Carol Hong

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MM08 - Carol Hong (art by Yonagoda)

Name: Ji-eun "Carol" Hong
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Writing fanfiction, video games (especially SotF Champions), anime, surrealistic and psychological horror

Appearance: Carol stands tall above most other girls in her class at 6'1" and 140 lbs, with a lean frame and spindly limbs. Her facial features betray her Korean heritage, with an overall round face, thin brown eyes, small nose, thin narrow lips, and slightly angular jaw. Her face is pale, and she suffers from acne, with visible scarring present on her cheeks. She applies just enough makeup to cover up this scarring whenever she feels like she needs to present herself for the occasion, but otherwise doesn't go overly out of her way to apply it. She has straight black hair that she usually keeps around waist-level, letting it down most of the time but occasionally putting it in a ponytail. On Casting Day, Carol was overdue for a haircut; in particular, her bangs had fallen just past her eyes, leading to her having to frequently sweep them out of the way.

Carol generally has no regard for style or fashion; she simply wears things her mother buys for her. These lean toward the practical and comfortable, and usually tend to be simple clothes, in muted colours, with no branding or logos. On Casting Day, Carol was wearing a white t-shirt under a light brown cardigan, a dark grey skirt, and navy sneakers.

Biography: Carol was born on March 5th, 2003, to Dae-hyun and Chun-hwa Hong, a pair of second-generation Korean immigrants. The pair moved to Miami in 2001, after Dae-hyun had gotten a programming job with an American video game company. The move proved harder on Chun-hwa, who had to quit her job at a pharmacy in Korea. It took a couple of years of Chun-hwa taking various odd jobs in Miami before her English became good enough to get a job at a pharmacy in Miami. Carol is an only child; her parents decided that they weren't interested in having another child and were too busy with their work lives to take care of more than one. Because of this, and because of their fairly well-paying jobs, the Hong family is considered squarely middle-class, and have never really wanted for much.

Despite their busy work lives, Dae-hyun and Chun-hwa did their best to be involved with their daughter's life. Dae-hyun had been an avid gamer for most of his life, and he wanted to share his love of video games with his daughter. Carol grew up in a home surrounded by game consoles, which her dad encouraged her to pick up and play, or watch as he played. Carol took to video games quickly, especially since Dae-hyun had many different varieties in his collection. The genres that Carol grew to enjoy the most were real-time strategy games and puzzle games. Her mother, meanwhile, was a voracious reader, and owned a large collection of fiction and non-fiction books. Whenever Chun-hwa had a free night, she would read Carol a bedtime story, and as Carol got older her mother encouraged her to take anything from her collection and read it on her own time. Carol grew up loving the Lord of the Rings series, and as she grew older she began to branch out into other genres of fiction, initially through her mother's collection, then through the library, and eventually through the internet.

In her early school years, Carol found that she was dissimilar to many of her peers. While many kids chose to play sports or social games with each other during recess, Carol spent her time reading through whatever book she was going through at the time, or playing on a Nintendo DSi XL that her dad had gotten for her on her seventh birthday. Because of this, Carol spent much of her elementary school life by herself. Carol never really wanted for extended social interaction, so she was fine not interacting much with her classmates. This wasn't to say she didn't have any friends at all, however; there were a few kinds whom she befriended off of their shared interests in her hobbies, mostly video games.

Up to the end of Carol's middle school years, she mainly played games on her dad's consoles and on her DSi, and so most of the game she played were Nintendo games. That changed in seventh grade, when Carol discovered SOTF Champions. She'd always known about the show that the game was based on, but never really tuned in, since she wasn't an avid watcher of television. However, she'd overheard a few people in her grade talking about the game, and finally decided to start playing the game herself when more and more of her friends started to get into it. It took her a few weeks to get comfortable with the game, but before long she was hooked on the gameplay loop. She began to play the game more and more, and it became the most played game in her library.

It was around the time that SotF Champions became her main game that Carol began to watch stream compilations of the game on Youtube. While watching through these videos, she noticed one particular clip being used as a reaction cut-in. After doing a bit of research, she found out that the clip was from the anime series Nichijou. Intrigued, Carol did more research on what the anime was about, before finally deciding to watch it. She was hooked on the absurdist humor and quick-fire gags within the first episode, and she binged through the whole series in a few days. After finishing Nichijou, she moved onto other comedy anime, and from there into anime in general. Although Carol enjoys many genres of anime, her favorite genre will always be the one that got her into anime in the first place: comedy.

As Carol entered high school, she began to make a conscious effort to expand her social circle, even if just a bit. She already had a few good friends from SotF Champions and a few acquaintances she could discuss anime with, and she decided to springboard off of them to meet new people. This effort bore middling success; Carol was able to make a few new friends, but she was still an unknown to most of the student body. However, she still considered her endeavors a success, and although she still tries to be open to new relationships, she's eased off on the active searching.

It was around the time of tenth grade that Carol decided to try her hand at writing. Her interest in reading had never faded, and her mind contained many potential stories that she wanted to realize. She initially started with original fiction, but it was proving to be more difficult than she thought. She was in the middle of one of her stories when, spurred on by an argument on the Internet, she decided to write a fanfic based on one of her favorite anime series. She eventually found that she enjoyed writing fanfiction way more than she enjoyed writing original works. She eventually abandoned her original story to focus more on writing fanfiction.

At around the same time, Carol finally got around to watch a popular anime that all her friends were surprised she hadn't watched yet: Puella Magi Madoka Magica. All Carol knew was that the series was darker than it initially appeared, and she knew a few of the twists on the anime, but she was encouraged by her friends to finally watch it anyway. One particular aspect of the show caught her attention: the witches' labyrinths. Carol was fascinated by the surreal landscapes that the labyrinths showed. Asking around, Carol found many more works that had this kind of surreal horror, as well as psychological horror, with other anime series like Serial Experiments Lain and anime movies like Paprika, and games like Yume Nikki, Ib, and Doki Doki Literature Club. Carol couldn't help but get a rush from being unsettled by these works.

Academically, Carol is a rather average student, mainly getting Cs in her classes, with the occasional B here and there. Carol doesn't really have a favorite or least favorite subject, and isn't really enthusiastic about excelling in her schoolwork, giving just enough effort to placate her parents. She did take the entrance exam for Mangrove, but failed it. However, her attempt at the test did enough to convince her parents to get her enrolled anyway, by paying the tuition in lieu of through her academic results. Because of her squarely mediocre results in school, she frequently places near the lower middle of the ranking system. However, because she simply sees high school as a temporary phase in her life, and since many of her friends place similarly in the rankings, Carol doesn't think much of it.

She isn't quite sure what she wants to do in the future. She figures that maybe she could get a job involving video games or writing, but she has neither thought hard about nor taken many steps toward getting into these fields. For the time being, her after-graduation plans are to look for enrollment opportunities in any local colleges, so that she can delay moving out as long as possible.

Advantages: Carol is a generally inoffensive girl, and will probably not be seen as a threat by any of her classmates. Carol's familiarity with horror will mean she is not as easily fazed by disturbing or horrific situations in SotF. If she can meet up with any of her friends that play SotF Champions and are fans of the show, she could tag along and leech off of their knowledge of SotF strategy.
Disadvantages: On the other hand, if she cannot meet up with her friends, her ability to strategize will be limited, since she doesn't actually watch the show herself. Carol is tall, lanky, and unathletic, all qualities that would give her trouble if she gets into a fight, on top of making her an easy-to-spot target.

Designated Number: Malcolm's Mariners 08 (MM08)


Designated Weapon: Ship in a Bottle

Mentor Comment: Picard: It is exactly as they left it, Number One - 'in the bottle'.

[Data and Worf, like Riker earlier, look at him rather blankly]

Picard: The ship in the bottle... Oh, good Lord, didn't anybody here build ships in bottles when they were boys?

Worf: I did not play with boys—

[Picard, Data, Worf, Riker, O'Brien and the crew behind the cameras all erupt in laughter at actor Michael Dorn's line flub]

Single greatest outtake that I've ever seen on something I didn't work on. I'd hope that she knows enough to use the bottle as a weapon, but I'm not holding my breath. This girl definitely hasn't played with boys, either."

The above biography is as written by CondorTalon. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.

Evaluations[edit | edit source]

Handled by: CondorTalon

Carol Hong (sprite edit by Almostinhuman)

Kills: Oliver Sheffield

Killed By: Gabriela Garcia-Campos

Collected Weapons: Ship in a Bottle (assigned weapon)

Allies: None

Enemies: Oliver Sheffield

Mid-game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:

Other/Trivia[edit | edit source]

Carol was the first student in TV3 to die with a kill to their name.

Threads[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of threads containing Carol, in chronological order.



Your Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Carol Hong. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!