Friendly Fire

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This forest stretches far across the island, taking up a good chunk of it's landmass. There are a few well beaten dirt paths criss-crossing throughout, some obviously once used for some kind of vehicles. For the most part however, other than these roads the forest is relatively untraveled, most coming to the island for the more exotic features.
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Friendly Fire


Post by Fiori »

((Amber Lyons continued from Establishing Shot))

As Amber continued to trod on through the forest, she slowly grew to realise that there was another threat that she and her companions would soon grow to fear. Something far more dangerous then any of her schoolmates, far more terrifying then the prospect of having to kill your closest friends. Something far worse than anything she could possibly even BEGIN to imagine...


Oh.... My........ GOD! I'm so booooored! BoredboredboredboredBORED!

She'd completely lost track of the time by this point, although at a guess she'd say that they must have been walking for at least a couple of hours by now. And so far, all the four of them had managed to accomplish were some blistered feet.

The fact that the woods themselves were quite possibly the dullest part of the entire island didn't help matters. Apart from the odd sign of life, it was just the same old trees over and over again, with maybe a bush or two to make things more interesting. There WAS a dirt path though, but they had decided not to follow it. Doing that would have just increased their chances of getting ambushed by some uzi-wielding asshole, something which was already too great a risk anyway. Come to think of it, the fact that they could get ambushed at any moment was the only thing keeping Amber awake at that particular moment in time.

Alright... One more hour of aimlessly walking through this forest, then I'm asking for a break. I can't STAND this anymore!

Until then, to keep herself occupied, Amber allowed her mind to drift off to focus a subject that she'd been trying not to think about ever since she'd first woken up... Namely the question of whether or not she'd should try to seduce one of her companions once they'd found a place to take refuge for the night.

Whilst the idea with sleeping with someone on the island at first had been one which Amber was initially opposed to, now that she'd found herself in the company of three particularly handsome men she knew that there was no way she would ever be able to resist herself. After all, just because they were being recorded didn't mean that she wasn't allowed to have a little fun, right? If anything, all the cameras just made the whole idea sound delightfully naughtier.

Only question now, though, was who she should pick.

There was Sterling, of course. Amber knew from personal experience that any night spent alone with him was guaranteed to be a fun one. That being said, if anything that was a reason for why she should consider one of the other boys instead. She could have Sterling to herself whenever she wanted, whilst the other two were people whom she'd never touched before.

That being said, the idea of seducing Anthony felt slightly wrong. After all, he and Anna made such a cute couple together that it would have been a shame to ruin it. That was the main reason why she'd never dared to approach him, because deep down Amber knew that doing so would ruin her chance at ever seeing him and Anna finally get together. Then again, she could always try to find out if he really WAS that interested in Anna, and if not...

Then there was Bobby. Amber didn't deny for a second that she'd always been dying to find out what the wannabe fireman was like in bed. Ever since Skyler's party, her curiosity had been slowly growing to the point that she was genuinely considering the idea of inviting herself over at to see what had caused Jaszmine to be so enamoured with him in the first place. Sadly though, she got around to making that phonecall in the end, and up until the point when she saw Bobby and Sterling approach them she had pretty much lost all hope in ever being able to satisfy her curiosity.

But now that they were all travelling together...

A mischievous grin appeared on her face. Yes, that sounded like a VERY fun idea indeed.

First things first though...

"So... How're we all doing?" she asked, turning her head back towards her three companions.
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Post by Acidic* »

((Sterling Odair continued from Establishing Shot))

Sterling kept his thoughts in his skull. Mostly going over what happened in the briefing room, who he saw from Detroit, and who he wanted on his team. Having Amber on his team was great, but what about his other friends?

He spent awhile trying to imagine his ideal team. There were five kids in a team, Amber and him taking two of the slots, so there were three left for his other friends. For awhile he imagined possible combinations, but it became too depressing prioritizing the lives of his friends over each other, and the other fifty nine kids here.

Then he began thinking of home. Taking Johanna out for the longest drive she'd ever been on, one more game of basketball, and seeing the rest of his friends. Unfortunately that lead to thoughts of whether or not he could play the game to get back to those things.

Now his family came to mind. Would they want him to play and come home alive, or rather he die with no blood on his hands? He figured it was the former.

Then Amber spoke. Giving him a reason to escape his mind,

"I'm fine." He responded. "What about you?"
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Post by Outfoxd »

((Anthony Rollins continued from Establishing Shot))

Anthony's feet were starting to hurt like a motherfucker. Seemed like all they had did since they left the campsite was walk. Where the fuck was everybody? He figured they have seen somebody else by now.

It didn't help that Sterling and Bobby were tall as hell, and even though they had shorter people in the group, it was heard for those two to shorten their natural stride.

Get a nigga some stilts, a moped or something. Jesus.

Everyone was quiet too, which didn't make it easy to distract oneself from the pain. He thought about Anna, wondered where she was, wondered if she was ok. Knowing her, she was eating this all up, probably playing up to the cameras, wearing her fanservice-

Oh yeah, we did get one of those, didn't we?

He had ignored the clothes on his first run through the bag, had been content with just getting his weapon. But he was curious now.

Amber eventually talked over her shoulder to them as he slid his bag off of his shoulder.

"I'm good. Chilling."

He unzipped the bag, started digging down for that costume. He started pushing aside the parts of it, and he couldn't believe what it had been.

He pulled a long, red, pointy hat out of his pack, and set it atop his head.

"They gave me a goddamn garden gnome costume!"

He frowned, poked the hat.

"Am I really THAT short?"
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Post by The Bearded One* »

((Bobby Goldman continued from Establishing Shot))

Sterling must be having a really hard time figuring out how to use that compass, Bobby thought. The four Detroit Central students had been walking for almost an hour before they even got to the edge of the forest. Once inside the forest, they spotted a few paths through the densest parts of the woods, but Anthony and Amber seemed not to want to follow them due to the risk of ambush.

Bobby was less afraid of meeting other kids. Why shouldn't we take a look at who is playing and who's trying to escape? "There have been escapes on Survival of the Fittest before, you know. There was a pretty big one just a couple of years ago. Season 53, I think."

The others said they remembered, but were more tired than enthusiastic. Bobby walked on.

Amber sighed, "So... How're we all doing?" Sterling and Anthony said they were fine in their own ways.

"I'm good. I'm still not sure why we're avoiding the paths, though."

Anthony dug through his pack and revealed his fanservice costume was a garden gnome. "Am I really THAT short?"

Bobby snickered, "You're not small, you're fun-sized." He half-laughed, half-snorted at his own joke. "Sorry, man. I couldn't resist. And hey, they gave me a pair of denim tight-pants that'll barely cover my butt, along with some red suspenders. I'm guessing that they expect me to wear those and nothing else."

If the weather gets too much warmer than this, that might not be such a bad idea, he mused, then blushed.
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Post by Fiori »

"I'm fine. What about you?"

Amber shrugged. "A little bored, but otherwise i'm feeling alright" she said in response to Sterling's question before turning her attention to what Anthony and Bobby had to say.

From the looks of things, they all seemed to be feeling more-or-less the same way about their current situation. Nobody seemed particularly excited, but at the same time nobody seemed to be feeling particularly downbeat. Just a generally neutral tone towards the situation shared by all four of them, the only minor exception being the fact that Bobby still seemed to believe that following the paths would have been a good idea. Not that Amber didn't understand why, its just that she felt too defenceless without any firearms to ever take that risk. Although, it WOULD be nice to find someone who actually knew a way out of here...

Amber couldn't help but laugh as Anthony took a red garden gnome's hat out of his bag and put it on top of his head, shorty followed by Bobby making a joke about Anthony's size. Personally, Amber didn't think he was THAT short. But then again, he was five inches taller then her, so if anyone here should be complaining about their height it should have been her.

When Bobby brought up the denim shorts with suspenders he'd been given, the image of him wearing them immediately sprung to her mind. Followed shortly by the image of him making some suggestive pose as he stood there wearing nothing but the skimpy denim shorts that barely covered his finely shaped... NO Amber! Now is not the time to start drooling over boys!

...Save that for later, once we've found somewhere a LITTLE more private.

"Aww, don't say that Bobby. I'm sure you'd look GREAT in them!" she joked, a playful smile on her face. It was at that point that she was reminded of the fanservice costume she'd been provided as well. One which she was strongly tempted to put on at some point later on in the game, once the time seemed right. For now though, she wouldn't bring it up. No point in ruining the surprise too early, right?

"And don't worry Anthony, you're not the only midget around here... Besides, if you ask me, I think that hat looks super cute on you!"
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Post by Acidic* »

Sterling laughed when Anthony told them what his costume was, and he asked about his size. After Bobby answered Sterling put his input in as well,

"Naw. Bobby and I are really giants." Sterling then straightened his poster to make himself look bigger and did a few heavy steps while saying,

"Fee-fi-fo-fum!" Sterling didn't know the rest, so the joke ended as Bobby told them about his outfit. While Amber was responding Sterling considered bringing up the ass-less pants he was given,

"Yeah, Bobby at least yours had an ass on them." He said while chuckling. His foot slipped on an exposed tree root, but Sterling recovered by jutting a hand out. Standing up he laughed it off to show them he was fine.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Anthony smiled, at the fun-sized and the cute comments.

"Yeah, I'm small and brown. Like a party sized Snicker's bar. Verdict's still out whether I'm full of caramel."

The hat slid off of his head a little, and he pushed it back up. He looked at Amber. "Cute. You think that's what the people at home think?"

He struck a pose, put his finger in his mouth and gave his best doe-eyed stare. "I'm not a-posed to be pwaying with strangers." He shook his head, laughed. "I can see the fanfiction writers hammering away at their keyboards now."

Maybe everything would get so goddamn normal that the producers would let them all leave. Anthony was happy that the day was finding them in such mirth, considering what was supposed to happen. He hoped somewhere Anna was ok, like him. He didn't think she could handle the reality too well.

A heartfelt moment among newfound cohorts. This'll really get the 'd'aaaaw's going.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((Karen Ruiz continued from Meanwhile, Back in the Jungle))

Karen moved through the forest as smoothly and silently as she could. She had no training in stealth, no wilderness experience, but she was pretty good at passing unnoticed. It was simple. You just had to be less interesting than everything else around you. You had to blend in. No one cared if you made a little noise if their focus was elsewhere.

Karen hoped she was about to come across people who fit that definition. She could hear them, somewhere ahead. Talking. It confused her. So many people were so caught up in words, so in need of interaction. They just didn't know when to leave well enough alone, when to ease up on the conversation for the sake of everyone involved.

In this case, chatting and joking was the sort of thing that invited doom.

Karen felt a bit bad that she was to be the instrument of their destruction. She was fairly positive she didn't have her two marks yet, though. She'd been making a few mistakes in her actions thus far, jumping to the attack without taking enough time to aim and prepare herself, getting panicked by the weapons arrayed against her. Fear was an important survival mechanism, but it could go too far, could lead to rash choices. She had to keep better control.

She had to get the job done.

Two opponents.

They were nearby. She could make out multiple voices. Easily more than two. She couldn't see them yet, though. She slowed her pace drastically. They weren't near any paths. No signs of civilization had made themselves apparent. That meant this group was either recently united or already solidly allied. She was going to assume it was the latter, given that she wasn't hearing voices strained with suspicion or conflict. The question then was, what were they doing here? Had they been on one of the paths, or had they been staying quiet, Karen would have figured them hunters, seeking early kills. Instead, she assumed they were either aimless or hoping to stay away from everyone else and coast through easily.

Assumptions got people killed.

She needed to get closer. Needed to learn more.

The trees were decently large. Karen slipped closer, moving from tree to tree, using them as cover. She'd listen, for now. Then, edge close enough to see. Then, assuming the risk wasn't too high...

Two opponents.

Three, if necessary.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Sterling and Anthony made light conversation about their costumes, and Amber made a flirtatious comment about Bobby's. It was all so very normal. Except for the forest they were walking through, they could easily be back in Detroit hanging out at lunch or something. Okay, I think this is the longest conversation I've ever had that included Anthony Rollins, but he's a decent guy. I could see becoming friends with him. Bobby already considered Amber and Sterling to be friends.

Suddenly, Sterling stumbled over something on the ground. He caught himself before he fell, but it made Bobby's heart start beating a little faster. This is Survival of the Fittest. Players have been known to set traps for each other. Tripwires made of vines and sharpened branches concealed under piles of leaves. He decided to give voice to his thoughts.

"Careful, Sterling. I remember watching one season of SOTF where the guy who got a shovel as his weapon dug a couple of pit traps and deadfalls. He caught a couple of kids in them, too." He looked around, as if that kid might be nearby. "It's pretty early in this game, but we should be alert anyway."

Bobby tried to remember what ever happened to that kid with the shovel. "I think he was the kid who got shot in the neck by that hot chick, Divina Vincent. Damn, all the seasons are running together in my head."

He kept walking.
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Post by Fiori »

Amber, like Anthony, was currently enjoying the fact that they were able to have a light-hearted conversation like this despite the terrible situation they were all in.

She knew that in the end, they would all have to accept the fact that not everyone on the island would be against playing. That there would be plenty of people who would decide right off the bat to shoot first and ask questions later once everyone's dead. And that unless they came across some kind of miracle, even they would probably have to buckle up and take matters into their own hands in order to survive.

But for now, they could continue to act as if everything was fine and dandy. Heck, if it wasn't for all the collars and the weapons, it would have been easy for her to forget that she was even on some remote island being forced to fight her classmates to the death.

Only question now, though, was how long this peace would last...

After chuckling along with the others' jokes, Amber jumped slightly as Sterling tripped over something, breathing a sigh of relief once it became obvious that he was fine. From the looks of things, despite all the laughs they were having, none of them were actually feeling any safer. All it took was a simple stumble to put Amber on edge, which considering the situation she'd found herself in was probably for the best. Who knew who could be out there, watching their every movement, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The fact that Bobby then began to go on about some guy who'd once set up a whole bunch of traps during one season of SOTF didn't help things, although it DID give her an idea for how she could participate in the game without having herself directly responsible for anyone's deaths. After all, if somebody walked into a booby trap it was their own damn fault for being so careless. She wouldn't even have to be there to watch it happen. Jesus Christ, look at me. Barely five minutes into the game and I'm already thinking of ways to play without being directly responsible...

Shaking off that rather disturbing thought, Amber looked up at Bobby and began to talk again after he'd finished speaking. "Yeah, I think I remember seeing that episode actually. God, what was his name again... Hugh Morrison? Or was it Hugh Jackson? I can't remember, all I know was that his first name was Hugh and his surname ended with son."

To be truly honest, at the time she was too busy thinking how hot Divina Vincent looked in a mini skirt to pay attention to who it was she was killing. Back then, she never really thought about the game that deeply. Never really considered what it must have been like for all the families of those who're killed, or the fact that it was about real people genuinely killing each other on live television. She was always too busy cheering on her favourite players to care, or fantasizing about the cutest contestants. It wasn't until now that she'd found herself in the middle of a game that she realised just how awful it must of been for all the previous participants.

"Its funny... Back home, I used to like watching Survival of the Fittest now and again. I wasn't OBSESSED with it or anything, I just felt that it was always a fun way to spend an evening, thats all. Now that i'm here though... Well, lets just say i've change my mind a little."

She couldn't help but wonder what her mentor must be thinking of her. Probably disappointed that she wasn't going gung-ho and eliminating the competition like there was no tomorrow. Who WAS her mentor anyway? The briefing mentioned that they had mentors, but never actually said anything about who they were. Was he a boy? A girl? A soldier? A civilian? Was they someone she would recognise, or some obscure figure none of them would have ever even heard of? Only time would tell, from the looks of things...

"Still, on the bright side... At least we're all stars now, right?"
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Post by Acidic* »

Great, now Bobby had ruined Sterling's good mood. Although Sterling couldn't really hold it against him, it was a genuine concern, but damn. Sterling was now taking his steps with more care then before while Amber was asking the name of the kid who set the traps.

Wasn't it Morrison? Yeah, Jackson was the actor from some of the old X-Men movies.

"I think it was Morrison." Sterling put in after Amber's question thinking back to the season.

Divina Vincent was probably the hottest chick to be on the show (no offense to Amber, of course), but Sterling wasn't sure if she was the one who killed him. It sounded plausible enough for him to accept she might have and move on to other thoughts.

Then Amber started talking about the difference between watching the show and being one it. Well, Sterling nodded. Like her, he never really thought of what going on with the kids on the show. Their mortality was fun way to pass time with friends, or even alone when he didn't want to do anything.

Although if anything they got to be, as Amber said, stars. This was true. They would have thousands of the shows fans obsessively reading about them on the profiles. Sterling had read a few of them with some of his more obsessed friends. They usually contained info on the kids life, and occasionally the kid's deepest secrets.

Mother of fuck. The young star found that he stopped walking for a bit, and made himself to catch up with the group. They wouldn't put that in there, right? He took a drink of water, but it didn't help much. He read many profiles were they did put it in there.

One time was went they took kids from West Point, which was one of most popular and fastest seasons ever, and when the kid that won came back it was revealed that he and another boy had been in some kind of relationship in his profile. Sterling didn't know exactly what happened, but they both left the school.

Sterling shook his head to scramble the train of thought, I'll cross that bridge when I- well I know how it goes from there.

"Yeah, stars."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Anthony made it a point to nod vaguely as his companions talked about past seasons of SOTF-TV. He never watched the show at home, never wanted to watch it. Of course he didn't; SOTV seemed amateurish, shitty in quality to the kind of stuff he wanted to do.

"Stars. Shit. I should be on the other side filming all this." He stopped, thought about what he said. He was saying he wanted to work on a show that involved pitting kids against each other until most of them died.

"No, sorry. I should be out filming real damn tv shows." He shook his head, irritated by the situation, and kept walking after everyone else.

"If we're stars, where's our fanmail? And our six-figure paycheck?" He said, trying to come back to the lightheartedness of the prior moment.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Amber and Sterling were both trying to remember the name of the kid with that shovel from a couple of seasons ago. "Hugh Morrison? Or was it Hugh Jackson?" Amber asked.

Sterling seemed a little more sure. "I think it was Morrison."

"Are you sure?" Bobby asked. "I seem to remember something like Mendleson. The first name was definitely 'Hugh' though." They walked for a few more seconds in relative silence.

Then Amber spoke again, saying that she'd watched SOTF-TV on occasion back home, but now she'd changed her mind about liking it. I watched it sometimes, too. Hell, sometimes Dad and I watched it together, talking during the commercials about how we might survive or escape if we were there. Did we ever come up with any ideas that I could apply here now? I can't think of anything that would.

Amber watched SOTF? I didn't know girls watched it. Mom and the girls never did.

"We're all stars now, right?" Amber concluded after a few moments.

"Stars. Shit. I should be on the other side filming all this." Anthony's retort startled them all, even himself. He was clearly embarrassed to have said something so crass about the death game they were all stuck in, but he quickly amended his meaning. He referred to "filming real damn tv shows."

I don't know what you're talking about, Anthony. Survival of the Fittest is the realest TV that has been on the air in nearly a decade. Bobby tried to remember what he'd watched on TV before SOTF came out. Surely he's not talking about children's shit like Sesame Street!

Anthony tried to lighten the mood again and distract from his gaffe. He asked where their fanmail and big paychecks were. It's still the first fucking day, Anthony. I'll bet there are blogs talking about us right now somewhere on the web. They're either hungering for blood to be spilled or for Amber to show her tits.

Bobby bit his tongue, partly to prevent himself from saying any of the cynical things he was thinking, and partly to stop himself from thinking too much about Amber's... womanly assets.

A couple of seconds later, a group of birds suddenly took flight from the branches of a nearby tree. They squawked a bit, but soon the sounds of their startled wings faded into the other wilderness noises around them. I wonder what made them take off so quick like that?
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Post by MurderWeasel »

They were still talking. Moving. Drawing closer. Karen could catch glimpses through the trees. A fairly large group. Her estimate was four, but there could be a quiet one. Unaware, at least for the moment. They'd have to stay that way. A straight fight with four people was unthinkable. Luckily, Karen wouldn't have to involve herself in one. Once the bullets started flying, people seemed to run, even if they were better-equipped than she was. She would, of course, have to be prepared to flee if that wasn't the case. For now, though, this presented the perfect opportunity.

Two opponents.

This could, if she played her cards right, be the last she needed to interact with people until the finals. Of course, if she happened upon anyone else with a purple bandanna, she would have to deal with them, too, but it was far more likely that they would be picked off by others. If she scooped up this group's supplies, she wouldn't even have to worry about hunting. She could be in top shape come the final showdown.

She still felt a bit strange about killing a group of friends. It seemed wrong somehow. Destroying camaraderie wasn't her aim. In the end, though, she was likely doing them a favor. They could die hating her, cursing her, unified in their detestation for her. It beat killing each other, beat the sole survivor then getting shot by someone else and dying slowly, knowing that thanks to him, all his friends were gone.

Karen had no doubts that people would turn on their friends, would tear asunder any bonds of affection. After all, hadn't she fired upon one of the few people she liked?

So she snuck closer. She could make them out, now.

She recognized all of them. They were all classmates. Like usual, she didn't know names. It didn't matter. She saw purple on two of them.

Two opponents.

Two purple bandannas.

What a coincidence.

She'd now seen all but one of her team members, if she remembered the briefing correctly and there were five on each team. That would make handling them much easier in the later game. If one of these escaped, she was pretty sure she'd recognize them later, too, even if they swapped out their bandannas.

She took another step closer, and, in that moment, threw her whole plan into jeopardy by spooking a group of birds. She was sure the noise would draw attention. Sure they would look her way. They would know she was coming. They would be ready. unless, of course, she struck immediately.

So she did.

She leaned around the tree and fired three quick shots, the first two at the girl on her team, the final one at the boy.

The cover was suboptimal. The trees weren't packed closely enough for her to duck between them easily. She didn't have enough time to aim well. Still, her decisive action would hopefully buy her a few seconds to adjust.

Then she would aim. Would handle this right. Would make sure.

Two opponents.
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Post by Fiori »

Amber couldn't help but raise her eyebrow when Anthony mentioned his preference to being on the other side of the camera, suggesting for a brief moment that he'd be quite happy to be the one who recorded all the chaos that was happening around them.

Thankfully, Anthony corrected his statement, although that didn't stop Amber from thinking about the subject matter he'd brought up. The more she thought about it, the more she realised that the kind of people who worked behind the screens must of been more disturbed then some of the most sadistic killers out there. After all, they were the ones who made sure that they got all the most exploitive shots possible. The ones who edited all the gruesome footage together, watching the same gratuitous clips over and over again as they tried to make it look as sensational as possible. God knows how depraved you'd have to be in order to do that kind of thing day after day without going completely insane... The very thought of having to do that job chilled Amber to the bone.

Shaking the macabre subject from her mind, Amber looked back to find that Sterling seemed to be having a hard time catching up with them. He seemed to quite worried about something, judging from the sombre expression that had replaced his usually bright smile. Was it something she said? About them all being stars? She'd only meant it as an off-hand joke, never thinking for a second that any of them would actually take the idea to heart. If only she knew what was on his mind right now...

Once Sterling caught up with them again, the young girl couldn't help but find herself smiling reassuringly as her eyes met his. Hey, its okay... I'm sure we'll all find a way to make it off this island in one piece. You'll see.....

"If we're stars, where's our fanmail? And our six-figure paycheck?"

Ah, good old Anthony. If she could have relied on any of them to bring back the lighthearted tone from earlier, it would have been him. It was just a shame that neither of them were on the same team. Amber couldn't bare the thought of having to return to Detroit without Anthony and Anna around.

Speaking of which, how was Anna doing right now anyway? Was she as lucky as she was when it came to finding friends? Amber could only pray that she wasn't in the company of some sick-minded lunatic, especially when she considered the kind of things she'd seen happen to people in previous SOTFs that even at the time came across as being a little TOO disturbing for her to find entertaining...

"I dunno, MAYBE they've decided to-"

Her witty remark was quickly cut short as a group of birds suddenly took flight from a nearby tree, as if something nearby had scared them off. Thats... strange. Were we talking too loud or something? I mean, what the heck must have caused them all to leave in such a hurry?

Her question was soon answered in the form of three consecutive gunshots, two of which barely missed her by a few feet. SHIT!

After letting out a brief shriek of terror, Amber immediately dived behind the nearest cover she could find. Which in this case took the form of a large overturned log which was just big enough for her to lean back on without worrying about getting her head shot off, provide she remained sitting of course. Her heart was pumping frantically, a terrified expression on her face as she began to fully realise the dangerous situation she and her friends had found themselves in.

This proved beyond a doubt that yes, there WERE others out there who were playing. And that they could at any moment find themselves under attack by someone they didn't even know was there until the last minute. Amber hadn't even properly seen the face of their attacker, nor did she see their bandanna. All she managed to gather from her brief glance was that whoever it was wore a long black coat, and judging from the long hair and feminine features was probably a girl... Apart from that, Amber hadn't a clue who their attacker could be. DAMNIT! Wait, maybe this is all one big mistake? What if she's just scared? Maybe if we tell her that we don't mean any harm, she'll come to her senses and stop firing? Its worth a shot, right?

It wasn't as if she had any better alternatives... She could run, of course, but doing that would only make her an open target. She could also pretend that they were all armed as well, but something told her that doing that would only give their attacker another reason to pin them down. No, until she came up with a better solution, trying to make peace with their attacker was the only option they had at the moment.

"WAIT! Listen, you don't have to do this! None of us are playing! M-Maybe if we all work together, we could find a way out of this situation! Just STOP SHOOTING ALREADY!"

It wasn't exactly the most original response she could think of, but right now Amber didn't really have the time to think of something less generic.
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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