How This Works

This board serves to archive out of character threads deemed worthy of restoration by the community. Handlers are welcome to port threads to this board as they desire, through use of the Community Archive Bot.
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OOC Archive Bot
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:42 pm

How This Works


Post by OOC Archive Bot »

Hey, handlers! We've had some members recently asking to be more involved in the porting process, especially when it comes to lower-priority stuff like OOC threads. As such, staff has created this archive and account to accommodate that desire.

Handlers are welcome to use this account to port OOC threads from Mini to this board. We're leaving it to OOC threads only at this time, as they tend to be formatting-light and thus not require access to the edit tab (which is a whole other can of worms). We ask that anyone porting threads please port each post as its own post, and subtitle each thread with the board it came from on the original site. This way, staff can later go through and sort threads into more specific archives.

We also ask that you make the last post of each archived thread a list of handlers in the thread and which posts each of them was responsible for. For example, if archiving A Perfectly Normal Trip to Lana'i Resort Where Nothing Bad Happens, we would ask that the last post be:
Kami: 1, 4, 7
MW: 2, 5, 8
Jimmydalad: 3, 5. 9
Staff will then at a later stage go through the threads to reassign posts, and will delete these index posts at that time, leaving the threads as they originally were.

The password for this account is 0ut_0f_Character

You can archive whatever you want, in any order you feel like. One request, though: please don't archive MW's word count or roll archive threads--the code got messed up and he has a functional copy with proper formatting saved elsewhere to port soon.
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