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Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:19 pm
by Brackie
((Apologies for the delay))

It was like...something was seriously wrong.

Sarah wasn't nearly bright enough to know exactly what was going on behind everyone's eyes, was all off. Sapphire didn't understand what was going on either, she was more bored than scared at what could possibly be happening. Did she not listen to the announcements? Didn't she know who Nick Reid was? Sarah was scared out of her mind right now, why wasn't Stacy or Sapphire? Nick was a killer!

The small girl was spooked just a bit by the new arrival. Another girl, allies with the two people who were almost as clueless as they were about each other.

Oh, what was Rashid even thinking? Taking them on? No! No no no no no! They wouldn't dare! As Harun took her side, explaining exactly why they weren't doing exactly what he said, and instead discussing it over like calm, rational people! All the while, Sarah was slowly shaking her head at Rashid, almost like she was scolding him maternally. It wasn't happening, it wouldn't happen. That was how...that was how people died here. Rash decisions. Decisions from Rashid.

"He's right, he's right, we can't go out there. He's...he's dangerous. If we leave now, he'll never know we were here, and...we'll be okay, and..please can we leave I don't want to be here anymore..." The natural fear took over, and part of her, the primal part, wanted to tug at Harun's sleeve and beg him to take them away from this mess.

But what she saw next almost had her running away in...well, just the fact that it was there in the first place.

Stacy's gun was no longer a water pistol, it...was huge! A really, really, really, really big gun that looked like it could blow Sarah alone into space, not including the truck she was standing in front of and the people near it! Where on earth did she get such a thing?

Sarah wanted to ask this, but all she could get out after stumbling backwards for a moment was her mouth trying to make sound but simply only shaping a double-yew over and over again.

Not even sound came out. Just a silent whimpering.

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:07 am
by Tythanin†
A wide grin split Melissa's face as she heard Jennifer's simple "Over here" and she had to quickly wipe an elbow across her eyes to wipe away tears that she knew were beginning to form. There was no doubt about it at all...the girl in front of her was Jennifer Perez, a of the few ones that she had down at Bayview. It felt great knowing she had run into a friend...she hadn't felt this good since the beginning of the game since she had run into...Aislyn. She privately hoped that nothing would make Jennifer turn out the same way...she shivered at the thought of Jennifer screaming at her with that same angry look. Definitely something she didn't want to happen.

The other person...even with a closer look, she couldn't identify him that well. Looked kind of beat up, actually. She knew she had seen him in Bayview somewhere...his name was wriggling around in her brain, but she just couldn't grasp it long enough to remember. It was beginning to bother her, but Jennifer was with him. He couldn't actually be a danger, could he? He was reaching for a gun that was laying on the ground though, so...that was a bad sign. It wasn't like she was dangerous in any...Melissa looked down at herself for a moment. Her bloodied shirt and the sword she was holding in a death grip in her left hand stared back up at her. 'Oh.'

She stopped in her tracks a few feet away from Jennifer and the boy, a sheepish smile on her face as she motioned with the sword. "Ah...sorry if I scared your friend, Jennifer. This uh...well, a lot of things happened, actually. I was in the infirmary and just..." She sighed, the memories springing up unbidden in her mind. "Just...things went crazy. You really don't know how happy I am to see you right now...seriously. It's like a dream come true."

Things felt awkward for her now. She had wanted to see Jennifer on the island along with her other friends but now that the opportunity was with her...she found herself at a loss of things to say. What could she say? It didn't seem right to dredge up memories of what normal Bayview life had been like...maybe if it was night and they were around a campfire but the feeling...the scene didn't feel right at all. Here she was, having nearly gone crazy from self-recrimination (and possibly still crazy) and holding a bloody weapon in a hand. And there was Jennifer, fresh from just hugging some boy that Melissa didn't recognize. If this had been the beginning of the game, maybe it would have been easier.

But it wasn't the beginning.

It was the sixth damn day in Danya's sick experiment. People she had just gotten to know...gotten to become friends with. They had died. They had changed. Everything had changed so much since their innocent lives at Bayview. Melissa didn't even know what Jennifer had been through, but chances were it was just as shitty as the stuff she had gone through. So she said the only thing she could really think of to sum up everything.

She stabbed her sword into the soft dirt of the road, letting it stand free as she tucked her hands behind her back in a slightly formal posture. Her smile had dimmed...more to a sort of sardonic grin than an actual smile. "...Everything's gotten so fucked up, hasn't it?"

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:42 am
by Dropbear†
Sapphire, quite frankly, was starting to get sick and tired of this shit.

"For the love of God- Put. Your weapons. Away!"

Gritting her teeth harshly and glaring at Stacy, she resisted the urge to scream at the insaneness. Sarah was freaking out, Stacy looked ready to kill for no fucking good reason, Rashid WAS about to kill in two seconds, and god-fucking-knows what Harun was doing. Fucking idiots couldn't walk around a person without wanting to kill everyone! What the hell! No playing, that was the rule, wasn't it? So what if the guy had killed someone, it was the principle of you not fucking attacking him without good reason! THIS IS THE STUPIDEST FUCKING THING EVER.

...Wow, that was the most mental swearing she had done, Sapphire thought. She actually felt more relaxed. But she had to do something! Like... Like...



Stand there frozen at the fact that everyone wasn't being able to sort this out like adults.

"...can't we just... talk?"

Of course not. This was going to hell right before her very eyes.


Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:37 pm
by Rattlesnake
((Post order has been taken out behind the shed and shot, seeing as no less than three deaths depend on it.))

Nick eyed Melissa warily. He had to trust Jennifer, take her word that she was a friendly, because no way was he screwing this up now. Jennifer understood him, sympathized even where she couldn't empathize. They'd shared something magical - to him at least - even if the warm glow was being slowly eroded by his own paranoia.

Melissa drew near, and so did her blade. He tried to steer his thoughts away, but there came the inevitable pileup in the back of his mind, a logjam of fragments from half-baked scenarios all ending in ringing steel and gushing blood.

...step in and go for the pommel strike if she goes overhand...
...probably won't know to hunt limbs...
...grab the back of her blade if we lock...

His hand closed around his own weapon at last. He stood back up to a full slouch, letting the sword fall into point-down between them, keeping his weight on his back foot. Ready to block, but not to strike. A terribly rude thing to do, he'd have to admit, but something he'd just have to gamble on her not noticing.

She didn't notice. Or maybe she did, and she didn't want to press the point. Either way, as she made a friendly face and sheathed her sword in the ground, she offered a sentiment that he had to agree with wholeheartedly. The while situation was nothing if not completely-


That wasn't Jennifer talking. Or Melissa. And it certainly hadn't been him. He looked around for the source, but there was nothing there, absolutely no cover except for that truck that seemed to have had it almost as rough as he had. So unless they'd come across a particularly foul-mouthed vehicle, that left one possibility.

"One second. Out of the line of fire, remember," he said, waving his hand in a vague manner that very neatly failed to communicate the dangers of walking next to someone who was being shot at.

Slowly, heart pounding, he started walking towards the truck.

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:17 pm
by General Goose
((Apologies if I effed up the post order.))

Everything suddenly went downhill.

Firstly, courtesy of Stacy, he lost the game.

The one benefit of the island so far had been that, without his sweet, precious internet connection (that was another thing, all his LOAs and away posts on his various internet forums must be running out by now), he'd done pretty well in terms of the game. With bigger things to think about and no obnoxious pricks shouting out "the game" at random intervals, he'd been doing pretty well. He'd only lost it once on the island, and thanks to Stacy Hart, his streak of success was tragically brought to an abrupt end.

Oh, and she also pulled a gun out of nowhere. Rather surprising...maybe not unwelcome, at least in the short-term, but he couldn't really trust anyone in the long-term, when push comes to shove.

Of course, that was just inside his group. Rashid seemingly hadn't changed his "we can take them" mentality, and Sarah was blabbering like an idiot, and Sapphire was doing absolutely fuck all interesting, so Harun decided to ignore her. Once again, he was the only sane, calm person in the group, and once again he was thrust into the leadership position.

Well, he was soon to find out that being the only sane person in the group (from his point of view, at least) was more trouble than it's worth.

"One second. Out of the line of fire, remember."

Wait, what?

Turning around the corner to check the source of the noise and see how the situation on the other side of the truck was developing, he found himself staring at Nick Reid.

He stared blankly at the killer for a couple of seconds before he quickly turned back around, hiding behind cover, an awful sweat cropping up all over his body.

Alright, Harun, time to think on the spot.

Hiding wouldn't be logical. You don't just see a big-nosed, Turkish kid for two seconds and shrug it off as a trick of the light. Running....he hated running. His legs were tired enough as it was, and he didn't have the energy to speed-walk out of there, let alone run. No. Not an option. Last resort. You're a peaceful, diplomatic guy, Harun, conflict should ALWAYS be a last resort.

Negotiating it was then. He had more than enough handicaps when it came to negotiating, whether it be his social awkwardness, his group's....maverick tendencies or the fact his weapon was intimidating enough to be seen as a threat if held wrong but not scary enough to ward off any serious attacker. Still, it was worth a shot.

Giving his group a quick signal to stay quiet and not move, he edged out of cover.

"Oh hi Nick."

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:04 am
by MurderWeasel
((Post order seems to be completely dead. I was after Rattle, so I'm going now. Just gonna stick with after Rattle from now on, I think.))

Melissa was apologizing. It was awkward. Jennifer dished out the apologies. Receiving them wasn't her job. She wasn't even really sure what to say. It seemed like Melissa hadn't recognized Nick yet. It also seemed like Nick was going to handle this the right way. No more death. No more killing. Not here, at least. The rest of the island could do whatever it fucking wanted. Jennifer was going to have a moment of peace with some friends.

Melissa commented on their situation. "Fucked up" was just the right term for it. Jennifer smiled. Nodded. Said, "Yeah."

It was strange how nice it felt to have another real friend around, someone else Jennifer could open up to. It was liberating. Suddenly, Jennifer could be a bit optimistic again. Sure, Romita was dead. Some of the other people she had met, some of her other friends, were dead. She was going to die, and so were Nick and Melissa.

Didn't mean it had to be nonstop pain and gloom.

And then someone went and fucked the whole thing up. Someone made noise, from behind the truck. Nick had his sword ready, and he started over to check it out. Reminded Jennifer to stay clear. She could just imagine someone opening fire, ripping Nick apart with bullets. Or, on the other end, someone goading him, getting stabbed. Is this what had happened all those other times he'd killed? Had he come on too strong, been too aggressive? Had it all been a series of misunderstandings?

Didn't matter. She didn't give a fuck. It was over. No one needed to get killed today.

Jennifer flashed Melissa a smile. "Hang on just a sec," she said.

Then she took off, jogging after Nick. If there was one thing Jennifer could do, one little redeeming talent to make her life worth something in this situation, if was that she had a knack for defusing conflict. Sure, it was manipulative sometimes, but she could fucking work this. She was pretty sure Nick wouldn't start anything if she was close. That was why he kept ordering her away, after all. His conscience could take risking his own life, but not hers.

So she just had to put herself at a little risk. Strangely, that was the way to be safest. To keep them all safe. She wasn't exactly in Nick's bubble, wasn't making it obvious what she was doing, but hopefully it'd be enough to make him reconsider.

A guy came around the truck, and said hi to Nick.

Jennifer smiled back and replied from behind with a "Hi," of her own.

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:17 am
by Zabriel†
Stacy wasn't sure if she would start firing shots, but if there was ever a time to have her weapon at the ready, it was that moment. The thing about the game was that nobody was sure who was actually playing. Even the ones who had killed, nobody knew the circumstances, and hell, there was always the chance that Danya was lying about how people had died and who had killed them. She wouldn't have been surprised if the first death announcement had all been a trick to get them scared and ready to kill each other.

She didn't want to play. She also knew that she was playing. Everybody was playing. The ones who thought they weren't playing were just playing badly, and they were going to die. So was she. And Sarah. And Sapphire. Everybody would die unless some miracle occurred. And everybody knew that miracles didn't happen. That's why they were called miracles.

Stacy cocked her revolver.

I'm going to die on this island, but I'm not going without a fight.

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:30 am
by Brackie
((What they all said about post order, and we need to get these deaths done, like, quicksmart. And yeah, not my best work, but I'm kinda holding this whole thing up))

A lot of stuff happened to Sarah in those few moments after Stacy pulled her gun out. The most notable of which was the sudden appearance of one Nick Reid.

She couldn't handle it.

Sarah ran, as fast as she could, in the other direction.

((Sarah Tan continues in Eep.))

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:59 am
by Rattlesnake
It was like being in a horror movie. He could almost hear that great cliche being shouted after him. "Don't go in there!" For one absurd moment he recalled that he was just a character in a violent spectacle. How many real people were even now taking bets, shou-Gun.

And then it was gone. Nick's body froze. His mind moved.

Twenty-one feet, no problem. Gunblade. Blanks, maybe, like in the game? Can't count on it. I stab, he shoots. He shoots, I stab. Nash votes for a Mexican standoff. But he'll think gun beats sword. Mutually assured destruction.

We're both going to die.

The gun and its owner reappeared. A rivulet of sweat wound down Nick's temple. Harun didn't shoot. He'd greeted Nick, in fact. He wouldn't wait to shoot again, would he? Nick shook with adrenaline, second-guessing his conclusion at a mile a minute. They should be pointing weapons at each other, shouldn't they? Same idea as the Cold War. That was their equilibrium. Maybe Harun thought they were sufficiently threatening to each other?

Or maybe, he realized, He doesn't give a flying rip about game theory.

Before he could pursue that avenue of thought further, Jennifer flipped the situation on its head once more. How could she be so spectacularly stupid? She sounded pretty nearby, though he didn't dare look back to check. That was right in the line of fire. Just one miss, heck, a good through-and-through and she was done. Dead. Did she not realize she was risking her life for his sake?

His stomach gave a flutter that had nothing to do with nerves. Of course she did.

It was going to be alright. Power of love, or something like that. The air was still thick with tension, but Jennifer would fix it. Nobody was going to die.

For the moment.

And then, one after another, a ratcheting cl-i-i-ck and a girl booking it out of there like a bat out of Hell. It was all just too much. You didn't click the hammer back unless you were really, honestly about to shoot something. And you didn't run like that unless something bad was about to go down.

"Screw this.'

He backpedaled a few steps before breaking into a run, flying past Jennifer, looking over his shoulder and weaving slightly to frustrate the aim of anyone who might try to take him out. He descended on the bag with B055 stenciled on the side and scooped it up, then turned back to Jennifer for a moment. She seemed to be staying. To fix everything, or something. Make it all right again.

"I'll be there," he shot over his shoulder as he tore down the road.

If you don't get yourself killed...

((Nick Reid continued in Later, Buddy.))
((New post order should be Laz-Goose-Toben-Tyth-Dropbear, with Stacy vacating somewhere in there.))
((I worked it all out. But go ahead and ignore me :[ ))

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:04 pm
by laZardo†
Rashid did not have time to get mad, jelly, butthurt or other angry emotion for losing the game because shit happened so damn quickly that his relatively relaxed mental state got roused from its sedentary state like cold water on a sleepwalker. Nick and his girls had decided to come to them first, and then he found himself somewhere around the edge of a continent-wide Latin American Standoff armed as always with that accursed bottle of pills.

And then it ended as quickly as it began. Nick ran off with his girls following. Probably as confused as he was, though Harun's gunblade also probably had something to do with it.

"Well, you scared him off." Rashid grunted, forcing a smirk to try to hide how much he was thankful he'd taken a crap before he'd arrived. "Better than us being dead right now."

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:56 pm
by Zabriel†
Stacy saw Sarah run off and cast a quick look around the area before silently dashing off after her. No matter what happened, Sarah had to be protected.

She wasn't entirely sure why, but she had bonded with Sarah. Maybe it was just the knowledge of her incredibly limited time and the fact that Sarah reminded her in some small way of the sister she'd left at home, but she felt a strong connection to her and needed her to be safe. She couldn't explain it, and even if she lived and made it home she'd never be able to explain why she felt so much so soon.

Maybe that's just what the certainty of death does to people. I'm coming Sarah. I'll do my best.

((Stacy Hart continued in Eep.))

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:32 am
by Tythanin†
(OOC: I have no clue what the hell is going on, but I'm posting now before going to the next post cycle because as it is, it totally skips me once >_> But anyway, yes.)

You never want to be known as someone that was dangerous. But when the person with Jennifer dropped his blade in ground between her and him, Melissa realized that he actually thought she was dangerous. And at a basic level, Melissa was flattered. Here she was, a Chinese girl with average height and glasses and probably one of the least threatening people around at school...and this kid in front of her thought she was dangerous. Must've been the sword. Bloodied swords really do make everything seem more dangerous.

But that wasn't the point. The last thing she wanted was some sort of misunderstanding and she was all set and ready to explain why the hell she looked like she came out of a slasher fic when there was a disturbance. There was some noise behind a truck nearby and suddenly the boy went into action like he was some sort of confident military man, heading over to the truck with his sword in hand. At least he sounded like he knew what he was doing but...she looked at Jennifer, hoping the other girl would be able to shed a light on what was going on.

She unfortunately did not.

Instead, Jennifer offered a smile...which brought up unfortunate comparisons to Felicia...which only became more unfortunate when Jennifer ran to the truck with her friend and greeted...whoever was behind it. A shiver ran down her back. This was just like what had happened with Kayla...well okay, it wasn't just like what had happened. But dammit, it was close enough. It wasn't fair. She had left the infirmary to get away from the nightmare...was it going to happen again? It wasn't right...shit like this should happen again...she could always see the two side by side.

There was a noise behind a place they couldn't see and someone went to answer it, only this time it was Not Johnny instead of the girl, Jennifer in this case. There were greetings exchanged. Things seemed great. "Hi"s weren't exactly the top of the friendship list, but hey, it was a pleasant greeting and it seemed things were going to be great. Something was going to go wrong. She knew it. This had happened before. She would take one step forward...maybe two, and then things would go to hell. It was her part...the world was waiting for her to do it.

And so she did. Even if this whole thing hadn't happened before, she would have tried to figure out what was going on anyway. A simple "Wait here" or "Hang on" wasn't really...something she liked being told. If they had at least attached a "I think someone's dangerous behind there so I want you here out of trouble", she probably would have been fine staying put but...

Well maybe that stuff was just meant to be left unsaid...who knew? Melissa certainly didn't. She grabbed her sword, digging it out of the earth.

She ignored both Not Johnny and Jennifer as she walked towards the truck and true to form, the shit hit the fan. Somebody ran out from behind the truck, Not Johnny chased whoever it was (thankfully not getting himself impaled on a sword somehow), and another girl ran away too. There was no actual gunshot, but that was fine. Melissa's mind managed to supply the gunshot for her.

She walked up next to Jennifer, a frown on her face. There was no killing yet. That was great...but the way things seemed, she wasn't so sure. There were three others behind the truck, two boys and a girl. She recognized the girl. It was Sapphire McLeod. She was a shy least, that's what Melissa remembered from that time they had both gotten in trouble at Bayview's library. If it was any other time, she probably would have managed a "Hi" and a wave.

But she just felt dumbfounded and so very, very out of it. Nothing right was happening and history was repeating itself.

"What the hell is going on?"

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:58 pm
by General Goose
((Sorry for the delay.))

Things were moving quickly.

Firstly, Nick didn't seem to be aggressive or hostile, and if he was, he was doing a fairly good job at covering it up. He just kept the awkward silence of the staring match going. It was hardly a desirable situation, and Harun was feeling nervous as hell, but it was preferable to Nick going all batshit insane on his ass and charging at him with his weapon. You didn't need a degree in military strategy or game theory that that would end badly for all involved, no matter what the ultimate outcome was.

Then, Jennifer (the not-dead one) popped out from behind Nick with a smile on her face, and gave Harun a "hi". The smile? Probably a fake one. It didn't LOOK insincere, but logic stated that it had to be. No-one could be all grins and smiles in a situation like this. Unless they were naive. Or mentally deficient. Which wasn't impossible.

Then, a cliiii-ick from behind him that had to belong to a gun. Harun wasn't an expert on guns and how they worked, but he knew enough from the media and his short time on the island to know a cliiii-ick was probably a bad thing.

He quickly glanced around, cautious not to let Nick leave his peripheral vision, only to see Sarah running off for no discernible reason. He had no real attraction to her, but she was a nice, friendly, well-meaning girl from first impressions, but the very principle of a smaller group was a bad thing, at least in Harun's mind. Now he just had Rashid (and, bless him, he was hardly the best at defusing a bad situation), Stacy (who was the sort of girl he'd be slightly intimidated by back in Minnesota, truth be told) and Sapphire (whom he knew even less than Sarah, and, to be blunt, had decided to join his group from out of nowhere.)

Having got a quick, basic grasp of the situation going on behind him (and having made the decision to take any necessary action later), he turned back around to Nick, not-dead Jennifer and other-girl.

And Nick was running away.

Whether that was a good or bad thing, Harun had no fucking idea, and his eyes just tailed Nick until he became a little speck on the horizon.

Then Rashid said another thing that wasn't worth listening to, so he didn't listen to it, and instead found Stacy setting off, in hot pursuit for Sarah.

Then the other girl asked what the hell was going on.

"I don't even fucking know." Making a frustrated sound that was like a mixture between a moan and a cry, he threw the swordgun onto the ground and slumped onto the floor beside it, staring up at the clouds in the sky.

The weather was being annoyingly cheery. Harun was surprised his hayfever wasn't acting u....

With impeccable timing, he got an urge to sneeze, and began rifling through his pockets for a packet of tissues, before sneezing all over his sleeve.

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:46 am
by MurderWeasel
Everything fell apart, but at least no one died. Nick ran off. Jennifer could see why fairly quickly. Several of the group were armed, with some sort of sword and a fairly large gun. None of them was covered in blood, but Jennifer herself had a bit of that look going on, so it wouldn't take much to prompt a misunderstanding. Nick's decision to leave struck her as somewhat chivalrous, if misguided. He was so convinced he was the primary target. So sure he would draw the fire away from her.

Two of the others ran off, too. One was the girl with the gun. They weren't going the same way as Nick. It seemed everyone was tense, on edge. The people behind the truck spoke to each other. They didn't seem to be interested in Jennifer, and she was absolutely fucking fine with that.

"I'll, um, I guess I'll be, um, going then," she said, before taking off, heading back towards Melissa. She'd leave these other people to work things out. She really didn't want to be in the middle of a fight. Not now. Not again.

As she came up to Melissa, she found herself panting. Fuck. She just didn't have the energy she'd had five days ago. The island was taking its tole on her. On all of them, probably.

"We should go," she said. "Um, that is, um, if you want to be with Nick and me. He's, um, he's not so bad. Just, um, scared. I think we, um, I, I mean I think I can help him. We were going to the, um, house of mirrors."

That wasn't quite true. They were going near the house of mirrors, but she was pretty sure she hadn't given Nick the exact location, or at least not the full rationale. It would be very bad if he figured things out and beat them there. Maf was supposed to be at the house of mirrors, waiting for her. It was the message she'd asked Bill Davis to deliver all those days ago. She doubted it had reached Maf. Then again, maybe it had, if he'd been near there. If he'd met Nick. Maybe he was waiting.

She had to get to him before Nick. They were absolutely not going to fucking kill each other while she was lost somewhere else on this island. No way.

"Come on," she said, and got moving, keeping a fairly rapid pace, even if it did wear her out. No way they'd catch Nick, but they might not be too far behind.

((Jennifer Perez continued in A Day Late))

Re: Keep On Smiling

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:17 am
by Tythanin†
When she had asked, "What the hell is going on?", Melissa really had been expecting something that could count as an answer. What she got instead was...absolutely nothing. One of the boys behind the truck...she didn't know his name, only that he was carrying some sort of weird sword...gun thing, just gave a clueless response and immediately began digging in his pockets for something. The other people behind the truck didn't seem to be doing anything either and Melissa felt like she was going to be left with...pretty much nothing. She opened her mouth to speak again...maybe if she repeated the question an actual answer would surface.

She was stopped by Jennifer, though, who had jogged back to her and immediately suggested that they should leave. Melissa blinked and nodded, slightly taken aback by the sudden proclamation. It's not like the other three students were really threats and she knew Sapphire probably wouldn't try to harm them but...she took a closer look at Jennifer. She looked tired and exhausted...way more tired than Melissa had noticed at first.

And that sealed the deal. There was no way Melissa was going to abandon one of her few friends left on the island. She gave Jennifer a slight nod. "Sure, the hall of mirrors it is. It's not like I have anything in mind..."

Jennifer quickly ran off after that and Melissa walked after her at a slightly slower pace. She took a glance backward at the other students and stopped for a couple of moments, giving them a quick smile. "Hey was nice to meet you...I guess. Try to um...stay safe, all right? No killing."

She couldn't help but laugh in her mind. What was she doing? She sounded like a mother cautioning her children with that last line. Quickly just shaking her head and waving, she turned and ran off after Jennifer. There was something bothering her, though. Something that Jennifer had said...what was the name of Not Johnny?

'She said it was Nick, didn't she...? I remember hearing that name...from the announcements? Weren't there two Nicks, though? One of them had a lot more kills though. Nick Reid or Nick LeMonde...' Melissa thought to herself, troubled. She looked at the back of her friend, thoughts whirling around in her head. 'Just what has she been doing...? I guess the only thing to do is ask when the time's right...'

'Hopefully I get a better answer than "I don't even fucking know."'

(Melissa Li continued in A Day Late.)