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Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:02 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Uh, yeah, Aleksandra Prudius. I know." Wyatt was busy thumbing through the messages on Connor's phone, smirking as he did so. "I like watching the basketball games. Even the girls, you guys kick ass. Ain't my sport, though." Wyatt tossed the phone back to Connor in an underhanded lob. "Didn't know you liked puffin' pickles man, those hearts around my name are pretty fuckin' gay!" Wyatt's face did not betray whether he was innocent or just feigning ignorance of the whole ordeal.

"Well, since you couldn't wait, I'll just have to play catch-up. Either wipe off the bench or help me with the plates, will ya?" Wyatt called as he turned his back on the two and knelt down in front of his bag, pulling the zipper open to retrieve a towel. While he was down there, he tugged on the light-gray GHHS t-shirt and pulled it over his head to reveal a near skin-tight black Gold's Gym tank underneath, lastly scooping out a silver, opaque water bottle. Wyatt gently kicked the bag against the wall and came back to the two of them. Aleksandra kinda looked like she had places to go, though he couldn't imagine where.

"Hey, Tom Brady over here might be hot shit but I bet his arms are killin' him, let's give him a break. You wanna spot me, too?" Wyatt asked the basketballer. It couldn't have been an accident that his workout clothes were meant to cut extremely close to his body practically showing everything off from the waist up, and he wasn't exactly shy about showing off in front of others... especially ladies.

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:02 am
by Cactus
Connor snorted back a laugh. Puffing pickles? That was a new one. Wyatt was crude, and privately Connor disagreed with a lot of the slurs that he would drop in casual conversation, but the truth was, the large boy's antics usually gave him a laugh, and he was the kind of teammate who'd go through a wall for another. That had to count for something!

Grabbing his phone off the lob, Connor reached underneath the weight bench and picked up his towel, standing and giving the bench a quick wipe-down. He then gestured to Wyatt.
"All yours." At the second jab, Connor smirked and turned to look at Aleksandra. As tall as she was, both Connor and Wyatt had inches on her. Lord help any juniors or freshmen that would wander in and see the behemoth convention at the bench press. The basketball player obviously was a woman of few words, and she looked a little uncertain.

"Go for it. It's simple. Same as before, just be ready to help if he starts to falter." Shooting a sly glance at Wyatt, he smirked at Aleksandra, almost conspiratorially.

"Now, I know Wyatt here's a big boy, and he looks like the kind of person who eats small children and animals for calories, but I can assure you..."

Connor shot Wyatt a shit-eating grin.

"... I'm pretty sure it only happened that one time."

Grabbing his water-bottle, he moved back and leaned against the wall to watch the spectacle. Jokes aside, Wyatt was huge, and watching the raw power that he could exude in the weight room was a sight to see. He couldn't help but wonder how much of a show that Wyatt would put on for this girl. If there was one thing he knew - Wyatt Carter loved making an impact, especially when women were around.

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:02 am
by Aura
The boys swapped positions, with Wyatt now gearing up for a turn on the bench press.  Aleksandra wasn't too hyped about that, since it meant that she would have to see it in action even longer, and even when spotting, the bench's setup still made her uncomfortable.  Maybe she could try to ignore it and do her own workout while the other guy spotted him.  While she mulled that over, Wyatt took off his shirt, proving that his size wasn't an illusion.  He really was huge, both lengthwise and widthwise.

Oh wait, they wanted her to keep spotting.  She had some objections to this plan, primarily regarding how she really didn't like the bench press and she really needed to get to her own workout at some point.  the boys were smiling and joking about stuff, and at least half of it seemed to fly right over her head.  She felt like she wouldn't really be able to fit in that well if she kept trying to hang around them.  But if they really did need the help, then could she really just leave them high and dry?

"I don't know.  I kinda wanted to start my workout soon..."  Aleksandra admitted, her fingers meeting as she continued to be oblivious as to what her hands should be doing at the moment.  Her vision did a half-circle around the room before focusing on the first guy again.  "Are you sure your arms are too tired to spot?  I mean, if they are, I guess I could help a little longer."

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:03 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Hey hey hey, it's fine! Just lemme do my sets and you can do whatever you want. Hey, you've got the two of us at beck n' call to spot YOU if you need it," Wyatt said in a manner that wasn't overly suggestive, but it wasn't exactly unsuggestive either. Just like Connor, the bench seemed to be an almost comical misfit for his over-sized body but Wyatt managed to lay himself down onto it, taking a moment to adjust his feet.

He had his fingers curling around the bar when he sat up. "Connor my man, grab a couple 45 plates for me, will ya? You can slap one on either end. Fuck, you can put down another 50 if you want. I'm goin' for my power sets anyway. ... Nah, just the 45s. I'm gonna try and get more shit in after." Wyatt was referring to the practice of pressing a weight close to one's limit and only doing sets of six rather than sets of ten, a technique more suited for building sheer power rather than endurance. It also had the side effect of being a bit more impressive to look at and, when all was said and done, he'd be getting in the real full-length workout at home anyway. He could afford to be a showoff for Aleksandra.

The bar was loaded up and everything was all set. Wyatt waited for Ms. Amazon over there to be in position to hold the bar for him... not that he needed it, but regulations were regulations and if a coach walked in at the wrong moment, his ass was on a spit. Not to mention, she was way more pleasant to look at than having his head near Sir Peyton Manning's junk.

Wyatt's smile fell from his face, all business. He nodded, pushed up on the bar and brought it away from the hooks, let it slowly come down.




Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:03 am
by Aura
Aleksandra returned to her previous position at the head of the bench, situated directly behind the weight bar should her assistance be required again.  This time she already knew what was expected of her, and she knew that she was capable of helping lift the bar if she needed to, so she was feeling a bit more confident in the role.

That confidence was tested when she saw more weight being loaded onto the bar, though.  The other boy had been having enough trouble with what had already been there, and Wyatt wanted to add more?  He seemed confident, and he was a lot larger, which would imply that he was stronger.  But then again, she had seen big guys be outshown by little guys before, so she figured that it wasn't necessarily a guarantee.  But he seemed to want to do things this way, and he apparently knew what he was doing, so she didn't feel like she had any place to argue otherwise.

The bar left its perch, and the full burden of the weight was now on Wyatt, whose face had taken on an incredibly serious expression.  Aleksandra felt a strong tension in her hands, like she wanted to reach up and snatch the bar right there before anything happened.  The first rep came and went with no shaking, rattling, or anything else that would imply that Wyatt was in need of immediate aid.  The huge amount of weight continued to draw her mind away, though.  With her anxiety still present, she figured that it wouldn't be inappropriate to give him a quick look.

"Are you doing okay?"  She asked him, trying not to move to much to avoid being out of position.  "Your friend was having trouble earlier, so I thought I should check."

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:03 am
by Cactus
Flexing his arms as he watched Wyatt get to work on his bench, Connor furrowed his brow as Aleksandra disclosed his earlier difficulty. Thanks, Aleks. As if Wyatt Carter needed any more ammunition for his verbal machine gun. Raising an eyebrow, he offered a weak defense.

"Come on, now. It wasn't that much trouble... last set and all."

Leaning against the wall, he unlocked his phone and began to scroll through all of the various text messages. While Wyatt had indeed blown up his phone after a few normal texts about their planned workout, most of the messages were single-word insults like "dickbag" and "fudge-packer"; nothing of substance. Scrolling into his contacts screen and deleting the emoji from around Wyatt's name, he then checked out the last few messages he'd received. Those ones were from Madison, whose name was surrounded by heart emoji on purpose. She was his girlfriend, after all - had been for a while. He couldn't even remember who'd put those around her name in the first place.

Not remotely surprising was the content: they were mostly of the demanding sort, wondering where he was. He'd only told her about five times that he was going to the gym after school, what did surprise him was that he'd talked with her not more than an hour ago. She must have gotten flustered at something - he could usually tell when she was wound up by the way she texted.

Another fire to put out? He hoped not. Engrossed his phone, he tapped a quick text out: "just finishing up a workout w/ wyatt. i'll cu soon. call u when i'm out. That would calm her nerves.

Finishing with his phone, he looked at the two in front of him. Wyatt continued to bench, and Aleksandra... still didn't say much. Odd girl, but her comfort level seemed to increase as the talk moved to exercise. He supposed she wasn't much for banter. He'd have to ask around about her. Wyatt was obviously preening a little bit, but Connor wasn't sure how much of it she was really picking up.

"Y'all don't do much pure strength training for basketball, do you?"

Normal conversation ought to do the trick. Maybe.

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:03 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Wyatt finished his second set with only a modicum of more difficult than the first, with more pointed breaths all the way through with each exertion and his arms starting to tremble on the sixth repetition. He sat up and used his towel to wipe the sweat from his eyes that his lack of a hairline couldn't take care of.

"Hey, don't change the subject! What was that about this Drew Brees motherfucker having problems?" Wyatt said with a cackle. "That was just 250 man, you're slippin'! Then again you're like, what, motherfuckin' beanpole over here weight wuzzit... 180?" Wyatt asked, looking Connor up and down. "I'm telling you man, hit the drinks. They do some good." Wyatt popped the cap up on his water bottle and started to guzzle, a drop of light brown liquid dribbling off the right side of his lips and down his chin. With a gasp, he pulled the bottle away and slapped it shut, wiping his mouth off with his right upper arm.

"Talk and spot, talk and spot," Wyatt said to Aleksandra as he laid back down for the third and final set. "Just keep your fingers underneath and get ready. This fucker makes me laugh sometimes and it can really screw me up." The bar came off again and, just before Wyatt started lowering, he managed to grunt a strained "It looks like you bench. Bet you could lift summa the other fuckin' girls."

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:04 am
by Aura
Wyatt's set passed without difficulty, much to Aleksandra's relief.  She kept her hands ready in case she was needed, but so far it hadn't been necessary for her to act.  With Wyatt taking a breaker, she took the momentary respite to shake off her hands despite not actually using them for anything since the other boy needed help with his session.  She still hadn't gotten his name, come to think of it.  Maybe she should say something about that.  Seemed a bit weird for them to have been interacting for the past few minutes without that information getting across.

Then both of the guys started talking.  The first one asked her about basketball, but Wyatt cut in before she could answer and started guiding the conversation in another direction.  Aleksandra felt slightly torn, not really knowing which route she should go down.She knew more about basketball than whatever Wyatt was going on about, so she felt more comfortable going with that.  But at the same time, would one of them be upset if she ignored them?  It was hard to say, or at least that was the way she figured it.

It was back to the bench for Wyatt, so that meant that Aleksandra was back to waiting by the bar in hopes that her help wouldn't be needed.  And as she stood by, another topic made its way into the field of conversation.  It was about bench pressing.  Exercise.  It was pretty similar to basketball in that sense.  She figured that she could talk about that without risking leaving anyone out.  If only it was about a topic that she had more positive feelings about.

"I don't bench press."  She plainly stated.  "I don't like it.  It seems too risky."

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:04 am
by Cactus
"C'mon now. One-eighty? I'm closer to two bills now. Ever since the Chickamauga game... stupid Georgia hillbilly fucks."

Connor frowned as he recalled an unfortunate contest last year against the team from the small nearby village of Chickamauga. Along with being a cross-state game, the Spartans were not looked at as much of a threat. What they'd overlooked, however, was that the majority of the players on the opposing defensive line had grown up on a farm, giving them that practical strength that one didn't necessarily get in a gym. He'd been sacked seven times that day, and had been sore for a week. Coach Oppenheimer had ordered him to put on some more weight to help absorb the punishment. He'd wanted to do it the right way, so his meal plan got more regimented.

It was nothing like he knew Wyatt's to be, though. That boy ate like a bear.

As Aleksandra voiced her displeasure for the bench press, Connor's eyebrows couldn't help but perk up. It was a tough exercise to do on one's own, and school rules did specify that you had to use a spotter, but sometimes it was just easier to do it on your own. Connor never gave the rule much thought, truth be told.

"So what's your poison? Y'all have to do something to get lookin' like that."

He winced as soon as the words left his mouth. That probably sounded a lot more suggestive than he'd meant. If Madison were here, she'd have his head.

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:04 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Roids," Wyatt quipped, slamming the bar onto the hooks for the third and final time. "Buncha girls shootin' test in the locker room. That why you so jacked, Aleks?" The large boy sat up and took another swig of his drunk, hardly waiting to swallow before continuing.

"I'm fuckin' around. But you should really hit the weights. Benching ain't that risky if you know what you're doing and you ain't a dumbass about it.  You've done your part, why don't you sit down and have a go?" Wyatt got up and used his towel to take a half-hearted wipe at the bench to clear it of most of his sweat. "We'll take most of the weight off for you, and don't worry... Connor and I won't letcha die if ya get stuck. We might take a few pictures first, but we'll help ya up after."

He smiled to let her know that he was just kidding again, but girls could sometimes have a stick up their ass about these sorts of things and if Aleks was gonna be like, he'd just stop giving a damn what she thought. Worked for everything else.

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:05 am
by Aura
"What?"  Aleksandra managed to utter a reply with a mixture of surprise and shock to Wyatt's out-of-nowhere accusation of steroid use before he immediately retracted it as a joke.  She was left feeling a combination of confusion and silliness for taking him seriously.  She really didn't get his sense of humor.

So now he was offering her a turn at the bench press, and the anxiety started to build up again.  She still didn't like it.  Even though she just watched both of the guys do their routines on it, she didn't like it, and her having to help the first one when he started struggling with the weight really didn't help.  And the way Wyatt was going about it was the exact opposite of helping.  If anything, he just wanted to make her avoid it even more.  She looked at the bench and the bar looking over it, and she saw her hands getting sweaty and losing their grip, the bar slipping away and landing on her neck.  She gave it a look of acute discomfort in response.

She really didn't want to use the bench press, and she had a workout that she really needed to get back to.  Or rather, get started in the first place.  She pried her eyes away from the hated bench and turned them back towards the boys.

"No.  I like the other machines better.  They, uh... they work for me."

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:05 am
by Cactus
Poor Aleksandra. She genuinely looked a little flustered by Wyatt's brusque demeanour - not that Connor could blame her. He was a strong personality that ran over anyone fool enough to get in his way. He'd seen Wyatt bulldoze his way through conversations, offensive linemen, and Lord help anyone who got randomly drawn to work with him on a project. Glancing down at his Fitbit, he grimaced. He was supposed to meet Madison an hour ago.


Pushing off from the wall, he smiled at Aleksandra. "Aww, leave her alone, Wyatt. Not everyone's trying to get strong enough to topple the cows over."

Grabbing his towel and swinging it over his shoulder, he brushed some hair out of his eyes.

"While it's been a real pleasure to meet you Aleksandra, I'd best be going. Enjoy the rest of your workout, and thank you kindly for the spot."

Turning his attention to Wyatt, Connor's voice dropped a bit of the formality. Formality and Wyatt Carter were two things that went together like motor oil and cheese.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Wyatt. Hit me up later on, I think some of the gang might be coming over this weekend for a lil' shindig. Dad opened up the pool room yesterday."

Giving a final nod to the both of them, Connor buried his head in his phone as he strode towards the locker rooms. He'd best hurry up and get a move on, there was no telling what kind of a mood his girlfriend was going to be in when he finally saw her. Pushing the door to the men's locker room open, the tall senior disappeared within.

((Connor continued in Hell You Talmbout))

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:05 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"I'll see what Bret's doing. If he doesn't puss out I'll probably bring'm along." Wyatt saw Connor off with a small wave and dropped his hand down, shrugging.

"Nice to meet you?" Wyatt repeated Connor's words to Aleksandra. "What, that was seriously your first time talking to the guy? He's like, not exactly a fuckin' nobody." Wyatt started making a move towards the non-free weight lifting machine. All the wholesome goodness of a bench press without any of the need for a spotter... and half the impression factor and difficulty, but he'd have to make do without for today. "And you aren't exactly a nobody either," he added.

"Next thing you'll tell me is you don't even know who I am."

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:05 am
by Aura
Aleksandra waved goodbye to the first boy as he left the gym.  She was just about to head over to the lat machine to start the job she had been planning since earlier that morning, but progress was halted when Wyatt started talking again, and she couldn't really just leave him there to ramble on without a response.  That just seemed rude.

He was going on about how apparently the other guy was really well-known around school.  She didn't really follow, at least not entirely.  He had a point in that athletes were usually pretty well-known, but since she didn't follow football, she hadn't recognized him.  She figured that a lot of people who didn't pay attention to football wouldn't recognize a player unless they were one of the really famous ones that had a bunch of advertising deals.  It was probably the same situation for her.  She doubted that anyone would really know her from a glance unless they were really into the basketball team.  To be fair, their basketball team was really good, but she was pretty sure that they weren't instantly recognizable figures to everyone in town.

She shrugged her shoulders and answered directly.  "I didn't recognize him.  I don't really know a lot about football."

She looked over at the door he had just exited through as she realized something else.

"Oh, I forgot to get his name."  She turned back to Wyatt.  "What is it, again?"

Re: Yours If You Want It

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:05 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Wyatt scoffed through his nose and set about adding weights to the incline press machine. The rack that he continuously took plates from was staring to look just a little bare, probably not helped much in matters by the fact he didn't remove the other plates he had used from the bench. Oh well... that was more like a courtesy than a rule, and he was already running behind on his work schedule after letting himself get distracted by Connor and fuckin' Wonder Woman over here, so he'd leave the bench for the next schmuck to take care of.

"Still on about him, huh?" Wyatt asked, setting two 45 lb plates on each arm of the machine. "Gotta admit, I'm starting to feel a little ignored over here. But I better get used to it, he's the big-shot quarterback and I'm just the dude making sure he's the only quarterback in town with two unbroken legs, no big fuckin' thing." He reached for two 25-plates next, aiming to set one on each arm. There was no point to having bar clips on a press machine like this one, so he didn't bother.

Wyatt sat down and snatched up his bottle from the floor, taking another swig of that chalky liquid in equally messy fashion to before, slamming down the cap and wiping his mouth off with his shoulder. "I'm just impressed you don't know him, that's all. His name's Connor. Lorenzen. I can give you his number if you want it or something. He's dating Madison right now but I keep fuckin' telling him, 'Connor man, you can't stick your dick in crazy', and that girl's as crazy as they come."

Was Madison Springer crazy? Oh lord, yeah.

Would Wyatt Carter stick his dick in that? Oh lord, yeah.

But you know what the preacher says, kids. 'Do as I say, not as I do.'