Fisk Bateman

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SS09 - Fisk Bateman (art by Yonagoda)
Fisk in a suit (art by Yonagoda)

Name: Fisk Bateman
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Fashion, Graphic Design, Comic books, Spy Movies, Vintage Horror Films, Drama Club, Working out.

Appearance: Fisk Bateman is a Caucasian male with a pale skin tone standing at 5’7 and weighing in around 135 pounds. He's slim and toned with an inverted triangle bodyshape, having a small torso with broad shoulders and chest, and a thinner waist, with longer legs.

Fisk has a triangle shaped face, with grey down turned eyes, darkened by a helping of guyliner and mascara. He has dark, thin, eyebrows. His naturally dark hair has been dyed and styled into an ash blonde fade with dark roots, the bangs messily combed over to the left side of his head, and reaching the tip of his pointed, thin, upturned nose. He has dark, thin, angular lips that contrast with his pale skin tone and a beauty mark on his right cheek. He has irregular scarring, making a jagged line from the upper side of his right cheek, between his lips, to the lower side of his left cheek due to a childhood accident.

Fisk favors monochrome black and white outfits with a splash of color, frequently mimicking Mod styles or fashions from the 1960’s. He tends to favor colder weather due to many of his outfits working better with layers, but he’s been experimenting with utilizing more through less, to keep up the look during the summer. Underneath his clothing, Fisk has much more noticeable scarring along his torso, with a large diagonal scar going from his right shoulder down to his left hip, and a horizontal one moving across his lower midriff from his seatbelt cutting into his skin. Along his right shoulder are multiple scars going down his arm from windshield shrapnel hitting him.

On casting day, Bateman wore a white button up, with the sleeves rolled up, and a black, white, and red striped tie. Over that, he wore a wine red leather biker’s vest, and a dark grey and black veritcal striped sport coat with the sleeves rolled up along with black fitted suit pants in his own form of a three piece suit. He wore a pair of black brogues, with embroidered metal heels and toes that made an audible clank with each step. He chose to accessorize, having two silver ring piercings in the upper part of his right ear, a ring piercing at the corner of each of his lips meeting his scar, and a pair of small round shades with red lenses. He wore multiple rings on his left hand, along with a silver and rose gold watch on his right wrist.

Biography: Fisk was born to Patrick and Evelyn Bateman in a Miami hospital on May 8th. Fisk was given his name due to his parents recently moving to Florida, and they chose Fisk because of it's nautical meaning and the fact it's rarely used, despite being more common as a surname. Patrick was an Air Traffic Controller, and Evelyn was a rather successful Day Trader, so Fisk definitely didn’t grow up wanting. As both of their jobs involved long nights and scant off-time, it was common for them to hire a babysitter to watch Fisk as he grew up. What little time they had was spent with Fisk, as they did their best to raise him right and keep him happy.

As Fisk was growing up, his time in elementary school wasn’t all that remarkable. He had average grades, and got along well with the other students. He lacked in class, occasionally and his parents quickly searched for the source of it. They found out the main reason was that Fisk had a tendency to draw during class, and wouldn’t pay attention to the lesson, causing his grades to slip. They quickly scolded him, letting him know that while he was at school he had to focus on work, and that he could work on art during his free time. Despite that, however, they were supportive of his creativity, they just didn’t want him getting distracted with it when he had more important things to deal with.

As he got into middle school, his grades and his art began to improve. He was also getting better at socializing with other kids, though he began to grow more mischievous, and would join in on playing tricks on the less popular kids. While he was never quite the ringleader in these incidents, he was always within the vicinity, either egging it on or doing nothing to stop it.

When Fisk was thirteen, his family took a vacation to Disney World around the winter Holidays break. The trip went off without a hitch, until the final night when it was time to go back home. On the drive back, while the family was crossing an intersection, a drunk driver sped past the red light, knocking the Batemans off the road. The drunk driver was killed instantly for not wearing a seatbelt, but miraculously Patrick and Evelyn were unharmed, with only minor physical damage. The same couldn’t be said for Fisk, who had to be taken to the hospital in critical condition, due to a dislocated right shoulder, broken collar bone, broken ribs and a punctured lung, as the collision happened to the rear of the vehicle where Fisk was sitting. After a full night in the ER, Patrick and Evelyn were relieved to hear that Fisk would make a full recovery, but saddened to hear that the crash would leave him physically and extensively scarred.

Fisk’s parents did their best to accommodate him, but his scarring, particularly in his face made it hard for him to reintegrate back into school. He was frequently avoided or even bullied, worst of all by some of his former friends. This caused Fisk to become more reclusive, and depressed from the isolation. At that time, Fisk only had his art and his parents, who couldn’t be by him all the time, to keep him company.

As soon as Fisk’s parents realized something was wrong, they worked to get him the help and therapy he needed. Through it, he got to talk to other survivors of traumatic injuries as well as others with disfiguring injuries and amputations. This helped Fisk, and through the therapy he was able to embrace and accept himself rather than feel ashamed.

During his therapy, he was looking for art inspiration, and found his first set through a collection of Batman comics. He found the character of Bruce Wayne to be engaging and relatable, due to his backstory, but quickly turned his attention to the villains, seeing characters like The Joker, Harvey Dent, and Oswald Cobblepot more relatable than Batman, due to their physical appearances. From them he picked up the message that they became successful despite their physical drawbacks, rather than them being evil because of it. From there he got into the movie series that spanned the 80’s to the early 90’s. He also got into Marvel comics, with The Kingpin standing out due to his and Fisk's similar names.

At that point his attention moved to earlier movies, starting with the old school Universal Horror Monsters, like Nosferatu, Creature from The Black Lagoon, and Phantom of The Opera. From there he got into the 007 series of films, where once again he was drawn to the rogues gallery for the same reason he’d became enamored with the villains of Gotham.

As high school came around, Fisk's parents paid for his enrollment into Mangrove. Fisk became more focused on his appearance, and used his favorite fictional characters to inspire his new look. He took to dressing and acting outlandishly to become a ‘real life’ comic book villain, and used that as practice to get into the school’s drama club, frequently taking the more villainous roles as it gives him more ability to ham it up. His newfound charisma also brought him back into popularity, along with an added humble aspect he’d taken from his time in solitude. Along with working on his own fashion sense, Fisk also physically worked out, deciding to put more effort into his own fitness to compensate for his physical blemishes. It was rough starting out, especially since the accident, his right shoulder had a tendency to dislocate rather often whenever Fisk exerted it too much. To get around this, he had to apply more caution to his routines, along with learning to tolerate the pain of it.

However Fisk was not a fully changed person. Those friends who turned his back on him were not welcomed with open arms once Fisk regained popularity, with Fisk being unable to forgive them for being so two-faced. He also wasn’t one for the body positivity movement. While he was more than aware that nothing could be done about certain physical aspects, there were others that Fisk wouldn’t tolerate, primarily hygiene and fitness. Fisk would frequently insult those whom he believed didn’t take care of themselves, either through their weight, choice of attire, or scent. Fisk had no tolerance for people he perceived as lazy, seeing that if he could change for the better, so could someone else. This has caused people to have a polarizing view of Fisk. Some people tried to insult Fisk for his appearance but he pays them no mind, and tends to snap back with one of their physical flaws as fast as he notices it.

Fisk is rather interested in SOTF-TV. He loves the social aspect of it, and enjoys discussions on the morality and decisions of the casts involved. He is extremely interested in the recent Team Based iterations of SOTF and the implications behind them, and if it’s even possible to create teamwork through it. He also enjoys ‘what-if’ scenarios, and putting himself into the shoes of a cast member.

As of now, Fisk’s favorite class is graphic design, and he’s frequently working on old school movie posters, outfit designs, or logos. Fisk’s grades are in the average to above average, with the majorities of his grades in the high B’s, with the occasional C in math, or chemistry, and his electives are all in the A’s. After school he tends to go to the gym, his favorite workouts usually being calisthenics, as he's not much for heavy lifting. When he gets out of high school, he’s hoping to make a career in acting, but he’s confident that fashion or graphic design is another high possibility as well. In his spare time, he enjoys designing alternate costumes for his favorite super heroes and villains, along with creating themed color schemes and combos for his wardrobe based off of said comic book characters. He has a good relationship with his parents, and he doesn't blame them for the car crash. He's thankful for what they did for him, and how they helped him push through some of the hardest events of his life.

Advantages: Fisk is athletic, and somewhat well liked by his peers. He’s also dabbled into SOTF-TV, and may be able to plan ahead in such a scenario. He's gotten a higher pain tolerance, mostly in part of training himself to ignore it during his workouts.
Disadvantages: Fisk has as many enemies as friends, and his personality doesn’t sit well with many. His outfits and dramatic attitude will most likely get him noticed easier than his classmates, making stealth an ill advised option. His weak shoulder could give him issues if he overexerts himself or someone takes advantage of it.

Designated Number: Shiva's Sirens 09 (SS09)


Designated Weapon: American 180 Submachine Gun

Mentor Comment: "...No? No. You are pranking me. His name is Bateman, and... he has a submachine gun? No. I understand that we're all having fun here and that the goal of the show is entertainment, but... no. I don't believe it. This is a prank. He looks like a cartoon."

The above biography is as written by ItzToxie. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: ItzToxie

Fisk Bateman (sprite edit by Almostinhuman)
Fisk during the game (art by Yonagoda)
Fisk with Vasily's body (art by Yonagoda)
Fisk kills Lucia (art by Yonagoda)
Fisk is carried by Ivan (art by Yonagoda)

Kills: Seth Dunn, Jasper Suárez-King, Junji Yamada, Gregory Miller, Lucia Cuevas Valdez, Ashanti Baker

Killed By: Ivan Rodriguez

Collected Weapons: American 180 Submachine Gun (assigned weapon), Glass Shiv (improvised)

Allies: Vasily Ivanov, Dieffenbachia Rubus, Giselle Filmore, Keegan Garcia, James Highchurch

Enemies: Ivan Rodriguez, Seth Dunn

Mid-game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Fisk, in chronological order.

Sandbox Memories:



Fisk, shortly before Ivan kills him. (Art by Yonagoda.)

Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Fisk Bateman. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!