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Re: Still Going Strong

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:13 am
by Fanatic†
Phil didn't like Alex. Mind you he didn't really like anyone. The conversation had paused for a moment as Rhory exited the scene and Phil became awkwardly aware of his hand gripping Jennifer's and he let go, tucking the offending arm behind his back. Blushing furiously he stumbled over the words.

"I... uh that ain't probably a good idea. Maybe go with Rhory."

His gruffness had lessened now, more because of his embarrassment rather than anything else. He didn't want Alex hanging around, he wasn't friends with him, he couldn't trust him. Phil knew Alex's type. All nice and friendly in your face but once your back was turned telling everyone that you were fat. That you were dumb. That they only let you on the team cause they felt sorry for you. Well Phil wasn't fat, he wasn't dumb. He had earned his place on the team so Alex could fuck off. That was another thing. Rhory taking all of the water and not even sticking around. Girls were like that though, just take take take. Except he supposed Jen. She hadn't done anything mean yet, she had stuck with him. Maybe she was different.

The comforting presence of Marco was still around as well and Phil turned to him. Maybe he knew what to do, god knows that he was pretty smart on the rink. Marco would always be talking about the strategies and where to go and such. Phil just went where he was told, did what needed to be done and he did it well.

"uh.. yeah," he continued, his brain ponderously thinking out the words, "but I dunno. Maybe stick with us is smart too? What do ya think Marco, Jen?" Phil looked hesitantly at his companions. He was still unsure what he was supposed to be doing. Whatever they said though, he would do it well.

Re: Still Going Strong

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:36 pm
by MurderWeasel
As soon as they were off to the side, Phil let go of Jennifer's hand. She was actually pretty glad about that, and tried to stretch her fingers inconspicuously. Stuff was happening. Marco was questioning the blood on Alex. Blood? Jennifer paused for a second. There was blood on the boy, wasn't there? Funny. After spending time with Phil, with Nick, with a corpse, the sight of blood didn't even mean anything to her anymore. It was just another thing people wore.

Alex explained. His words, were they true? Jennifer couldn't even begin to guess. She'd lost touch with honesty long before the abduction, had lost herself in a web of lies, all for the best, all for others. No one could be that different. If Alex was lying, if he was telling the truth, what did it even matter? Jennifer had helped a murderer before. Given the chance, she would do so again. No one could really be blamed for what the island had made them. No one could be faulted for losing themselves. If some were more dangerous than others, that was only to be expected. As long as they didn't try to hurt her, or the people she cared about, she would try to show them a little kindness. She would do her best for everyone, like she had always done, would do the best that could be done in any given situation.

And that meant following directions. That meant not trusting her own traitorous judgment. She had messed up before. Never again.

So, when Alex asked if he could come along, Jennifer didn't say anything. Rhory slipped off again. One less wild factor in the situation, one more girl lost to the unknown, potentially on her way to death. Try to care. And then, Phil suggested, in a much nicer way than he had before, that maybe Alex should go with her. Phil backed down quickly, though, asking the opinions of the others with him. Jennifer didn't have an opinion, not anymore, so she just waited. Waited to see what the others would say. Shrugged and smiled and handed the responsibility cleanly off to someone who wouldn't make a mess of it.

Re: Still Going Strong

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:34 am
by JamesRenard†
Okay, the other girl wasn't going to stick around after all. "Uh, okay, good luck," he said to the back of her, unsure if the girl heard him as she walked off. She didn't reply to him, so he guessed not. Not that he was too busy thinking of her anyway, for Alex had asked if he could join up with the remaining students.

Well this was a difficult situation he found himself in now. Phil didn't know what to do and Jennifer didn't reply when asked herself, probably wasn't going to either. And that left the decision solely on his shoulders. 'Great,' Marco sarcastically thought, looking towards the bloodied newcomer.

There was something off about Alex, but Marco just couldn't put his finger on it. Besides, his story seemed quite feasible. Acting in self defense, yeah, that was a real possibility. There were quite a few killers on the island after all, if the announcements were anything to go by. But could he trust Alex though? The story could all have been a fabrication, a ruse for them to get their guards down. For a moment, Marco was worried that Alex was just feeding them a pack of lies and was getting ready to attack.

'No, snap out of it, this is exactly what Danya wants us to think,' Marco thought. 'He wants us to be distrustful and paranoid of everyone else. These are people we went to school with for god's sake! Why should we suddenly treat anyone we come across like they're random strangers about to stab us in the back? I can't think along those lines. If I do, Danya's succeeding.'

And with that, his mind was made up.

"Okay, you can come along with us for the time being," Marco said, looking over towards Phil and Jennifer. He was confident that Alex wasn't going to be a threat to any of them. He hadn't drawn any weapons out, had given them his full (and real, as far as Marco believed) name and had been completely compliant when asked. 'Let's just hope I haven't made the biggest mistake in my life though,' he thought.

Re: Still Going Strong

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:17 am
by Lord_Shadow†
"Oh thank you. Thank you. I will not forget your kindness. I promise I will do everything I can to help us all." Alex had been a little mad that the other girl, whatever her name was, had decided to bolt. Apparently, she was the smart one in the group. Though Phil seemed to show signs of it. But in the end, kindness had won out in all of them.

Excellent. Alexander would just use them for whatever he could manage to get out of them. Once he was done with them, he would take their things and they would be abandoned. He decided that he would only kill them if they proved to be a threat to him, or he had no other option.

But for now he still had to be cautious. He still didn't have a weapon. He was still at their mercy. That was priority one. Obtain a weapon, preferably one of theirs. Still, he wouldn't mind taking a weapon off a fallen enemy, after these morons took care of that enemy of course.

The trap had been sprung, and even though they seemed to suspect it was a trap, they still went with it. Alex sneered at them in his mind. Only the truly stupid take in another when they can neither provide for themselves nor trust that other. It was almost too easy.

Alex smiled, adjusted his glasses, and straightened his shirt. "Do you mind if I stay in the middle when we move? I can't really help much in a fight. I guess I used up whatever strength I had left protecting myself." He chuckled, slowly. He did feel tired. Very tired. But he couldn't afford to pass out. He couldn't afford to fall asleep. He took another caffeine pill.

Staying alive was priority zero. And to stay alive, he had to stay awake. They would probably abandon him if he passed out. He would do the same, after he had taken what they had of course. He was so tired. Sleep deprivation was beginning to get to him. But he had to stay awake. Long enough to turn the tables.

A wolf among sheep. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Thanks for taking me in little sheep. I'll be sure to savor the taste of your flesh and blood. When the time comes. When it comes. Patience. A hunter needs patience to take his prey.

Re: Still Going Strong

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:35 am
by Fanatic†
The kid was dripping with thanks and this took Phil a little off guard. He had never been thanked. Not earnestly like this before. Still he had just followed the other's lead and went with whatever they had said so it wasn't like Alex was thanking him personally.

It was getting pretty dark now and he could see the shadows of the trees disappearing in to each other. A sure sign it was at the very least late afternoon. Phil took a hasty glance. He wasn't sure where to go or what to do but he knew they couldn't stay here. Something about the whole place suddenly just didn't feel right. He took another glance at Alex, as if trying to work something out. There was something off here but he couldn't place it. He shook his head to clear his mind.

"We should go..."

Phil started to wander off, touching Jen softly on the shoulder to indicate she should follow. He moved slowly so Marco and Alex could catch up, he wasn't really leading, he was just waiting until Marco caught up and then he would follow him. Phil had always found the best way to make people start moving was to move yourself.

((Phillip Ward continued in Final Third Foul))

Re: Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:46 am
by MurderWeasel
Marco performed admirably, making the decision Jennifer had been too cowardly to take responsibility for. Phil was accepting, Alex was grateful. Thing was, he was being too grateful. Too calculated. Jennifer was not a naturally suspicious person. There was no fucking way she could claim to have very sound judgment. But the one thing she knew well was people, and Alex's request was setting off all sorts of warning bells. He wanted to stand in the middle? Might as well just say that he didn't give a fuck what happened to his human shields. Why on earth would he be so upfront? He wasn't good in a fight? And, what, Jennifer was fucking Wonder Woman (and where the fuck was China Woman, at that? Keeping off the announcements, thank goodness)? And Phil, beat to within an inch of his life, he was real menacing, right?

No, no, that was too harsh a judgment of the newcomer. She was on edge. Skittish after the events thus far. That had to be it.

And so, she said, "Um, yeah, no problem, Alex."

Weight at her back, still comforting, for no good reason. Yes. Alex could walk in the middle. Because there was one little thing he was forgetting.

And so, she said, "I can take rear guard."

A smile. Small, hidden. Did Marco and Alex even know she was armed? Didn't matter. No fucking way was Jennifer going to let their group disintegrate. No fucking way was she going to let Phil get hurt again. There was a difference between compassion and idiocy, between being a pushover and being inept.

As they started to walk, Jennifer furtively reached behind her back, running her fingers over the icepick, remembering the tunnels, the note she had dropped in them somewhere and not had the inclination to go back for. She couldn't let her guard down now, couldn't die yet. She still had a lot of work to do.

((Jennifer Perez continued in Final Third Foul))

Re: Still Going Strong

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:09 pm
by JamesRenard†
Alex was grateful, very grateful, almost too grateful even... though Marco just shrugged that little quirk off; acting suspicious about every little thing was only going to lead to paranoia, fear and eventually death, and not just his, but the rest of the people in the small group.

Alex immediately let everyone know that he wanted to be in the middle of the group, explanation being that he didn't think he'd fare too well in a fight. With the state he was currently in, looking bedraggled, bloodied and injured, Marco took his word for it. And upon closer inspection, Phil didn't look like he was in peak condition either, which only left him and presumably Jennifer in full health.

He didn't mind Alex wanting some protection, and at that point he realised what his purpose on the island was to be. He'd already decided that he was going to take no part in this brutal 'tournament', at least not in the way that Danya had intended. He wasn't going to sink to the level his father had gone down to, no chance of that. He wasn't going to try and cause any deaths, he wanted to do the complete opposite. He wanted to protect as many people as humanly possible.

He didn't think about how futile it may be in the long run, but he wanted his conscience to be as clean as possible. He didn't want any blood on his hands,and he didn't want to let anyone down back home like his dad had done. 'Yeah, this is what I'm going to do,' he firmly thought.

Jennifer designated herself as rear guard, and Phil was strolling slowly ahead, Marco easily catching up and overtaking him. He looked back and saw Phil made no attempt to keep up with him, hanging back slightly. 'Guess that makes me the leader,' Marco thought, looking past Phil to make sure Alex and Jennifer were all following him. "Let's go," he spoke, walking through the dusk forest away from the place they had met up. The now-leader of the small ragtag group.

((Marco Stonecastle continued in Final Third Foul))

Re: Still Going Strong

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:04 am
by Lord_Shadow†
"Right. Let's get moving." Alex said. He wanted to smile, so brilliant he was, but he knew better than that. He had to play it safe. They all bought it. They were all so stupid. He felt like laughing.

It's not getting to me. I'll make it. You won't. It's not getting to me.

He stuck to the middle of the group, near Phil. Jennifer wanted to stay at the back. That was fine with him. She hadn't flashed a weapon throughout the entire encounter. It was safe to assume she either didn't have one or else was otherwise incapable of actually using what she had. Marco took the front. So he was going to lead.

Alex kept pace. He just had to be careful. He just had to keep his head on straight. Sooner or later, the opportunity would present itself and he'd be on top of the game.

So long as he kept a calm head. As long as he didn't make a mistake. He'd just seem more and more like he was part of the group. And less and less like a threat. He was so brilliant. The others would never see it come. They didn't suspect a thing.

And Alex believed that with all his mind. Until he saw otherwise, until he could take a moment to properly assess himself, he was just fine. But of course he wasn't really fine.

An image of Dom peeked at him out of the corner of his eye.

No. It's not real. I can't be hallucinating. I'm fine. Just fine. I'm only tired. But I can't sleep yet. I can't. I'm fine. Alex you're fine. It isn't real. Snap out of it. Keep walking.

He began to count his steps in his mind. He would be fine. All he had to do was keep his cool.

((Alexander Seymour continued in Final Third Foul))