Of Elves and Men

Day 3 pre-dawn; Closed

The most frequently traveled beach, if only for its proximity to the only real civilization on the island. The students who spend their time here will find a few abandoned food and merchandise vendors strewn about, and the occasional litter and seaweed washed up on the shores.
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The Bearded One*
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Of Elves and Men


Post by The Bearded One* »

((This thread's existence has been approved by the mods))
((Alicia White continued from Time to Pretend))

At the back of the shack, there were a few bushes and small palm trees no taller than the girl who ran toward them.  Alicia blushed as she pulled down her pants and relieved herself, but when Nature called, there was no resisting.

Brennan is here, she mused pleasantly while covering herself up again.  He's going to join our team, and with five gold teammates all together, we will have little problem surviving and getting home!  That means that we have to be even more careful about the security of our castle.  She glanced up at the shack with renewed pride.

She bent down to pick up her shotgun from where it had fallen in the sand.  Did it get sand inside the barrel?  Or worse yet, the action?  There are cleaning instructions in the manual, but goodness knows I didn't memorize them.  She tapped the end of the barrel on the tip of her shoe firmly twice to dislodge any sand particles from the inside of the barrel.

She took a few steps back toward the front of the shack, but stopped short.  What if there's sand inside the action or the chamber?  I'd better check.  She slid the action partway open and blew a strong puff of air inside.  She didn't see any sand or dirt fly out.  Good.

She looked up and saw the window on the north side of the shack.  It was the same window through which she had aimed at the Ogre only twenty-four or so hours before.  Marvia had been with him, and she had had a rifle, Ali remembered.  Would she have been able to see in?  Shoot in?  That would be a major security issue.

Looking up at the window, Ali took a pair of steps backward to approximately where Marvia had been standing.  She raised her shotgun, made sure that the safety was on, and aimed it at the window.  This is how an attacker would see us.  A dark shape moved past the window, and Ali's finger twitched away from the trigger in reflex before she altered where the weapon was pointed.
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

(( Zachariah Johnston Continued From A Portrait of Skin ))

He was here. He was back. That abandoned shack, the sands, everything seemed fammiliar. There were shapes in the windows, that he couldn't quite make out, but they didn't seem panicky, or rushed. Everything was okay. Everything was good. He moved closer, a smile breaking on his face as he began to recognise one particular person.

Mae. Mae was okay. Thank god.

He observed the scene for a moment, that genuine smile of happiness and relief building on his face.

Then, he saw something. A glint of metal, right in his peripheral vision. A gun barrel, pointed at the room. No, not at the room, at Mae. There was a girl, aiming down the sights at her. Tinkerbell.

Her finger twitched on the trigger.

His eyes widened and his smile dropped. He pulled out the oriental sword thing and he ran, faster than he thought he could. He had to stop her, she was going to kill her, going to shoot.

He had to save Mae. Had to.

He had to kill the villain.

He slammed into her from behind, and thrust the blade into her.
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Jacob Langston continued from A Portrait of Skin)

Jake was trying not to be surly about losing that kill, this wasn't a video game and he wasn't going to rules lawyer anything, but Zach probably could have at least let her bleed out so that he could be a credit to someone's team somewhere. He tried not to think of it, and at least Zach had let him take the sledgehammer.

He hadn't been to this part of the island yet, it was definitely kind of ritzier than where he had been, with merchandise huts that still had stuff in it...and so many people...

Like Mae.

He saw her moving, looking around, covered in blood, clutching some sort of lace thing to her chest, possibly a change of clothes? And he tried to remember what it was like to be her friend. It seemed like ages ago.

"I'll be the dad and you be the mom," seven year old Jake said, handing her a frilly lace lined apron that he found on the floor to the playroom. Mae wrinkled her tiny upturned nose and threw it to the ground.
"That's stupid," she replied. "That's how everyone does it."
"Well, yeah," Jake said. "That's how people play house."
Mae frowned and kicked at the apron on the ground.
"Why would I want to be like other people?"

She looked up and over, and for one uncomfortable moment their eyes locked, recognition dawned in her eyes, and she mouthed his name in disbelief...until her expression was replaced with something else, some sort of strange horror and fear, she glanced around and then Jake realized that Zach wasn't next to him anymore.


He turned just in time to see Zach wielding some giant Asian sword that looked ridiculous, and running it through the abdomen of some girl with crazy colored hair. The girl was also holding a shotgun, so maybe he was justified?

Was that Alicia White? Probably. Jake didn't see any other girls around besides Mae.

There was something wrong with this, there was something seriously wrong, was the girl doing something? Did she try to hurt anyone? All of a sudden Jake was running, he really couldn't say anything...it wasn't at though that girl they had just tag teamed in the middle of the plains had done anything to him, although Zach had explained something about a fight, and she had kicked him in the balls or something...but this girl...she hadn't done anything right? Was that was this game was about? Just picking off people?

Could Jake do that?

"Zach! What the hell!"

Jake was screaming, he was some random dude that was running and screaming to most of these people, right? Hopefully none of them had guns. He was a screaming, moving target.

(Jacob Langston continued In Time to Pretend)
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The Bearded One*
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Ali made sure that her finger was well off the trigger, then carefully raised the barrel of the shotgun until it aimed straight up at the night sky.  But then something struck her painfully from behind.

Thou saw the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel coulter past
Out thro' thy cell.

A large sword blade protruded unexpectedly from just below her ribcage.  The sudden shock of it completely overwhelmed the pain.  She merely stared at the blade coated with her own blood for a moment before blinking once and then dropping the shotgun from her numb hands.  Someone struck me with a sword?  Who would do that?

She tried to look behind her, but her knees buckled and she fell to the sand.  Her blood rushed out of her body like a torrential river.  She was able to turn onto her back and look up at her attacker.

"Healer, why?  Lord Shawn tried to find you.  We thought you were--"  She struggled to draw another breath, but her body was shutting down.  Her final word was a mere croak: "--dead."  Healer, who had killed the Ogre, has now struck me down.  Is he just playing the game?  Is he just another corruptible human?

Her head turned to the side looking toward the beach, toward where Brennan was.  Don't let that happen to you, Brennan.  You have to try to transcend your human flesh, try to be more than what you are.  She couldn't see anything any longer.  Her eyes were closed and she no longer had the strength to open them.

My wings!  I can feel my wings again!

Now the hungry lion roars,
And the wolf behowls the moon;
Whilst the heavy ploughman snores,
All with weary task fordone.
Now the wasted brands do glow,
Whilst the screech-owl, screeching loud,
Puts the wretch that lies in woe
In remembrance of a shroud.

Alicia White (Gold #3) - Eliminated
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler The Bearded One. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Voices. Voices everywhere. People, shouting his name. Not happy voices, like he'd expected. He'd saved Mae, he'd killed the bad gu- girl. Why weren't they happy? They were all shocked. Had he done something wrong? Broken an unspoken code?

Yeah. Yeah, he had, he'd fucking killed someone. He hadn't even given her a chance to say anything, any chance to surrender, any chance to put the gun down. He'd just ran up and stabbed her. He looked down at her, her face contorted with shock and pain.

"Healer, why?" Oh, god, she sounded almost childish. Almost innocent. No, she wasn't innocent, she had been aiming a gun at Mae, he was sure of it.

He tried to answer, to explain, to retort, to say something, but when he opened his mouth, nothing came out past the lump in his throat.

"Lord Shawn tried to find you. We thought you were--" he finished the sentence in his head. "They had thought he was dead".

Everyone was shouting at him. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, they were supposed to be happy! He'd saved them, hadnt he? He was the fucking hero!

No, he hadn't. He wasn't a hero, he'd just burst onto the scene, assumed he'd known everything and killed someone. That wasn't what a hero would do, a hero wouldve... A hero would've done something. Something better.

He pulled the sword out of her body, his hands shaking. He let go of it, the blade hitting the sand by the side of her body. Other shouts began to come into focus, more than just noise now. Distinct voices, some he knew, some he didnt, all of them, shouting at him, or screaming, or just making noise.

His heart was pumping too hard still. He could feel it, hear it as he turned slightly to face the source of most of the shouts.

What should he do? What could he do? He could run away again, abandon them like a coward, or, for once in his life, he could suck it up, and face the consequences. 

He closed his eyes for a few seconds, trying to stop his emotions from overwhelming him. He'd always sneered at the people who broke down after killing, he wasn't going to become one of them, he was better than that. He was stronger.

He bit the inside of his lip to stop it from trembling, and took a few paces closer to them.

(( Zachariah Johnston Continued In Time to Pretend ))
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