Party Like It's $15.99

Things that happen in the past oftentimes affect the way people behave in the future. Your characters, like most people, have a past, and most of them have special memories from another time. Some are good, some are bad, but in some way, they've influenced your character. Within this forum, you'll be able to write out those special events to further develop your character before Second Chances begins!
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Super Llama*
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Party Like It's $15.99


Post by Super Llama* »

"Bob, what the hell are these people doing here?"

"Relax, man. Your folks are out for the weekend, right? That's the obligatory party time!"

"Maybe it is, but I didn't ASK for a party! You don't go telling people there's a party at my house when there's not a party at my house!"

"Hey, man, I'm just doing you a favor! This party shit, it's all about reputation, man! You throw an awesome party, it like, goes way the hell up! You'll be hella popular, man! Maybe even get all the chicks!"

"Oh, really? And what the hell is popularity going to do me if they start breaking shit and trashing up the place, and then my parents find out?"

"Hey, man, that shit only happens in the movies! ...I think."

"You think? Really? You THINK?"

"Yeah, man. I mean, there was that one guy who got hella drunk and tipped over that guy's fridge once. But that'll probably never happen. ...maybe."

"I want these people out of my house, Bob!"

The arguing between Anthony and his friend Bob continued outside Lyn's door a while longer before continuing down the hallway. The floor was practically vibrating from the bass downstairs, and she could hear the commotion going on. She didn't know if it was some kind of elaborate prank or what, but a bunch of Anthony's friends found out that his parents were going off for the weekend, and came to the conclusion that "Parentless house = SWEET PARTY TIME, BRO," much to his chagrin. It was like something out of a bad movie.

Lyn was of course as surprised as Anthony was when people started coming in, only she had to deal with all these people (and Anthony's friends) barging into the house by herself while Anthony stopped off at the store. Once he got home, she was quickly herded (read: shoved) into her room so as not to cause any problems while he sorted this shit out. Which was fine by her, because the commotion downstairs really made her uncomfortable. She had a hard enough time dealing with people in a normal school setting, let alone having to deal with a bunch of them in a party situation.

Lyn let out a sigh and reached under her bed, pulling out an issue of Green Lantern once she was certain that Anthony had gone downstairs and wasn't about to burst into the room and notice that she'd pilfered another one of his comics. She found herself thinking about the end of summer break as she opened it up. What would she do for her Junior year? Probably the same thing she'd done all the other years.
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Post by decoy73 »

Note to self: Seven jello shots in an hour is NOT a good idea.

Charlie was already starting to feel woozy, to the point where she was afraid that she was going to puke onto her feet, which would suck (The good sandals weren't cheap). On a good note, her back hadn't felt this good since middle school, so hey, it ... still kinda sucked. Especially as she tried to keep her footing looking for someplace to retch up her dinner and give her ears a rest from that fucking loud music - couldn't they turn it down a little before her head blew up?

She looked for a door through the crowd which under normal circumstances would have been easy to navigate through, but her inebriation made the crowd a bit of a blur, especially as she just barely avoided the two guys screaming about something or other.


A door to her right offered her some sanctuary, with no line in. Lucky for her, since that bathroom downstairs was locked shut. She opened the door as quickly as she could and entered the room, stumbling a little as she closed it behind her and slid down into a sitting position.
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Post by Super Llama* »


Lyn hastily stuffed the comic book behind her bed as she heard the door open, expecting Anthony to come barging in. But instead, the party seemed to be spreading to her room as some girl came in, looking vaguely shitfaced as she sat by the door.


As stated before, she already had a hard enough time dealing with people in normal situations. She had absolutely no idea how to react here. For a few moments, she sat there on her bed, staring at the girl like a deer in the headlights, all the while thinking Oh god please don't throw up on the carpet please don't throw up on the carpet...

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Post by decoy73 »

"Uh ... h-hey."

Charlie managed to focus her eyes onto the girl that was occupying the room. Some skinny girl, wearing black clothes that seemed to cover her more like a Snuggie than clothing and doing nothing for her. She seemed friendly enough, but Charlie didn't remember ever seeing this girl at any social gathering, or ever, for that matter. This new girl didn't look like the type to be at this type of gathering, though.

Must have gotten tired of this place, too.

"Hey. Party get too much for you, too?" Charlie giggled - partly due to the fact that her question was just so funny, and partly because, well, something had to counteract her stupor and keep her in reality.
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Post by Super Llama* »


Lyn had no idea why this girl was laughing. Probably because she was drunk. That's what drunk people do, right? Laugh for no real reason at things that only they find funny?

"I...I-I kind here..." She says, still feeling plenty uncomfortable about this whole 'having to deal with a complete stranger in her own room' thing.
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Post by decoy73 »

"Y-yeah... I...I-I kind here..."

That statement brought Charlie gently floating into semi-reality, as she tried to get her brain to fire.

"Oh, uh, sorry about that. Guess it makes sense." Charlie moved forward to open the door a crack to hear some yelling as the bass stopped.

"... out of here ..." Charlie closed the door and leaned back on it.

"Well, seems like Anthony's kicking everyone downstairs out. God, that guy is an asshole. How do you deal with him?"
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Post by Super Llama* »

Lyn could hear as Anthony did his damnedest to bring the party to a screeching halt when the girl opened the door a crack. This was certainly going to hurt his reputation at school once word got out about how much of a buzzkill he is. Not that Lyn was at all concerned about that.

"I sort of just stay out of his way." She says, leaning back against the bed as well. This was still awkward as hell, but it was at least getting more tolerable, and Lyn didn't feel as much like she was on the verge of freaking out that there was a stranger in her room.
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