she planted more kisses along her jaw and neck. She only paused when Vic spoke, rising from her neck to offer a wry grin. "You sure? I don't think one time is enough to be positive. Let's go again, just to be certain." Alice met her lips before pulling her close, leaning further into the kiss eagerly, hungrily, her arms still twisted around the woman.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:14 am
by Yvaine†
Very not bad for Alice's first time, if she did say so herself. For the time in five months, six really, she was satisfied. Well, for the moment. Not to say for a second she wouldn't want to go again, but she was perfectly content to lie there with her girlfriend. Of course, Alice seemed to have other things on her mind. It was like some insane parallel universe. Normally, Vic was the one who harbored fantasies of throwing Alice down on a table in the middle of the cafeteria and having her way with her, but it seemed that Alice was the one who couldn't keep her hands to herself. What a funny twist of fate, right? Vic was the sex-fiend in the relationship, but here was Alice. Still, Vic wasn't complaining.

She leaned into the kiss for the moment, her hands traveling up and down Alice's bare back, lingering over her scars for a fleeting moment before continuing. As much as she wanted to go again, she did have a thing or two that she thought earned a confession, so she couldn't let thing's get too heavy, as much as she might want them too. Vic broke the kiss, gasping lightly for breath and whispering Alice's name lustily into her ear. Well, another few seconds couldn't hurt, right? Reasoning that, she pressed back into the kiss, her tongue venturing into Alice's mouth while one of her hands switched to her chest, settling firmly on her breast.

It seemed both an eternity and a second later when she broke away. The smaller woman gasped before planting another kiss on Alice's lips as a sort of signature, lingering on her lower lip before settling back onto the mattress. Even though her body was still tangled with Alice, she panted in earnest, no longer out of a desire to turn Alice on, but a genuine lack of breath. Even with her cheeks flushed, she flashed a broad smile at the woman next to her before looking back to the ceiling, her own bare chest heaving. "You've improved." She said with another wry smile at Alice.

Her smile fell away when she looked away. This had been on her mind a while now, though some might consider it...sleazy that she waited until after sex? Well, it would just be another for the list of things she wasn't proud of. But it didn't matter what she thought, not at this point. Through some misguided sense of honesty, she felt like Alice needed to know. It would almost certainly be a mistake, and a huge one at that. Alice was accepting, yeah, but Vic was sure even she had her limits to what she could stand. She'd been only honest up to now, but this could be what pushed her over the edge, what made her see Vic like everyone else did. She pressed the heel of her palms lightly into her eyes, debating what, if anything, she should say. Why say anything at all? Because Alice had a right to now. If she really was serious about Vic, and Vic about her, she should know. And there was the matter of the cheating...It was only the once, so should she really even mention it? Maybe the other stuff, but not that. Never that. It would kill Alice.

Vic pushed herself into a sitting position, her back resting against the headboard. After a quick glance at the woman sharing the bed, her eyes turned to the comforter. "Alice, I-I've got some things I need to tell you. I know you said you d-didn't care about what I've done, but I feel like I'm lying to you by keeping this stuff hidden." The words had been sitting like a rock in her gut for the longest time now, and she almost thought she wouldn't be able to speak, but once she started, she couldn't stop. "You know I'm not some saint, but I've done stuff even I would never do again." Vic pulled her knees to her chest before bowing her head, effectively hiding her face. "I mean, I've been with two guys at once, I've had sex for money, I've done it on camera, goddamn bathrooms, more back seats then I can count..." She stumbled, struggling for words, glancing up at Alice and immediately looking away. "For whatever fuckin' reason you could imagine...One night stands, whatever..." Finally, Vic choked, coming to an abrupt stop. She fell against Alice, her head resting on her shoulder while she wrapped her arms around the taller woman. "I'm sorry you fell for such a slut, Alice. I'm so sorry."

((Victoria Logan continued in Have A Heart))

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:05 pm
by Sister Grimm†
Winding her arms tight around the other woman, Alice tried to pull herself as close as she could. Vic was like a drug, intoxicating, addicting, and she couldn't enough of her. "Oh Vic..." Alice purred softly as she slipped away from the kiss, nuzzling into her neck while she relished every touch Vic granted her. Her body jumped and twitched, after-effects from his first orgasm and the sensitivity it had brought. Was that normal? It wasn't like she'd been like this much before, so she could be having a heart attack as far as she knew. Whatever it was, she wasn't sure she wanted it to end. Alice felt safe in Vic's arms, safe and protected, like nothing bad could ever happen. Moving away from her embrace was the last thing she wanted. As long as she had Vic, she felt like she could take on the world and all the bastards in it. Monty? Bring him on. Asher? Go ahead and try. As long as Vic was at her side, it didn't matter.

Alice groaned in disappointment when her lover broke away. She tried to lean into the kiss before Vic had a chance to move away and succeeded for a few seconds before grudgingly settling back onto the comforter. With a sly grin, she adjusted her positioning, resting her head on Vic's shoulder with her arm thrown across her stomach. Her own breathing was quick, and her own chest rose and fell accordingly. Despite her lack of breath, she was more then ready for another go. In fact, she wanted nothing more then to climb on top of Vic and ravish her. "I had a good teacher." Alice replied with a grin. "I think you've created a monster, Vic." She added winking suggestively, pulling herself closer with the arm wrapped around the woman's stomach.

She watched Vic's smile fell away and for once didn't assume it was something she did. "What's wrong, love?" She asked, sitting up and looking down at Vic. She dimly remembered what she'd asked in the kitchen and felt a chill run down her spine. No, no, that was all wrong. Vic had said she wasn't going anywhere. Alice, your being stupid again. What, you don't trust her? She said she wasn't going anywhere. Why don't you try not to fuck things up for once? Alice shifted anxiously in the bed, her mind trying to puzzle out what Vic could be thinking. The way she bit her lip, the thing with her hands, it was clear she was troubled about something.

Alice was suddenly terrified. What if she was leaving? That idea itself sparked a dozen others, all equally terrifying. What if there was someone else? Or Alice wasn't good enough? The theories that she was coming up with were bad enough that when Vic spoke again, it was almost a relief. At least she wasn't leaving. Anything else wouldn't be so bad. While she tried to from the words, Alice took her hand and squeezed, offering a reassuring, if somewhat nervous, smile. "Really, you don't need to worry-" She started, only to be cut off when Vic started her list. Alice winced partway through. She wouldn't lie, it was far from reassuring. Out of all the things she mentioned, the thought that a sex tape of Vic existed scared her the most. Alice had made some form of peace with Vic's reputation a while ago, but knowing some asshole had a video of Vic he might just pop on if he was feeling bored...

Still, Alice knew there were skeletons in Vic's closest. This wasn't totally unexpected. As much as she might like to wish it wasn't true, there wasn't much she could do about it. "It's okay, Vic." Alice soothed, running a hand through Vic's hair, holding her close. Alice placed her hand on Vic's chin and turned her face up. "Yes? Well, I'm not sorry. Victoria Logan, I love you. What you did before..." She trailed off briefly, breaking eye contact as she searched for the right word before looking back. "It's not great, I won't lie. But I love you more then enough to overlook anything you might have done. I don't care about any of that, and that's the God's honest truth." Alice smiled. "As long as that 'sex for money' wasn't how you payed for this necklace, I'll live." Alice leaned in for a gentle kiss before settling them both back onto the bed. "You're just lucky I like you, Vic, otherwise I might not be so forgiving."

((Alice Blake continued in Have A Heart))