Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth

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Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SOTF-TV V3)
Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (Second Chances)
SB03 - Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (art by Yonagoda)
SB03 - Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (art by Irina Ivanov)
Pippi in her fanservice costume (art by Yonagoda)

Name: Pineapple “Pippi” Bloodworth
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
Hobbies and Interests: Academics, Mathematical Olympiads, taking care of her cat, school council, GSA, disability-rights activism, Mu Alpha Theta

Appearance: Pineapple is average looking without her makeup and clothes. She is from Hispanic descent. Her skin is light, but it becomes darker in the summer months. She is 5’6”, and weighs about 140 pounds. Her weight is evenly distributed across her body with the only exception being her face that is noticeable chubbier. She has many freckles on her face, arms, and upper body. Her almond shaped eyes are a dark brown. Pippi has a hawk-like nose adorned with a small stud on the right side. Her natural brown hair is dyed platinum blonde with pink and blue streaks. Pippi’s hair is shoulder length and she wears her hair in a side swept hairstyle, keeping it effortless.

Pippi’s style can be best described as eccentric and attention grabbing. She wears bright-colored clothes with many accessories. She doesn’t follow a color pattern, preferring creating a messy combination alike to a rainbow. Her hair is pinned back with pastel accessories such as hair pins and bows. Her clothes are mainly loose-fitting simply because she enjoys comfort.

On the day of the casting, Pippi was wearing her typical outfits and accessories. She had a loose pastel pink sweater with the design of an alien saying “Take me home!” along a dog chasing its tail. She had black leggings and a pair of flower patterned Dr. Martens. She wore three chokers of varying designs and colors alongside a pair of disco ball earrings. Her makeup is only halfway done due to the time of the casting, leaving her with a cakey foundation without any colors. All she was able to grab before being casted were three more chokers, one pair of mismatched sock, one pair of fingerless gloves, ten barrettes and a pair of white sunglasses with pink lenses.

Biography: Pineapple “Pippi” Bloodworth was born to Tracie Bloodworth and her boyfriend and soon-to-be husband, Maurice Hinsley. Tracie’s dislike for common names rooted from her radical perspective on individualism and expression. She wanted an unique name for her first daughter as a way to rebel against the usual naming conventions. Therefore, she picked the name Pineapple for her first daughter. However, her family and her friends were less than thrilled with the prospect of having a child’s name to be based on a fruit so they decided to use the nickname “Pippi”. As she grew older, Pippi started only using her nickname rather than her full name, much to the dismay of her mother. Soon after Pippi’s birth, Tracie and Maurice had a wedding where he took up his wife’s last name simply because he thought it sounded cool. Pippi’s last name was then changed to Bloodworth.

Maurice is a lawyer who works with disability-rights activists and Tracie, a business owner. Pippi has two siblings Neveah (15) and Kafele (6). Due to their income, they are part of the upper class, and they have a lavish lifestyle. The family added a new member in the recent year, Chisulo Kumanda, a South African nurse who immigrated to Miami, Florida. He is the biological father of Kafele, and after an acrimonious legal case, the legal father of Pippi, Neveah and Kafele.

Pippi’s early years were marked by extreme poverty. Tracie was an unsuccessful performance artist who served table to attempt to meet ends and Maurice’s career as a lawyer was put behind due to a waterslide accident at a popular waterpark that left him paralyzed from the waist down. Due to their low-income and their need for specialized housing for Maurice, Tracie took out several loans. Their accumulated debts reached to several thousands of dollars, creating a stressful environment where the family often needed to cut down their spending to avoid. Pippi grew up with the oppressive feeling of poverty weighing down on her which severely affected her personality and behaviour. Despite not understanding her situation, Pippi felt responsible of her family’s money issues. She often avoided asking for gifts as a way to make herself smaller and less expensive.

Maurice and his family’s living condition became known after an interview with a news station. A GoFundMe was created with the goal of a fifty thousand dollars to help with the accommodation of Maurice’s new housing and his family’s expenses alongside with paying their debts. The goal was reached and went beyond what they asked due to the sudden response of the community, reaching approximately a hundred thousand of dollars.

With this money, alongside an eventual settlement from a lawsuit with the water park, Maurice’s family was capable to start investing and supporting themselves. Due to their sudden financial comfort, Tracie was able to launch herself into business, a dream she had been nurturing since her childhood in Glascow, Montana. A dream that she originally tried to pursue after arriving in Miami, but she was incapable to follow through. When Pippi was edging of the age of five, Tracie bought one bar and converted it to a stripper club, then continued to ascend the business ladder. Pippi was, however, still in a mindset that their income was precarious. Even after the birth of her little sister, Neveah, which was celebrated with a lavish ceremony, Pippi continued to feel the pressure. She felt guilty when receiving gifts and when money was spent on her.

As she started elementary school, Pippi continued to be a meek and lonely kid, but proved to be smart and efficient student. Pippi knew how to read, write, and do moderately complicated mathematical equations before starting first grade. Her teacher recommended to her parents to test her IQ. She scored 131 in a standardized intelligence quotient test. Pippi then skipped a year, and she was transferred to a gifted classroom, and it was then she realized her potential. Pippi figured out that while she lacked in certain aspects of life, she could always make it up with her intelligence. Therefore, she decided to concentrate on her strength than her glaring weaknesses.

However, she continued to lack in the social department. While she wasn’t bullied, Pippi managed to earn a reputation of being a strange kid. She was passionate about chess and mathematics, but never talked about any other topics or directly engaged with other kids. Her reputation as the harmless weird girl became even more clear after Tracie’s bought two new stripper clubs. When she revealed to her classmates about her mom’s successful business ventures during a class about their parents’ professions, several calls were made by concerned parents to her homeroom teacher. Tracie met up with a group of questioning parents and the teacher of her daughter, and even after their first inquiries and questions were cleared up, the kids continued to treat Pippi differently. Pippi realized that revealing more details about her parents’ lives could be harmful to her school life, and she decided to not talk about her family life around her peers. Pippi became less and less self-confident in herself from that point on.

Tracie and Maurice knew of their daughter’s feelings. While they managed to reach out to her, the damage was already done. Pippi’s self-confidence was next to nothing, and she became more and more reclusive over time. It was due to a mixture of teasing from her classmates due to her name, her mother’s profession and her strange behaviour. As an attempt to make her happy, Tracie got her a cat on her 6th birthday. Pippi was in ecstasy as she wanted a cat for years, but never fully disclosed it due to the fear of being shut down. She named her cat Zelda. While Neveah was initially uninterested in the new family pet, Pippi took her responsibilities seriously.

Neveah wasn’t the same type of achiever as Pippi. Since she never faced poverty during her development, she was used to living a lavish and comfortable lifestyle. She started training as a gymnast quite young, and the difference between the two sisters grew bigger. Neveah might have been the youngest of the two, but she was the more popular one. Her parents were also greatly supportive of her attempt as a gymnast, which led to Pippi questioning what she could do to gather this type of attention. Pippi decided to listen to her teacher’s advice of starting Mathematical Olympiads. After winning a school wide competition, Pippi started to receive the attention she desired from her parents. After several board wide competitions, she then participated in the Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools while she was in 5th grade. Once again, she won. While there weren’t any cash prizes, Pippi was showered in gifts and praises from her parents. Realizing that this occupation meant a potential secure future, Pippi pushed herself to her limits in this discipline.

During middle school, Maurice’s career as a lawyer took off once again. This now meant her two parents were successful, and they had the money to prove it. While Tracie was the breadwinner because of her businesses, Maurice’s job fascinated Pippi. The disability-rights activism movement was a big motivator for Maurice’s professional endeavours, and Pippi would enjoy reading and learning about it. While she wasn’t disabled herself, she became more aware of the condition of disabled people in America. She knew about her father’s accident while lead to his disability and its financial and emotional repercussions on the family. Knowing about all these things, Pippi started working toward making her school a more accepting environment. She petitioned to repair and better current neglected fixtures at her school and she volunteered to help out with disabled students and outside of school.

Pippi continued to gain excellent grades in middle school. As a way to cope with her intense studying regime, Pippi started drinking coffee. What started to be a little boost became an addiction, and her consummation of coffee soon became a problem. While her parents were aware of it, they didn’t do anything to stop her. On the contrary, they enabled it because she continued to get good grades and do at a high level in Mathematical Olympiads. Only her little sister, Neveah, took action to nurse her sister’s addiction. She became increasingly worried when she started noticing her sister’s shakiness. Pippi started having a bad temper when she didn’t have access to caffeine which to severe arguments between the girls.

After an intervention staged in her bedroom, Pippi admitted she had a problem. She didn’t quite know how to fix it, simply because it was something she needed to have to perform at a high level. Neveah started helping her sister out by simply being around her. The bond between the two became stronger, and while fights did happen, the sisters became a team. While Pippi was still addicted to caffeine, the support from her sister helped her cut down on her consumption. When Pippi had withdrawal symptoms, Neveah was the first one to help alleviate it. In a way, Neveah became Pippi’s best friend.

At school, however, Pippi was still a weird creature. She joined the chess club and the student council as the treasurer, but other than that, her social interactions were limited to her discussing the topics she loved. When she was questioned about other topics than disability-rights activism, Mathematical Olympiads, and her cat, Pippi had trouble clearly forming her opinion. She simply let herself be swayed by her classmates’ opinions. After quitting the chess club because she couldn’t keep up with the training, she stayed in contact with her friends. She continued to see them after classes and eat lunch with them. While Pippi stopped playing chess competitively, she continued to play chess with her father for fun and sometimes with her friends.

Pippi’s academical career only got weirder as she progressed to high school. She was first approached by Dr. Velazquez, a math teacher from the Mangrove Garden High School, who was attending the competition as a guest. The teacher suggested to Pippi and her parents to take the entrance tests. At first, she was quite uninterested to continue her studies in a private school simply out of her personal prejudice toward the private schooling system. Since her mom had raised her in a very anti-establishment environment and her dad had horror stories about boarding school, Pippi was validated in her choice. However, she still took up the opportunity to take the entrance tests as a way to test herself. Pippi managed to earn a scholarship, but she felt extremely conflicted. One part of her wanted to take up the offer simply because it meant she wouldn’t need to spend money on tuition therefore saving her a lot in the long run while another part of her knew she didn’t really need the scholarship. After a lengthy deliberation with her family and friends, she refused the offer but then decided to do her studies at the school with her parents paying her tuition. In the end, she realized this was the best option because she gave an opportunity to a less fortunate person to attend the school while feeling good about it.

Tracie’s libertarian and libertine lifestyle and Maurice’s work meant they met several interesting people. One of them was Chisulo Kumanda, a nurse on South Africa who immigrated to Florida. Originally close friends, Maurice and Chisulo grew closer which led to a romantic connection that Tracie supported. Neveah started having doubts her father and Chisulo’s relationship, and after questioning, Tracie admitted that they were in a polyamorous relationship. Pippi was the last one to learn about it, and she was quite shocked. Since this was before starting high school and she already had the experience of the public embarrassment after revealing her mom’s business, Pippi was quite scared of the event to repeat itself. Pippi’s feelings of confusion were acknowledged by Maurice, Tracie, and Chisulo. The latter decided to avoid joining the family home until their kids were okay with the situation. Neveah quickly changed her mind, opening Chisulo with open arms, and Kafele was still very young and he adapted to the situation. Pippi, however, continued to worry. After about six months into her first year of high school, Pippi reluctantly agreed to make her parents happy.

As a way to cope with her new family life, Pippi became engrossed in her studies and the Mathematical Olympiads. She participated in the Math Prize for Girls. Despite having only local success, she tied with the other winners and received a money prize of nine thousand dollars. After winning, she was invited to join the Mu Alpha Theta, an honor society with the goal to promote the development of mathematics in students. Pippi continued to take part in events. During her last year of high school, Pippi has been training for the Harvard–MIT Mathematics Tournament with a team made up of students in her area. While she aces individual rounds, she lacks in teamwork skills. She is quite incapable to take leadership, and sometimes, she is even harmful to her quietness. It was due to the fact that Pippi was one of the most skilled members of the team, but she lacked the capacity to voice and to explain her reasoning to her teammates. Alongside the poor relationships with her teammates and coach outside of competition, Pippi’s presence quickly became a demoralizing one. Pippi has been trying hard to befriend her teammates but she quickly gives up when they don’t follow her with her plans and her goals. However, Pippi’s social skill did get better as a result of working with the team, but she still struggles to make her voice clear.

As a way to spend less time at home, Pippi took up the treasurer spot in the student council at her high school. She was picked because she was part of her middle school's school council and her expertise in mathematics. Other than planning budget for school events, Pippi is very lax about her job. She doesn’t really know what she’s doing, but she’s happy to help her school in their PR endeavours. She also spends a lot of time at the GSA. Her decision to join the club was influenced by both her parents’ non-traditional relationship and her own indecision about her sexuality. Her sexuality isn’t something she has spent a long time thinking about simply because she’s too busy. In a way, she considers herself asexual, but she knows for a fact she might not be simply because she doesn’t have enough experiences to be sure. At the club, she simply uses the label ‘questioning’.

Pippi’s personality is hard to describe simply because she tends to contradict herself. While she is very smart in academic settings and in her competitions, she tends to become airheaded in social interactions. She struggles with social rules and decorum, but she maintains some type of functional basis that doesn’t get her in trouble. Many of her friends don’t really understand how her brain works, but she manages to keep them around with her genuine friendliness with them. She still struggles with conversation topics she isn’t comfortable with, often changing the topics to things she likes in the middle of the conversation. She copes through her apathy. When things go wrong in her life, she just stops caring. It makes her feel on the top of the situation if she acts like it doesn’t affect her. She can, however, be serious when people are upset or angry but she still keeps a distance between herself and the problem.

Meanwhile, Maurice, Chisulo and Tracie were making a solid case for their parental rights. Due to the nature of their relationship, the judge initially refused giving Chisulo the parental rights to Neveah and Pippi, and didn’t grant Maurice nor Tracie the rights to Kafele. This lengthy acrimonious process finally finished in the year of 2020. Because of several historical precedents, the parents were officially granted their rights to their kids after demonstrating their stable lives and the testimonies of the children.

Pippi’s relationship with her family can be seen as strange simply because of the parent's dynamic. She is very close to her little sister Neveah, but she feels awkward around her new step father. She does genuinely love Kafele, and often spends time with him. She is still teaching him how to play chess and she started helping him out with his homework. Zelda is now elderly and she meticulously takes care. Her love for her pet continues to be one of her motivator in her daily life.

Tracie’s business did put a slight wedge in their relationship. She was originally picked as the successor of the business, but Pippi felt too uncomfortable to follow up with it. The new designated heir would technically be Neveah, but due to her young age, she wasn’t introduced to the business world. With the lack of clear heir, Tracie started to become stressed and worried about her future in the business world. While it was too early for any passing stewardship of Tracie’s organisation, she still worried that none of her children wanted to continue the business as it was something that made them financially stable. However, Pippi has declared that she might be interested in continuing the family business after her studies. While it doesn’t quell her worries, Tracie decided to stop bothering her two oldest daughters about the business. She still wants her daughter to step up to the role, but she isn’t actively forcing the choice upon them, preferring dropping hints. Despite all this, Tracie feels very proud of her two daughters and she continues to support them in their endeavours.

Chisulo is now the full-time caretaker of his partner, Maurice, something that helped the relationship between Pippi and her dads.While Pippi struggled with the addition of a new parent to the family, she quickly grew close to Kafele. Chisulo maintained the custody of Kafele due to the death of his previous partner back in South Africa. After a lengthy immigration process, Chisulo was capable of getting the green card to avoid deportation through the help of Maurice’s skill and Tracie’s funds. Pippi has been teaching him about chess quickly after his arrival. Kafele also struggled with adapting with the new culture but with the help of Neveah and Pippi, he managed to adapt and thrive in this new environment.

In a more positive note, Pippi managed to patch up between her father and her. Maurice made an effort to bound with his oldest daughter. He often mentions that he is very proud of her daughter’s efforts in school, and Pippi was easily swayed by him. However, Pippi still struggles greatly with her father’s relationship with her stepfather. It’s a situation that makes her feel bad because she wants to be happy for them, but she also feels like her new stepfather is taking advantage of her father’s disability and her mother’s money. While there aren’t any signs of either things going on, Pippi’s tendency to nitpick her stepfather’s behaviour put a wall between her and Chisulo.

Pippi’s style truly evolved into a complete mess in her final year of high school. It was slowly building up toward its climax since she was always the weird kid in her year. Since her little sister became complete gothic due to Jewel from Season 66 of Sotf-Tv, Pippi decided to become the complete opposite to taunt her in a friendly way. Principally inspired by Pinterest and other social media, she has begun to transform herself into a chaotic eccentric character. It was a complete sudden shift of character which led to a lot of speculation within the student council since it had happened during the winter break. The friendly rivalry between sisters is a frequent subject of conversation with Pippi’s friends. As they keep trying to one-up in each other, their style keeps getting more and more chaotic. Neveah’s and Pippi’s style became an inside joke within the family, often joked about at family dinners and meeting.

Since she always had been a meek girl but wanted more from her life, Pippi decided to create a character to avoid the pressure of life. By carrying this over-the-top persona around at school and at her competitions, she manages to enjoy her daily life, despite her high stress levels. Her style became an armor to put up between the world and herself, attracting the attention of her peers toward her clothes and not her personality. Pippi’s persona has became more and more erratic. The happy-go-lucky manic energy she tries to convey often comes out as pushy and insufferable to her classmates. While a lot of people started distancing herself from her, Pippi’s effort doubled.

When the complete change of attitude and style was executed by Pippi, the school was notified of the change in behaviour by worried teachers. Her mom was into the idea of her daughter expressing herself through this style, explained her daughter’s reasoning. It resulted in this stand off between the school officials and the sisters’ relationship. Tracie is known to buy Pippi’s new pieces of clothing when her daughter wins at her competitions, often getting matching shirts and sweaters with her daughter. While Pippi acts as if this is embarrassing, she is deeply touched by the gesture.

The real fan of Sotf-TV in the home was always Neveah, but Pippi was a close second. She never watched the livestream because she simply didn’t enjoy viewing unedited footage. However, she always gets around to watch the replays after the season ends. What particularly attracted Pippi to the show were the escapees and the winners since they always lived through the actual story. She never really enjoyed watching people who died in the show because she just doesn’t feel attracted to them. The winners and the escapees always stuck because she could follow them on social media and she could feel some type of connection with these people.

The disability-rights activism, her participation in Mathematical Olympiads, and her perfect GPA landed her a scholarship at the University of Miami. The ExxonMobil/LNESC Scholarship was granted to her after applying for it earlier in the year. After getting her license, Tracie bought her a car and she decided she would commute to her new school instead of moving out to a new place since she fears being away from the financial support of her family. She is planning to get her undergraduate degree in electrical engineering since it combines her love for mathematics, a practical use of her knowledge, and a lot of possible job opportunities. After that, she knows she will continue her studies in a related field. Pippi’s first priority is still her studies. Her Mathematical Olympiads career is a close second, she plans to continue participating in competition in college as a way to earn a reputation and work her way up the academic ladder and possibly becoming a known figure in the community.

Advantages: Pippi is booksmart. She is quick-witted and she enjoys challenging herself. While she isn’t a major fan of the show, Pippi is aware of many strategies that winners and escapes have used in the past.
Disadvantages: Pippi’s personality is the biggest deterrent to her survival odds as she struggles with taking leadership positions, making her positions correctly known and just working with others in general. She also is rather airheaded outside of academic settings, and she struggles with taking situations seriously. She is out of shape due to the caffeine addiction which will flare quickly due to her consummation.

Designated Number: Stephanie’s Buccaneers 03 (SB03)


Designated Weapon: Extendable Baton

Mentor Comments: "Um. Wow. This girl is, like, literally me. Like, I'm more on the geek side of nerd-dom and I’m pretty sure my parents don’t own strip clubs but, um, wow. A kindred spirit. That’s… genuinely nice. I’m a little bit concerned that I haven’t been able to find someone who could properly work as a leader so far, but it’s like I said with Jodi. A great crew always needs someone with a really nice and cute aesthetic working behind the scenes to make sure the captain doesn’t go too crazy. That was me the last time this game had a pirate crew. Maybe my twinnie here can go the same way I did. Hopefully.”

The above biography is as written by Loretta. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: Loretta

Pippi Bloodworth (sprite edit by Almostinhuman)
Luanne and Pippi (art by Yonagoda)

Kills: None.

Killed By: Anthony Golden

Collected Weapons: Extendable Baton (assigned weapon)

Allies: Luanne Grasset


Mid-game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Pippi, in chronological order.




Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Pineapple Bloodworth. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!