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Re: Don't Tell And We Won't Ask

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:21 pm
by Namira
"Hm? Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't give yourself an ulcer now," Rosa was much more concerned with her texting than with paying attention to Ily. He was either worrying or decidedly snippy the vast majority of the time, so Rosa pretty much ignored his tone. What she was doing was much more important (to her) than a worrying brother. Besides, it wasn't like either were matters of life and death.

Rosa's phone beeped one more time, and she smiled. That friend of hers had delivered quickly (though not without a pointed chatspeak comment or two about why Rosa would want the picture), and there it was... some people would probably call Rosa perverted for wanting to see a half-nude snap of herself - either that or egotistical, but hey, both were at least a little true. Sticks and stones right?

Rosa looked at the picture for a couple of seconds more then turned around and headed out of the bathroom. If Ily was going to bed and the lecture was over, she'd do the same, otherwise she'd be bushed in the morning. However, with the bathroom light being on, the darkness of the hallway seemed even more pronounced than before. Rosa tried to go carefully, but stumbled after a couple of steps. She then pushed her palm against the wall and began to silde along it, however, she had forgotten exactly where the open doorway in the hall was, and the surface underneath her hand abruptly disappeared.

The drunken Fiametta lost her balance immediately and fell, her phone going skittering off into the darkness, the glow from the screen turning itself off automatically.


"Um... Ily?" Rosa called, as loudly as she dared. "Little help here?"

Re: Don't Tell And We Won't Ask

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:44 pm
by ifnotwinter†
Ilario rolled his eyes at Rosa's distracted comment, leaving the bathroom and letting his eyes adjust to the darkness before setting off back down the hall. He was exhausted, now, up far later then usual but he couldn't really sleep in the next morning. At least he would only have to worry about one sister, now (and Rosa had a point, Frankie's obsession with anything that could change her perception of reality for a few minutes was a pretty big issue as well.)

Not that either sister ever listened, he groused to himself, starting up the stairs. Honestly neither of them really paid attention to him, unless they wanted something. Then he was always the first on their list. It'd be Ohh, Ilyyy, and then they'd be begging him for money or to help cover something up.

And he usually helped them, because that was what he was supposed to do, but-

"Uh, Ily? Little help here?"

-right on time.

Ilario stopped for a moment on the stairs, taking a deep breath and weighing his options. He could go back up to bed like he'd never heard her, and maybe she'd finally appreciate what he did for her. But - if she woke up the house calling him or falling over the stairs, his father wouldn't be impressed. He'd told Ilario time and time again to look after his sisters.

Slowly, he turned and made his way down the stairs. His eyes had mostly adjusted to the light by now, although he missed Rosa's phone, lying against the baseboards. Standing in front of the messy heap that was Rosa, he crossed his arms and stared downwards, his tone frosty.

"I'm sorry, what did you want?"

Re: Don't Tell And We Won't Ask

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:53 pm
by Namira
At length, Ily reappeared, and didn't look worried now, he looked faintly pissed off. That didn't overly bother Rosa, because hey, it wasn't like he could have made it back to bed and asleep in that time, was it?

"I, uh, can't figure out where I'm going," Rosa giggled, aware of how silly that sounded. She was, however, rather drunk, so losing her bearings probably shouldn't have been much of a surprise. Even though it was her own house... well, it was a big house, and the darkness had got her disorientated.

Rosa, rather gracelessly, managed to pick herself up from the floor, before giving her brother a lopsided smile.

"I got the lefts and the rights the wrong way around and then the wall ran out."

Had she been a little more sober, Rosa would probably have realised that what she'd said made little to no sense, but as it was, she continued to smile obliviously. This was how she tended to go whilst drunk. One of two extremes. Either sharp and completely bitchy, or dafter than a brush and totally goofy.

Still, wasn't, at least in terms of how Ily thought, home and drunk better than sober in the bed of some guy? Maybe. Maybe.

Re: Don't Tell And We Won't Ask

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:24 am
by ifnotwinter†
Rosa wasn't making much sense, which was interesting considering that it was the other female triplet who tended to be incomprehensible a good eighty percent of the time. Still, Rosa was marinating nicely in alcohol right now, evidently causing the brain-to-mouth connection to require some repairs.

And now Ilario's inner train of thought wasn't making sense either, and as much as he half wanted to just leave his sister there in a heap so that he could get some proper rest for once, he knew he couldn't. He'd promised Father.

So he extended a hand to the semi-prone figure, blowing his breath out in a frustrated sigh. "Come on, then. Up to bed."

A pause, and then giving her a slightly sharper look, "If you vomit on me I'm telling Father about the last time you brought a boy home and couldn't be bothered to use your own room."

Re: Don't Tell And We Won't Ask

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:21 pm
by Namira
With Ilario's assistance, Rosa regained her feet, although she tottered slightly before finding her balance properly. She swayed a little, and almost fell straight into Ilario again, but she managed to stop herself. Best not to tick off Ily any more than he already was... or rather, make herself look any sillier than she already had done.

"Bed... yeah, sure. Don't worry, I'm not going to be sick..."

Rosa rarely threw up whilst or after drinking. Maybe she just had an iron constitution, or maybe because it would just be too horrible to do something like that when flirting, which, when she was drunk, she was usually doing.

"Hey, hey, that was just once alright? ...Maybe twice, but no more than that!"

Anyway, it wasn't like he could prove that? Could he? Er... better go along with him, just to be safe.

Re: Don't Tell And We Won't Ask

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:05 am
by ifnotwinter†
"Three times," Ilario muttered under his breath, putting a hand around Rosa's shoulders and guiding her towards the stairwell. "That I was here for." And he hopes sincerely that it wasn't more than that.

His eyes were pretty well adjusted to the dark, and it didn't take them that long to maneuver up the stairs, even with Rosa leaning on him. She wasn't that big, after all, and by the time they'd made it to her room and he'd shut the door, flicking on the lights, he found the cranky feeling washing away.

He kept his voice low, although the chance of Father hearing wasn't particularly high. "Change before you go to sleep, okay? And take a shower in the morning before coming down, you reek."

Re: Don't Tell And We Won't Ask

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:13 pm
by Namira
"Bla blah blah, lecture, blah, blah blah couldn't care less, blah," Rosa replied, probably somewhat too loudly, although the sound wasn't likely to carry far enough and well enough to wake anybody up. The Fiametta household was large, and Junior tended to sleep quite soundly, something that Rosa (and Frankie, she was sure) had had cause to be grateful for on more than one occasion.

"Look, Ily... sometimes you just... just have to..." Rosa trailed off, whatever her brain had come up with having disipated halfway out of her mouth, and instead, she just grinned, before sitting down on her bed and looking at her brother.

"Anyway... you ought to worry less. I'm a big girl, Ily, and I can take care of myself."

That was argueable, but there wasn't exactly time to debate the point, because Rosa just flopped straight backwards on her bed. After a second or two, it was pretty clear she'd gone to sleep.

A typical non-school night in the Fiametta household, really.