The Respects

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Name The Respects
Season SOTF-TV Season 67
Leader Fisk Bateman
Symbol Masks (originally improvised

from pillowcases, later from
t-shirts) and glass shivs


Join up and survive the season
as a collective/makeshift team,
ultimately forcing the producers to
acknowledge their group and allow
all remaining members to share victory.

The Respects were a player group in SOTF Season 67 originally formed by Fisk Bateman, Giselle Fillmore, Keegan Garcia, Dieffenbachia Rubus, Vasily Ivanov, and James Highchurch, as well as later additions Verity Stewart and Sofia Kowalski. Their goal was to wreak havoc on the season at large, and their trademarks were glass shivs made by Bateman as well as pillowcase masks with holes cut into them.