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Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:50 pm
by Killer_Moth†
Bobby made his way around the dance floor, heading towards the punch bowl. Rachel would be fine for a few minutes, and he had to recover his composure as best he could. The cough was almost unforgiveable. He'd allowed himself to react visibly to what was occurring. Thankfully, he could play it down as something, but it would just spoil the mystique of the evening.

As he approached the punch bowl, there were a few figures that he recognised. The most imposing of them had to be Quincy Jones, the boxer. They'd had a few interactions over the years in school, but had never been close. Bobby nodded to him as he grabbed two cups.

Quince, in exchange, nodded back. He'd seen the blonde haired pretty boy around the gymnasium often enough, although not lately. Still, it was a familiar face, and he had nothing else to do while Felicia was in the bathroom with Rosa. He hadn't seen Mikaela or anybody else that he normally hung around with all night. "What's up?"

The question was unexpected. Bobby had hoped he could get in, get the drink, and scope out what was happening with Erik on the way back to Rachel. Still, Quincy wasn't a bad guy. Not really. At any rate, he deserved polite conversation. "Oh, not much. Just got here. You?"

"Been here for a while. Felicia's just gone to the Bathroom."

Felicia? Oh, right. He had heard that they were dating. He wondered exactly what they saw in each other. They seemed so mismatched. Maybe that was part of it. She certainly seemed to be good for him. Since they'd been going out, Bobby had been hearing less about Quincy being involved in violent disputes. Maybe not the best conversation to approach in this instance. There had to be something he could connect with this guy on. "How's the boxing going?"

"Keeps me busy." Barron was doing well. Polite, nothing difficult. "Got no matches lined up until after the trip." Quince was looking forward to the trip. Mister Costelli had agreed to cover all the expenses in exchange for working for him post-graduation. Quince had jumped at the offer, not even wanting to discuss it with Felicia, his parents, anyone. It was an out. "Who you here with?"

Bobby smiled at that. "I though everybody in the school knew. Rachel's pretty much announced it to everybody."

"You and Gettys? Guess that makes sense. You rich kids gotta stick together, eh?"

"It's not like that. We're just friends. We go back a long way, and we've got a lot in common. Besides, it's not like we're dating."

"Yeah, then why she got you waiting on her? Don't pretend that you ain't gonna be doing everything that she asks you. I know I would. Hell, I probably will. What Felicia wants, Felicia gets."

Bobby grinned at the shorter man. "That's a nice attitude. Looks like she really means something to you, eh?"

"Damn right she does. And I'm gonna find a way to tell her." Quincy walked away at that point, heading up towards the band, an idea forming in his head. Bobby grabbed a couple of glasses, quickly filled them and worked his way back over to where Rachel was waiting for him. "Sorry that took longer than I expected. Got caught up with Jones. Having fun so far?"

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:47 pm
by Namira
Most of Rosa was now firmly on auto-pilot, lost in the moment. It didn't matter where they were, nor who might have seen them, because it was the now. If at that moment Quincy Jones had burst into the room screaming blue murder, having watched everything that had happened to that point, Rosa would barely have acknowledged his presence. In Felicia's arms, wrapped around one another, it felt little more than perfect.

Acceptance. No last minute twist of fate or attack of conscience. No rebukes. Rosa's heart sang with joy at the moment her lips met Felicia's, a wistful little thought at the back of her head hoping that it would go on for an eternity. Because it didn't get better than this, because from here, the only direction was downhill, either so painfully, subtlely slowly or with all the abruptness of a car wreck, because this was a well-leafed book for Rosa, and she knew the plot off by heart.

But of course, although it seemed for a second that the electric spark of the instant they kissed would never die out, it faded away. The sensations that remained were far from unpleasant, but that little thrill of the very first real contact she'd had with Felicia was gone for good.

Rosa started to move slightly, slowly rubbing her body up against Felicia's. Not quite grinding no, she had enough presence of mind to avoid getting too sexual, but still, more than just pressing against her. Rosa's hands stayed in place on the other girl's butt, except rather than just a touch, she now began squeezing slightly. Possessively.

She still hadn't broken the kiss. She wanted desperately to just shove her tongue into Felicia's mouth, but with an effort, the Fiametta reigned in her urges. She'd taken the step, the first step was the important one. Felicia had to make the call, the advance, if it was made at all, it seemed wrong.

...But at least she got it. At least there'd been no rebuke, no awkward rejection.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:56 am
by Ruggahissy
Isabel leaned with her back to the stall door. She covered her mouth with her hands and tried to slow down her breathing.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God. I can't stay in here. I have to get out of here."

Isabel turned around to see if there was an opportunity to get out without being noticed. What she saw was Rosa and Felicia kissing. Being so close to people who were so intimately involved was making her light headed. It was almost like she could feel them feeling each other and the thought made her dizzy. Her skin prickled and she turned back around, leaning against the door. Normally people kissing would just make her uncomfortable and give her goose bumps, but this wasn't an ordinary kiss. It was infused with so much lust it was almost choking her. They were touching one another extensively.

Please don't faint. Okay. One, two, three.

Isabel slowly opened the door and kept her eyes firmly on the ground. She took large, awkward steps trying to get to the door fast without looking like she was running.

She reached out her hand for the handle, even though it was still a few feet away.

Must. Reach. Door.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:07 pm
by JamesRenard†
Allen frowned. Not only had Quincy not responded to his question, he'd suddenly greeted someone else instead, someone who was probably on friendlier terms with him. They began talking to each other, Quincy mentioning that he was at prom with Felicia, then they started talking about boxing. Allen felt completely ignored and decided that staying around was worthless, so he began walking back to his orginal position where he and Isabel had been dancing before.

'I hope it's only because he couldn't hear me,' Allen thought with a sigh as he reached the relatively empty spot once more. He looked around for Isabel, but she was still elsewhere. 'Man, I wonder why she's taking a long time?' he thought. He was still holding the cup of water in his hand that was meant for her, and the longer he stood there with no one to talk to, the more like a fool he felt.

'Once she gets back, I should go request a song before it gets too late,' he decided.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:19 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Felicia prolonged the kiss as much as she could. The heat of Rosa's mouth was wonderful, still lulling and threatening to keep her there for as long as the other girl desired. Truth be told, Felicia was also fighting back the urge to press in further, but she knew from a past date that some people didn't actually like that sort of thing. The worry wasn't concious, as Felicia couldn't bear to draw her mind away from the moment, but she comfortable just the way it was. She wanted to just stay like this the rest of the night.

Her lungs sang a different tune, however. Unfortunately for the passionate moment, Felicia was coming up a bit short on air. Thinking quick as the best way to break it off without breaking it all off, she slowly, sensually closed her lips and drew back, before tucking her head past Rosa's.

The light rubbing had been driving her crazy, sending her skin to the point where she looked like she had spent all day at the lake or something, and forgot to put on some sunscreen. She could feel her cheeks burning, and in a positively negative version of a positive feedback loop, that just made her even more embarassed. During the kiss, she had taken in a sharp, but cute gasp of air through her nose when Rosa had tightened her fingers on her butt.

Now that the kiss was broken, and Felicia could only thing about those hands, she tried to think of something to say or do. Talking fell through, but she instinctively pressed into Rosa, returning the pressure that had been placed on her own body by the other girl's.

Felicia shut her eyes tight, burying her face in the crook of Rosa's neck. "God..." she mumbled, feeling pleased but also a bit overwhelmed. "Now where do we go from here..."

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:08 am
by Namira
At length the kiss ended, Felicia not attempting to go any further herself but delighting Rosa with a little gasp at the activities of her hands. All the smooches in the world had to stop eventually, but still now, as all those other occasions that Rosa had kissed somebody for the first time, she felt that slight sense of loss.

She pushed aside the little inkling she had that it was a somewhat bigger pang than normal.

What next, huh? Well, Rosa had a few ideas and none of them were entirely appropriate for a public bathroom in the middle of a large-scale function. Some of them were 'not in a million years' territory whilst others were more just ill-advised, but Rosa knew damn well that she didn't want to stop at just a kiss. No, she refused to stop at only a kiss, not after all of that build up. 'No' wasn't an option at this stage... she hoped Felicia realised that.

"Well..." Rosa murmured into Felicia's ear. "It's just a little matter of avoiding your Prince Charming to elope with the lady-in-waiting," unseen to the other girl, Rosa smirked at that comparison, feeling a moment's sympathy for Quincy before shutting it down hard. He was a latecomer, Rosa had been intending this for a long time. "If we can slip out... nobody's going to be home at my place all night. Junior's on business. I won't be expected back."

A little stab of indignation, a slightly bigger dose of hurt. Prom night for his three kids and the man couldn't even put his professional life on hold for the evening. Rosa was surprised he hadn't insisted Ilario stay home and study for good measure.

"Then, well..." Rosa shifted her head slightly to look at Felicia then ran her tongue along the edge of the other's ear. "That depends on you," she concluded at a whisper.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:22 am
by Ruggahissy
Isabel shuffled forward with her clutch...well...clutched in a death grip. Her eyes were glued to the floor like the secret of the universe was hidden in the tiles. Her hand shot out and finally met the cool, soothing curves of the door handle that would be her salvation.

Isabel lifted her head ever so slightly to see her way through the door. She heard soft murmurs from her left meant to ensnare the listener.

Don't look.

"If we can slip out..."

She pulled the door trying to get the door to yield to a size that would allow her escape. It seemed so heavy now.

"Junior's on business."

Don't look.

Wide enough now to let her in. She let out a breath, finally this awkward encounter would be over and she could pretend it never happened. Except....

Her eyes drifted back to Gomorrah and she turned to a pillar of salt.

"That depends on you."

Isabel felt her face burn up. She took a hurried step forward, tripped over the grate at the door and stumbled out. The door shut behind her and with it went what she saw. Isabel was back out in the prom, with its dim lights and upbeat music. In a way, she felt like it was being insensitive to her, changing so quickly as if nothing happened. In a bit of a daze she wandered back to Allen at the snack table.


Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:00 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
The sound of the bathroom door slamming shut woke Felicia from her stupor. Her fully-aware self found herself tight in the arms of another girl in the middle of the bathroom. Well, this, uh... Felicia shifted around a bit in the embrace, then shut her eyes with a smile. So, this wasn't a dream, then. She really was holding Rosa Fiametta close, seeing things from her that she hadn't seen from anybody else before. Then again, it also meant that the situation with Quincy was very, very real.

Quincy... what was he going to think?

Rosa had already seemed to answer that question for her, though. That kiss, the touch they were sharing right now, how they were close... Felicia had to suppress a pant when she realized that their dresses were really the only things between them, and they weren't famous for being made out of a whole lot of material. Yes, the answer had been made more than obvious, even if it was going to be tough to possibly hurt somebody. Quincy wasn't a bad guy, he really wasn't, but Felicia knew that she was going to have to favor herself in this decision. Quince was popular, he'd find some other girl, probably. Plus, they had been dating for like... a week.

"S-so you really want to go somewhere, then?" Felicia asked, bringing her head back to look at Rosa. That sounded a little romantic, actually... there were plenty of places in and around St. Paul where they could get out of the bustle of the big city and get a good view, maybe a park, ledge, or even the mountain... no, the mountain was a bit far-fetched tonight. Maybe later, though, because if Rosa was there, then she would surely follow.

Felicia lowered her head a bit to try and hide the returning beet pigment in her face, but immediately though of a way that was far more effective. This time, she initiated the kiss, a quick one at first but just as passionate as the first (though less jittery.. she was finally relaxing and getting used to this strange situation). "Sure... let's do that." Felicia said, filled to the brim with happiness. She then resumed the kiss.

Going to prom definitely beat playing counter-strike all night, that's for damn sure.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:18 pm
by JamesRenard†
Allen began tapping his foot in time to the music, discarding the empty cup into a nearby bin and placing his free hand into his trouser pocket. He was having a good time; he'd enjoyed himself so far, and it was going to be a night to remember for all the right reasons, unless something Carrie-esque occurred near the end. 'Like that's going to happen,' he thought with a small grin, then glanced at the punch bowl. 'I know I'm supposed to be driving, but surely a little taste of the punch won't do me any harm.'

It was then that he heard a less-than-enthusiastic greeting from his right. "Hm?" he said, turning his head and seeing Isabel standing there, still as pretty as a picture having finally returned from the bathroom. "Oh hey, Isabel," he greeted her back with a smile. "I got that water for you, here," he said, offering the cup to her. "Are you alright? You sound kinda off, are you tired?" he asked, feeling slightly concerned for Isabel.

((Allen Birkman continued in Lunch on the Lawn))

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:47 pm
by Namira
The catch is landed... now just to get it home.

Rosa was having to force herself not to fantasise as they stood crushed against each other. This was as close as it got to skin-to-skin without being there and if Rosa had her way, before too long that was going to be the case. But no, now wasn't the time to be picturing that kind of thing, not in the middle of a bathroom. Jeez.

The Fiametta didn't expect Felicia to indicate her agreement with another kiss, but she was hardly complaining, enjoying it to the fullest (still having to stop herself from just plain making out, because she knew she'd get carried away) before eventually pulling back. Rosa gave the other girl a broad smile and moved away from her completely, reluctantly removing her hands from their position on Felicia's butt; though if she had her way, they'd be back there very soon...

Grasping Felicia by the hand, Rosa leaned up to her again to whisper into her ear.

"Now, we're bailing, okay? Don't stop for a thing, no matter who looks up or who calls out. Devil may care. Make it quick and people aren't even going to notice."

With that, Rosa headed for the door, dragging Felicia along with her. Opening it, the Fiametta took a breath and then dashed off into the crowd of prom as fast as she could, the other girl in tow the whole time. She led them through their classmates, ignoring the occasional greeting coming their way until at last, they escaped into the night.

Maybe it's you. Maybe you're the person that... that I'm looking for.