Fabiano Vecoli

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Fabiano Vecoli, drawn by Kotorikun.

Name: Fabiano Vecoli
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Place of Residence: Valetta, Malta
Language/s: Maltese, English
Hobbies and Interests: Rock climbing, B-Movies, Filming

Appearance: Fabiano is around 185 cm high and weighs around 75 kilo. Due to spending a lot of time outside, his skin is slightly tanned, but most people still recognize him as white. Thanks to his hobby of rock climbing, he has a fairly athletic build.

Fabiano's hair is unkempt and light-brown in color. He keeps it fairly short to avoid it from getting in his sight while climbing. He has green, round eyes, a small mouth and a pointed nose. His face looks slightly oval.

As a result of his climbing-activities, there are several scratches and blemishes on his hands, especially noticeable when someone is shaking them.

Since he tends to have an unintentionally strict neutral expression and unfriendly expressions in general, he prefers to wear a orange cap to hide his eyes at least a bit when around people. At the fateful day of the abduction, he wore a green T-Shirt with a pocket at the front, allowing for a small object to be placed inside. He also sports worn jeans and brown sneakers.

Biography: Fabiano Vecoli was born 09.02.2003 in a village in Malta. His mother Angelica was a freelance photographer, specializing in pictures of nature. The money she made was by no means much, but enough for a comfortable lifestyle. His father Andre held no job, but was active in the local political scene. Both were also avid rock-climbers.

Thanks to the father's interest, the Vecoli-household often talked about the tourism in their little city. Or rather, the lack of such. While other places were brimming with visitors, this small village was not so lucky thanks to being slightly out of the way and having not as much to offer as the competition. As a result, more and more people decided to move somewhere else, and barely anyone new came to replace them.

It didn't take long for Fabiano to show that he took after his mother: As a child, he loved to explore the nature around the town more than socializing with other children. Only the photography left him unimpressed.

Little Fabiano grew up happily for many years, not realizing the obvious future for the town or his family. That was why the day, not long after he turned eight, his parents decided to move came as a big shock to him. Suddenly he was pulled away from the village he had so far barely left and from the few friends he had. The family moved to Valetta, where tourism and life was blooming. One of the reasons for the move had been that his parents wanted him to see more of the world than just a dying town while growing up, but neither Andre nor Angelica would ever tell him that.

Fabiano, never much of a people-person, had trouble fitting in with the other children there. Back in his village, everyone had known everyone. The unfamiliarity of a big city was hard to adjust to. And while his beloved nature was not that far away, he was too young for longer routes, leaving him no choice but to focus his adventures on the city.

In Valetta, he met a new bunch of people. From what he saw, this people came from other countries to them despite having no relations to Malta, had to put their noses everywhere with a weird curiosity and left the country not long after again. These people were also known as tourists. Fabiano instantly took a dislike to tourists. Not only were they annoying and hard to understand for him, but from what he had overheard his parents talking about, these tourists were also responsible for his families' moving.

Not understanding the point of the tourism-industry, Fabiano thought that it would be best for all tourists to leave and never come back. However, there was little a child could do about that. Instead, he concentrated on his schoolwork, since his parents had promised him more freedom if he showed good marks. The promises worked, and Fabiano passed the eleven-plus examination, earning himself a place at a good junior lyceum, where he started his secondary education at the age of 11.

At this new school, he more or less accidentally found some new friends: On the first day, he halfheartedly involved himself in a conversation with three of his new classmates. One of them claimed to have something “awesome” at home and invited everyone for after school. Fabiano ended up tagging along.

The “awesome” thing turned out to be a random DVD the boy had “borrowed” from his elder brother's collection. With all of them curious, they started watching. The movie was a horror-flick from the eighties starring monsters looking like they were made out of plastic and blood effects that were created with ketchup. The boys spent the first minutes in stunned silence. Then they started laughing and making fun of the movie. Things turned sour when the host's mother surprisingly entered the room. But the following lecture about “movies not suited for kids” only helped to give the four a sense of unity.

As they found out, all of them had come from similar backgrounds. From this point on, Fabiano and his friends spent a good chunk of their spare time hanging out and occasionally watching other terrible movies when no adult was present. Fabiano's parents were glad to see their son finally adopting to the new city. What they didn't know was that Fabiano's friends shared his resentment towards tourists, or “outsiders”, as they got to call them. His prejudice grew.

On his thirteenth birthday, Fabiano asked for a special present: A film camera. He and his friends had decided to make their own movie. Many weekends were spent with hard work, and after half a year the four sat in Fabiano's living-room and watched their creation.

As expected, it was horrible. Their dream of making it to the Oscars died that day.

However, their passion for watching B-movies was not hampered. More importantly, while the other three gave up any plans on movie-making after the first failure, Fabiano felt different. The creation process, especially the filming part, had been both fascinating and fun to him. Therefore, he had found his new dream job.

From this point on, he would sometimes reject the invitations from his friends and, now old enough to do so, travel back to the nature he hadn't seen for some time. There he would start filming whatever fancied his eyes. The results were often unspectacular, but he didn't mind. The process was fulfilling enough and he liked being alone with the peace of nature.

One day, an incident happened that would strengthen his prejudice against outsiders: On an until then uneventful day, Fabiano found a bird's nest and decided to wait for the mother to arrive so he could film the feeding procedure. To get a good angle, he climbed a nearby tree, found a position he could hold for some time, and waited. For most people, this waiting game would have been too much of a bother, but Fabiano enjoyed it. He was sure the results would be worth it, and just working towards getting some good footage gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Half an hour later, he was spotted by a family of tourists who had gotten lost during their tour through the city. The sight of a boy sitting in a tree with a camcorder was enough to get their attention. They came closer and observed him like an animal at the zoo. Not only made this form of attention Fabiano feel uncomfortable, they were also about to scare the birdmother away, who could appear any minute. But when he politely told them to leave him alone using his English-knowledge he learned in school, the tourists instead took an interest in the bird's nest. Before he could say something, one of the children had kicked the tree with the nest, apparently trying to make it fall down. This was more than Fabiano could tolerate, and in a fit of rage, he threw the only thing he could get his hands on at the child. Said thing turned out to be his camcorder, who thankfully missed the boy, but was still destroyed. Shocked by this attack, the family ran away.

Fabiano took the remains of his camera and returned home, where he spent the rest of the day sulking. His anger was directed both at the tourists who had disturbed his peace and at himself for his uncharacteristically outburst. Ultimately, he told his parents during dinner that his camera had been destroyed in an accident and they got him a new one of the same model.

Another important happening was after his fourteenth birthday, when his father finally caved in and allowed Fabiano to accompany him on one of his rock-climbing tours. Fabiano took a liking to this hobby very fast, albeit his fitness was severely lacking at the start. It took some time of training until he could easily keep up with his parents. Not wanting to hinder them, he put considerate effort into catching up. By the time of the abduction, he was pretty confident in his skills and even able to climb alone. Furthermore, climbing allowed him to see new places of nature with film-worthy views. As a result of this new hobby, he spent even less time with his friends, but they understood this. Especially since all of them had found other hobbies as well.

During the next years, Fabiano used his time hanging out with his friends, polishing his filming skills, climbing with his parents (and sometimes alone) and learning for the upcoming matriculation examinations. His goal is to make it to university to learn more about cinematography. He is a good learner once motivated and sees his chances high. However, he himself is aware of one big hurdle: Since the filming scene of Malta is almost non-existent, he has to get comfortable with working with “outsiders” in the future. But for now, he prefers to concentrate on the present.

Fabiano currently attends the Kanonku Frere Preziosi School in Valetta.

Advantages: Fabiano is in good physical health thanks to his hobby of rock-climbing. Said hobby also means he is very good at climbing or similar activities. He also possesses strong patience and determination once he has a goal in mind.
Disadvantages: While maturing allowed him to understand that some of his views towards “outsiders” are questionable at best, Fabiano still has a lingering prejudice towards anyone not from Malta, which might make cooperation, be it in a group to survive or in an escape attempt, difficult. He also tends to value some alone-time and gets irritated fast when he is interrupted in his musings.

Desginated Number: O22


Designated Weapon: AX60 Coloured Smoke Bombs (x6, one in each colour)

Conclusion: Honestly, that xenophobia might give him a healthy perspective on trusting nobody. The way I’m reading into it this experiment is going to devolve into chaos fast when these folks are all complete strangers, so someone who is already predisposed to not even try to trust anybody else will have a head start. Problem: the rest of him lacks any sort of obvious card to play- the only fight he ever got in he missed his shot and broke his expensive toys in the process. Not the most illustrious start to a career as a hardened killer, and I’m not holding my breath that he’ll have a resurgence in the necessary timeframe. - Freebird

The above biography is as written by Mostlyharmfulll. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: Mostlyharmfulll

Kills: Oscar Fatu

Killed By: Philia Constantinou

Collected Weapons: AX60 Coloured Smoke Bombs (assigned weapon), Tree Branch (picked up from the ground)

Allies: Philia Constantinou, Jaxon Chen

Enemies: Jen Mara Tuiqamea, Austin Song, Harun Tee, Jaxon Chen, Leander Van Vliet

Mid-game Evaluation: Fabiano awoke on the second floor of the farmhouse. After calming down and inspecting the contents of his daypack, he left the room and descended the stairwell. Before he could leave the farmhouse, he heard the voice of another person nearby. Following the sound into the kitchen, he found Soraya Martinez, who also just woke up. After both introduced themselves, a third contestant, Jen Mara Tuiqamea, entered the kitchen. She had awoken in the basement and left her weapon and daypack on the lower end of the stairs. The three talked for a while about their situation and where they came from, with Fabiano introducing himself as Adrian. Eventually, Soraya decided to leave the house in order to try out her assigned weapon, a Zorb ball. Once the ball was inflated, a gust of wind made it roll away. Soraya pursued, leaving Fabiano and Jen alone.

During the conversation, Jen let slip that she had been assigned a gun. Fabiano, who was very interested in acquiring a good weapon, told her to lead the way. The moment she stood on the upper end of the stairs leading into the basement, he pushed her, hoping that falling down the stairs would either kill or injure her enough to allow him to grab her weapon.

However, Jen not only survived the fall, but also landed right next to her assault rifle. She accidentally pulled the trigger, resulting in a burst of bullets that failed to hit Fabiano, but still scared him of. Before fleeing the farmhouse, he closed the basement door, locking Jen inside the basement.

After some running, Fabiano reached the entrance to the underground caves. There, he made a short break and ate some of his supplies while thinking about his next steps. He ended up searching the woods for a big tree branch he could use as a weapon until he found something better. After finding such a branch, he decided to travel to the abandoned camp since it appeared to be close to raining and he believed the camp would have some shelter.

After reaching the campsite, he started to look around for anything useful. Not long after that, the duo of Austin Song and Oscar Fatu arrived at the camp, quickly followed by Harun Tee. Harun surprised everyone and took Austin as a hostage. During the ensuing argument, Fabiano and Harun got more and more heated up while Oscar tried to calm everyone down. Eventually, Fabiano ended up pushing Oscar to the ground, where the boy got impaled by a metal pin trhough the neck, dying almost instantly. Angered by the death of his ally, Austin attacked Fabiano, but Fabiano could escape after a brief struggle.

For the next hours, Fabiano would rest under a big tree in the rainforest, musing about his journey so far. Eventually, sometime after the first announcement revelead he had been the only one to kill, a group consisting of Abel Atkins, Dominik Vasquez and Soraya happened to come by. Soraya had lied to her allies about her own name, calling herself Ruby. When Fabiano referred to her as Soraya, she claimed to be Soraya's twin sister, which Fabiano almost instantly saw through. After being called out for her lie, Soraya and her group decided to move on.

It was then that Fabiano spotted Jaxon Chen, who had watched the scene from afar. When Fabiano adressed the other boy, Jaxon attacked him. The two had a short but brutal fight in which Fabiano got punched by Jaxon several times and Jaxon got hit by a headbutt from Fabiano. Eventually a third person, Philia Constantinou, was attracted by the sounds and stopped the fight. Sensing that the two could be usefull for him, Fabiano proposed an alliance, which was accepted. He also introduced himself again under the fake alias Adrian. The trio spent the rest of the night in the forest.

When the rainforest was declared a Danger Zone on the next morning, the three only barely made it out. They ended up in the village, where they heard gunshots coming out of the church. Fabiano convinced Philia to check if someone needed help, hoping that they could attaing a second firearm by confronting whoever was shooting. Philia agreed and Jaxon followed hesitantly.

Just as the group was passing through the empty market place of the city, the were shoot at by Leander Van Vliet, who had gotten a description of Fabiano from Jen Mara. Fabiano got almost hit and hid behind the fountain, but Jaxon betrayed the group by shoving Fabiano out of cover and running away while Leander was busy shooting at Fabiano, hitting him in the arm.

Philia dragged Fabiano back into cover and helped him to bandage his wound. However, she refused to use her own firearm to return fire or scare the enemy away. The two had a short and intense discussing that ended with Fabiano getting tired of Philia and deciding she was of no more use to him. He suddenly grabbed Philia's gun, planning to shoot not only the sniper, but also Philia. But the sudden movement made Philia pull the trigger in surprise, resulting in Fabiano getting shot at point-blank range through the chest. Fabiano fell into the empty fountain and died quickly.

Post-Game Evaluation: For the first killer on the island, I’ve never felt like you had been a competent one.

This is a compliment rather than an insult, for the record. That means you were somewhat able to hold onto your humanity. Unlike Ajay or me, a part of you wasn’t a machine made to kill or harm others. You were simply a shitty teen stuck in a shitty game, and your actions were made out of fear and desperation rather than ruthless planning.

That’s what I like to believe when it comes to you.

I could be wrong and probably wrong in many of my evaluations. What you did to Jen seemed more like a surprise act and a heat-of-the-moment rash decision than me choosing to gun down and bash and stab my way through the competition. The same thing with Oskar: a rash and swift conclusion.

Not planned, not schemed, not… plotted out.

Just you making stupid and foolish choices.

When I went to Malta, I was surrounded by beautiful works of architecture and an incredible blue sky. My time spent there felt like a dream that didn’t end. But after a month, I found myself used to the island’s beauty. I found it relaxing at first, but over time I became restless. I found myself seeking more than the baroque infrastructure.

Did its beauty one day fade away being raised in this place?

In the end, I didn’t meet your parents so I couldn’t ask them about it. I heard from the birds in the leaves that your father was a politician, so another reason to avoid him, but also a rock climber, just like you were. I tried a couple of climbs. The MRCC was nice enough to let me join them.

I don’t think I’ll ever climb a rock wall again, but it was enjoyable enough for me to take a couple of pictures.

Never say never, Fabiano. - Outlander

Memorable Quotes:

  • "My name is Fabiano Vecoli from Malta. Passionated rock-climber and upcoming documentarian. And I am pretty sure we have talked more than enough." - Fabiano introduces himself to Harun, Oscar and Austin

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Fabiano, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF: International or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Fabiano Vecoli. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!