The One That Got Away

Phase 2 (13-24 Hours), one-shot

The graveyard sits on a hill behind the church, overlooking the whole town. Many generations of continuous family lines can be found within the fence that encircles the land designated for this use. Most of the oldest gravestones have started to be reclaimed by the wild growth of the surrounding foliage, although a large ornate stone crypt featuring intricate carvings of various fish has been treated with the utmost care by the former groundskeeper. Behind the crypt is an area of land unused except for the presence of a large white gazebo. This area offers a view out over the surrounding environment and is relatively free of hazards.
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The One That Got Away


Post by Katie »

(Brittany Chesterton continued from Getting Better)

When Brittany heard that Marion killed someone on the announcements, she knew she had to go to the graveyard. She had left the delinquent gagged and handcuffed and stolen the key, so the fact that she got a kill definitely raised alarm bells in Brittany's head. It was possible that she'd gotten the kill before her kinky experiment, or even that she managed to kill someone while trapped as she was, since after all, her legs were free, Brittany didn't want to take any chances, so she had to see if Marion somehow escaped.

When she arrived at the gazebo, she found her fears to be true. Marion was gone, and the post she'd been cuffed to was demolished. Someone must have freed her by smashing it. Brittany pondered for a bit. Could it have been Kassandra? She had found the two fornicating when she initially discovered Marion's predicament, so it was a distinct possibility that Kassandra had returned to help her apparent lover. She couldn't understand why someone would do such a foolish thing in a death game like this, but she figured that logic and reason must be foreign to inferiors like those two little rebels.

She silently chastised herself for letting Kassandra get away, before reassuring herself that she did the best she could given the situation. She even got to experience firsthand what sex between girls was like, and she had to admit it felt good. It was definitely something she'd want to do again in the future, but perhaps not with scum like Marion this time. Regardless, she figured that if her hypothesis was correct and Kassandra was indeed Marion's rescuer, then the two little dykes probably had it out for her. Finding an ally quickly would definitely be a wise course of action, while she was confident she could probably take on the two girls alone now that she had a decent weapon, especially since Marion was likely still handcuffed, there was strength in numbers, and it was better to be safe than sorry.

Of course, before going ally hunting, she figured it'd be prudent to check on her other captive and make sure she hadn't escaped as well...

(Brittany Chesterton continued elsewhere)
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