A Step Forward Too Many

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours), Private

The dump is a large pit that has been dug in the soft earth on an unused piece of land on the outskirts of town. The dump was used to dispose of the wastage from the towns primary industry and as such is a reeking pile of rotten fish meat and bones along with anything else that people didn't want or need. When the wind blows the right way, the smell from the dump can cover the entire town. There are even rumors that some people who disappeared over the town's life were murdered and their bodies thrown into the dump, though if this is true, no evidence of it can be found. Seagulls circle the dump perpetually, and rats are abundant and bold.
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A Step Forward Too Many


Post by Primrosette »

((Elias Mills: Start))

Waking up in the middle of a dump a few minutes ago was not Elias' cup of coffee. The smells of the place was enough to make him want to throw up. He noticed that he saw a huge rat scurrying across the ground and he was glad that he didn't have a phobia of rats. He heard seagulls making calls to each other above him and he instantly give them the middle finger.

The tall, muscular African-American has a big dislike for seagulls shitting on him or on anyone else. But this was no time for him to mull over his hatred for those birds. He had much more to worry about. Like who was he going to take out first? He honestly didn't care who it would be. He just had to get it done right. He wanted to show that he could be willing to fight for the country. Even if he didn't really want to.

He wondered how his sister and his parents were doing back at home. His mother was possibly praying for him to come back home alive, his father was possibly burying himself into work as a mechanic as he wouldn't be able to handle his emotions over his son not coming back home and Ella.... Ella was possibly crying under her bed covers and despairing over him being here.

Elias stared down at the baseball bat that he was holding in his left hand. He was going to have to use it to beat someone to death. But he had to do it to someone without a gun. He wasn't stupid enough to even try to take someone on with a better weapon. He just had to find someone first.

His bag was slung over his shoulder and he was holding the map in his other hand. He stared down at it, wondering where he could go first. Maybe he could go to the salvage yard? There could be something useful for him to find there.  
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Post by SansaSaver »

What a dump.

Theodora had never set foot in a site like this before, and she hoped never to do so again. If it weren’t for the soldiers having decided this should be the place where she would enact her patriotic duty, she would’ve done everything in her power to avoid entering it at all. The pungent smell and the questionable-looking refuse strewn about the landscape served only to exacerbate her feelings; she had to get out of here, to somewhere with a roof or – at the very least – somewhere that didn’t smell like a dog’s backside.

Unpleasant place to awaken aside, everything was going pretty well. Her jacket was keeping her warm, the knock-out gas hadn’t beaten her about too much, and her belongings were all accounted for. She’d sorted through her allocated bag as soon as she’d awoken, having discovered a modestly-sized golden candelabra as her weapon. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, sturdy and easy to wield, but even so there were still a dozen more desirable things she could’ve been assigned.

Kicking aside what might’ve once been a soda can, Theodora wondered as she walked where the others might be. She knew she was popular, and cheerleading had given her quite a bit of exposure to her peers. She’d recognised most of the names called before her; plenty of her friends had been picked to participate as well, but there were plenty of shady figures chosen as well, people she knew would no doubt take out their unfounded anger with their Great Country on people like her.

She thought for a moment about Bridie. She was a sweet girl, and wouldn’t last long here. It was a shame; for her sake, Theodora hoped it was quick and painless.

Her curiosity over her peers’ whereabouts didn’t last long. As she walked, Theodora began to make out a figure looming before her in the distance. Finally. It didn’t matter who it was – either it would be a friend, or it would be an enemy, and Theodora knew exactly what she’d do in either case.

As the distance closed between her and the figure, Theodora was able to make out who it was. Elias Mills, tall and hulking, an aluminium bat swinging from his left arm. Theodora knew she wasn’t wasn’t short, but even with the added boost of her wedged boots as well, he still towered over her. She gulped, then skipped in his direction.

“Hey Elias!” She chirped, and offered him a small wave. “How are you holding up?”
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Elias raised his head as soon as he heard her voice. Theodora Smalls. Chirpy as always. Cheerleader type. A girl he would have asked out once in the past. It was his loss for not taking that leap.


Now he had no choice but to kill her. As much as that alone placed a bitter taste in his mouth. Killing a girl that he had a former crush on made him feel like a monster. Even if he hadn't even done it yet.

"....I'm fine. Was just thinking about my family...." He said quietly and he lowered the map, staring at Theodora with a small frown. "Are you okay?"
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Post by SansaSaver »


An image flickered through Theodora’s mind; a family portrait – her and her parents and Ulysses, the girls in their best dresses, the boys in their favourite suits. Bright smiles, showing off uniform sets of pearly whites. Arms around each other’s shoulders. It was hanging in their house’s parlour, just beside the front door. Every morning before she left for school, Theodora would always stop for a moment to pause and look at it, to think of the happier times their family had once had. She should’ve lingered longer that morning.

“You’ve got a sister, right? Ella – she goes to our school?”

A name and a face she could barely conjure in her mind was all she had to go off, but it might just be enough. For a tall and imposing boy such as he was, Elias sure had a quiet voice.

“I’m doing okay. Just thinking about my family too. My parents and my uh... my brother.”
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"Yeah, that's her. Ella's a pretty sensitive girl.... I'm just hoping that my family will be able to handle not having me-"

Elias stopped himself from talking too much. It was like he was confirming that he was never going back. It was possible that he would die here. But he could take out some people if he wanted to. Like Theodora....


Elias sighed softly. He glanced down at the baseball bat in his hand and he thought about hitting Theodora in the stomach with it. He felt a pang of guilt seeping through him. Maybe he still had feelings for Theodora deep in his heart. But still he couldn't be weak.

"Theodora, I'm sorry that we met under these circumstances.... I should have told you in the past that I liked you.... A lot. But now...." Elias shrugged his shoulders and he dropped the map onto the ground. "I'm sorry for doing this...."

He then took an unsteady step forward, gripping the bat with both hand tightly and he took a swung at Theodora with his weapon.
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Post by SansaSaver »

Elias spoke of Ella, so sweet and kind and undeserving of a fate like this, and Theodora felt her heart flip. His parents had another child back home, safe and secure and not trapped in a place like this. They still had someone to look after, even if Elias didn’t make it. But he did stand a chance in this place; he had a good weapon, he was imposing, he could frighten others just as easily as he could charm them. Theodora looked at him and saw a winner. Someone who could outlast all them. And to outlast all of them, that meant being able to kill.

Theodora was slim and cute and enjoyed arranging flowers and baking cookies for friends. She walked with a spring in her step and light in her voice. She didn’t look like a winner.

Elias trailed off and sighed, his words of reflection about his sister turning into an expected confession. Elias liked her? This boy, with whom she’d only just now exchanged a bare handful of words, had looked at her across the classroom, seen her do flips and tumbles on the field, perhaps even bought a slice of pie from her, liked her.  It was a shame she had to find out here, but it wasn’t much of a surprise.

Nor was it a surprise when Elias dropped his map, and held his bat with more assuredness than he had so far in their exchange.

So when the bat swung in her direction, Theodora dodged it almost gracefully, skipping backwards and out of the bat’s trajectory before the slickness of the ground sent her crashing down onto the earth. That wasn’t her plan, but it didn’t matter. Elias had chosen his path, and she had to choose hers as well.

Breathing heavily, Theodora scrambled forward before bringing her leg back and swinging it high into the air, foot aimed squarely at Elias’ crotch.
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Elias had missed hitting Theodora with the bat. Of course, he would have. She was a pretty athletic girl. He knew that he shouldn't take her for granted. He also knew that she could have fallen as the ground was unsteady for the both of them. He was finding it hard to keep his balance as he moved more closer to Theodora.

He should have paid more attention to how Theodora was moving so fast. He should have seen it coming. But he didn't and he regretted what happened to him next.

Theodora kicked him right between his legs and it hurt like hell. It was a low blow. But did he really think that she wouldn't fight back? Who wouldn't want to survive in a situation like this?

Elias let go of the bat immediately, letting it fall and bounce against the filthy ground. He then let out a groan of pain, placed his hands onto his hurting crotch area and he slipped forward towards Theodora.

He collapsed onto his knees and he closed his eyes tightly, groaning out of pain and surprise.

You messed this up, Elias. Was it worth it for her?




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Post by SansaSaver »

The kick hit the perfect spot, and Elias’ bat went spinning from his hands as he fell forward into the ground. Not wanting to get herself caught beneath his looming figure, Theodora stumbled a few inches backwards as Elias landed, scattering pieces of rubbish in his wake. She pried herself up, her normally delicate hands becoming dirtied by the refuse littered around her. Working on instead, she raced towards the now unmanned bat. His initial strike had almost connected, and she wouldn’t risk that happening again.

The bat was heavy and foreign in her hands, but above all else it felt right. As she secured her grip around it, the corners of her mouth began to rise. The trademark perky grin she’d possessed all through school was proving not so shakeable, even now.

Elias was on his knees, eyes pried shut. She almost pitied him, then remembered the ease with which he’d attempted to make his first blow.

“I would’ve liked you too, Elias,” she said, only now becoming aware how ragged her breath was becoming. Injecting as much of her usual pep into her words, she continued. “Shame you only told me now, though. You are very cute.”

Her brother occasionally played baseball with his friends, and so often he’d offered to give her a batting lesson or two. As she raised the bat high above her head, she wished she’d taken him up on his offer. Maybe then she’d feel more confident that her strike would land; she hoped it would strike his head, that it would all be over and done with, that she could get a fresh start away from here.

She brought the bat down, and it didn’t hit.

Instead, with a sickening crunch that sent a shriek of shock rising in her throat, it landed on Elias’ shoulder instead.
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Elias let out a scream that sounded like a wounded animal. He wasn't feeling the agony from his crotch anymore. All he could feel was that something had happened to his shoulder. It felt like Theodora had broken his bones. He had never had that sort of injury before. Sure, he had broken his leg a couple of times in the past before. But this time being hit with a bat....

He raised up to grab his shoulder but then he hesitated as he knew that that would make it hurt him a lot more. He felt like he was about to cry but he didn't. He couldn't let Theodora see him like that. He didn't want her to see how weak he could be. No emotions.

He stared up at Theodora. She would have liked him.... If only he hadn't been too scared of rejection. That's what he had feared she would do. How could he have been so cowardly?

"Aahh...." He was breathing more heavily and he focused on her face. "Theodora...."
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Post by SansaSaver »

Elias was being strong. Aside from the guttural, ear-piercing cry that sent a flinch across her face and shivers rolling down his spine, he’d taken Theodora’s misaligned strike like a champion. He was being a true patriot. Stoic and unyielding. She wondered if this was how her brother left this world. If it was bold and bright and to serve some greater purpose, or with tears and cries for their parents through to the very end.

Her shuddered out her name, a husky murmur behind barely-concealed pain. Theodora lowered herself into a crouch, hands still clasped firmly around the bat – her bat, now. She stared Elias right in the eyes, and smiled. He really was beautiful.

“Elias…” She whispered, sheer joy leaking into her voice. “I’m so proud of you. Not everyone does their duty like you. You’re a perfect example to our country.”

She slowly stood to her feet, with more grace and precision than she’d managed before. Calmly, she raised her bat once more, and brought it down onto Elias’ skull.

This time, she didn’t miss.
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Post by Primrosette »

Elias was glad to know what Theodora thought of him in his final moments of life. He was doing this to die for her, for the country, for his family, for his friends. Everything was definitely worth it. It didn't matter that he had messed up in the end.

"Heh...." Elias felt himself smile as Theodora swung the bat towards him again. He didn't even move this time and-

Elias Mills - Deceased
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Post by SansaSaver »

The crunch of bat on bone sent another round of shivers rolling down Theodora’s spine, and as the body that had once belonged to Elias Mills, now just a barely recognisable mess of blood and gore, slumped to the ground, she had to resist the urge to gag at the sight.

Silence had returned to the dump, save for the occasional cry of the seagulls overhead. It was calm, peaceful almost, despite the momentary chaos that had erupted and ended almost as quickly as it had come. Theodora stepped away from the body, hitching up her skirt so it wouldn’t drag in the mess she’d made. It was already dirtied, a splattering a blood and brain staining the once pristine yellow fabric. She could feel a singular droplet of liquid marring her face, and couldn’t tell if it was a tear or blood.

Theodora had never seen a dead body, let alone watched someone give their last breath. And now she’d seen both, all at her own hand. She wondered if her parents were watching, or if they’d seen Elias take his initial swing at her and immediately shut their television off for fear of what would happen next.

She retrieved her own bag from where it’d been left, and approached Elias’ body, to give one last look at what was left of the boy who said he’d loved her and tried to kill her within the same breath.

She knelt to close his eyes – a final due to the dead – but found she couldn’t. One was so bulging and removed from its socket the eyelid would hardly close over it. Gently, she pushed it back in, and the lid swept over. He was so beautiful in life; it would’ve been a shame to leave him in such a state.

For a moment, she considered taking his belongings with him, but decided against it. He’d given his bat and his life to her – that was more than enough for now, she felt.

Usual skip in her step barely diminished, Theodora made her way from Elias’ body, and into the world beyond.

((Theodora Smalls continued elsewhere...))
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