The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Constructed in 2005, this brand-new multiplex boasts twelve different screens, stadium seating, and a wide variety of snack and beverage choices. Carmike Cinema is known for two things: being hardcore about checking IDs, and being notorious for conveniently leaving the back door unlocked.
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Post by Nadir* »

Cesar hurried quickly into the theater, which was mostly empty, apart from a couple of kids sitting in the front rows. Probably had gone here to make out or something, Cesar doubted they were even interested on the film they were gonna see. He had to admit he had seen the movie a couple of times, but it never ceased to amaze him... well, he had seen it a thousand times. But he never got tired of it. Tim Curry was such an amazing actor. And Susan Sarandon was so hot when she was young... well, she was still hot even if she could be his mom.

And so, with a can of Cola on one hand, and a big can of popcorn in the other, he made his way to one of the seats at the middle row. From there he could watch the show and enjoy it while ignoring the sounds of smooching that was coming from the front of the theater. Cesar thought on going down there and scolding the lads, but he decided to let them be.

Oh, yeah, the movie was starting.

This was going to be so great.
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Post by Courtography »

(Nick Simmons continued from Bitches Lovve WWhales)

Nick was uneasy about the movie. The owner of a record store in the mall had told him it was good, but on the other hand the guy did some weird shit from time to time. One time he dyed his hair orange, and he wore guyliner for a few months. So y'know the movie could be weird.

But Nick had his popcorn and a small soda, the movie theater wanted like five freakin' bucks for a large, and was looking for a place to sit. The place looked mostly empty, although the guy had said it was an older movie. He made his way past a few couples making out in the first rows. Nice.

He made his way up a bit, then spotted someone he would sit with. "Hey Cesar," he greeted in a loud whisper. He made his way to the seat to the right of Cesar. "You seen this before, man?"
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Post by Nadir* »

Cesar had been so fixated in the screen that he did not see the other boy until he was just besides him. He almost jumped out of his seat when the guy opened his mouth.

Hey Cesar

Oh, the boy apparently knew him. He tried to see his features through the darkness that surrounded them. Cesar could almost place him at the school he went. Probably he shared a couple of classes with the lad. What was his name, again? Jack, Chris, Nate...?

Oh, yeah, Nick, that was right.

"Oh, hello, Nick, I didn´t see you coming in here, you took me by surprise..." he said somewhat sheepishly. He doubted if he shoud offer some of his popcorn to the other boy, but then he saw that the kid already had some snacks with him.

You seen this before, man?

"This movie, you mean? Yeah, a couple of times. Why? Is this your first time watching it?" he asked the lad.

Oh... if Nick indeed was not aware of the film´s content, then this was gonna be an interesting evening indeed.
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Post by Courtography »

No, Nick hadn't seen the movie before. Hadn't even heard of it until he was told about it the other day. "No, but I heard it's good." By a guy who was a bit off, but y'know he had good taste in music usually, so maybe it would apply to movies too.

But Cesar had seen it before, and that was a good sign, right? Sure, they didn't agree on everything, but Cesar was a pretty cool guy, so the movie should be good. Should be. And even if it wasn't good, what was the worse thing he could see?
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Post by Nadir* »

No, but I heard it's good

Nick didn´t sound particularly assured when he said this. Cesar shrugged.

"It depends on if you like weird movies or not. Or if you like mussicals..." Cesar instantly turned to look at the screen "Oh, this part is good".

Brad and Janet, the two main characters (described as a "Hero" and a "Heroine" in the credits, but Cesar thought they were very far from what their archetypes intented to be) had gotten lost in the storm and had happened across a castle. Said castle was the home of the mad scientist Frank´N´Furter, who was not human, but an extraterrestrial, a bisexual transvestite from the planet Transexual in the galaxy of Transylvania. Now Brad and Janet were being led on a dance by Frank´s two crazed assistants, Magenta and Riff Raff.

"You might want to watch this" he whispered, somewhat excited, to Nick "This dancing is what makes this movie great!"

Let´s do the Time Wark again!

"It´s just a jump to the left..." Cesar hummed along the song, but then he realized that he was not alone. He was with Nick. Nick, who was his classmate at school. Cesar then abruptly stopped his chanting. He didn´t want his classmate to think he was some sort of freak. Nick had his eyes fixed on the screen. Cesar could not tell if he was freaked out by the film, or amused, or both.

The movie was getting better by the minute. Now Meat Loaf had appeared and then he had suddenly been turned by Tim Curry into... well, a meat loaf. With some help of an axe.

"Oh, man, did you saw that?" he said to Nick "Just wait to see later..."

He looked at Nick again, wondering if he was getting the plot at all or if he was getting more and more confusing with each new sequence...

"So..." he whispered to the other boy "Do you need some help with the plot or you more or less get the idea of it?"
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Post by Courtography »

Nick was so confused. Which made sense, somehow, seeing how Cesar had told him it was a weird movie. But still, it was a musical, with all the singing and dancing and shit. But it was weird. Especially when Cesar started to hum along with it.

And then...other stuff happened? Okay this was weird and confusing. Cesar was Nick's friend, but this was some weird shit. It wasn't like watching Jersey Shore. Nick understood that. People partied and stuff. Of course that was real and this wasn't.

Plot, what plot? "Yeah man, I'm not gettin' it."
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Post by Nadir* »

Yeah man, I'm not gettin' it

Well, that was somewhat obvious. Nick seemed more confused by the moment. Cesar breathed deeply and then tried to sum the story up the best he could.

"Well, the guy who is dressed on drag is a mad scientist. Sort of like Dr. Frankenstein..." yeah, that was more like it "He apparently is an extraterrestrial from a planet where everyone dresses like that and apparently he is on Earth trying to create the perfect man, or lover, or something... I am not very clear on that"

Cesar tried to look at Nick´s face in the darkness, and see if the guy was getting what he said.

"Eh... anyway. So, you see the blond guy who looks like a bodybuilder? Well, that´s it, that´s his creation. His Frankentein´s monster. His name is Rocky and he created it to be his lover. You following me?"

He paused for a brief moment before getting back to look at the screen. Oh, yeah, right. This scene.

"Anyway, the two main characters are the couple you see attending a wedding chapel in the beginning of the movie. They are Brad and Janet. And well, they are on their way to visit an old college professor of theirs when their car breaks down on the road and they have to take refuge on the mad scientist´s house. And right now, what you see on the screen, is the mad scientist seducing them in quick sucession..."

And that was true. Dr Frank´N´Furter had entered the separate rooms of both lovebirds disguised in each tryst as each other´s sweetheart. Cesar wondered if Nick might be offended by the fact the film was... well, a little bit "gay-themed", so to speak.

"Hummm... you are not uncomfortable watching this, are you?" he asked to Nick, hoping that the guy didn´t get too much awkward with the question. Or that he didn´t interpret it as a flirting attempt.
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Post by Courtography »

Okay so he was Dr. Frankenstein in drag, Nick could understand that, until Cesar said something about perfect lover. "Wait, shouldn't there be some hot chick version too? I mean there's gotta be someone on his planet who likes tits and pussy." He didn't really care that the doctor guy was gay, but a whole planet of gays, wouldn't they die out?

And then the doctor guy was seducing both of them. "Wait, are they both blind? They should know what their lover looks like." Weird. Okay so it was really weird, but fanservice, right? No...not with a guy disguised as a chick seducing a guy, ehh...

"It's weird, but I think I can watch."
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Post by Nadir* »

Wait, shouldn't there be some hot chick version too? I mean there's gotta be someone on his planet who likes tits and pussy

Cesar mumbled somewhat unconfortably "Well, you have Columbia and Magenta, two of his assistants. Magenta is the older lady dressed as a cleaning maid, and Columbia is the younger one in her twenties dressed as a burlesque star... man, she´s lovely. In a later scene I think you can see her boobies for a little while..."

Cesar instantly shut up, realizing he was sounding like a perv, and then listened to Nick asking his next question.

Wait, are they both blind? They should know what their lover looks like

"Hummm... I dunno. Maybe it´s suspension of disbelief? Well, I wouldn´t know, but sometimes when you are in the dark it becomes difficult to see who are you having sex with" That´s right. Too much information.

It's weird, but I think I can watch

Cesar smiled. Well, the film was not that unbearable for Nick, then. Cesar knew a lot of people around the school regarded him as weird, so he didn´t wanted Nick to think that. Nick seemed like a pleasant dude, after all. And Cesar ´s mother always told him to try and make friends with people at his class.
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Post by Courtography »

Oh okay, two assistant chicks. He could be fine with that. More than fine, seeing that chicks boobs wouldn't make him complain.

It had to be suspension of belief. After all, wouldn't the guy notice that suddenly his girlfriend wasn't all soft and whatever? And didn't have a vagina. That too. Unless they really didn't give a crap and would fuck anything...

Okay, back to the weird movie. Weird movie. Crazy shit. Yeah.
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Post by Nadir* »

They sat there for another hour. Cesar sometimes directed his gaze to Nick so he could see if the other boy was bored or just merely freaked out by the movie. Anyway, when the ending credits started to roll and the couple of teens making out exited the backdoor, Cesar turned to Nick in quivering anticipation.

"So... did you like it or was it too weird?"

Cesar waited to hear the other boy´s answer, but meanwhile he checked his phone to see if he had received any calls.

Then he saw her name in the phone screen.

Oh, shit, it´s her...

"Ah... Nick, sorry, but I gotta go. There´s some things I gotta do right now. It was nice to see you, man, really. We should repeat this some time" just after those words had left his mouth Cesar realized how stupid they had sound. Maybe Nick didn´t want to repeat this. Maybe Nick was weirded out beyond belief by the antics of his eccentric classmate.

"Ah, anyway, see you around school, okay?" he said quickly and then exited through the backdoor of the cinema to the streets outside.

And then he dialed her phone. Apparently, he was in trouble.

((Cesar Perdomo, continued in Dreams))
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Post by Courtography »

And thus went one of the weirdest hours of Nick's life. "It was okay, don't know if I'd watch it again. But it was better when I got persuaded to go see fucking Twilight."

Then Cesar got a call and said he had to go. "All right, that's cool bro."

Then he left.

(Nick Simmons continued in They Have A Better Sound, Man)
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