Yet Another Lesbian Sex Scene

Well, okay, it's the morning after, but still. Mild Content Warning, just in case.

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Yet Another Lesbian Sex Scene


Post by KamiKaze »

Miranda felt calm. Peaceful, perhaps.

You know that feeling where you know it's morning, but are unwilling to open your eyes? Miranda felt that way. She was aware of the light pouring from the window, even with her eyes shut. She knew of the sheets lightly resting on her body. Was she undressed? It felt that way, since she didn't feel any clothes on her. She guessed that she might have fallen asleep nude or something like that.

Her eyes slowly opened, being face-to-face with her ceiling. Miranda's room was... shall we say, rather spartan. She'd never been too keen on decorating it too much. At most, just a desk, a bed, some plush animals, and one or two posters. Some part of her told her that she should decorate it a bit more, but you know.

She hurriedly closed her eyes again. Too bright. Miranda wasn't much of a morning person, and usually she got up with an alarm. Not today, though. The day can go die, for all she cared. Seriously, it was kind of comforting in bed. Perhaps a bit longer. Perhaps. God, she didn't know what she needed to do today. Probably a lot of things, knowing her. Practically a laundry list! But oh. She can't really think of anything. Gah, it's hard to think of things you need to do when you're still in bed.

With a small groan, Miranda tossed herself on her side. She knew she had to wake up, but-


Was that an arm?

Miranda instantly opened her eyes, and the memories of the previous night came flooding back the instant she saw the other person in her bed.

"Ffffffffffff-" she gently hissed under her breath.

Okay, what did she do this time? Why did she think that was a good idea, honestly? Just... why? Knowing her? She'd gloat about it. Or at least, Miranda thought. And yet... yet... she really wasn't thinking, was she? Gah! And what if it manages to get out to everyone in the school? Of course it would eventually. Miranda had no doubt about that. Didn't help that she... she... kind of liked it. She had eagerly given in and liked it. She had no idea how to feel about that. It was... it felt... nice? Dear lord...

It was morning, she had just woken up, and already, today was off to a bad start.
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Post by Ciel† »

The morning after felt more like a dream than the one she'd had last night.

Dolores Agnew was confused, and rightfully so. When she finally opened her eyes, awoken not by the light shinning through her window but by the gentle movements brushing against her, she could not shake the cloud of fluff built up in her head from the night before. It made everything feel light. Very little made sense because of this, and yet somehow the only thing that penetrated the smog, sudden and absolute, was the realization that this was not her room. This was someone else's room entirely, and she knew this because of the undeniable fact that she usually slept alone. There was, in fact, not a lump in her bed. She always slept with the pillow under her head, her arms coiled inward. And, lastly, most undeniably, she never slept without clothes on. She knew all of this for certain.

It took Dolores a moment to gather everything, but she could at least make an educated guess.

This was not the first time Dolores woke up in a stranger's bed. She was not innocent or pure. She could never claim to be either of those, and even if she could she sure as hell did not want to. Even so, it was rare all the same, and she never really made a habit of it. She figured that one would become numb to such a shock, like one would get used to a cold shower. There had to be someone who woke up in another person's bed almost every single night, and those sorts of people would no doubt make Freud gag into his mouth. Dolores was not that kind of person. Not even close. So she was obviously surprised once it all clicked in her mind, though certainly not to the extent that this faceless stranger was taking things. Eventually, once things began to seep in and her memory started to whirl, her surprise gave way to understanding and then a wave of calm.

She did not know who this girl was, at least not on the surface. Though there was a tense feeling in the pit of her chest that unsettled Dolores. She brushed it off, chalking it up to paranoia on her part.

Dolores rose, ignoring the blanket that was clearly falling off of her shoulder. She smiled.

"Good morning."

There is a softness in her voice.

She stopped tentatively, closing her mouth. She then studied the expression on the girl across from her. Her lips faltered just a smudge. The silence was heavy, and Dolores could not fathom why.

"Please tell me it's still morning." She said. It was an guess of course; Dolores had little to go on, and the faceless stranger across from her had said nothing. She pressed her palm to her forehead. "My sleeping pattern is off to begin with. I hate it when I sleep in."

She said all of this in a dry, nonchalant voice, and she punctuated the with a tiny sigh, as if sleeping in on a day off was the biggest thing she had to worry about.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Oh goody, she's awake.

Her.... bedmate had just woken up, and... seemed to take this rather casually, surprisingly enough. Seriously, this is your first reaction? Sleep with a girl, then... do... god, Miranda didn't know. But did this happen all the time or something?

Lifting herself up a bit, Miranda couldn't help but look away a bit, embarrassed. The bedsheet was falling off Dolores' body, for one thing. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to look, as much as she wanted to-

Dear god, did she almost think she wanted to look a bit more?! Seriously. Just because she slept with her didn't mean she wanted to ogle her! Wait, what's the difference, honestly? It was still attrac- shut up self.

Gah, this was awkward. Now she knew, didn't she?

In response to her question, she nodded, still trying her best to not look. But it was hard. She was so... damn it. Why did she have to be so... yeah. Miranda didn't want to use any of those words, but there you go. Might as well say it, or at least think it. Miranda found Dolores or Gretel or whoever she was today attractive. There, there it was. But it was a given, based on the fact that she slept with her. Not only that... but she enjoyed it. That's right, she liked it.

Oh, nodding was a bad thing to do, right? She had learned a long time ago that you should never nod in response to a question. And here she was, nodding. Oh, if that didn't make things even more awkward.

"... Yes. Still morning."

Oh hell, she just felt her cheeks get warm. She was clearly getting embarrassed. What's more, who was to say that she wasn't going to... well, flaunt this to someone? Seriously? What did she do, and why did she do it? Well, she still... god, she didn't know. Maybe she needed to sort this out somehow. How, though?
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