Saint Joseph's Hospital

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Saint Joseph's Hospital


Post by Ciel† »

(Ariel continued from the Library...)

Room 313

The hospital beds at Saint Joseph's Hospital felt so great. Ariel really had no clue why they felt so great as most hospital beds were hard and not too comfy. These felt like proper spring beds, like a dream. Even now as she lowered herself onto her bed this thought ran through her mind, of how great it was for her to be in this bed instead of something uncomfortable. Then again she really wished she wasn't at the hospital at all. She could help that though. Wasn't her fault that what happened happened.

She had been doing so good though. Ariel had been out of the hospital for a few weeks and she was feeling fine and dandy. No seizures like when she was a child, no panic attacks, nothing of the sort. But the she collapsed at her home and now she's back in the hospital. Not to mention the same room she was in the last time she had to come.

It smelled like fish in here though. It was unsettling.

No matter. Ariel had to make due with what she had to deal with. In the long run she should have seen this happening from a mile away but like all people she got her hopes up too far and she ended up getting crushed like a plant. It was a very pathetic defeat to be sure.

She sat down in the bed, covering her legs with the blanket. It wasn't the biggest blanket around but it was enough to cover her. She gave a slight smile, one that looked a bit too sad. Somehow she wished that she was at school, talking with her friends. She had just met Mike yesterday, he seemed very nice. Surely he would go to the library and look for her. That sounds like something he would be likely to do though Ariel didn't know him too well.

"It is sad..." She muttered, very sure that no one else was around. "I wish I wasn't here altogether...."
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

Normally, Ileane Heldin wasn't at the hospital. The last time she'd come was...when Dominick was born...right? Yeah. Her mother had been stuck in St. Joseph's for an entire month, and it had worn the rest of the family down. She still had a slight dislike for the hospital, but it wasn't something she couldn't suck up.

Besides, she was here to see a friend.

The nurse at the front desk had told her what room, what floor, and Ileane had beelined for the elevator, a small boquet of white Jasmine flowers in her hand. The lady at the florist had tried to get her to buy something else, going on about the meanings of flowers, but Ileane hadn't cared. They looked nice, and they'd probably cheer Ariel up.

As she reached the door, she tried to put a smile on her face. It was hard, though; hospitals smelled of cleaning chemicals constantly. Taking a deep breath, she rapped softly on the door. "Anyone home?"
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Why did I come in today? This was the thought Victoria kept having as she sat in a chair behind the front desk, behind the receptionist and a little to the left. Leaning back in the chair, just a metal fold out deal, she sighed, running a hand through her short black hair. If anything was happening, it'd be different, but today was uneventful. Painfully uneventful, even. She hadn't done anything, which odd as it may sound, did not make for a better day at work.

Really, the only thing she noticed was some chick from school showing up. Ileane, Elean, something like that. She barely knew her, the fact she's unable to remember her name evidence enough of that fact, but she did recognize her. It wasn't like she was around her long, just enough to ask after someone else and then she was gone. Whatever.

Okay, if she spent another minute just sitting there, she was going to go crazy. Not only did she not want to just sit around all day, she needed to refresh her stock. She'd drop by Evan and see if she could score before going to the gym to meet Alice.

Technically, she didn't even need to be in today. Alice had fencing, so she figured she'd go in for a few hours while her girlfriend was otherwise occupied. Considering that, she signed her name out on the log book, pausing to say good bye to the receptionist, a charming woman named Gail, before leaving.

Standing outside the hospital, she looked towards the sky, her hand shielding her eyes as she did. The football field was where he usually hung out, so she'd head there first. If not there, she'd try his other usual haunts. It was only then that she realized she was broke. "Fuck." She whispered as she checked her pockets just be sure. Well, she was a repeat customer, so she might be able to get something in advance. She hoped so, at least. She'd smoked her last blunt last night, and everything else had run out before that.

She looked down at herself, making sure she looked good. She knew Evan well enough and that if she showed a little skin, he'd be much more likely to help her out. Form fitting black jeans, looser at the ankle so they covered where her foot went into her shoes, a pair of old red converse. Her upper body was covered by a white long sleeve shirt, worn underneath a black shirt sleeved number. Skin tight, of course. Yes, that would do nicely. All that was left to see if she could work her charm.

((Victoria Logan continued in Fencing... No, not that kind))
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Post by Ciel† »

Ariel wasn't feeling particularly sleepy at that moment. When you live in a hospital your biological clock gets warped in so many different ways that you could find yourself asleep at 5 AM at night and awake a half-hour later. No matter how you try you always seem to deviate from any plan you set because simply put there really is isn't much to do at the hospital when you're confined to a bed. This is simple logic of course but Ariel saw it as an unspoken rule at the hospital, thinking that it was bigger than it truly was.

For this reason she could have been fast asleep right then and there. Oddly enough however Ariel just couldn't find the strength (or lack thereof). Maybe it had something to do with how she had been living outside of the hospital room for so long, sticking to a strict schedule of what she had to do, which was more or less out of her own comfort zone. She had gotten used to the idea of living a normal life, but she could never admit this. She could never admit this

A knock on the door sounded at Ariel's door. The sound itself scared Ariel who was really never used to alot of people knocking. At first she thought it was one of the doctors, possibly Dr. Bailey (the man who had been handling her case for many years) but the sound of a voice from the other side of the door disproved this. Well if it wasn't Dr. Bailey, and it certainly wasn't her parents (none of whom sounded like 'that' just then) then who could it have been? Almost no one ever visited her...

"I-Ileane?" Ariel called, almost squeaked. She shifted in her bed, sitting up straight. The voice had sounded like her friends but she could never be sure. "Umm... Come in. It's fine."

Ariel grasped the covers with her hands, almost nervously.
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

Aw. She'd squeaked. How cute.

Ileane couldn't help but grin as she opened the door, bright eyes falling on her friend. "Yeah, 's me." Oh, wow, she looks tired...she must be, if I can notice... "Calm down, huh? I brought you a present." She revealed the flowers.

She didn't care for the hospital room. It was bland, and cold, and...ew, was that a dead-fishy smell? Ileane loved fish, but not in a hospital. Dead fish and hospitals just shouldn't mix. But hey, she couldn't do anything. Surely Ariel could request a different room if it bothered her.

Her eyes flickered around a bit, hoping she could find an unused cup or such that she could fill with water and use as a substitute vase for the flowers. Without it, they'd wither and die far too quickly, and she wanted her friend to enjoy the flowers as much as possible. For now, though, she just walked over to the bed and held them out.

"Lookit, see? They're jasmines." Ileane smiled. She was trying to be quiet; this was a hospital after all. You had to be considerate to the sick people. Still, Ileane could be loud without realizing it, once she was in the right mood.
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Post by Ciel† »

Oh, it really was Ileane. Ariel relaxed slightly, sitting back on the bed with a relaxed sigh. She was thinking it might have been someone who had the wrong room - that happened from time to time. But no, it really was Ileane. This was very strange. Not alot of people visited her at the hospital, at least not alone like Ileane was.

"Oh, Ileane!" She smiled, her eyes half-open. "T-This is a huge surprise, I didn't know you were coming over!" She looked around nervously. A few things were thrown around the room, making it slightly messy. "Oh, I'm sorry about the mess. I really wasn't expecting anyone to visit me today so I just left this stuff... Take a seat, wherever you want. Not many chairs here so... there isn't much of a choice."0

Ileane was a very unusual girl or at least this was how Ariel saw her. It wasn't like that was a bad thing, quite the opposite. Life needed alot of unique people like Ileane that much was for certain. They shared two of the same classes together so it was quite easy to see that they would know each other. Ileane was a little detatched from society but maybe that was why Ariel liked her so much. She could certainly understand what the girl had to go through - after all she was in the same spot she was.

Ariel propped herself up on her elbows, waving the other girl closer before she realized that Ileane had something in her hands. She looked at the package in Ileane's hands, not noticing what they exactly were at that moment. When she finally reached a few feet from the bed she recognized what they were and her eyes glistened.

"Those are... oh Ileane!" She giggled, taking the flowers in a gentle fashion. "Oh thank you thank you! I love Jasmines, I think I told you that!" She hugged the flowers, turning to look at Ileane. "Hey, um... there isn't a vase around here so I'm just going to hold onto them"

She laid the flowers on her lap, shifting in her bed slightly. "D-Did I miss anything from school? I sorta passed out when I was getting ready so I missed everything..."

She gave an annoyed sort of sigh, her hands tapping against her thigh. "Oh! How rude of me... how are you doing Ileane? How's the, umm..." She looked towards the door before looking back. "Did you get anywhere on that story?"
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

Ileane laughed a little when Ariel got excited. It was a soft, bubbly laugh, not accusing, but happy. She was happy to see Ariel so happy.

"Yeah, okay, hold 'em." She waved her hand as if it said, 'don't worry about it'. "I'm sure a nurse can get you somethin' for 'em."

"You didn't miss much at school..." Ileane was actually wearing a backpack, and she slid it off one shoulder and brought it around with ease, pulling the zipper. "There wasn't much assigned work in our classes...I dunno, I think someone else's supposed to come and bring your other stuff..." She gently handed the worksheets and textbooks to Ariel. "Fill-in-the-blanks! We got it easy today."

She set the bag down, and looked for a chair. She found one in the corner, and pulled it over, setting herself down in it with a soft sigh. She'd had to take a city bus from school to the hospital - a normal thing, sure, but since Ileane rarely took the city buses, it had been quite a nerve wracking experience. Her mother had agreed to come pick her up in a couple hours, but only that; there was a lot to be done at home.

When Ariel mentioned that story, she gave her a sheepish grin. "Y-yeah...kinda slow, actually..." Ileane had been sticking with one story for a while now, a rare feat. She was trying desperately to have something completed, so she could try and publish it, but...

I haven't had any time to work on anything...and I have no idea where I want the plot to go...I feel like it's been worked into a corner...
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Post by Ciel† »

Ariel nodded slightly. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they should have a vase around here somewhere."

As Ileane was getting her backpack out Ariel was beginning to wonder if Ileane was sent here by someone else. The thought itself was ridiculous but Ariel at least gave the idea a second's thought before discarding it, scolding herself in her mind about how stupid the idea sounded. Ileane wasn't the kind of girl who pities people - that was probably why Ariel was her friend to begin with, because she didn't think the same way as others did.

Ariel moved the bunch of flowers to her other hand and took the sheets from her friend, eyeing them. "The doctors tell me they'll let me out in a few days so that's fine... but... um..." She eyed the bedspread for a long moment. "They're probably not going to let me go on the Senior trip. I want to go, I really do..."

She shook her head and forgot about that. She forgot about it as quickly as was possible and changed the subject to her friend's story. "Umm... yeah. How many pages do you have? Do you need me to help edit it? It's no trouble, I've got alot of time now..." She said this with a hint of sadness, although she made sure her face showed none of this to her friend.

"Umm... have you heard from anyone else?" She said with a smile, trying to turn the conversation away from a depressing note. "Is anyone else visiting? Do you know?"
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

"...What??" Ileane's jaw dropped. "Why not? Of course you'll be able to go! They have to let you go! You're a senior! You deserve that trip!" In her heart, Ileane felt that, if Ariel was able to get away from St. Paul, from this hospital, and go somewhere for a little bit, she'd feel a lot better. Weren't there lots of stories about people who went to other places for a period of time and became healthy? Why would old novels talk about sickly people staying in the country if they didn't get better? "No, that's not fair! The fresh air would be so good for you..."

When Ariel brought up the story, she seemed to wilt. "Same as last time, just ten pages. God...I'm not even past the second chapter yet..."

The truth was, she'd been distracted. What had managed to worm its way into her brain? Why, SotF, of course. The latest episode, with that mysterious explosion on the island...theories ran amok in the chat rooms, but Ileane had one that she wouldn't dare part with.

See, the explosion had to be caused by the missing students! They all gathered together, led by Adam Dodd, of course, and somehow got the collars off. Then, they were trying to combine the explosives in the collars with some stuff they found on the looks like an abandoned millitary base, right? Anyway, they were trying to fashion a bomb to blow up...something. Whatever headquarters the terrorists use. It should be somewhere in the island's proximity, right? That's what fanon says. So, yeah, they're making the bomb, something goes wrong, and they're all blown to high heaven in the noblest, coolest way possible.

She'd been writing a fanfic with it. She was almost done with it, actually. But it's not like she'd tell Ariel about it. There were only two people in school that knew she was an SotF fan, and they were Bounce and Sora.

What? She didn't wanna spread it around.

Lost in her imagination, she barely caught Ariel's last question. "Huh? Oh, maybe. I'm not sure." She honestly wasn't sure. She hadn't thought to ask around. "But I would think so..."
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Post by Ciel† »

Ariel smiled sadly. "Oh no no... you don't understand. It doesn't matter what I want... it's what the doctors and my parents want. If they don't want me going on the trip than what else could I do to change their minds? I mean sure I really want to go, I'll do anything that needs to be done to get in but... well, it seems pretty bleak..."

She looked down again her eyes staring at the bundle of flowers in her lap. Of course Ileane wouldn't understand. Ariel had never told her the disease would kill her if she didn't find a donor soon but that wasn't the sort of thing you shared with friends, only close friends. Friends that Ariel really didn't have. She shifted in the bed, crossing one leg over the other and places the flowers on her lap again. The thought that just crossed her mind made her feel disturbed.

"Just ten pages? I though you had fifteen!" Ariel frowned, allowing Ileane to move back onto the subject at hand. Ariel was really shocked. She had really thought her friend had gone further with the story. "Well if that's the case then you really don't need an editor. You really need a co-author, you know someone who can help you gather your thoughts! Or a muse! Yeah a muse, that was the word I was looking for!"

She smiled, finally noticing that Ileane wasn't really listening to her. She was off in her own little world, a place that might be a great place Ariel would like to visit one day. Ariel laid back against the bed, shaking her head and letting a tiny laugh from her lips. "You know, you're a piece of work." She said teasingly, her cheeks a little flushed. Ariel still wasn't feeling that well, but it was a good thing that there was some color in her cheeks now.

"And... I was actually surprised to see you. This is the first time anyone from school has visited me at the hospital. I usually keep that sort of stuff... private if you get what I mean." She looked down, frowning as she said this.
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

"But still!" Ileane tried to give Ariel the biggest smile she could make. "You need to have hope that you'll be able to come! It's better for sick people to be outside then cooped up in a room like this..."

Well, it was true.

Ileane figured it made sense, and that was enough for it to be true to her.

She shrunk back at the page-number accusation. "W-Well, I guess..." But inside, she disagreed. It wasn't that she had a hard time keeping her thoughts together...the ideas just got boring after a while, and replaced by new ideas. It was as if her mind was a fountain of imagination, ready to spew out anything and everything that tickled her fancy.

When Ariel called her a piece of work, she looked at her with a innocent, spacey kind of look. What's she mean by that? I'm just me, you know. Can't be much else. Then, when Ariel mentioned her present residence, her expression changed.

"Hey, I wanted to know where you were, and when I asked our teacher, she immediately got defensive. At that point, it was like I had to know."
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Post by Ciel† »

Ileane really did think that Ariel was practically meant to go on this trip. Ariel couldn't really see herself going but to see one of her friends tell her that she would get better if she came outside made her believe for a second that it was possible. It was impossible, she knew that. If healing your kidneys was as simple as going on a camping trip then the world would be even more crazy than it already was. She shrugged her shoulders.

"That's not how the doctors see it." She said bluntly.

She changed the subject back to Ileane's story. She really was a good writer, Ariel had seen her work and it was true. However Ariel really couldn't tell why she seemed almost hesitant to write, or how she didn't know how to organize her own ideas. While Ariel wasn't a good writer herself - or at least that's how she sees it. The journal she held onto was in the cupboard next to her bed and she would never tell anyone that it was there, not for all the life in her.

The temptation arose. What if Ariel showed Ileane her diary? She wrote someone on almost all of the two-hundred fifty pages so Ileane would have to find some idea that inspired her. It wasn't completely possible and it was all shit compared to her friend's work but... Ileane was her friend. And friends shared this type of stuff all the time.

"Well..." She started, hesitantly, her eyes darting to the cupboard. She placed the flowers at her side, reached forward and opened it. She took a brown book from out of it and closing it up again. She turned to look at Ileane again though not looking at her directly in the face. "If it's alright with you I wanted to show you this... don't tell anyone I did, it's kind of a secret of mine."

She turned her head away as she handed it to Ileane. It was if she was embarrassed to even be showing it.
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Post by AnimeDutchess† »

"Pft. Whatever." Ileane leaned back, sulking a bit. It wasn't wasn't fair! They were both seniors, and as seniors, they should be given the right to go and have one last bit of fun before delving into the unknown world of college. Her English teacher had just told her today, "Ileane, calm down. College is not the real world."

But to some degree, wasn't it?

Either way, Ileane wanted Ariel to have fun. She wanted everyone to have fun, even the people she didn't like.

When Ariel spoke again, Ileane snapped to attention. She blinked at the mention of a secret. "Uh...sure, I won't tell anyone." And of course she wouldn't. If Ariel wanted it kept secret, she'd keep it secret.

Her mouth hung open, though, when she saw the little brown journal. Ileane took it gently, running a finger over the cover.

" never told me you wrote!" She grinned, and eagerly flipped the book open, starting on the first page, eyes skimming the sentences.

It didn't take her long until she started to flip through the pages, as if searching for something. But how could she, when she didn't know what else was in the book?

"..." After a little bit of time, she looked up at Ariel, putting forth her best smile. "It's...interesting," She said, resisting the urge to bite her lip.

Her ideas are good, but the sentence structure is driving me insane! A-And they're just...giant blocks of text...

She always had a hard time criticizing others, especially when it came to writing style. Really, what style was truly best? She couldn't question that when she was just a fledgling writer herself, but sometimes she'd wonder...
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