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Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:09 am
by riserugu†
In the moments where everyone was deciding how to go about this, and where to go Glenn had went about shoving as much of the stuff in his bag from Eddie’s and Miranda’s, including the girl's weapon, into his own, zipping back as he looked to Jeremy with a small grin. “Whatever be, And I wouldn’t worry to much about Fred… he’s like a cockroach, you can cut off his head and he’ll probably still come back.” He mused; giving a small wave as the others fled the building he looking to Mallory as she spoke.

Grinning a bit, he picked himself up onto his feet. “I told you I wouldn’t leave you didn’t I? What makes you think I’d change my mind in these past few minutes, I figure walking might be difficult for you anyway.” He muttered, slinging an arm under her arms, and bending down to hook the other under her legs before pulling up, holding her up as best he could with her and the bag’s weight against him.

“Now. Let’s go shall we?” With that said, he made his way slowly out the door, glancing about a bit before taking off where he remembered seeing the others running off to.

((Yes, I know slight Godmoding there. But today’s the third RL day, AKA the day the collars would go off. And I’m sure Elise didn’t want Mallory’s throat exploding, so I had to do something as to get them out of there before Kaishi laid the admin smack-down on us. >_>;;))

((Continued in: Survival of the Fittest))