Evan Paulson

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Chikan no chibusa†
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:04 am

Evan Paulson


Post by Chikan no chibusa† »

Name: Evan Paulson
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Smoking, drinking, skateboarding, lifting weights, using and selling drugs, and while he would never admit to it, and is likely beat up any one who found out, comic books and video games.

Appearance: From afar Evan looks like a skinhead skater asshole. And well, its true.

He is 6'2", 220 lbs, with a fairly muscular build and decent tan. His light brown hair is shaved, so only the slightest stubble of his hairline can be seen. His grayish-green eyes are dull and lifeless. For such an imposing man, he keeps a cheerful expression, always willing to laugh and have a good time... even while beating someone across the face with the trucks-side of his skateboard.

Evan dresses like every poor-as-hell skater. Cheap logo t-shirts, heavy wool hoodie, oversized jeans held up with a studded belt and comfortable shoes.

Biography: Evan grew up in a happy, albeit poor household. The only son of a security guard and a nurse, his parents were loving and attentive, and it wasn't until middle school and when he started skateboarding before he became a delinquent. He didn't start meth and weed because he needed some escape from the troubles in his life. He did it because his friends were doing it and he liked it. By time he started highschool, he was selling at school. He'd been been busted selling weed a few times, but it was dealt with within the school. One day, in a move that would break his mother's heart, he was busted with meth and a little heroin on campus. He was arrested and sent off to juvenile hall for six months. While in kiddie-jail he fell in with the mini-gangs that pop-up in there, and became a skin-head. He spent that year working out, playing sports and getting in fights with other prisoners in juvie. His constant fighting and bad behavior extended his time to a year.
After getting out of juvie he couldn't go back to his old school, so he transferred to Bayview Secondary School, his parents hoping he would be able to set his past behind him. All it really did was destroy his social life, and make him hate his parents. He has no friends and few acquaintances in this new school, though he has already found out where to score weed and who he can sell it to at a profit.

Advantages: The year he spent in juvie and hanging out with other delinquents has given Evan considerable fighting skills, an athletic body, as well as the skills to make improvised weapons. He already sees himself as a hardened criminal, and is not afraid to go "back" to jail. The constant sneaking back into the house after curfew and hiding all his drugs in the house has taught him decent stealth skills and

Disadvantages: He's a brawler and a drug user. That means he has few to no friends and interpersonal skills that only worth with druggies, skaters and other skinheads. Because of his parents working a lot, and that he hadn't showed any interest, Evan has never been camping and doesn't know the first thing about surviving in the wilderness.

EDIT (because the system won't let me reply to the tread)
... in response to Dodd's note:
wrote:His constant fighting and bad behavior extended his time to a year.
I probably should have spent more time explaining his time in juvie. He was in for a year.
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