Philosopher At The Gazebo

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The school campus is very well maintained. The grass is always kept neat and short, and the hedges around the school are always kept trimmed. The sports fields are all in immaculate condition, and a nice quad area has been set up for the students outside, with tables, chairs, and a gazebo.
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Philosopher At The Gazebo


Post by AnimeDutchess† »

((Sora Najikano Continued From Ice Trail.))

Sora had his hair tied back.

He didn't usually tie it back when he wasn't gardening. Why else would he pull it back? It didn't bother him when his hair fell into his face in school, where he bent over to read textbooks and tried to make sense of them. It felt like all they said was to analyze every little thing written, and find out the ultimate truth, whether it be in English, or Science, or History.

He was glad that, for once, he wasn't reading any of those books. No, what he had open on his lap was a college-level Philosophy textbook. Now, why would he have one of those when he was in high school, and, as was just revealed, he didn't like to analyze things?

Well, his cousin in Kyoto had sent it to him.

That was a good enough reason for him to read it.

It was all in Japanese, felt good to read the strange glyphs, hear the rhythm of the scentences in his mind's ear. He wanted to understand it, not in the language sence, but in the theoretical sence. Just what were these old fogies trying to tell the reader, other than the fact that they were bitchy because some other guy disagreed with them and that they need to get laid desperately?

Sora sat in the gazebo at his school's campus, feeling the wind blow his hair faintly, and he smiled.

It isn't so bad, to sit and read and think...
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((Liam "Brook" Brooks, continued from... nowhere!))

"Things could have gone better..." Brook muttered, scratching the back of his neck while walking across campus, his head tilted down to stare at the ground just feet in front of him. "But then again, history's been one of my worst subject. I just wanna get back home to my garden to be honest, but..." Every so often, Brook's monologue would be puntuated by short sighs. "Need to clear my head so I can at least stay sane through this next one..."

The gazebo wasn't particularly a frequent stop of Brook's, but as he looked at it today, it may have well had a 'safe zone' sign over the roof. Since he hadn't planned on any strenuous activity for the day before going home, Brook's hair was down. As luck would have it, a breeze blowing laterally to the tall boy's path caused strands of hair to block his eyes constantly. If it weren't for the fact that the gazebo would most likely offer a breakwind, Brook would've stopped to tie back his hair out of irritation.

The first time he looked up at anything besides his feet happened to be when he was walking up the steps of the gazebo, and even this his eyes only focused on the top of the steps. Brook's footsteps carried him all the way to the top step before the figure of somebody reading caught his eye. Feeling that he was playing the part of the intruder, he finished his trek up the steps in an attempt to get out of the wind.

"Hey, uh... did you want to be here alone? If so, that's fine... um..." Brook craned his neck to look behind him, wondering if the more he talked, the more he was disrupting this person reading.
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

"Hn?" Sora looked up at the voice; had he heard the footsteps? Or had he been so absorbed in Descartes that everything else seemed insignificant? Either way, he smiled at the boy in front of him.

"No, it's fine, I don't mind," He said gesturing to the gazebo around them. "It's not like I own this place, or anything, so I couldn't force you to leave if I wanted to." His smile was warm, and natural. Well, it's true, and I really don't mind the company at all.
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"Oh... thanks, I just didn't want to get in your hair." Brook tried to make his steps as light as possible, failing miserably. Each step was accompanied by a small 'clop' as the toe of his shoe hit the floor, followed by the next and so on. This carried on until Brook made his way to the far railing of the gazeob, looking out over the rest of campus. The view didn't interest him for long, and he found himself staring down over the edge at the flowerbeds surrounding the gazebo's outer edge.

Even looking at the flowers could only hold Brook's attention for so long, and he looked back to Sora once or twice. He never thought to look at the title of the book the boy was reading, only 'book' registered in Brook's mind. His legs growing a bit tired, he finally submitted and sat down on the opposite side of the gazebo, sighing from boredom.

Time to kill just isn't what everybody made it up to be.
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Post by Rivek† »

((Zach Matranga's first appearance))

Free time is nice. Wish I had more of it.

Zach stepped out on the quad feeling the same sense of relaxation that he did every time he left the interior of the school. Something about natural sunlight and light breezes just felt so much more comfortable than fluorescent lighting and too-cold air conditioning. He savored the feeling for a bit. Kinda ironic really... it's not like I like the "great outdoors" for anything else.

As he started walking to the gazebo that had become his refuge during this time each day, he took a closer hold onto the laptop case that contained his notes for the week's podcast, and sped up a bit. From plodding along to lightly jogging, he felt happier with each slight increase in speed. By the time he got to his covered sanctuary of sorts, he was practically running.

It was about that point that he noticed the two other occupants inside; he also noticed their lack of conversation and slowed back to a walk. No need to disturb them, I suppose. I'd hate someone barging in ruining my peace and quiet. He walked lightly to a spot equidistant from the two others and sat down. After a small stretch, working the dormant muscles loose as if to tell them "hey, class is over for now", he removed his laptop from its case and woke it up from sleep mode, preparing to work on some prerecorded bits for the week.
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

"...You bored?" Sora didn't look up from his book, but he had a feeling that this was what the other long-haired male was feeling. Boredom kind of permeated the air around here. It was natural; there wasn't much to do at the gazebo other than look out at the campus, sit, or make out. Sora was pretty sure that some people did a lot more.

When he heard the grass crunch, he looked up, and saw another person coming to the gazebo, a laptop case in hand.

He probably came here to work. It'd be best not to disturb him. If he'd been anyone else, he'd probably be curious as to what exactly this boy was doing, but since he wasn't anyone else, he knew better than to pry.
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"You Bored?
Brook's chin lifted, accompanied by a short gasp as the verbal silence was broken. "Oh... err, yeah, a little. Sorry if I sighed a bit loud." He straightened up in his seat and hung his left arm over the the side of the gazebo, the pit of his elbow seated right on the railing. "Forgot my botany book... what's that you're reading?"

Brook looked briefly at the new arrival, the guy with the laptop. It occured to him at this very moment that, while their faces were familiar, he knew neither the person reading nor the person with the laptop's names. If nobody said anything in a few seconds, he pegged that in his mind as a possible conversation starter. Brook was a fan of quiet just as much as the next person, but absolute boredom and a wandering mind was eating away at the metaphorical wall that was his inhibition to speak.
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Post by Rivek† »

"You bored?"

Zach had just been about to plug in his headphones to edit and polish without disturbing others when he heard this. A smirk found its way to his face. Alright, so this isn't necessarily 'quiet time' after all. Cool. The work could wait, he'd just started on it since upon his arrival there seemed to be an unwritten Do Not Disturb sign hanging on the proverbial doorknob.

"Oh... err, yeah, a little. Sorry if I sighed a bit loud."

His smirk widened a bit, almost becoming a genuine smile. "That won't do. Boredom is for the classrooms." He raised his eyes from the screen and glanced at his gazebo-mates.

The one with the book, they were in some class together. English, maybe? He couldn't remember. It was no surprise Zach didn't recognize him upon walking in, as his usually free-falling hair was tied up, something he hadn't seen before.. The other guy, the really tall one, he'd seen around but never approached. Something about a guy that was almost a head taller than him was slightly deterring.

"Forgot my botany book... what's that you're reading?"

Zach was a bit curious about this too.

Botany, eh? I never would have guessed...
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

Sora glanced over at the one with a computer, his lips twitching upwards. He had to agree, to a point; school was somewhat boring. But still...

"A botany book? He asked to the other, leaning forward slightly. "You like plants?" His face was eager; if he could talk gardening with someone, that would just make his day. None of his other friends knew enough about it to really have an engaging conversation about it.

He faltered a bit, however, when he realized that he'd been asked about what he was reading. Smiling, embarassed, he held up the book. "Just some Philosophy book. My cousin sent it to me." The front was very simple, with the books title (in Japanese, of course) set against a dark green background. To him, there wasn't anything outstanding about it.
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

Brook's eyes widened when he looked at the cover of the book. "A philosophy book? What langauge is that... Chinese, Japanese, what?" He waved it off for the time being, actually pushing up from his seat and, remaining in a somewhat crouched position, scooted over to Sora's position.

"But yeah... I love plants! I've been obcessed with them since... forever, I guess, so I keep a garden in my backyard, read up on varieties, and stuff like that. There's so many that I'll probably never actually learn them all, but I'm doing my best to make sure I do!" He grinned widely before nipping at his own tongue. I got really chatty all of a sudden... I have class anyways, so I should probably get out of here as soon as I can and not bother these guys.

He turned and started to exit the gazebo, looking at Zach as he passed. "Speaking of classrooms... yeah, thanks for reminding me, I really need to head out and hit physics. Talking about combustion and all of that... not my thing, but oh well. I guess that boredom theme that keeps hitting us all is about to strike again."

((Brook Brooks continued in Bunsen's Spark ))
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