Tristan Mathews

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Tristan Mathews


Post by Candescence† »

Name: Tristan Mathews
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Church, helping out at events, community volunteer work, tennis (which he's pretty good at), video games, anime.

Appearance: Starting the from the top, Tristan has light brown hair that parts down the middle, showing more of his forehead. His face has a slight case of acne, but that doesn't quite hinder his looks. His eyes are a light blue. His eyebrows are not very thick. His nose is smaller than average.

Tristan's build is has indications of muscle, though at best, he seems fairly fit. He stands at a height of 193cm from his last measurement, and weighs about a little more than 70kg.

Tristan often wears a blue t-shirt, complete with jeans and a pair of running sneakers and a digital watch. As well, depending on the weather, he wears a white coat with a fake fur collar.

Biography: Tristan was originally raised in Australia, before his family moved to the USA while he was 8 years of age. His parents are moderate Christians, who raised their son to follow the teachings of the Bible. And Tristan did just that, though in life, he followed his own path, and worked out his own ways to express his beliefs. In many ways, Tristan is your average bloke, who watches TV and plays video games (mostly a Castlevania fan, in part due to the fact that the Belmont family fight in the name of God), and has no real problem with fictional violence. When he came to high school, he became surprisingly popular, despite trying to just be himself rather than be in the "in" crowd, but also for his ability to prevent conflicts and being able to give help and advice when others need it most, and his ability to take lessons from the Bible and put them in a non-religious context.

During his high school years, his parents got him his white coat for his birthday, as Tristan had been playing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow around that time, figured a coat like the protagantist wore would be a good gift, and had it specially tailored. Needless to say, Tristan loved it, and has worn it ever since. It's gotten him the nickname "Soma", which his friends call him jokingly, but at most, it's a mere footnote in his life, the coat is just plain cool to him, but thinks nothing of the nickname.

He has a few younger siblings, two sisters (Julie and Neira) and a brother (Jordon). His family are by no means conflicted, and his parents are happy together. This has allowed Tristan to gain a more positive outlook on life.

Some might call him a "goody-two-shoes"... Which is pretty much what he is. His qualities have gained him much respect and ire from different students, for different reasons. Tristan is by no means a "bible-beater", though his detractors would try and tell you otherwise. Whenever he can help out in school or community events, he does not hesitate to. He is slow to anger, but when someone gets on his bad side, he doesn't lash out, he does straight into "deadpan snarker" mode, and is quite capable of pointing out the flaws in others.

Advantages: An intelligent person who can take charge when needed, and can keep a level head in crisis situations or if provoked, and is capable of breaking up a fight with mere words alone. When there is no other choice, he can be a capable strategist.

Disadvantages: Quite the pacifist. Is strict to the notion of "thou shall not kill", though he will resort to killing if it means to save another life. However, he won't kill to save his own. He also has never used a weapon. His attempts at peaceful resolution may backfire on him, depending on the people involved.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Candescence. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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