Jeff Kalfon*

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Jeff Kalfon*


Post by Bulborish† »

Name: Jeff Kalfon
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests:Reading, Karate, Music, History

Appearance: Jeff is 6'1'', and weighs 183 Pounds. He has short, brown hair which is about half an inch in length, and brown eyes. He has a thin mustache, mostly because he is apathetic to his appearance. He has a broad nose that ends in a point. His eyes usually are only half open, and his thin eyebrows are in a relaxed position almost always. He has a partially muscular frame, and he has a scar on his right armpit..

Jeff commonly wears a plain T-Shirt with a jacket over it, regardless of weather. This is because he presumes it to be "cool". He wears jeans every day, again regardless of the weather conditions. His jacket has a image of a demon with the number 666 displayed largely. His shoes often indicate his take on the weather, as he wears hiking boots instead of the black tennis shoes he wears commonly when it is chilly. He has a set of glasses that improve his farsighted vision, though he doesn't need to wear them to see far off.

Biography: Jeff was born on December 9, 1990 in Colorado to Richard and Jane Kalfon. with a birth defect, namely a hole in his right lung, forcing doctors to preform surgery. Though the wound healed quickly, It left a scar that would remain for the rest of his life. Two years later, his younger sister, Erin, was born. The first 5 years of his life were mostly uneventful beyond these two events.

After beginning school, Jeff found out quickly that he ended up on the lower end of the social spectrum. Seeking refuge from the wave of bullying that occurred to him, he had hid behind books and became anti-social. For the next few years, the majority of his life was spent Isolated, before he began to study history as a project in school. He became engrossed in learning ancient history, eventually becoming an expert on ancient history. It was his look into Greek mythology that made him come out of his shell and become more social overall.

During the 6th and 7th Grades Jeff studied a variety of subjects, ranging from art classes to technology courses. The only elective class that he ended up liking was the school band, where he had landed a role as a tuba. The rest of his days in these two grades was spent studying more history, causing him to suffer in other classes.

Jeff moved in the 8th grade and eventually found himself in Bayveiw Secondary School. Early on, he was bullied mercesslessly due to the strange way he had looked. One day, he was feeling a more injury prone side of bully's fists when they were driven off. This is how he met his current friends, Ellen Jacobson and Tory Kingsly, which taught him self defence techniques so that he could fend for himself.

For the majority of high-school, he has spent his time increasing his collection of historic knowledge. This lead to him being in the highest history course Bayview had to offer, and being head of class along with that. He stopped partcipating in the band after 10th grade, deciding that the band's strict schedule was impeading on his artistic freedom. He is average in most other subjects, though he is above average in Math. He is also a philosopy student, but takes it to the extremes at times, blanking out for a whole school period comtemplating a question in the worst cases. He helps in the school library on his free time, but he uses it as an excuse so he can read without prejudice against him.

In recent years, he has mostly concentrated on school work and Improving his social skills. He does have a driver license, though had only driven a car for a few months before he stopped as his workload increased. He still only has a small network of friends, but is known in the school for his odd behavior. He occasionally visits his sister in the school, but mostly hangs out with is friends in the senior community. You can also find him practicing martial arts with his friends, though they don't practice often. He has a crush on his friend, Ellen, but is too embarressed to admit to her about it. He visits Tory at the mall while he is working, but he is really only a minor friend in Jeff's mind.

Advantages: Jeff is proficient at planning ahead, and also knows some self defense skills with his training in martial arts. His knowledge of history would have given him some bits and pieces of knowledge that could give him an edge in SoTF

Disadvantages: Jeff has a tendency to over think a situation, and commonly ends up forgetting more important matters trying to solve a single problem.
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