Game Faces

Small docks dot the shores of this lake front, with cabins nearby each. One would expect a boat or two to be permanently docked here, but the most one would be able to find is a small kayak or canoe in one of the cabins, stowed away in the attic and forgotten.
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Game Faces


Post by Acidic* »

((Madelyn Conner continued from Of Moons, Birds, & Monsters))

She slowed to a jog by the time she made it to the cabins. Her heart beats had slowed, and Madelyn was looking forward to resting. Taking two people down like dominos had convinced Madelyn she didn't want to kill ever again. She probably didn't have that privilege, but a day off would be nice.

A few hours without human contact, and hiding from her earlier action and her failure to keep her teammate alive. At least she could say she made a mark against Shawn, but that didn't matter in the long run. She walked up the steps to the closest cabin, cracked a glow stick that was in her pocket, and tossed it in the window. She crouched down for a few minutes waiting for a reaction, and when there was none she decided to enter gun first.

The cabin was dark for the first few rooms, and Madelyn's muscles tightened from the anxiety in the darkness. Walking along a hall she saw the neon orange glow from her inanimate canary, and walked towards it.

It was the corpse of the boy she fought a few days ago. His strong features, blonde hair, and dead body covered in orange. Madelyn hadn't been sure how long he was dead, but was still shocked by the sight.

He was he worst fear from the first day, and had come the closest to killing her besides Marcus. Both boys could have taken her down, but they were too stupid. Plus, that Karen girl was gone now.

Now, they weren't a problem anymore. And the same would be true for everyone else left.

Madelyn laughed. She was gonna win. It was surefire at this point. Backing out of the room she pressed her back against the wall, stifling her laughter by lifting the collar of her shirt over her mouth.


When she finished laughing, Madelyn had moved locations and started eating. She wasn't eating by a dead body, even if it hadn't started smelling yet. Eating with a smile on her face Madelyn wondered how close she was to the end. To seeing her family, and returning to civilization.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Acidic. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Acidic* »

Waking up to Leonardo's voice put Madelyn in a bad mood. There was no chance to forget where she was, or what she done. Then again she probably didn't deserve to forget, but that didn't make to want it any less.

She sat cross legged and groggy as the announcements played. She had made it to end game, which took her a back a little. She had done everything right, but she'd have to keep at it to survive.

Tim had died, and Madelyn had spit at the mention of his name. He'd been the one to started the whole mess which ended up getting Ferric killed. She hoped Tim suffered for his role in getting Mikaela and her separated.

Then it was her kill, and then Sterling's name came up. Proving she was right that Shawn and Mae were responsible. Sure Mae got the credit, but she was sure Shawn had a hand in it. Then came Vincent's name, but she had discovered his body last night so it wasn't any kind of news.

Then her killing of Mae, and Renee being killed by Nate. It hit Madelyn hard that her friend had died, and that she never had known she was here. Another name on her wish list it seemed. Then a girl she didn't know, and then Mikaela.

Madelyn could've saved her, she knew it. If they only stuck together, but that didn't matter anymore. If it did in the first place. The past was decaying behind her, and Madelyn would end up like that if she obsessed over it.

The pause was appreciated as Madelyn absorbed everything she could from the announcements, and she knew what was coming next. The last names were listed off so everyone would know who'd they go up against.

Shawn, Mason, Odile, and Nate didn't come as a surprise since she didn't hear their names on the victim side of the announcements. Lexi, however, made it through under the radar.

Past seasons made Madelyn nervous about that, but jealous as well. How the hell did she get off from having to kill? Making herself calm down, she heard her collar speak. Madelyn listened the advice from her collar.

Madelyn: "Well... you've made it all this way. But remember, it's not over yet. It's not over until you've seen every last goddamn one of your opponents bleed out on the floor. Do not let your guard down. Do not take anything for granted. And Mad? Good luck."

She wasn't alone in this, at least. She had lost all her friend by deaths, or by the politics of this game. She still had Jared was on her side. He knew what was necessary to win this game, and how low you had to go to crawl back home.

"Thank you." She said to the collar, and Madelyn prepared for the end.

Taking her guns, the magazines, and a first aid kit Madelyn left. The extra weight would only slow her down in the long run.

Stepping out of the cabin the memory of the first day hit her, finding Mikaela, Jake, and Marion. "Knowing" they could all survive, before they were all picked away from her life. Before she killed, and all that were left were and five too many kids. She would probably never be happy again, nor would she love anyone like she loved Jake. Thinking of how she thought of him hurt, but lingering on it wasn't an option.

This game had ruined her life, but she wasn't going to let it kill her.

Not peacefully, if she had a say.

((Madelyn Conner continued in Oracular Spectacular))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Acidic. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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