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Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:56 am
by Polybius
I'm interested to see you interpretation of my baby boy Ronald

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:24 am
by Yonagoda
backslash wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:54 am Okay I apologize in advance, but could I request Siyanda Nagi?
No need to apologize! Nothing can be worse than drawing Bethan's circuit board jacket, don't worry!

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:39 am
by Namira
God look at Garnet what a goddamn nerd

(you did a wonderful job, with both Garnet and all the others)

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:49 am
by Emprexx Plush
I can't resist, if Pip put you through Bethan I am duty bound to put you through Rupert Andrada-Hubert

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:18 am
by Brackie
I'd love to see Miss Nani Clover (:

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:32 am
by Fenris
nia and dante have looked so lovely so i am next obligated to ask for ur take on my sad son artem

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:20 am
by Somersault
Could you do my V8 girl DeDe? Also thanks and much love, seriously!
[+] Appearance
At 5’8 and 128 lbs, DeDe possesses a slim figure, maintained through healthy dieting and semi-frequent exercise. The body fat she does have, however, is mainly distributed around her hips and thighs. Of African-American descent, her dark brown skin possesses warm undertones. Her face is heart-shaped, and she has a Nubian nose, slightly upturned dark brown eyes, high cheekbones and full lips. Her eyebrows have been plucked and tweezed into a gentle arch, and her eyelashes are long and full. This same care extends to her skin, which has been kept clear through a comprehensive skincare routine, as well as her teeth, which are straight and white thanks to regular whitening as well as brushing and flossing. Her hair is black, shoulder-length, and naturally kinky, but she regularly gets it straightened and relaxed into soft waves around her face, falling to the top of her triceps.

Day in and day out, DeDe strives to look her best, and as such, she is constantly wearing makeup, although deftly enough that it generally looks natural unless she is going for a more ostentatious look. This too is reflected in her clothing, which, while trending towards the casual, is always expensive and well-made, although she tends not to delve into brightly colored outfits.

On the day of the abduction, DeAundra was wearing a light grey tank top over a dark grey tube top, tucked into a peach skirt which was short in the front and long in the back, along with peach espadrille heels. With this, she wore a white watch on her left wrist, and pearl drop earrings.

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:59 am
by MurderWeasel
It's cool to see a Ty that's a little on the, like, slightly more vaguely happy end of the spectrum. It's interesting to me because he's this character who feels very dramatic (in a good way), but you've captured the part of him that's just so high school, that I could see hanging out in class back when I was there. I think the hang of his hair and the earrings especially do that; I knew so many people who had that kind of vibe.

I love how Garnet just has this sort of dorky charm about her! You did a great job on her signature hat, and I really like her freckles and mouth as well; she just has this really distinct look that I dig a ton.

Great job with the hard task of Bethan! I really appreciate how you brought the patterns from her jacket into the background, and also how much work you put into all the aspects of her makeup, her hair, her super complicated outfit, etc. I have to say, I had a pretty hard time picturing her before you did this, and I can see her crystal clear now thanks to your work!

You've really captured the quiet and unassuming nature of Desiree. She was a character who drifted around being interesting but in this understated way, and you have that air of mystique down in the head tilt and the stare that's simultaneously a little unfocused and rather sharp.

I love the shading you did on Hailey's nose and the side of her face, and also the way you made her necklace look. There's something about this one in particular that gives me a real portrait vibe, and I think it helps that she looks like she got all dressed up nicely for it. And you're always great with the hair!

I love that you got Misty's tooth gap in, and the way you did her necklace, and the pattern on her dress, and just everything you put in! The color coordination between her eyes, hair ties, and the background is also super duper nice.

Connor is so ruggedly handsome, it's incredible! Here you've used the background for a nice point of contrast, bringing out his eyes and complementing his shirt. I appreciate how you made his scruff a little fainter; in a lot of ways that actually makes him look more mature and put-together than the characters with more obvious facial hair.

Andy's spiked collar is just so great! He has this real rough and tumble vibe, a kind of softly punkish thing going on that I appreciate a ton. I also like the way you're able to work around shirts that are partially out of frame; you do really well conveying that they continue beyond what's depicted/visualizing what is seen based on an unseen whole.

Finally, Zach too is excellent. The shirt thing is going on again here, and I also dig how you've somehow conveyed this air of smaller-ness to him, made him look in some ways unintimidating but in others like he could be getting up to trouble. I think a lot of it's in how intent his offscreen gaze is, like he's watching something closely.

You rock a ton for making these and for putting your time and energy into them. I am absolutely blown away by your talent, and I hope you don't push yourself too hard! You rule!

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:45 pm
by Yonagoda
queue closed again!

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:48 pm
by Yonagoda
It's open again and will probably be open until monday morning when my tablet gets taken!
Posts by the order of requests

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:10 pm
by ItzToxie
Can I ask for one more request and I promise I’ll stop bothering you, could I request my Max Zorin/Shreck wannabe, Fisk Bateman?

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:11 pm
by Cactus
Might as well fire two at you, just for fun.

My last remaining boy.
[+] Morgan
Appearance: Standing at 5'10" and weighing 141 lbs, Morgan lacks the proverbial athletic bone anywhere in his body. Thanks to a growth spurt in the summer between his junior and senior year, Morgan has a lot of trouble being coordinated, and his general lack of enthusiasm for sports have left him with a thin, spindly body that lacks anything but the most basic of muscle mass.

Morgan's facial features are very noticeably Slavic in origin. His face has a rounder shape to it, with a prominent forehead and higher cheekbones. His chin is squared, and his eyes are an icy blue. His nose is slightly more pointed than normal, and his lips are full, well-sized in proportion to the rest of his face. Morgan has brown hair that he wears longer, in a heavy, angular fringe style. His bangs are constantly getting in his eyes, and he's often seen brushing his hair to the right side of his forehead. Morgan is considered handsome by most mothers he comes into contact with, but the student body of George Hunter High haven't quite caught up to that line of thinking yet. He still has a baby-face, and facial hair hasn't started to grow yet for him, which is a subject of much consternation for Morgan.

Due to his lack of muscle mass, Morgan gets cold often, so he's usually found wearing a long-sleeved undershirt with a t-shirt overtop. His shirts are almost always those with a silly expression or neat design on them, the type that you'd order online. In the wintertime or when it's cooler outside, he'll still layer, but wear hooded sweatshirts as well. He usually wears jeans or pants that have a tighter fit as he doesn't like how baggy pants feel on his legs.

On the day of the trip, Morgan was wearing a kelly green t-shirt that he bought online with a design called "Alien vs Jonesy", depicting an argument between a Xenomorph from the Alien movies and a cat. Underneath this shirt he wore a dark grey long-sleeved undershirt, and black skinny jeans. He wore a pair of green Converse to match with his shirt.
And my forgotten adoptee.
[+] Jeff Greene
Appearance: Jeff is a bulky young man, standing at 5'10" and weighing 225 pounds, almost all of which is muscle. He is built for power, with a muscular upper body, broad shoulders, and a thick neck. He is mixed African American/Caucasian, with a light brown skin tone and greenish-blue eyes. He has black curly hair which he keeps in a butch cut, about half an inch. He has a strong, square-jawed chin and a neatly-trimmed mustache that does not extend past his upper lip. In public, he carries himself with a straight, stiff posture, rarely making eye contact with people.

At school, Jeff typically wears the green and gold jersey of the George Hunter High School football team, along with light blue jeans and a pair of worn, faded gray sneakers. When he's out of school, or when he's in gym class, he'll instead wear blank, unbranded t-shirts which he buys in bulk, typically white, black, or dark blue in color. When he went on the trip, he wore a gray t-shirt, blue jeans, and his old sneakers.

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:14 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:45 pm
by Yonagoda

Fisk Morgan Jeff

Also drew Cipher's kid Lucia!

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:59 am
by Brackie
Nani looks amazing <3

if we're blitzing these out, could I request Santiago Ibarra?