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Your favorite endgamer sucks!


Post by Barelyharmlesss »

You may be asking: How can I know that your favorite endgamer sucks when I don't know which one of the six survivors your favorite endgamer is?

The answer: ALL OF THEM SUCK, so it doesn't matter which one you like.

I would like to point out that I don't think all of them were terrible overall. Some had nice arcs over the season. But endgame is different from the rest of the season, so while some of them were entertaining to watch, they still don't make for good endgamers. Let me explain the specific reasons for why I believe every single endgamer is terrible and had no business making it this far. In alphabetical order:

1. Anthony Golden

Overhyped to the brim.

Yes, he has a bunch of kills under his belt. But almost all of his victims were either much weaker than him or made stupid mistakes. Or literally asked to be killed (Mercy Kills are really the most boring kills in SOTF. Always so overdramatic!) The moment he crosses someone who can actually put up a fight, he always ends up hurt badly. Just look at how often he got kicked in the balls like some dumb comic relief. Also his gimmick of coming up with the weirdest explanations on why everyone around him is a player was just cringe.

There were some nice beats in his relation with Ben and his short allyship with Ashanti, but that's not enough to make him a good endgamer.

2. Chris Tyrrell

Let me give you a homework: remember every important moment where Chris was present. And then try to imagine the same moments playing out without Chris being present. What differences do you find between this two scenarios?

Yeah, me neither.

Chris spent the first half of the game sitting around doing nothing and most of the second running around with Mary doing nothing. His biggest achievment was creating the message on the cruise ship that will probably hunt us forever in the form of YouTube thumbnails for videos in relation to Jewel.

3. Ivan Rodriguez

Now I already hear you saying "But Ivan was one of the most important and prominent characters of the season by being the main enemy of the Respects and therefore pivotal to the season's most influential story-arc apart from Seo-yun. How can he suck as an endgamer?"

Well, here is the thing: Ivan is nothing without Fisk.

All of his great moments saw him hunting down the Respects. But every time he wasn't occupied with his revenge, the cracks began to show: When he met Junji, they basically had a nice chat as if it was tea-time. When he met Rhonda, he let his guard down so much that Gregory could slit her throat about two meter next to him. The short meeting with Jodi was totally awkward. And don't even get me started on when he teamed up with Akeno and basically turned into her lap dog, simply following her orders the whole time.

Ever since day one, getting revenge was his sole motivation for doing anything. Now, with Fisk dead, Ivan's character-arc is over. I wouldn't be surprised if he just drops dead any second from the injuries he has walked around with for days or pulls a Dougie on us.

4. Kaya Robinson

A good part of the internet tries to paint her as the underdog, but I am not seeing it simply because so far, Kaya's play was questionable at best.

She managed to split up her solid group by panicking about a DZ. Girl, you get plenty of time for leaving new DZs, you could have at least tried to find Emmett and Amanda before booking it. And no, "Amanada killed Emmett, so leaving her was a good decision" is not an excuse. If Bethan and Kaya didn't left her, the fight at the Cargo Floats would have been different and the argument that ended in Amanda lashing out at Emmett would have never happened.

Then she messed up bad by affirming Bethan's delusions. Sure, telling her best friend that their classmates were dying would have been hard, but it would have spared them some trouble. Getting Bethan to take the situation more seriously earlier on might have also prevented her from turning her back to Amy.

5. Olivia Del Rio

Who is this chick and how did she make it this far into the season?

Like seriously, when she and her friend united with Ivan and Akeno, I had to do a quick internet search and all I found was a video of her shooting a teammate and another one kicking Anthony in the balls.

The worst thing is that she and Ivan are on the same team, so she might win the whole damn thing by doing nothing and letting him do the work. Even Rena Edwards had to at least shoot the Runner-Up.

6. Verity Stewart

While I don't fully agree with some parts, this post tells more than enough about Verity.
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Post by SwissCheeseSoprano »

Couldn't you say this about EVERYBODY who made it into endgame in EVERY season? I swear, some people go into this looking for flaws. Here's hoping we get another crazy death going into endgame!
perfect pitch perfect bitch
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Post by STONE »

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Post by DarkLordPain »

Looks like somebody wants attention. Might’ve bought it if you didn’t cite the dude who’s only post is him having a stroke. Even idiots here wouldn’t be that deluded, kid.
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Post by juul_evuuns »

Actually, I'm the best endgamer.
I spy
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Post by BunnyDidNothingWrong »

Good luck
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Post by Barelyharmlesss »


This is what happens when you allow your little brother to use your PC unattended for half an hour.

Sorry for anyone who read this.
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Post by SwissCheeseSoprano »

Little brother... suuuuure.
perfect pitch perfect bitch
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