Establishing Shot

Starting Point for PNK1 (Open)

Everything else on the island, these grassy, well kept lands are a popular camping area for many a tourist too fearful to brave the rain forest, or too inexperienced to rough it in the Forest. There are certain areas marked off for camping, but for the most part these fields and plains are just there to get from point A to point B, in the most relaxing and enjoyable way possible.
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Establishing Shot


Post by Outfoxd »

The camera was nestled  in the lowest branches of a tree, placed what Anthony suspected the film crew for this spectacle thought was an unobtrusive spot.  He supposed they were, right, for the most part.  The average person wouldn't have seen it, hidden as it was among the leaves.  But as he'd spent most of his life working with cameras and filming things himself, he saw the tell-tale minute glare of the lens as the midday sun played across the plastic.

Anthony had woken up a short time before, and had what he imagined was par for the course for his fellow students; a mild freak-out followed by grim acceptance.  The latter for him hadn't come until he had seen the camera, which prompted his current course of action, staring at the camera, appraising it.

"Nikon.  New model.  Kill to have this."  The camera was designed to look like a surveillance camera, but from what little he had seen of SOTF, it provided high-quality, high-definition visuals to those people watching at home.  A nice piece of hardware.  Much as he hated the show, he couldn't argue with their tech.

"Shit angle though.  Anyone on the crew ever take a film class?"  

Granted, Anthony hadn't taken any either.  But a moron could see that it was too much of a gamble, having this up in the tree.  A light fucking breeze could have pushed the branches around, or stuck leaves in the range of the shot.  Viewers tuning into this camera had potential to be disappointed.

He put his head into the camera, careful to set himself in a way that he was framed up well, his eyes on the top line of the viewpoint.  Rule of thirds, rule of thirds.

"You're wasting me by actually putting me on the show.  Guaranteed I could make this a better viewing experience."  A lame appeal, but it wasn't like he had anything better to say.

He left the camera, returned to where he had dropped his daypack a few feet away.  He had woken in an abandoned campsite, a patch of ground worn down to sand where families had been camping for years.  

Ext.  Establishing Shot.  Young filmmaker Anthony Rollins returns to the  field he woke up in, alone.  The camera pulls in tight to his face, sees his apprehension, his fear.

He had already tied the bandanna around his forearm, as per the rules.  He bent down, slid the daypack around his back, and grabbed his designated weapon.

We get a close-up of the weapon.  It's a sword, thick, one-handed, but still huge to the diminutive Anthony.

He had to hold the Claymore with both hands.  It was about 4 pounds, but that was too much to keep in one hand for long.  He wish they'd given him a scabbard or something.  Yeah.  He'd be like a short, black Errol Flynn, swashing buckles and whatnot.

He sighed.

"Wrong side of the camera, Rollins.  Wrong side of the camera."
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Post by Fiori »


Oh no.

No no no, this isn't happening. No way, nah ah. There is NO way that any of this is real. Not in a million MILLION years!


.....Oh hell.

To say the least, Amber was NOT happy when she woke up to find two heavily armed SWAT officers banging on her front door.

Thankfully, she'd managed to throw some clothes first on before they dragged her off. A nice pink cardigan and knee-length purple skirt over a black tank top and her favourite red jean shorts. Just the kind of outfit she'd typically wear to school.

Only that day, she wasn't going to school. No, instead she was being abducted by the police to participate in the latest Survival of the Fittest game. Which, to put it lightly, was something Amber had hoped to NEVER have to experience. It wasn't that she felt that the game was horrific and had to be banned or anything. Far from it. In fact, she happened to own a couple of the DVDs of the last few seasons. It was the idea of actually PARTICIPATING in said game that Amber detested the thought of.

So naturally, she protested... For about five seconds. The moment she found herself staring down the barrel of an assault rifle, she shut up completely and went along with it without any further hassle. As she left though, she could hear her sisters gathered up in the doorway, whispering to each other behind her back. God, how much she wanted to know what they were saying... Probably something along the lines of "Wow, I can't believe it, we've finally got rid of that little bitch once and for all!"

Then again, who knows, maybe for once they actually realised how much they actually cared about Amber's safety... Either way, the fact remained that she'd probably never see them again. So it didn't really matter to Amber WHAT they were thinking.......................

What happened next was something of a blur. There was the briefing room with all her fellow classmates lined up in a neat little row, alongside another cluster of students who Amber assumed must of come from another school. They all looked relatively prim and proper compared to the roughnecks Amber was used to hanging out with, although there were more than a couple of cuties amongst them. From the people Amber DID recognize, however, were a couple of faces she really didn't want to see strapped alongside her. Not because they were people she disliked. Quite the opposite in fact. A lot of these people where friends of hers. Friends who she would be expected to kill on the island... Oh god, Anna's here?!? And Odile too?!? Oh no... And there's Sterling! And Bobby! And Eloise! And..... Oh my god, what is SHE doing here here!?!

She listened to the briefing in absolute silence, too afraid to say a single word. Turns out that things would be slightly different this time around. Splitting the players up into teams was a prospect Amber had never really considered before. Now that she thought about it, it seemed like a really obvious idea. If anything, she was surprised at to why it hadn't been done SOONER.

Eventually, the time came when the gas kicked in and Amber found herself slowly drifting off to sleep... That, however, had been god knows how long ago. Now she was fully awake, and lying on her back in the middle of a large field beside a blue backpack which contained the equipment she'd need to survive on this island. She'd been awake for at least a good ten or twenty or so minutes already, and despite the fact that she'd gotten over the initial shock she still couldn't accept the fact that this wasn't a dream. That she really WAS alone on this island, stuck in a situation where she would be forced to kill her own classmates in order to entertain the masses.

Until then, she was quite happy to lie back and enjoy the sun for just a little bit longer. Well, at least we didn't get dumped on some slab of ice off the coast of Antarctica or something. Wish I brought some sunscreen though...

...Hmm, I should probably check out what weapon I got assigned. No time like the present, right?

Reluctantly, she got up from her spot and unzipped the bag, ruffling through the contents to see what equipment she'd been given. The first thing that caught her attention was a particularly sharp looking spear that nearly poked her eye out as she retrieved it from the backpack, examining it in her delicate hands. It was relatively short, as far as spears went anyway. But for someone like Amber is was pretty much perfect. Well, okay, she'd of much rather been assigned a pistol or something, but hey. She'd seen people get weapons WAAAY worse in the past. At least with a spear she could actually defend herself.

Apart from that, there were an assortment of other interesting items that caught her attention. A nice variety of rations, a first aid kit, a condom...

...Haha, very funny...

...Moving on. A flashlight. A map and compass. Her bandanna and a couple of spare clothes were what made up the rest of the bag. One of the outfits in particular caused Amber to raise her eyebrow and smirk mischievously.

Heh, maybe later...

After zipping the bag up, Amber tied the purple bandanna around her right arm like an armband. She didn't particularly like wearing bandannas at the best of times, but neither did she like the idea getting her head blown off either. Why they couldn't have just made the collars different colours to save time confused her to no end.

Hmm, so, I'm on Team Purple then? God, I wish that bastard told us which teams we were on during the briefing! How am I supposed to know who to look out for? Is Odile on my team?!? Or Eloise, or Anna, or Sterling or... Oh god, what if someone like Tiffany or Jaszmine is on my team!?! How could I stand to let someone I like die, and yet keep someone I hate alive?

Wait, what the hell am I saying?!? NONE of us deserve to die here! Oh damniiit.... Why us? Why ME? Couldn't they have picked some other school? There must be hundreds of more interesting schools in the country to pick out, thousands maybe... So what made us so special compared to everyone else?

Amber sighed to herself and stood up, hoisting her back over her shoulders and grasping the spear tightly in her left hand. "Well, no point in sitting around waiting for something to happen."

On that note, Amber Lyons headed off into the distance. She didn't have any particular destination in mind, but something told her that if she continued walking in one direction for long enough she was bound to come across SOMETHING. She just hoped that said something was friendly...

In the end, after another ten minutes or so, that something turned out to be a not-so-abandoned campsite. She wasn't sure if the person there had spotted her yet, but from the looks of things he SEEMED to be unaware of her presence. For now at least... All it would take for him was a quick glance in her direction and there wouldn't be any point in trying to hide the fact she was watching him. Who IS that anyway? God, if only I could get a closer look at him...

And, sure enough, as she sneaked ever so closer to the campsite, Amber realised who it was almost instantly.

ANTHONY! Yes! Someone who I know for a fact ISN'T going to try and shank me at the first opportunity!

Of course, she blissfully ignored the fact that he was wearing a different bandanna to her's. At this early stage in the game, little details like that didn't matter to Amber. Sure, the time would come when she would have to worry about people from opposing teams, but for now she was too glad that the first person she found was someone she actually knew to care about that kind of thing. Anthony was her friend (more-or-less), and no silly multicoloured bandannas were going to change that.

She just prayed that Anthony felt the same way.

Well, what're you waiting for? Go up to him and say hello!

And so, after taking a deep breath, she did just that. Stopping a few metres away from the campsite before finally mustering up the courage to speak.

"Anthony? Is that you?"
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Post by Outfoxd »

Ext:  Campground.  The attractive young starlet Amber Lyons enters the scene, attempting to gain the attention of Rollins.  He notices.

Anthony heard his name called out, and he couldn't stop himself from turning on the noise and holding his sword in a defensive posture.  It was Amber, from school, and he was quick to relax the blade.  He hung out with her sometimes because Anna hung out with her.  Wasn't hard on the eyes, but Anthony was usually too busy putting his eyes to a camera to notice.  His asexuality was usually a constant topic of jokes for his more boisterous friends.  Friends he wished he could've found now.

Amber was wearing a purple bandanna, and he took a note of it.  Not that he thought Amber would try to hurt him or anything.  Fuck teams.  Detroit could stick together.

"Last I checked, girl."  He felt like the sword was giving him some chivalric credibility, so he took a deep bow.  

"Sir Rollins, at your service, m'lady."  He delivered this like a line out of a medieval epic.
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Post by Fiori »

Amber was more than a little relieved once it became clear that Anthony had no intentions of threatening her, allowing the young girl to finally lower her spear as a bright smile blessed her face.

This was perfect! Out of all the people on the island, what would be the chances that the first person she happened across was someone she knew for a fact that she could trust! Sure, she and Anthony weren't as close friends as she was with Anna or Eloise. In fact, if it wasn't for him and Anna being BFF's she'd of barely even noticed he existed.

But that didn't change the fact that Amber knew for certain that she could trust him. Anthony wasn't a bad guy, not by any stretch of the imagination. Especially compared to some of the other thugs she'd seen around Detroit High, some of whom were probably prowling the island looking for fresh victims right that very second. No, she could trust Anthony. Even if it was just for now, in these early stages of the game, she could trust Anthony not to stab her in the back at the first ample opportunity.

Only one question still remained... What now?

Well don't just STAND there, say something!

"Wow, such a gentleman..." she replied, letting out a slight giggle as she did so. Funny, even here of all places she couldn't help but sound a little flirty whenever she's speaking to anyone. Then again, what else was new...

"Well then, um... I guess we should... Uh, well, hehe! Uhhh......"

Once again, Amber found herself unsure as to what she should say next. What COULD she say next? The young girl was far too relieved by the sight of a friendly face to really think straight. All she knew was that she was on the verge of bursting into tears at any moment. Not because she was upset... Well, okay, maybe it was PARTIALLY because she was a little upset at the whole situation. But mainly because she was just so glad to have found someone she could trust this early in the game, when she could have bumped into some latent psychopath armed with an AK47 or something.

And, sure enough, in the end Amber just couldn't keep it in any longer. Before Anthony even realised what was going on, Amber had dropped her spear to the ground and ran up to him, wrapping her arms around the slightly taller boy's neck as she embraced him in a tight bear hug.

"Oh Anthony! You have no idea, NO idea whatsover just how glad I am to see you right now!" She said with her face buried in his chest, tears flowing freely from her eyes. "I-I-I was so sure that i'd never see a friendly face ever again! Th-That i'd never get the chance to see you, or Anna, or ANYONE before some sick bastard came along and... And.... Oh god, Anthony! I was SO worried!"

She wasn't sure just how long she stood there for, hugging Anthony like it was the end of the world or something. But eventually, once she'd finally calmed down she came to realise just how embarrassing this must be for him to be in this situation, and quickly let go of her new-found companion and took a couple of steps back.

"Uh, s-sorry about that... I guess I just needed to get that out of my system." she said, wiping her eyes with the back of her arm as she smiled faintly.

"B-But i'm feeling much better now, thank you."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Emotional music swells as Amber runs to Anthony, hugs him, happy to see him. Anthony is notably confused, but goes with it. He has a ghost of a smile on his face; it's likely Lyons has inadvertently brushed certain pleasant parts of her anatomy against him.

Anthony was taken aback by the suddenness of Amber's hug, but damned if he could blame her. Before he'd managed to occupy himself with the camera, he was sure breaking down was next on his list of things to do.

"Ehem." When Amber let him go, Anthony bent down to pick up his sword, having dropped it on the ground just before Amber had grabbed him.

"Got anything else you need to get out?" He asked, and gave a snort of light laughter.

"Anyways, yeah. Glad to see someone else I know. You can probably figure I'm looking for Anna, too. And the rest of my darker friends." He sniffed, switched his sword to the other hand. "You should probably come with me."
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Post by Acidic* »

((Sterling Odair continued from A Cold and Lonely Road.))

Sterling needed a moment to change. It was too hot for the hoodie and boots he wore in the lodge, so he put both back in the bag. As he pulled out his sneakers he found the compass, and decided to keep it out. Walking with it in his left hand, and the hatchet in his right.

Sterling didn't know much about oratory. Just that the sun rose in the east, and set in the west. Unfortunately the sun was in the middle of the sky, so it was being coy about the direction the two stars should take. So using the compass Sterling was able to guide them.

They walked until Sterling heard voices. One he recognized more than the other. Shit! Amber really is here. Motioning to Bobby he walked toward them. Trying to decide to be happy finding another friend, or devastated that she was here as well.

As Sterling got closer he saw she was with Anthony Rollins. It didn't look like they were killing each other, so Sterling decided it was safe enough to approach even if he couldn't see their bandannas. Plus, their weapons meant they couldn't just shoot them if they were playing. He walked up with some caution after nodding to Bobby,

"Hey guys." Wow, getting creative there. Aren't we?

He stopped. Making sure he was well out of range for their weapons.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

((Bobby Goldman continued from Cold & Lonely Road))

Once Bobby and Sterling got walking, they started feeling the warmth of the sun still high above them. Bobby took off his denim jacket and rolled up his sleeves, but didn't change his clothes otherwise. The snow covered only a small area around the ski lodge, and after a few hundred yards, the terrain got less hilly and more like a tropical grassland. The grasses came up to their waists, and there were occasional stands of trees of a sort that Bobby didn't recognize, but there were very few other landmarks. Bobby began to worry that they may be lost.

Sterling was holding his compass in his hand and glancing at it to make sure they were going in a straight line, but that didn't reassure Bobby. He bit his tongue for half an hour, saying very little at all except for offers to share his water or responding monosylabically to mundane questions from his companion.

After walking in silence for a mile or so, Sterling asked if he heard voices, and Bobby realized that, yes, he did. The two slowed down and approached cautiously until they spotted two figures: a boy and a girl close together. Sterling identified the girl as Amber Lyons and signaled that it was safe as he got ready to approach them. Bobby whispered, "yeah. The other one is Anthony Rollins."

Sterling walked close to the two and greeted them generically. Bobby decided to be friendlier. "Hey, Anthony. Hi, Amber." He noticed that Anthony had a pink bandanna, and Amber had a purple one to match Sterlings's.

Bobby wasn't exactly a close friend of Anthony's, but he was a semi-public figure around school, considering how attached he and his camera were to Anna. Amber was something else. She was a sexy flirt who loved being the center of attention, but not in the same way that Anna did. And Amber gave the most amazing hugs....

Bobby realized that he was starting to get an erection and immediately tried to think of something else, something besides Amber's breasts.

He failed.
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Post by Fiori »

Amber couldn't help but chuckle along with Anthony after he'd made his joke, brushing a hair from her eyes as she did so. It was nice to see that the two of them could still manage to find something to laugh about despite the horrific predicament they'd found themselves in, especially when Amber considered the fact that she and Anthony were still technically supposed to be enemies.

Not that she cared, at least for now anyway. She knew at some point she would have to finally accept the fact that there was no way she could get off the island alongside everyone she cared about. After all, the chances that she'd be on the same team as any of her friends were slim at best. How many teams were there again? A dozen or so? Amber honestly couldn't recall just how many people there were supposed to be in each team, or even if they'd been told that at the start, but she knew for a fact that it was very unlikely that she'd be on the same team as all her friends.

Actually, come to think of it, it'd be outright impossible. The teams featured students from BOTH schools, right? So that meant that spots which could have been taken up by Detroit students would be taken by students from the other school instead. Not to mention the many fellow Detroit students whom she didn't particularly care for, but knew for a fact could easily wind up as her only teammates.

Still, for now, none of that mattered. For now, she and Anthony were still friends. Nobody had died yet, at least nobody she was aware of. She could just sit back and pretend she was away on some expensive holiday, ignore the horror that was to inevitably come for as long as humanely possible.

It wasn't as if she'd ever get a second opportunity to relax, at least not until she'd finally made if off this hellhole.

Well... IF she ever made it off this hellhole...

She listened with great interest as Anthony continued to speak, sitting herself down on an overturned log which had probably been used by the former campers as a makeshift bench. Turns out Anthony was looking out for the people he knew from Detroit. Anna and his 'darker' friends in particular. Good, that was more-or-less what Amber was planning to do herself. At least before she finally made her mind up as to how she was going to tackle this game.

After all, as much as she desperately wanted to, forming a daring escape group was something she knew deep down just wouldn't work. None of her friends were particularly good with electronics, and the chances of finding someone who could actually deactivate the collars was just too small to consider in her opinion. Then again, outright playing was something she had virtually no intention of doing. Amber couldn't stand violence at the best of times, so to actually go ahead and commit mass murder was something she honestly doubted she'd be able to stomach. Of course, there WERE other ways of playing. More subtler ways.

In the meantime, however, her thoughts were more on the subject at hand. She could plan strategies and stuff later...

"You should probably come with me." Anthony suggested, bringing a smile to Amber's face.

"Yeah, I was about to suggest that myself..." she replied, looking down at her feet.

"Still, the only problem i'm worried about is whether or not we'll be able to find Anna and the others at all. I mean, they could be absolutely anywhere by now! Whose to say they aren't hiding in some obscure location in the middle of the woods or something? Its not as if we can wonder around calling out their names, attracting the attention of every Jared wannabe on the island..."

It was at that point that Amber realised how pessimistic she was beginning to sound, despite the fact that she should be ecstatic about the idea of finding and reuniting with the people she cared about.

"...Uh, that being said, i'm sure we'll be able to find them in no time! We've already found each other, which was pretty lucky to start with. In the end, i'm positive that we'll be able to-"

"Hey guys."

She stopped mid-sentance, her heart racing as she finally noticed the two new arrivals. Oh my god... Is... Is it really who I think it is?

"Hey, Anthony. Hi, Amber."

Almost instantly, her surprised wide-eyed expression turned to one of pure joy and relief. It was Bobby and Sterling! AKA: Two of her closet guy-friends in the entire world! One of whom happened to also be a friend with benefits, so to speak. Not that she had any intention of doing that sort of thing on the island, though.

...At least, not YET anyway...

"...BOBBY! STERLING!" she exclaimed at the top of her voice, immediately running up to Bobby and giving him a bear hug alongside a big kiss on his left cheek. "Oh god, I thought I'd never see either of you ever again!"

As she embraced the wannabe fireman, she couldn't help but notice the grey bandanna he sported on his forehead. Whilst she was undeniably disappointed to find out that another of her friends was now apparently her enemy, she was too happy to see him in the first place to care as much as she would later on...

Once she finally let go of Bobby, she ran up to Sterling and HIM a massive hug as well, briefly noting the purple bandanna around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her. Yes yes YES! Sterling's on my team! Oh god, THANK you!

"Oh Sterling, I was already beginning to miss you and Bobby SO much you wouldn't believe it!" she said before planting a kiss on his right cheek. In all the excitement, she almost found herself outright making out with him right there on the spot, but thankfully her common sense told her that doing so was probably not a very good idea at that point in time.

Besides, she could always wait until they were somewhere more private before doing anything like that...
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Post by Outfoxd »

The camera pulls in tight to Anthony's face as he watches Amber run to the other two, much larger boys, and kisses them each on the cheek. One can see mild disappointment on his face. Maybe he thinks he missed out on something.

Sterling was on Amber's team, according to the bandanna. Bobby was grey, another new color for the files. Anthony shook his head almost imperceptibly. They were becoming a regular rainbow around here.

Anthony imagined the product placement now. "Get your very own SOTF-TV bandanna! Now kids can play SOTF-TV in the safety of their own home! Order now and receive one of ten collectible items, like Anthony Rollins's claymore! Only six easy payments of 9.95!"

Anthony came over to the rest of the group after Amber had showed her affection and appreciation for the two boys, all the while wishing he had a build to match either of them. Compared to Bobby and Sterling, Anthony might as well have been a hobbit.

Should check the tops of my feet and see if they're furry. Hey Bobby, Sterling. Mr. Frodo at your service.

"Man, we're lucky to only be seeing people we know. What's up guys? Run into any horrifying peril yet?" Anthony said.

He kept his sword pointed toward the ground. He was sure if he appeared threatening to Bobby or Sterling they could punt his little black ass like a football if they felt so inclined.
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Post by Acidic* »

((Sorry, short edit needed. Then I'll GTFO.))

Sterling had dropped his hatchet when Amber ran to hug him after releasing Bobby. On her way Sterling saw that Amber had a purple bandanna on her arm, and he allowed himself to relax a bit more. As Sterling embraced her she kissed him on the cheek causing him to blush some. It was much better than his (last) Coke. He responded to her,

"We missed you, too!" This was the reason he left the lodge, and the immediate pay off was a good sign to Sterling. When Anthony came up and asked them about their current status Sterling answered,

"We're pretty good. We just woke up in the Ski Lodge, and you two are the first people we've seen." Sterling then noticed that his hatchet was on the ground, and picked it up. With the head to the ground, and edge pointed away from everyone.

"So the horrifying peril has been lacking, thankfully."
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Post by The Bearded One* »

"BOBBY! STERLING!" Amber's shout was full of joy and relief. She bound over to Bobby as if she were weightless and threw her arms around him. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Hmmm, breasts. She added a quick smooch to his cheek and then withdrew her breasts to give a similar hug and kiss to Sterling. She said something to Sterling, but Bobby was distracted by his increasingly uncomfortable erection and the sense memory of those breasts.

Anthony walked closer, adding his own greeting, and asked, "What's up guys? Run into any horrifying peril yet?" Bobby found himself a bit tongue-tied. No peril; just Amber's breasts. Fortunately, Sterling gave a more coherent answer which did not include Amber's breasts.

Bobby tried to push aside the mental image of his hands sliding under Amber's tank-top to fondle her breasts, then bringing his lips down to suckle on....

He closed his eyes (which only made the fantasy more vivid) and turned 90 degrees, then opened his eyes again. He was looking at Anthony, who did not have the desirable breasts. Bobby's voice cracked as he started to speak. "We sh- We should keep heading to the forest. You guys should come with us, you know, to stick together." And have SEX.

That's not going to happen, he told himself. Amber is on Sterling's team. If anyone is going to have sex with her it's probably going to be him. He decided he wasn't very excited about imagining Sterling naked, and gradually, his inconvenient erection subsided.
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Post by Fiori »

Eventually, Amber finally managed to convince herself to let go Sterling, giving the tall boy breathing space once more.

For the next minute or so she simply stood there with her arms behind her back, a mischievous grin on her face as the boys began to speak to one another. This was perfect! An entire entourage of strong (and handsome) men willing to protect her from whatever danger they might come across! She couldn't of thought of a better way to start the game out if she tried...

Well, okay. A cute girl or two wouldn't have hurt. But hey, you can't have everything, right?

As they all spoke to one another, Amber couldn't help but notice that Bobby seemed to be looking quite distressed about something. Was he worried about the fact that none of the people he'd met so far shared the same bandanna as him? Was he concerned that they might be ambushed at any moment by someone who'd given into the pressure of the game early? Or was he just feeling uncomfortable about the fact that she'd just given him a rather enthusiastic hug and kiss on the cheek...

Judging from the subtle bulge in his pants, Amber guessed the latter to be true, making a mental note to take advantage of this later.

Still, now wasn't the time to be thinking about that kind of thing. Bobby seemed to be suggesting that they all team up and head for the woods. Sure, why not. It wasn't as if they had anything better to do, and Amber wasn't feeling particularly tired right now. Although a quick snack couldn't hurt, seeing as she was feeling particularly hungry right now.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea Bobby! But before we get going, you mind if I grab myself something to eat? I'm absolutely STARVING...."

On that note, Amber sat herself down on the overturned log and opened her bag, fetching one of the cliff bars and opening it within a few short movements. Whilst it turned out to not be the tastiest snack she's ever had, it still tasted a lot better then some of the things she'd seen people eat in previous games. She could have sworn that there was at least one version were the contestants were given an assortment of edible INSECTS to eat, not to mention the lengths people went to for food once their supplies had run out...

Not wishing to ruin her appetite, Amber shook the thought from her mind as she finished off the cliff bar and drank some water to wash it all down, licking her lips once she'd finished doing so.

"Ahhh, much better..."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Anthony nodded in approval when Sterling said they hadn't run into anything particularly horrifying just yet. At least everything hadn't gone crazy yet.

Maybe not. Maybe those were you gunshots you heard way off int he distance

It seemed like Bobby had a plan in mind, involving the woods. Anthony was all too happy to let someone else take care of the decisions, stay back and not give input. He was a cameraman. He wasn't supposed to be on the other side of the lens anyway. He just wanted to find Anna, and yes, Marcus, Jaszmin, and Devonte as well.

Bet Devonte'd be real happy I'm running around with his favorite person in the world.

Amber's hunger reminded Anthony he was a bit peckish himself, so he fished one of his own cliff bars out and ate it. It was bland, but it might as well have been a steak considering the circumstances.

"Woods, then?" He confirmed. It looked like Bobby needed just a little pressure taken off of him.
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Post by Acidic* »

Unable to figure out Bobby's problem Sterling tried to put it out of his mind and looked back to Amber, but when he followed her gaze it came to him.

Holy shit. Amber broke Bobby!

Sterling elected not to bring attention to it as he nodded at the idea of lunch by Amber. He sat with his back to a tree and said,

"Me and Bobby ate lunch before we left, so I think we're good." It didn't stop him from taking one of his water bottles from his pack and taking a gulp. All the walking made him thirsty. When Anthony asked for confirmation Sterling nodded in response. Saying,

"Looked as good as any other place." Echoing his earlier statement at the lodge.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Acidic. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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The Bearded One*
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Luckily, Amber didn't seem to notice the uncomfortable tent in Bobby's pants. He was glad when the subject changed to moving on. Both Anthony and Sterling seemed to be in agreement that the Forest was a reasonable destination. Yeah, keep moving. Don't get too comfortable. There are people out there who are trying to win this game by killing other kids. Find a defensible spot and better weapons.

Amber declared that she was 'absolutely starving' and started chewing on one of her Clif bars. Anthony sat down to eat one as well. Bobby and Sterling had already eaten before leaving the Ski Lodge, so they contented themselves with just water.

While Amber and Anthony were eating, Bobby finally noticed the weapons that they had (since before he'd been distracted by Amber's breasts). Stop thinking about those that! Concentrate on survival first. Amber had a spear of modest length, and Anthony had some kind of sword. Neither had a firearm, but they both at least had real weapons. Stupid God damn shopping cart!

When Amber and Anthony were finished their brief meal and seemed ready to move on, Bobby decided to broach the uncomfortable topic. He waited until they were all walking and Sterling was reasonably sure they were headed in the right direction, then spoke up. "So, uh, when I woke up in the ski lodge a couple of hours ago, I found that my assigned 'weapon'" he made air quotes "was a shopping cart... like from a grocery store."

He waited for their expressions of amusement, pity, or derision to pass. "So I salvaged these" he indicated the three rods he was carrying "from the master bedroom, but they're not really going to be great as weapons. I was wondering if either of you would mind trading with me for one of yours. If it doesn't work out, we can trade back... and for sure we'll trade back if we decide to go our separate ways for some reason. Um, what do you think?"

I know it's not a good trade for them, but if they trust me to be a team player, then maybe they'll figure that I can use one of those better than they can. I hope.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler The Bearded One. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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